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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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EDIT: They talked about fostering a community when TOR was released. To me this seems like something that has the ability to divide that community.


I was going to post exactly the same thought. I think it's arguably the worst thing that happened to the community since the release.

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This feels like that situation in a sweet / toy shop with your son or daughter (dont mean yours) where he / she whats some sweets or a toy, but daddy wont give him / her any so the kids cries and cries til eventually daddy gives in and now the kid has learnt a valuable thing that if he / she cries enough that daddy will always give in.. this happens alot in most mmos if people QQ enough that the devs will give in to your demands or you cancel your sub.


Just the teensiest bit different, but hey whatever floats that boat of yours.


It really is bad business any way you look at it.

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I did ready every single page of this. I even posted on page 30something yesterday.

If everything else stayed exactly the same as it is now with only difference being a reward: free 30 days vs an exclusive mount, the amount of crying would've been about 1/10th of what we have now.

This is all about $15. You all should be ashamed.

The fact that I got 3 replies that quick means that you know it too.


i think you would find if it was an exclusive mount MORE people would be "crying". and much harder.


if you read every page of the thread and still came to that conclusion than i don't know what to tell you.

Edited by teambff
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Just the teensiest bit different, but hey whatever floats that boat of yours.


It really is bad business any way you look at it.


i was merely using this as an example of all the QQ threads i love reading thats all (sarcasm ftw) :)

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i think you would find if it was an exclusive mount MORE people would be "crying".


if you read every page of the thread and still came to that conclusion than i don't know what to tell you.


Id be really pissed if they gave away an exclusive mount to only 50s....

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To all those who are complaining:


Before you decided to vent your frustration about not getting a free 30 days did you stop to examine why complaining about it might be a bad idea?


I will be the first to admit that it sucks for those who have spent more time playing alts than leveling a solitary character to level 50. However BioWare can give free time to who ever they want for what ever reason they want. If BW wanted to give a free month to everyone who rolled a female purple Twi'lek Sith Inquisitor that is their choice and those of us who rolled anything else have no right to complain.


However complaining about something that is purely the right of the company to do might backfire in that it might discourage BW from doing something similar in the future. Not only did some of the community miss out on one free month but their uprising and protests might cause them and everyone else to miss out on further undeserved gifts.


Yes of course I have a level 50 character, in fact I have three, yes I do play this game as if I have no other life, I wont apologize for having the desire and opportunity to do so. I'm sorry that there are some in the community who wont get this free gift but I hope that all the complaining about it stops so that in the future free gifts like this will not be discouraged.



Complaining & unsubbing might actually prevent bone-headed decisions like this that don't show appreciation to the truly loyal subs.

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I hear you. I've been subbed since early access but due to playing casually and leveling through WZ's being so slow I'm only level 40.


I'm not saying I'm going to quit or anything, because I do enjoy the game. But it would have been nice to get been awarded like everyone else.

Edited by Postalz
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Hasn't vanished or been reworded they just added new post on front page. The 1.2 post on front page is still there and unchanged.


This reward for the valued customers who are level 50. What insults everyone is the premise that I've played since day one but have been in no hurry to max level knowing there would be limited end game content. I've interacted with community and reported problems properly. Now Mr. Smith signs in and rage plays to level 50 in 5 days.


Why is he a valued player and given a month free?


And please please don't loose your mind attacking, yes there are a great many who have obtained 50 and are wonderful players and I do highly respect that. But to claim value based on level is an insult and clearly wrong.


You want to fix this, make it a reward: "For all players we are offering a vet reward, upon your first character reaching level 50 you will receive 30 days free."

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It is sad that so many people got their panties in a bunch over lousy 15 bucks.

And no, this is not about principle, or being more or less loyal, this is about pure greed.

I am willing to bet a full year sub, that if the reward was just an exclusive mount for lvl 50s this topic would've not even hit 20 pages.



No its because most of you level 50 players would love to be the only ones to get rewards regardless on what every one else did.


Pure B.S in my opinion because a lot of people either dont have much time to play due to work, family or was trying to get a fit for the game to find which class is best for them by making a lot of alts and so on.


I feel that this 30 day thing should be for either all players that got founder title or those who started at launch. This is crazy that you think that it should be for only level 50. This is a slap in the face and a insult to those of us who bought the game and paid that 15 dollars each month till now.

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You sir are an idiot. You got replies so quickly because of the assinine BS you're spewing left and right as though you knew it all. I've been paying $15 since the day I subscribed, will do so again this month and many months after. I don't mind doing AT ALL if it means I can play a great game. So yes, it is ENTIRELY for the principle. Kthxbai.


Lying to yourself is not healthy. It causes serious emotional and psychological issues later.

Just be honest and man up to the fact that it is about $15 dollars. You will feel better I assure you.

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Sticks and stones. Problem is you have had a good 3 months or so to level to 50 - that's is plenty time. I did mine in January ?, it was fun.. and took a lot of work and late nights. I know people say "I have work" I got kids.. but over 3 months or so game time, you should well of got at least one toon to level 50 by now. It seems people are thinking they should be actually entitled to more game time, FOR NOT playing the game. !

