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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Oh man, you can really feel the hatred flowing. You gotta give it to 'em. These PvPers really know how to RAGE. Anyway, it's very likely that the things were not going well in the testing process and they need to rework some stuff. So, no biggie, would rather have a feature that works than one that's buggy as hell.


Anyway, it's very likely that BW is really only pretending to have tested PvP for 1.2 and just this past week when they first took a look at it finally realized that all the healer nerfing, Mara buffing and other class changes turned WZs into wet hot garbage for pretty much everyone.



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The first phase will be full team, eight-player queuing only and from there we'll look at next steps as Preseason progresses.


Ugh, the delay is bad news, but that makes it way worse. I was most looking forward to solo queuing and "trio queuing." It's very rare that we have 8 PvPers online at the same time.

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Unfortunately, this is the case. You will be able to queue in an eight-man team when Ranked Warzones are implemented.


Regarding the timing of this announcement, the decision was made late in our testing for Game Update 1.2, after the team had examined the data and done additional internal testing. There was no deliberate delay. As soon as the decision was made, we communicated that to you. We realize it's a late announcement, but we felt it was only fair to communicate the change before Game Update 1.2 was pushed live.


Work on re-instating Ranked Warzones has already begun, and is the highest priority for the PvP team right now. They all want to bring the feature to you as soon as possible. However, we will not compromise on quality by rushing it to launch. As Daniel said, once we are satisfied Ranked Warzones work well and are fun for all who want to take part in them, we'll launch them.


I don't want just your pvp team working on this, I want the whole dam developing crew, everyone you have on this.


It's the least you can do.

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I understand your frustration, but that's just not the case.


While I can't give you a window into the studio other than my word, the decision to cut this feature was made very recently. There was no deliberate delay and we brought you the news as soon as it was known. It was a very difficult decision for the development team, and not one that was taken lightly. The PvP team is hard at work on reinstating Ranked Warzones right now.


Just mentioned this and my frustration on my server.


Funny how quick the people you enjoyed playing with turn on you in a hostile manner. :D

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I understand your frustration, but that's just not the case.


While I can't give you a window into the studio other than my word, the decision to cut this feature was made very recently. There was no deliberate delay and we brought you the news as soon as it was known. It was a very difficult decision for the development team, and not one that was taken lightly. The PvP team is hard at work on reinstating Ranked Warzones right now.


2 words.. Too Late :rolleyes:

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Its quite hard to post a comment on this thread considering the mixed feelings I have atm.


I admit you guys got balls to postpone this but you should have announced it a week ago or at least before the patch date announcement which was rather disappointingly done also, Stephen Reid posts we won’t give you a date until we are rdy and 4 hours later its posted patch is in 2 days(even though we had many promises of sufficient warning before patch hits live servers).


Every day I spend reading BW posts the more it seems there are like a dozen teams over at your offices and none of them knows what the others are doing. You seriously need to work on your internal communications because atm it sucks and its quite sad how such conflicting announcements can be made in such a short time frame.


Now about the ranked warzones:


I’m grateful we are not going to get the fked up mixed Que BS, and I guess I should be happy you are not going to release a broken system into the game ( I did post my concerns about beta testing on live servers on the pvp thread)


And I guess that pretty much ends my positive thoughts. I guess it was obvious something is wrong after we saw Georg post about the new conversion normal coms for rated coms – and I guess that’s the reason he chose to ignore answering that question since he was waiting for this announcement – obviously you guys knew of this days ago if you developed the conversion system to allow ppl to get the new gear so it’s a shame it took you so long to announce it.


A lot of ppl are obviously going to be angry about this (mostly those on the populated servers since those on the dead servers were not rly expecting many ranked WZ que pops and none of them were going to be decent). So I guess this gives you the chance to fix the server mess before you release ranked WZs but you have to understand that your clock is ticking pretty fast now.


There are many games on the horizon and the fact that Tera is not getting BGs for launch and D3 is not getting pvp for launch is actually giving you some breathing time but its not months maybe a few weeks at most. Get all your teams together figure a way for them to talk to each other and start working like there is no tomorrow.


You rly have to sit on your bums and come up with a fix for the server problems and some form of a preseason (shortly after or at the same time) within the next month.


If you don’t - better get your marketing team to start working on an offer for a free 30 day invite for ppl that have quit cause you are going to have problems convincing ppl to pay you to see if they’ll get any of the features you promised after that.

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Bioware, your consumers, especially those interested in pvp as their main activity, want a timeline on both 8 man Q-ing and ranked warzones so we may make a decision on our desire to stay with you. A lack of a timeline will only help us make the choice to give up on SWTOR as a failed endeavor and move on, or back, to other games.
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This is a complete and utter failure. A few hours before 1.2 comes out? SWTOR should not even have been released till May. I'm unsubbing, I just wish that this game was released when it was ready. I feel like I'm being taken advantaged of, a carrot pulling me along this whole time. Edited by VertisReaper
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Yous gots to be trollin.


