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How come so many people get to 50 so fast and few ppl even have multiple 50s


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Being on a populated server helps. I've been on The Harbinger since launch, and its easy to lose track of the time when you've got a good guild and a populated fleet.


My characters, by level:


50 Jugg - This was my first toon, took about 8 days /played for me to hit 50.


50 Assassin (this was my favorite so far) - Took about 6 days /played, and was a lot more fun than my Jugg because I knew all the tricks and was able to take advantage of my Jugg's bankroll.


31 Sage - Boooooring, I had to stop playing him. He's parked in a Cantina, i'll get back to him some day.


27 Mercenary - This dude's a blast, but I pute him on hold after 1.2 so I could level my new toon.


26 Jedi Knight Guardian - My assassin was a pureblood, so I decided to try for a server first by rushing a Pureblood Knight to 50. So far, it looks like I'm on track to make it.


I don't skip conversations, I loathe space-barring in Flashpoints (unless its stated beforehand that we're doing a speed run) and I try to do every quest on every planet that's not greyed out. With my merc I tried to keep my valor level equal to my level, but I stopped because I was quickly out-levelling my quests.


I do have a lot of time to play. That is a major factor. Don't hate me for it though.

Edited by Quantum_Icecube
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I think that like so many before have mentioned so far,


- Concentrate on one

- More time you play the faster you will get there (10 hour sessions for example)


Im about to have my first one sometime in the next 2 weeks and i stoped one at 45.


But sticking to one is probably key. If you do that and you get all quests and do heroics, you will get there.


I would not recommend skipping stories on your first toon tho :D

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I got 2 50's, 2 35(ish), 3 20's and a few teens


First toon i played a lot and no lifed it to 50 didnt skip anything aside form the taris bonus chain as the area was buggy in beta so i avoided it that close to launch just incase, took me just over a week. 2nd 50 on the oposite faction didnt skip anything again as it was all new quests but didnt spend as many hours each day, got to 50 in around 3 weeks. The rest of my toons i tend to skip between them, a few levels here and there.


Getting to 50 doesnt take that long, especially if you do your pvp and non grey space dailies every day as they give a good chunk of xp

Edited by Dafroog
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:sul_confused: Did this guy seriously just say the story was fantastic and that the voiced conversations are great? HUH???




love the conversations and that we can choose our reply (albeit limited)


with every class responding differently even in a same quest, its a nice small fun thing player get when rolling different alt class.


bioware's conversation wheel of choice is a fluff. but its a nice fluff


i read some reviewer doing a preview on The Secret World MMO that also got voiced cutscenes. he lamets the fact that there is no choice on the player's part and he said SWTOR's cutscene spoiled hom with ability to respond in cutscene

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Because max level is only 50 and this game has by far the fastest leveling of any MMO I ever played.


then you've never played DCUO =P you can hit max lvl in 3 days heck a day if you wanna push it and skip all dialogue...


to answer OP for me playing 3-4 hours a day takes me about 3 weeks...but i skip almost all group content, and heroics and just do quests and warzone pvp on occasion... its not hard and doesnt take that long. I had 2x 50's and a 30 but deleted 1 50 and 30 to reroll them as new races do to legacy and no i have NO problems doing that doesnt take that long to hit 50...


Do all quests you find on each planet


Do all bonuses on each planet


If ever below the level needed, for next world do some warzones untill have needed level(usually a couple bars for me, half a level was most i ever did).


SKIP all crafting till 50... is PRETTY vital you'd be AMAZED at how much time you sink in doing those you COULD be used leveling up. plus end with about 1.2 mill credits if only buy basic speeder.

Edited by Lokai
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hey thanks for the tip !! as both my lowest toon are stealth class (Shadow DPS and Scoundrel Heals)


ill try bypassing trash and goin straight to mission goal.. but ah those bonus kill quest.. must not... finish.. argh


One thing I found out the hard way doing that - I end up with way less money because I'm skipping mobs, so I stopped stealthing around everywhere. But right now I'm stuck on playing my sniper rather than my operative (I just love her) and so I don't have stealth.

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I'm enjoying the ride, enjoying the fact that a MMO has a fully voiced story for the first time and am going to play all of the classes to enjoy their stories...


