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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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So, for those of us who got to the conversation late, let me see if I understand this. There are no ranked warzones and won't be for several months, but the best gear requires ranked tokens to get. So instead of actually, you know, fixing the problem or not releasing the unfinished changes they released PVP with a system that rewards you with ZERO rewards, no money, no coms, no nothing, if you lose and then tell us to just treat PVP like it's a raid that never ends?


I can see why they are giving people 30 days free...


Not quite, there is no pre season rated warzones, all warzones are working and the new one is in the patch.


The changes to the pvp system if they were for rated would not effect none rated warzones and only rated ones, so the changes are just changes to stop afk people who do nothing in pvp. the medals are easy enough to get.


There has been nothing said about when the rated warzones will come in and your simply guessing its months when we have been told nothing.


And we have no idea what the rewards would have been like in rated warzones on live as the pts was testing it as if it were in season and not pre season.


We arnt able to create premades of 8 but we are still able to make pre mades of 4.

Edited by Shingara
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To BioWare,


When Blizzard comes out with "Diablo 3" this May, you will be losing a lot of subscribers. Blizzard is quite accurate with their game play and fans seem to be satisfied. Giving false information and nerfing the casual gamers who modd'ed their gear for their style of game play is not the way to keep your customers happy.


Understandably, we do know why you delayed the 1.2 Ranked Warzones but what i do not understand is the recent nerf of gear that many players feel that are unfair. I have tried the WZ's which is definitely to my disliking.


Personally, I play a focus jedi guardian and from what i can tell, i do a lot less damage than i used too. From what the community knows, is that the jedi guardian class is broken. We have a defensive cool down that mitigates 50% of melee damage BUT only a 25% to force attacks and ranged attacks. That is a load of BS! Most players play the ranged dps class, so i'm usually getting focused down by BH and Sorcerers. In pvp, jedi guardian tanks are completely underpowered vs the jedi shadows.


When i think "guardian" i think of a actual guardian, not some wannabe tank.

When i think "shadow" i think of a ninja-like assassin, not a tank that can cloak and run away from incoming damage.


Since when can a shadow be a better tank than a guardian? Anyone? Shadows have a cooldown(s) that make them invincible for a short while, but even after that they are able to cloak and speed run out of trouble and re-appear to kill someone.


1.2 update came up with a solution for the jedi guardian "problem" in order to fix the class. Focus Defense.....really? A ability that costs 4 focus to activate, which ALSO cost 1 addition focus every time you are attacked to heal you for 3% of your total health? BAH HUMBUG i say. We are getting hit for 1k or more damage in D.O.T. every tick and...we are healed for 200 - 400 health each second that cost us 1 focus? OH COME ON!


All in all, my rambling and complaining has already been heard by the masses by countless unsatisfied customers. I never post anything on the forums. But after hearing all the horror stories and even experiencing these problem, i will post this in order for you to hear. That these are facts.


Guardian: Protector

Shadow: Assassin


Pretty easy concept. Do not get me wrong, i can go on and on about Bounty Hunters spamming tracer missiles and how imperial agents stack power/surge to get that 8k crit every hit. I do not want to overwhelm the many problems you already have.


This is a fun game. But to the true fans of "Starwars" like myself, who wanted to play a jedi knight, I understand how you folks feel. It is unrealistic that a imperial agent can 3 shot a jedi knight of same gear. I mean.....that is DEFINITELY not what happens in the movies.


I am a causal gamer and to all the casual gamers out there....stop wasting your money.

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Hey, BIO... **** all these losers bringing you down. My subsciption end soon and I WILL be signing back up. I am a sage and I think you have done a real splendid job balancing classes out. Now i get to use my sprint to stay alive before i just stood there and owned people. THANKS BIO :) :)


P.S. I can tell a lie too.


SHmeh it all just happened so fast 8 man rated pvp was great then some bug came along and ruined it for us all! we were all like suprise suprise **** what will we tell the people?

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I will probably play Diablo 3 in month, but it's also good to point out that they too had to drop pvp altogether to meet their release date. Just saying..


Well Blizzard is horrible at creating decent PvP also...just look at how bad the PvP in WoW is for example, they have people on an endless treadmill for gear and the mechanics of the actual PvP are so easy that a 6 year old can PvP in WoW and be effective


Maybe one day some "Einstein" of a game designer will make a game where Endgame PvP is NOT a gear grind and instead you get new abilities the higher you get in Rank, ala DAoC's "Realm Rank" system


PvP should not be about gear, gear is PvE thing

Edited by Jalez
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Well Blizzard is horrible at creating decent PvP also...just look at how bad the PvP in WoW is for example, they have people on an endless treadmill for gear and the mehanics of the actual PvP are so easy that a 6 year old can PvP in WoW and be effective


Maybe one day some "Einstein" of a game designer will make a game where Endgame PvP is NOT a gear grind and instead you get new abilities the higher you get in Rank, ala DAoC's "Realm Rank" system


PvP should not be about gear, gear is PvE thing


If they do space properly and we have space pvp that would be freaking awesome for one but would add a great skill based endgame pvp.

