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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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I'll preface this by saying I rarely post on the forums.


I'm coming out of hiding for this thread, though, because someone needs to represent the viewpoint of the non-casual PvPer.


The PvE players will of course line up to say we're the minority- they always do. They'll continue to say we're vocal, and that our impact on a game is minimal, ect. Because, well, somewhere along the line, they got led to believe that all PvPers hate PvEers, and the forum troll wars started where everyone picked a faction and yelled and screamed until it became standard behavior.


I don't hate PvE. I am a PvP focused player, but I don't want to change your raids, or the itemization of your gear, or make you PvP to get a BiS belt or a set of bracers to max your stats for raiding. For the most part- I want you guys to have your focus untouched, and not have to do things you hate in order to do the things you enjoy.


But on the other hand, the PvPer has been handed the worst development in the game over and over since this game's launch, the worst itemization of stats, forced PvE for BiS/stat itemization, and a completely broken World PvP setup.


You made valor changes that made the ranks meaningless, you put in interim systems for commendations that essentially handed out free gear to everyone who put in minimal effort after tons of people had a merciless grind to get both their ranks/gear.


It's clear that PvE is the focus of this game. That's fine- most games focus this way, and I get it- but it doesn't give your development teams an excuse to completely half-*** one part of the game, and that's exactly what has happened with PvP.


World PvP was terrible from launch, and you've essentially admitted defeat until you can completely re-work it.


You changed methods of commendations twice with these "temporary" fixes until more permanent systems could go in, and now, we get no rated warzones, but another temporary way to aquire gear. When does the PvP community get a finished product? How many temporary changes and re-works do we get before we get what the PvEers had at launch- finished content?


You made it clear what the focus for 1.2 was in who you invited to test/copy, and that was PvE guilds to test your new T2 raid. No PvP guilds to test your rated warzones? Really. And the day prior to launching the patch, you have to pull the plug on it. You probably had an entire throng of PvEers testing PvP content for one, and for two, just the lack of focus on it overall reflects poorly on your PvP team, and Bioware as a whole.


If PvP isn't a major focus, you need to say so, rather than keeping the charade of it mattering, yet proving again and again with shoddy development that it doesn't.


:eek: I think someone nailed it! Very nice post StewRR! :cool:

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They probably didn't make the decision until sometime today. They had a ranked-warzone-specific testing event this past weekend. Prior to that, they probably didn't have much data to make any judgement from. Then, the developers probably didn't get any opportunity to parse/collate the data until Monday (at the earliest, with the holiday weekend). Once you factor in a day or more to distribute the data to the analysts, analyze the data, and pass the analysis results up to a decision-maker, it's not really surprising that we would only find out about the change today.


I don't think the problems where the kind you need to "analyse" to see........ then again I wouldn't have said Ilums were either and look what's happening to that. :(

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Just lol. If it's preseason who cares? It's nothing more than practice. Not gonna rage like a two year old, but the only ones okay with this in this thread, don't play competitively. They've roped us along for a month that this patch would have ranked, and now it doesn't. Such a joke.



But yeah, my guild (biggest pvp guild on server by FAR), pretty much everyone is unsubbing. We'd be fine with a broken preseason. Release it and fix it for the real season.

Edited by Reenolols
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Your game just failed.


Most of the PVPers on my server will unsub because of this, including myself.


How spoiled can people be? They're giving us so much in this patch!


So yeah they screwed up on this one thing, but could you guys please show some understanding? It's not easy managing such a huge and brilliant game as this, you need to come down. Bioware don't deserve this.

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You do not realize how many of my guildies were only coming back because of this.


Should of wasted less time on legacy, and used it on actual game play.


Two Things that will make this game thrive.


(1) Server Merges, or Cross-Server


(2) Ranked PVP




SWTOR is going to be the fastest growing mmo in history to die this quickly.

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What are you guys thinking. You couldn't pull a simple ranking system together. You can't get an in game dps meter. No in game combat log (swg ran it as a type of chat). Not enough guild changes. Wth. Guilds hold people into these games - you'd better support them if you want to succeed. Right now, as a guild leader - I have crap that I can actually do. Find someone who played swg, or any other mmo with good guild systems, and copy those interfaces. If swg could run this stuff then you guys can - not unless you want to tell me that SOE could actually run a game better than you guys. Stop trying to add this new stuff and be epic and get up to the standard of other mmo's. A single person could put together the entire interface necessary to fix most of this in one month. Fire whoever is programming this and hire someone who can. My dad writes additional features for office programs - a single one of his tool bars has more interface utility than this entire game. List of things that you need to fix immediately to be up the the standards of other mmo's:


In-game combat log.

Let me actually do something important while "running" a guild - including mail.

DPS meter in-game.

Small bug fixes.

Scale flashpoints: let me do a lvl 50 esseles that is not a hardmode. Let me take 8 people into any flashpoint. Let me take 4 people into an operation. Facilitate your smaller guilds.

8 man groups should be allowed for open world anything.

Let me chat with the other side. Let me run flashpoints with them. You are killing your player base by separating it. People like mmo's because they play with other people - not so much with this game.

Remove binding from most objects - you are killing the in-game economy. Make in-game things cheaper. You're killing the economy. Don't make me go get those schematics from RE. You're killing the economy.


Feel free to call me or find me in game BW - I will go over every single feature that you need to fix to make the game up to standards. I doubt anyone will, because BW has shown a dedication to the story (which is well done) over game play. If that's the focus - then go make a movie. I'm not threatening to quit by any means - but BW is going to crash this game at this rate.

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My issue isnt that its coming later, my issue is that they totally kicked out the solo queue system.


The solo queue ranked is what made SWTOR different to wow, where you only have ranked queues since TBC.


I love pvp, but dont have the time anymore for fixed teams - cancelling the solo queue´s is a real issue and I am afraid that it will now never come, like with Blizz who claims "soon" since 4 years... and we still have no solo queue there.



The 8v8 will come, most people here are overreacting - but the solo queue is the real issue, if its cancelled, then atleast for me SWTOR has no future :(

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Lets face it, ranked warzones without cross server queues would be a mess. Wait times for games would be horrid on many servers as it would first try to find a match and eventually end up filling the game with full premade vs random pugs.


This does not mean that I support not putting it in however. Cross server queues should have been put in first, like in this patch and then have ranked on the next major patch. BW is making all sorts of Whiskey Tango Foxtrot decisions. The biggest other one was making tons of servers before the game started rather than expanding them as needed to reduce queue times. That original bad choice led to this one. If there were fewer servers with the current population, there would be less of a need to go cross servers for quicly filling ranked warzones.

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I laugh at those that are "unsub" over this. You should unsub if they HAD put in buggy or not up to par content.










Now if they would just not put in the combat class nerfs... hehe

Edited by xeraphyne
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How spoiled can people be? They're giving us so much in this patch!


So yeah they screwed up on this one thing, but could you guys please show some understanding? It's not easy managing such a huge and brilliant game as this, you need to come down. Bioware don't deserve this.



Don't be an idiot


50% of the player base play for the pvp, try seeing it.


You could have given a free **** job, but if I don't have *****, why do I need it.


Damn pve players don't see it, I have no problems with your pve stuff, but don't begrudge us the pvp content which is the only reason most stayed around.


Oh and with less subs, where do you think your pve content will come from when they can't afford to pay for the staff to make the content?

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