Reading this forum, sometimes I get the impression that that behaviour is weird and I should be levelling to 50 and then screaming that there aren't 20 raids, or something!

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I have 5 level 50 character across 2 servers.


4 on The Crucible pits. 50 Mercenary, 50 Sorcerer, 50 Sage, and a 50 Juggernaut

1 on Hyperspace Cannon. 50 Assassin.


The most fun would be my Assassin. My most geared is also my Assassin, followed by my Sorcerer then my Mercenary.


This game is so so easy to level up in that it's not even funny. I have so much fun leveling a character I keep doing it. You will also note that none of my 50s have any Rakata gearpiece except for my relic and implants solely because I can't focus on one character while leveling another.


In total on The Crucible Pits, I have +20 presence for all companions, 4 usable Heroic abilities: Flamthrower, Project, Lightning Storm and Force Choke.


I can't stick to one character very long lol

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I will admit, this game is easy to level up, if you know what you are doing.


The reason I don't, is I have so many characters, across many servers, it disappoints me.

[Wish I could transfer them all together, to take advantage of Legacy. I'd even give up the legacy points my other characters earned just to come over to the same server...]



Plus I listen to every conversation, and enjoy the overall gameplay.

Datacron hunting recently doesn't hurt either :D

Edited by JWagner
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The game is easy to level through, plain and simple. It's been said countless times before. Let's not confuse easy for uninvolved, however, as the game still has you doing a lot of different things.


As has been said, concentrate on one character at a time and you'll be at 50 before you know it.

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I have 4 50's and lvling 2 more atm... The main issue is the low pop on some servers that made me move to a more populated one and leave 3 of my 50s and my lvl 31 legacy behind :S


Another reason why I didn't stick to one char was that there wasn't much to do when dailys where done before if you are pvp focused....

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I have one 50 and one 22 alt. I began playing at the beginning of march and focused solely on my main doing every quest and nearly every FP once. Got some heroics in but only a few. Didnt wait around. Only worked on my alt after lev 50 dailies were done for the day. Now that I'm full columi and have the 3 rakata pieces from dailies I'm focusing on my alt when not raiding. Oh, I don't pvp.


Soon I'll start running 3 more alts concurrently - only touching them when they have full rest. They'll level pretty quickly and I get to enjoy end game events etc on my main.


There's no right or wrong way to do this. But your leveling method should tie to your goals.

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How many of you got more than 1 lv50 ? how long do you get to 50 on your 1st character ?


Currently, I have 2. I would have 3, but I stopped playing my Operative (which is level 45) after the first nerf. Now that there's been a second damage nerf, I doubt I'll ever play it again. I got early access and my first character was 50 on official launch day. Really, you can get a character to 50 in this game in 10-14 days without breaking a sweat.


1. Skip the movies. Watch them the first time, and watch the class quest line.

2. Do all the quests you can. Bonus series, everything.

3. Once you reach max level for a planet, move on to the next. MOBs that con green give less xp. Yes, you'll shred them to pieces, but questing isn't that hard anyway.

4. PvP. USED to give some nice XP, but probably not anymore.

5. Space also gives nice XP.

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You forgot one.


Do you play 12 hours a day?


Oh come on. I have 2 50s now and a 47 and I don't even play every day. I've never played 12 hours in a day, ever. The game isn't new anymore. If you don't have a 50 by now, you're just slow.

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How many of you got more than 1 lv50 ? how long do you get to 50 on your 1st character ?



My Current status :

1 vanguard in hoth, 1 commando in hoth, 1 sage in tatooine , 1 Gunslinger in tatooine , 1 Sentinel in Tatooine, 1 Guardian in Nar shadda, 1 Scoundrel in Taris, 1 Shadow in Taris, all 8 imperial toon in Dromund Kass either starting it or near the end of dromund kass


My PlayStyle :

- im alt-o-holic and keep jumping between 8 republic alts and 8 imperial alts (both AC)

- i play maybe 1 hour or 2 hour at most daily and maybe 4 hours at weekends

- i play casually, doing at least 80% side quest on every planet and trying out bonus quest on every planet..