There isn't any loyalty in that, your a casual player, that wasn't even bothered about getting to level 50 in any rush at all. So what if some one got theirs to level 50 two weeks ago ? They do deserve the reward, BECAUSE THEY GOT THEIR TOON TO LEVEL 50 !!


This isn't about how long you have been a subscriber - its about the fact you got your toon to level 50 ?!


As I say I do feel sorry for you guys, but some comments here scream "I am also entitled" I want my free time !! - when actually, 'no' your 'not' entitled. It was a reward, that you failed to cash in on. This really is just sour grapes at the end of the day.


An elitist remark! The 50's don't deserve 30 days. You're questioning loyalty and how has a person who unsubbed and then gets even 7 days free worth that, that isn't loyalty it is a gimmick for the elite mentality,

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It is sad that so many people got their panties in a bunch over lousy 15 bucks.

And no, this is not about principle, or being more or less loyal, this is about pure greed.

I am willing to bet a full year sub, that if the reward was just an exclusive mount for lvl 50s this topic would've not even hit 20 pages.


So apparently calling people greedy and saying they got their panties in a bunch is ok, but my replies were not.


So to answer what you said. No I got my 30 days being that I was 50 by the 5th day of ega. Do I think EVERYONE should get the 30 days? No of course not.


I do think that anyone who has subbed since day one should get this 30 days for putting up with all the bugs and everything else. I do not think that someone who bought the game a month ago and camped in front of the computer deserves it more then a subscriber since day one regardless of their levels.


People have different play / life styles and should not be penalized for not having a 50 if they want to take their time and enjoy the game and try different toons out.


I mean lets be honest the 30 days was really a apology to the pvp'rs because our new content ( ranked wz's ) got scrubbed at the last min. The pve'rs got new content tho, so why do they get 30 days free?

Edited by Thaneos
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You want to fix this, make it a reward: "For all players we are offering a vet reward, upon your first character reaching level 50 you will receive 30 days free."



This is a good solution , those that have 50's and vet should get it and those that eventualy will get there and being vets of course can pick up the perk as well when they hit 50.

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I will admit part of my unhappiness is due to feeling left out, though they are saying hey you guys who baught the game 2 weeks ago and rammed it to 50 here is free stuff. Mr customer from day 1 who likes alts/had to reroll due to server probs/ has not much free time but still gives us money each month you get sweet FA. Also the wording was terrible and frankly insulting.
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Lying to yourself is not healthy. It causes serious emotional and psychological issues later.

Just be honest and man up to the fact that it is about $15 dollars. You will feel better I assure you.


Honestly- I'm not trying to sound internet awesome or anything, but I usually spend $15 on lunch.


It's not the money. It's the way this is delivered - assigning arbitrary value to me as a client.

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So apparently calling people greedy and saying they got they're panties in a bunch is ok, but my replies were not.


So to answer what you said. No I got my 30 days being that I was 50 by the 5th day of ega. Do I think EVERYONE should get the 30 days? No of course not.


I do think that anyone who has subbed since day one should get this 30 days for putting up with all the bugs and everything else. I do not think that someone who bought the game a month ago and camped in front of the computer deserves it more then a subscriber since day one regardless of their levels.


People have different play / life styles and should not be penalized for not having a 50 if they want to take their time and enjoy the game and try different toons out.


Dude. You're still not getting it.

Nobody is penalised, if it was up to me nobody would get anything at all, but BW decided that level 50s should get 30 days free.

If you don't have a level 50, you don't qualify. End of story.

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Lying to yourself is not healthy. It causes serious emotional and psychological issues later.

Just be honest and man up to the fact that it is about $15 dollars. You will feel better I assure you.


Must be nice to be that ignorant that you can't grasp the concept of principles

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It's a marketing move not an insult, it's not even rewarding anyone. The logic behind it is simple; level 50 players are unsubscribing due to boredom people under 50 are playing story lines and are happy with the game. They are giving level 50s incentive to stay in the hope that the new content will hook some of them.


Also they are offering extra to people that cancelled to draw them back in, they already have the people that are under 50.


It's the same principle that the mobile phone companies use here, if you get a yourself a new 2 year contract they give you a top end phone for free, if you extend and existing contract you get nothing or a small discount on a phone. The result is that everyone swaps from one company to the next each time their contract runs out.


They are simply drawing the fickle players back in, players that they know will leave again once they have cleared the new content and they will do it again in a few months after the next big content patch. It's all about squeezing 1-2 months of subscription out of players that were not planning to play again.


This is a stupid comment and irrelevant illustration and a short term finger in the Dyke.


I played the beta.

I pre-ordered.

I bought a 6 month subscription.

I play more than 20-30 hours a week here.

I'm playing 4 Republic and 4 Sith to get the most of what this game has to offer.

None above level 50.


You are gonna tell me I'm not a loyal, hardcore gamer or valued?


I don't want these single character quitters playing anyway if that's the case.

They wouldn't be bored if they played the game the way it was designed to be played.

They deserved their boredom if they can't figure out how to play an alt or use all the character slots.

Let them leave. Focus on the NEW and reward the loyal.

They are losing more money from the true loyal players plus what they've lost from the short sighted quitters that will quit again when they space bar through 1.2 again.

They've already played this content in beta, why do it live now?

It's a stupid move by BioWare and let me say again, an even more stupid comment by you.

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