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Maras underpowered


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Hello. I am a sith marauder and i hit lvl 50 a little less than a month ago. I am now in top end gear and i am still getting owned. This is not what i was promised. The forums said that this was a faceroll class but no matter how many times i roll my face across my keyboard.. nothing is dead when i look up. i have tried every possible angle and still nothing dies. i am a maurader. I should be marauding stuff.. but at this rate the only thing that i will be marauding is my face. Please help. Edited by pauliej
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lol be sure to roll from left to right and dont stop till the plus key on the number pad.


also assign your best damage to either l ; or ', ensuring your best ability mid rotation for best effect.


NNONO!! It's from right to left, hten head arched up so your chin hits the bnm/spacebar.. OK? Now you should be fine.

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NNONO!! It's from right to left, hten head arched up so your chin hits the bnm/spacebar.. OK? Now you should be fine.


depends if your ranged or melee, but the arch up for space bar is pro, consider that idea taken.


make sure your diplomacy is maxed also, i hear that adds 5% dps via a passive.

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TBH, people that are crying about Sents/Maras don't know how the class and it's specs work.


Ground rule for sents is never leap to a target if you can avoid it, so you have the leap if/when you get punted.


Other classes should learn how to prepare/respond to JS/maruders the same way before complaining:


First distinguish what spec the mara/sent is, these days as people are kitted in BM gear a lot of Sents have swapped from Watcman/Anhi to Focus/?, which means you have to prepare for the Sweep/Smash. "Trinket" choke, use defensive cooldowns/stun to avoid the impact. And spread out, a pile of sorcs/snipers neatly piled in Voidstar is just begging for the bomb.


Good players also know how to stun us when we camo, know how to kite us when use our defensive "god mode" cooldown etc, we're worthless after those few seconds.


I've been up vs. good Operatives/tanky sins/Gunslingers and burst spec vanguard that all have a very fair chanse vs. Sents due to knowing and understanding their opponents class and knowing how to reserve their cooldowns to the exact moment where it's needed.

Edited by Rujs
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If you were looking for a one-button mash wonder should have just rolled a grav round/tracer missile spammer.


Just because a class is powerful, and yes maras are powerful, it still might require a modicum of skill, which I am given to understand is a requisite for sents and maras to be effective. How you rectify this, I cannot help you with but updating the bios in your sound card sounds like the best advice so far to me.

Edited by Chemic_al
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God I LOL'ed so hard in this thread :D:D:D


Thanks guys!


Seriously though, go DoT (if not there already)

(the Rage/Focus is OP as I am told but I haven't tried it so, no opinion)

and watch them bleed (or burn);)


And yes, I agree with a previous post, Maras and Sents need a bit of skill on the keys to make it work.


--- Or, if all else fails, bind your best killer move to Alt+F4 -- it does 3000% more damage and becomes a chain / stun AoE for 60 secs (unbreakable) :eek::eek::D:D:eek::eek:

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Hello. I am a sith marauder and i hit lvl 50 a little less than a month ago. I am now in top end gear and i am still getting owned. This is not what i was promised. The forums said that this was a faceroll class but no matter how many times i roll my face across my keyboard.. nothing is dead when i look up. i have tried every possible angle and still nothing dies. i am a maurader. I should be marauding stuff.. but at this rate the only thing that i will be marauding is my face. Please help.




this sounds like sarcasm lol


but maurauders are pretty dam strong they can pretty much pummel anything in seconds.

bad players however wont be able to do this.

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I'm a sent in level 49 PvE gear and the moment I dinged 50 I went into a WZ and still ended up with 3 medals, 15 kills, and some objective points. Is that anywhere close to what I did in the 10-49 WZ, no. Is it what I expected as a brand new 50, I think I did better then I thought I would. If you know your class the Marauder/Sent is very strong. I can't jump into 5 enemies and expect to last more then 15 seconds but I can pick off casters on the fringe of the battle 1v1. Know your limitations and play smart.
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Marauders don't even need the buff they are getting it pisses me off! My husband is a marauder not even in full BM gear and he is almost always top damage in pvp and always has a bounty on his head from the other team to kill him first because he is good. So marauders aren't underpowered and when 1.2 hits they'll be even more overpowered.
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This sounds like a technical problem, you need to lift the keyboard and hold it against your face with your nose resting between the G and H key then vigorously move the keyboard from side to side. This way you can watch the screen and faceroll at the same time.....
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