Reasons things that don't get implemented and it's not announced until in the 11th hour:

  • It causes serious issues when trying to update the software on the servers.
  • It causes serious client-side errors.
  • It could cause a game-breaking issue with something like the Game Economy.
  • There is a SERIOUS exploit only noticed during this late time.


these are not the reasons; it's because "it's not how they want it".


While some people, as you say, might be acting as spoiled children, Bioware is acting like a very, very bad parent....


or an off-market Ponzi Scheme...


or an unreliable company...


or a bad investment.






Companies can aim high all they want, but when a company continually falls short, they should aim lower...and I think many can agree that is what's happened several times since release.

I can agree with this poster! :p

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Better a finished product that one that's too buggy to play or disrupts the game. I'm severely disappointed but this is a better decision than putting out a crappy implementation. My guess is that without cross-server queues, faction imbalances and restricted player pools within a server really made for long queues or screwed over the solo q'ers.
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Would have been nice to at least know why they're cancelling it. What was so bad about it?


And if it was so obvious that the system was terrible, it was really greedy of Bioware to wait until the day before 1.2 goes live just so they can get all the money from all the people who resubbed to the game in anticipation for 1.2, and rated warzones specifically, only to hear this BS news. I seriously question their judgment on this; if even they admit the system was horrible and they had no intention of letting it go live, they should have told us when that decision was made, because it obviously wasn't just made today.


If this is going to be a precedent for all future updates in this game then I am seriously considering ending my subscription here and now. Rated warzones was one of the poster changes of this update and they advertised the hell out of it only to say at the last minute that their own system sucks and it needs more improvement. It made it all the way to the PTS and then what, absolutely nobody liked it so Bioware literally wasted 3 months or more on implementing a terrible system? Kudos Bioware.

Edited by Quesadilla
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NGE anyone?


Was just as welcomed as this news is, bravo.


Well you screwed it for so many, as so many persuaded friends to come back, lol now you gonna look like absolute tools, this will seriously hurt.


Oh and you think in a month, when you say it's ready all these people who unsub are going to just resubmit again after this?


Lol, stick to single play games, leave mmos to the big boys can you!

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I understand your frustration, but that's just not the case.


While I can't give you a window into the studio other than my word, the decision to cut this feature was made very recently. There was no deliberate delay and we brought you the news as soon as it was known. It was a very difficult decision for the development team, and not one that was taken lightly. The PvP team is hard at work on reinstating Ranked Warzones right now.


No, thats not good enough, the community wants a window.... I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you're window probably has a far end of the next major subscrition renewal period, i'm right, arent i?


You're PVP team hard at work is definately NOT a way to comfort us either, not after what your pvp team has already DUMPED on our pvp community.

Edited by mitigated
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I understand your frustration, but that's just not the case.


While I can't give you a window into the studio other than my word, the decision to cut this feature was made very recently. There was no deliberate delay and we brought you the news as soon as it was known. It was a very difficult decision for the development team, and not one that was taken lightly. The PvP team is hard at work on reinstating Ranked Warzones right now.


Well Stephen, a free Tauntaun might make me forget that this little feature has been delayed :)

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Bioware, your consumers, especially those interested in pvp as their main activity, want a timeline on both 8 man Q-ing and ranked warzones so we may make a decision on our desire to stay with you. A lack of a timeline will only help us make the choice to give up on SWTOR as a failed endeavor and move on, or back, to other games.



Edited by turnipskiller
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Oh boo hoo to the whiners.


If you all actually went on to the PTS and helped test then things would be better. As I see it not many people actually do any testing and expect others to do it for them.


If we had level 50s on the Test Server to tst the pvp content, 75% of my guild would have gone. That option was not offered. How could they expect a meaningful number of people to grind a character to 50 on a server that was temporary?


It cannot be that hard to put generic level 50s on people's test server account. Have them pick which ones they want on your website so when they log into the test server they do not have to grind to 50 to HELP you FIX YOUR GAME.

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BioWare spends 100 million to create this game and incapable of incorporating a feature that is common in most PVP games after MONTHS of extra time since launch?


I run a PVP guild of 60 people on Tarro Blood. We used to go from having ~20 on per night to about 3-4 active per day because everyone is maxxed out on PVP.


THE ONLY reason that about 40 unique players in the group were sticking around to stay in SWTOR is because of the hope that PVP would be more interesting now - i.e. ranked warzones and the ability to play in 8 man.


Someone in huttball said today "hey they are taking out ranked warzones for the update" and i said to them "haha thats funny, thats literally the worst thing they could do to this game."


Just got the news. I am shocked, utterly shocked at how FAIL this company is with regards to this tremendously terrible decision.


Ive been playing SWTOR almost every day since December and the only thing keeping me and my guild interested was this upcoming patch and 1.2. Good job BioWare, you actually managed to get my hopes up.

Edited by Meluna
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