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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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this is riddiculous. Do you realize how low our server pops are. Do you realize that we barely have anything keeping us around. The fact we still cannot play an entire pvp match with our friends is embarassing. Why cant you realize it as it stands, its pre season for a reason, so we all know it doesnt count. Dont you understand 4bosses and some stupid crap for alts does not matter for most of us!


I have not been this upset in a while, I honestly am unsure if I will continue to play, this just reeks of a broken promise and ineptitude, and wasted money spent paying for a game that will not deliver what we all really cared about.



I know how hard it has been keeping my legion active and motivated and in one fell swoop you just signed a death warrant to our server and you do this without a blink.....



do not say this is 1.2 because the only thing most of us care for at all is glaringly missing.


I hope you read these messages, because you make us feel increasingly more aware that what we care for is trivial....


Diablo 3

Guild Wars 2




take your pick, you are destroying your own creation and your jobs....


-Grimaldi, Leader of Blood Pact

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Will we have access to both appearances for the Warzone Hero gear at least? I don't care much about the stats but I'm tired of looking like a space samurai. :p


and you think the new pvp armour is much better? LOL i wish i shared your view.


pretty sure on PTS you could trade warzone comms in for rated at 3:1 ratio.... if this stays the same its hell of a grind in 1.2 to get them..... no thank you.

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At the very least what they really SHOULD have done was remove war hero gear as well until ranked warzones go in. The idea of an exchange to begin with is pretty poor (even at a terrible rate). Now it going in with that being the ONLY way of obtaining it...way to encourage terrible grinding unfun play (oh look, you get to keep doing exactly what you've been doing since launch!). Edited by hadoken
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seriously get a grip..... they are bringing in TONS of new features in 1.2 and you still find something to cry about. if they are pulling it at the last minute it is clearly for the best.


A PvP'rs mindset on 1.2


Legacy- Pointless.

Operations/raids- Pointless.

New Dailies- Pointless.

New UI- Okay.

New WZ- Boring.


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Talk about a half-response. So are we suppose to assume that all the pvp changes with gear and comms suppose to not be implemented as well?


How about a more clear and concise answer regarding the entire subject not just "no rated wz's - fin".


I'm fine with them implementing it later fixed and not half-broken full of exploits and bugs.

Just clarify for all of us who have been waiting for the new gear and pvp modification changes.

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Announcing this 1 day before patch day is just ****ed up. People were coming back to be prepared for this PVP update, they even resubbed. Do you think they will believe you again?


I think not.


You just shot yourself in the foot Bioware, not because you delayed the ranked PVP, but with the way you did.



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Lol, as soon as I heard the announcement, I just knew the forums would be exploding.


Meh, I want it to work. If I have to wait, I'll wait. Anyone who wants to be pissed, hell, have it. It wasn't working in the PTS for various reasons, and pushing it out there would have done way more harm than good. But that is just my opinion.

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Another mmo that fails to understand the need of the PVP enthusiast. You have a good thing going with swtor pvp in its current state, don't let the best part of this game die. Rather than adding the 25th piece of asinine pve gear or tweaking some boring static raid encounter, focus on what matters, RANKED WARZONES.


I've yet to see an Esports community built upon how well you raid a boss. You want to become THE game to play as a pvper, then get a grip on yourselves and push the PVP content.


I'm gonna guess that you shot yourself in the foot already, but if you want to amputate and stop the bleeding, get Ranked Warzones out.

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seriously get a grip..... they are bringing in TONS of new features in 1.2 and you still find something to cry about. if they are pulling it at the last minute it is clearly for the best.


Seriously? The Ranked warzone was the only worthwhile thing in that whole patch. Legacy system is *********** useless and is nothing more but a prestige thing. A new WZ? Why the **** would I do any more PvP? I've got nothing to strive to anymore, no new gear, no rating, no nothing.

Edited by LexiCazam
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Just release it, it will have bugs no matter what you do its been that way since you had beta. Everyone knows the PTS is a joke cause there isnt high lvl testers. When has a patch you released not caused more problems, at least live they get tested. Glad your holding off on it but it should of never been hyped up. Sorry to say 1.2 is worthless now legacy is a joke and has no bearing on the game for those who played alts which most have. BIG disappoint!


its going to be buggy when you finally decide to release it, then people will ask "


why didnt you just release it when you said you would we waited for this?"

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I left my lotro lifetime sub for this. Only been playing like 7 weeks and have full BIS for pvp and rank80..which is due to the increased valor in wz which was basically bioware spoon feeding the casuals. bioware caters to them beyond beleif and now they **** on the hardcore pvpers again. this game is doomed, going to be like swg post nge..if they haven't needed to merge servers yet(which they have) they for sure will have to soon. but the real question will bioware be able to admit that.
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Since my thread got closed, I'll post it here to "consolidate."


How NOT to handle the most important game update thus far




Hey guys, our update is less than 12 hours away, so we thought we would let you know that,




something that we've promised since beta.


However, rest assured that we will continue to support PvE players as a priority for testing and features! PvP features will be on the back-burner as usual.





-1 unable to implement this feature

-1 very short notice

-20 more failed promises to the PvP community that is already struggling on dwindling population servers.

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