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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Current state of PvP (1.2)


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I really don't wanna come out as your usual QQ'er, I just wanna say my overall opinion of PvP after the patch.


I liked a few things in this game. Unique combat mechanics for one. The other main one was, you had to work to kill someone! And you actually could use a few skillful tactics to prevent yourself for dying. The later two is now gone. Completely.


I am a Marauder. Killing people in 4-5 seconds is not fun. Getting killed instantly if 2 people is on you is not fun. You need to be able to put up a fight even if you lose!


Now expertise gains more offense than defense, if anything, it had to be the other way around. Sure my test sample is relatively small, but the pattern is pretty clear.


The other few things I gripe about. Adrenals and stims. Right now, if you use them, you spend MORE commendations per game than you can possibly gain. Need an alternative way to buy them (dailies perhaps?).


Annihilating people is not fun and doesn't feel competitive. I understand some people like seeing others go kaboom, but it does get very old, very quick. The term "rage quitting" pretty much comes from that particular even I would say. To see someone head towards you and know that either of you will die in a few seconds feels like a FPS. Be damned if it's 2 people, you wont even have time to use 2 abilities (as opposed to previously).


I know some changes are for the best. The drastic reduction in everyone relative survivability is not a good change.


Edit : Nothing short of a raw dmg decrease of roughly 20% is needed. Agree or disagree on this part, I don't care, that's my feeling.

Edited by MatAuc
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I really don't wanna come out as your usual QQ'er, I just wanna say my overall opinion of PvP after the patch.


I liked a few things in this game. Unique combat mechanics for one. The other main one was, you had to work to kill someone! And you actually could use a few skillful tactics to prevent yourself for dying. The later two is now gone. Completely.


I am a Marauder. Killing people in 4-5 seconds is not fun. Getting killed instantly if 2 people is on you is not fun. You need to be able to put up a fight even if you lose!


Now expertise gains more offense than defense, if anything, it had to be the other way around. Sure my test sample is relatively small, but the pattern is pretty clear.


The other few things I gripe about. Adrenals and stims. Right now, if you use them, you spend MORE commendations per game than you can possibly gain. Need an alternative way to buy them (dailies perhaps?).


Annihilating people is not fun and doesn't feel competitive. I understand some people like seeing others go kaboom, but it does get very old, very quick. The term "rage quitting" pretty much comes from that particular even I would say. To see someone head towards you and know that either of you will die in a few seconds feels like a FPS. Be damned if it's 2 people, you wont even have time to use 2 abilities (as opposed to previously).


I know some changes are for the best. The drastic reduction in everyone relative survivability is not a good change.


I agree with everything this guy has said..


Although, im a pyro powertech, rank 75, rather than a mara.


in 3 globals, someone is dead at the current state of the game.. no matter what gear. and no matter the class...


there is no longer any skill involved, no thought needed, just spam highest burst skills.


healers scaled well with gear prior to 1.2 but now.. its whoever hits their buttons first. interupts are no longer needed.. stuns and then burst = win.


oh, and have they changed tab targetting to make it even worse now? or am i being paranoid?

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It feels like BioWare took on the Trion PvP team! I have no clue how designers could allow such a catastrophe go to test server let alone live such as the Marauder changes!


Ravage rooting with a 2x% buff is madness!


Its not just Marauder or Ravage they took the fun out of PvP...

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EPIC Failure. They too all the rewards out of playing PvP for the Republic. I have 4 Imps and we do great on my server (although I can't get a game to pop to save my life this afternoon, word must be out). I have a republic toon that starts most matches with at least 2 people down. Before there was an incentive to try and win and play anyway. Now, just quit and go back to whatever... because if you lose you get NOTHING!


Way to fail hard.

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So glad Tera starts on the 19th, God I hope it doesn't suck cause I dont want to have to come back and finish my 6 month sub here.


Im with you on that m8.

A friend played TERA Beta though and said it sucks....

So i might still try it till GW2 comes along in a few months.

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Holy cow did they screw up bigtime on this. The damage is completely out of control. I'm watching healers get 3 shot...with shields up! I have no idea how this kinda screw up gets through after so much "pts/internal" testing but to sound dramatic...this patch is a game breaker.


- Damage is out of control.

- WH gear grind is fricken stupid. 200K+WZ comms to get all the gear. Its around 15hrs of grinding A PIECE! A PIECE. Im sorry did SWTOR turn into a korean grindfest MMO all of a sudden?


BW needs to do some serious damage control and get this game back on track or its going down. Not even the die hard SW fans could put up with such a shotty job.


Fingers crossed it gets worked out, i really enjoyed this game pre 1.2!

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oh, and have they changed tab targetting to make it even worse now? or am i being paranoid?


I had the exact same thought. I'm pretty sure tab targeting is even worse, even more sure now that someone else noticed too.

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Don't fix it if it ain't broken. Maybe needed some minor tweaks, but these are over the top.


I kept saying pvp would turn into a frag fest with these changes.


I'm not even a game developer and I could see this happening.

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They seriously need to fix TTL. People are just melting. The exception is that DOT specs don't do much. They can get large numbers by dotting everything, but they are just going to die. Meanwhile, the raw damage dealers are running around and killing anything within about 4 GCDs. If you are a light or medium armor target, it's usually 3 GCDs. It's not fun in the slightest.
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Shocked nobody has even mentioned how big the PvP gear gap is now compared to Recruit/Champ/Cent to the BM/WH. The gap is terrible now.



You can either get the recruit gear and have around 13.5k health and smaller stats with about 5-8% less expertise than BM gear.


Or you can keep your current Champ gear and have 10-12% less expertise and about 1k less health and about 10% basic stats than BM gear.

Edited by AMKSED
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You are absolutely correct.


People are dying too quickly. It depresses the pvp experience. I recall months ago, even when we were outgeared by the opposition, we still lived long enough to execute tactics during a match. That means we could outwit a well geared but poorly played team. That is no longer an option.


Rewards are too small relative to cost of progression.


Adrenals and pvp Medpacks will eventually become an item of luxury. Assuring an advantage to the already well geared. Progression gear and pvp consumables should not share the same currency.


Obviously Bioware wants to their pvp to be successful, but it seems like they're trying desperately to ruin it.


They have the wrong people in charge of pvp. That much is evident.

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Anyone else get the feeling that we are now beta testing PvP?




Have they just decided to try to get rid of us all? PvPers have LESS content now than we did when the game was released. I think they're sending us a message tbh.

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It's borked, I've been fairly patient with BW thinking that they will get it right or at least close to right. They went backwards with this update as far as pvp goes.


FFS you can barely earn enough medals to pay for the medpacs you use in one wz. That's if you can even hit the hotkey for them before you melt.


Couple that with being able to destroy opponents in 3 or 4 GCDs.


It's stupid BW, hate to say it but you guys dropped the ball big time with this one.



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