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Everyone was disappointed with Bioware. Too many promises broken. They stated in many videos, the legacy system would have traits that could be unlocked if your father was "blank" and mother was "blank". There is no point of the family tree, as every character gets an ability if you have a lv 50. All of the legacy items they added suck, the ones that would be nice to have are in the "Coming Soon" section. Too many people are fed up with bioware and their crap. Holding a $100 bill in front of their subscibers faces, and just watching as they all run around to try and grab it. and then throw out a bunch of $1 bills, when everyones' hopes deminish. BioWare, your fans are ashamed to have you as a game company. Go back to making single player games, you can't cut in the MMO world.
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This thread reminds me of my 5 year old daughter yelling at my 3 year old son "IF YOU DON'T LET ME PLAY WITH THAT, IM GOING TO MY ROOM AND I WILL NEVER...EVER PLAY WITH YOU AGAIN!




free tauntauns ;)

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Everyone was disappointed with Bioware. Too many promises broken. They stated in many videos, the legacy system would have traits that could be unlocked if your father was "blank" and mother was "blank". There is no point of the family tree, as every character gets an ability if you have a lv 50. All of the legacy items they added suck, the ones that would be nice to have are in the "Coming Soon" section. Too many people are fed up with bioware and their crap. Holding a $100 bill in front of their subscibers faces, and just watching as they all run around to try and grab it. and then throw out a bunch of $1 bills, when everyones' hopes deminish. BioWare, your fans are ashamed to have you as a game company. Go back to making single player games, you can't cut in the MMO world.



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This thread reminds me of my 5 year old daughter yelling at my 3 year old son "IF YOU DON'T LET ME PLAY WITH THAT, IM GOING TO MY ROOM AND I WILL NEVER...EVER PLAY WITH YOU AGAIN!




free tauntauns ;)





Seriously people, cut them some slack. Unless you happen to be ON the PvP Dev team you don't know what the delay is from. Maybe it would have royally F'd up the servers. Maybe there were bugs discovered at the last minute.


My only solace is all of those spoiled children acting like 5 year olds will leave and never, ever come back. (Please please please please!) Don't let the door hit you on the way out. :cool:

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Sure, Bioware. Please dangle the carrot in front of us even more! If you are going to generate a ton of hype over something that you feel will be an amazing addition to the game, then you work, work, work to DELIVER!


It's with great reluctance that I have to announce - blah blah blah. You should be begging people to stay subscribed! In a world filled with such competition, you are competing against the biggest MMO's out there, and you can't let your member base down or they will leave you!


You have a marvelous reputation of excellence, and we are all foaming at the mouth for the magnificent products you churn out. Now it's time to step up your game and get things done!

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Seriously people, cut them some slack. Unless you happen to be ON the PvP Dev team you don't know what the delay is from. Maybe it would have royally F'd up the servers. Maybe there were bugs discovered at the last minute.


My only solace is all of those spoiled children acting like 5 year olds will leave and never, ever come back. (Please please please please!) Don't let the door hit you on the way out. :cool:


I'm pretty sure at no point in any legitimate developer discussion was the phrase, "The losers get nothing so they have no reason to reque? BRILLIANT!!!!" ever spoken yet the biohazard developers think it's a great idea.

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I really never saw such a disappointing game and soooo many angry players. Easy to see that this game falling apart, these 30 free days telling much about how's buisness going on. Noway. Enough this s h i t. Unsubbed.


P.S. One word for fanboy's: This game will not be profitable and succesfull. Feel fire in the ***? Go on with your nerd rage, but someday u will leave this too.:D

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Tera... No, just no. Just because it is an action MMO doesn't mean this will have good pvp.


GW2 will fail to deliver on their overhyped promises.


I give in a few weeks and people will just call GW2's open PvP "glorified warzones" or whatever. I'm going to let you in a little secret, well not really a secret, but devs have a nickname for people who jump between games. They're called locusts, they swarm to a game and devour the content in a few weeks or a month. After the swarming is done, they start to look elsewhere while at the same time constantly troll MMO message boards(quite often games they do not even play anymore). They often use terms such as "just a wow-clone" or claim there is no content(or end game) in the game.




Wait, what?


i played the whole wow vanilla & burning crusade. I'm not that kind of guy who switch easily but i'll switch. You know why? No? then log on swtor you'll see.

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i played the whole wow vanilla & burning crusade. I'm not that kind of guy who switch easily but i'll switch. You know why? No? then log on swtor you'll see.


