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Have you ever seen a 600 to 0 Alderaan Civil War?


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iv gotten this quite a few times actually.


like not alot but enough where it stopped being special.


its usually the result of 6-8 fresh 50's being put against a full guild que of war hero's and higher

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Got it for the first time this weekend (screenshot on my other computer though). My friends and I on team-speak worked VERY hard coordinating people to shore up faltering turrets.


It's really more about the other team sucking than yours doing well, though. That said, never been part of a losing flawless match :D

Edited by trakata
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Did it many times in beta, and have done it more times than it's worth counting on live. To my knowledge, worst loss I've been in was 400-0. It's pretty rare for a lopsided-score match to include interesting PvP, so they're not really something I look forward to.
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Happens all the time on my server. It's really nothing special over here. I've been in at least 20, including two yesterday and they're usually boring and unchallenging. We have also reached the datacore in Voidstar in about 2 minutes a number of times as well (thx to transcendence and force speed).
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2 weeks ago during late night PVP we had 3 in a row against basically the same group of Repubs, so that wasnt much to write home about. 2 days ago I had the unfortunate luck of being on the 0 side for the first time.


When everyone agrees on East/Mid and everyone goes east and one guy goes mid, your going to have problems (especially when the other 7 guys still somehow lose east).

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Back before the Operative nerf I used to kill the 3 who went to cap their gimmie in civil war and a few times we were able to get middle/our gimmie fast enough and hold onto everything we got 600-0. Would say I have been in maybe 3 or 4 of them?
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I knew some others would have stories. I still think it's fun, not 600-0 if they give up, but a hard fought game where I guess honor and pride get mixed in. Didn't think it was TOO rare, but I guess I don't get to see a lot of Civil War playing an Empire character compared to those of you who play the minority faction or are on balanced servers.


Not impressed. You can see that heimerdinger was in the winning team. Like 3 turrets at each node. Wheres kog'maw when you need him.


lol, not... ok well, the name's close enough :D


In regards to the OP, how did they not cap once? Their team seemed pretty solid with 3 good healers also.


We held "our" side the entire time uncontested, won the battle at "their" side and capped, and stalled them long enough mid to cap that eventually. Really long battles because of the healers.



Kinda sad that the top two for damage in the OP's screenshot were BH's who didn't die but were still on the losing team.


Tracer missile doesn't cap nodes, kids.


Those two BHs were actually on the winning side.

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Yes, it was when the match started 6v8 and people kept leaving and joining, so we never had more than 5 ppl at any given time. Someone would just just before the match would end, resetting the end game timer. Another fail on Bioware's part on letting these kind of matches start to begin with, let alone go on.
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Never won 600-0 but had an epic 5-0 win when we started 6vs8, fell behind nearly 2-1, got three-capped and the other team started trash talking about how bad we were.


Winning never felt better, they can trash talk all they want but all I have to do is point to the scoreboard.

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