- i do grey Quest/missions because i dont want to miss out the side quest rewards in (credits and commendations)

- i love doing Flashpoints , i Love Space combat , doing them religiously every time i got chance..

- i do PVP sometimes , but on on all alts , just class / ac that i love (like commando for throwing ppl off ramps in huttball, vanguard for harpooning, JK-S for dps in pvp.. etc) i hate playing my healer class in pvp (pug) ..

- i do all crafting for my own alts , sometimes even transfering mats from one alt to antoher..

- i want to enjoy the game slowly, like eating a good food and chewing slowly (EG: Enjoying the stories).. i love the stories and every class got awesome storyline..


how long do you think casual alt-o-holic like me will reach 50 ?


am i normal to play soo many alts in this game and not rushing to lv50 ? am i normal to play for the stories and doing every quest possible ? a bit OCD ?


we are like brothers from another mother, I have a 50 only because I only played my gunslinger when early access started. Since then I now have a level 39 jedi guardian, 41 sith assassin, 29 commando, 14 jedi sentiinel, 10 jedi sage, and 3 imp toons in their origin planets. Believe it or not, I want to roll a scoundrel because I love the gunslinger story. I cannot focus on one toon, and with school and my finace, I can't just play straight to 50.


Way I see it, 1 hour gets you 1 or 2 areas if you follow story. that is like completing a planet 5 to 7 days if you bounce around with different characters.

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With ten years of MMO experience, I know how to level quickly and efficiently. I tend to be focused, ignoring things while leveling that do not directly contribute to XP gain. I'm just driven. I've been playing since early access, and you can see my four highest level characters in my signature. The Gunslinger is PVP Rank 63 as well. Edited by RolyartNala
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I would have had several characters to 50 if not for two reasons.


1) I kept keeping my main character back so I could play him with friends. That was a lesson in futility I didn't learn till recently when he still wasn't 50 yet. I gave up on them.


2) I've played the starter worlds so much between beta and my friends wanting to play each class/advanced class that I get sick even thinking about working on any of my alts. Their alt-aholic-ness is getting to me this time. Usually they are so far ahead of me it doesn't matter, but here and DDO it was just driving me nuts. I want to play with them#heck they are my friends), but it kills me not to accomplish anything new and instead just accomplish the same thing over and over. My video game ADD kicks in and I want to force choke them.

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It took me 3 moths I could do it in one if I wonted to how


1 do all bonus missions 2 do pvp and day pvp = more xp 3 do all FP ASP! do space missions just do one toon at a time. you get lv l50 fast that way

Edited by westraz
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During my initial "review" of the game--day one of early access (we...we don't talk about beta)--I got my first critter to 50 in about January. Of course during that time I also ran four or five alts--deleted them, rebirthed in different ways, deleted and again rebirthed. Probably could have had three or more level 50s by now, but I also took two or three--I lost count--off to let my brain clear before continuing with Game Cards.


Of course I stopped at Legacy Level 12, so go figure.


All in all, I have run about 10 or more alts....closer to 15 probably, and still hit 50 real early, real easy (The class story way, no PvP until I hit level 40 and then not much for my main toon who is still standing on Ilum wandering if that darn chest for the first mission will ever open.) :D


I'd settle for better PvP system (BGs) and something better than the holy trinity style of combat with the tiered gear rather than a free month of gameplay. Like most people, I'm probably just fried after over a decade of too many of the similar type of game. ;)

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I have one powerful, well geared, War Hero Powertech, and one alt 43 Assassin who's about valor 39.


You have WAY too many alts. Altidous just gets you a bunch a weak characters you never get really good at playing. Pick a main and gear him up in complete end game gear. You'll get rich and when you got your uber 50 he can support alts. If you don't get at least one complete character you will be sorry come expansion time when they raise level caps, as the mobs and costs will be balanced for end game geared players. The current world event is also a lot easier with 20k hps my main has as opposed to the 10k hps you highest level character has. My companions are geared to the hilt too.


I also plan on doing every storyline, but one at a time as it's much more efficient. I do the space and PVP dailies, and every quest on every planet when leveling, save 4 man heroics. I only occasionally do FPs. One level a night is about normal for me, multiple levels on the weekend. I always keep my gear up to date, I try to improve it every level.

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