Man, the most fun I ever had PVP was in wow Vanilla. Rogues could leap out of the shadows and kill mages in a heart beat, Mages could blast you to death from across the map if they got the drop on you, warriors where... yeah..


- This is the game mechanic Bioware is trying to mimic.


But things where the most fun for me when they were completely unfair. I could get on my rogue and own people, get on my shadow priest and melt faces until my bubble went down then fear and run away like a scared girl, get on my mage and Pom-Pyro people and get one shot by almost anyone, get on my druid and be an unkillable dancing tree that couldn't kill anyone or my favorite, playing an affliction warlock who just ran around casting instant cast dots and fears pausing only to do the awesome undead male laugh while the dots healed him.



The balance of the game was that you had a distinct advantage over specific classes while you were at a disadvantage to other classes. It was balanced, but not all the same. Now Blizz is trying to make everything the same and Bioware is going the same rout.


Biofail is putting thousands of man-hours into making PVP as boring as possible and they are not smart enough to know it.

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I really never saw such a disappointing game and soooo many angry players. Easy to see that this game falling apart, these 30 free days telling much about how's buisness going on. Noway. Enough this s h i t. Unsubbed.


P.S. One word for fanboy's: This game will not be profitable and succesfull. Feel fire in the ***? Go on with your nerd rage, but someday u will leave this too.:D


you know someone said about the same thing when games like WoW 1st came out and look where it is now they had a big hit for a few years now they are killing themselves (with the dumb panda pokemon expansion coming out) but like all games it takes awhile to get better and have less issues with the game so if you or any other kids wanna QQ and just game hop do so cause just shows everyone if you are a dedicated player or not

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In every aspect not only did they kill PVP! they F up the legacy system, and also did not add an option to make the UI pre 1.2 FAIL!! did you monky's ever think SOME might not want that abortion you guys made!


Also how do you Nerf classes the never needed Nerfing but left the most powerful classes alone?

O YA FAIL.. Mythic to destroy YET another game. lets see DFC, WAR. now SWTOR.


IM with the 20% unsub FTW get my money to not do what they said pppffftttt

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In every aspect not only did they kill PVP! they F up the legacy system, and also did not add an option to make the UI pre 1.2 FAIL!! did you monky's ever think SOME might not want that abortion you guys made!


Also how do you Nerf classes the never needed Nerfing but left the most powerful classes alone?

O YA FAIL.. Mythic to destroy YET another game. lets see DFC, WAR. now SWTOR.


IM with the 20% unsub FTW get my money to not do what they said pppffftttt


i am curious to know which powerful classes that they left alone cause i have seen changed for every class out there so i would like to know from you what class they didnt bother to touch

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Ummm,what happen? i just started to playing this game "yes im a n00b" I started and made a char and server goes down cause of patch then server up my char is the same lvl but with no attributts have to rebuild it again then play pvp my charr is weak has a fluff flower in a typhoon ,in pve lower lvl enemies throwing around like a pizza doh,notice sounds like a plane crashing while speaking to mission programs lol ,kinda scary lol funny . someone in my apt called the police on me .....because of this


the first week i start to play this game i loved it and pvp was hard for me but learning (overall solid)

the second week i play this game "i guess new patch " the game seems buggy/virused....and loosing prize after kills in pve missions and in pvp no points and sometimes felt like i was butt naked fighting because i died faster then a 1 week ago ,,, :p


i hope you role back server and go back to recon-finger that patch because it crash your game ,



:) The real HoTbOt <SiN> nerd force !

overall i love this game with the patch before 1.2,sorry ,,,,

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i am curious to know which powerful classes that they left alone cause i have seen changed for every class out there so i would like to know from you what class they didnt bother to touch


Troopers got nerfed but they didn't get a free respec because nothing in their tree got moved. So people who are clueless and don't read patch notes think the troopers with their super-gravity round were not touched.

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If you are planning to roll this out in phases, 1st being groups of 8 signing up you are setting the pvp world up for a real bad inbalence, those that can group up in 8's will have the ranked commondations and those either signing up solo or as smaller groups will not get ranked games.


This will lead to bigger guilds that can make 8 man groups having superior gear to those guilds that cant support 8 man sign ups and im pritty sure in time from 8man ranked section to next phase those groups will hammer pvp games.


If this is going to be released please release for solo ranking 1st to keep balence and skill will be only thing seperating people not gear like so many mmo's have messed up.

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I don't mind the removal of ranked warzones as much as I mind the fact that the prices to acquire war hero gear were not adjusted considering we cannot earn ranked commendations directly from a warzone.


Removal of ranked warzones, not a big deal.


Tripling the in-game time required to purchase war hero gear, big deal.


At the very least, reducing the ranked:unranked exchange from 1:3 to 1:2 would be nice.

Edited by Nytak
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