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Everything posted by meleechampion

  1. I've been playing for... 3 months now? This is the first time I've been credit poor. I am not having enough fun "playing the game" aka I'm sick of grinding dalies, my chosen crafts biochem/analysis and scavenging don't make money on the GTN. I mainly log in to play pvp (whole 'nother story) and the rewards there aren't cutting it. I know you were looking for more money sinks (mine all went to ripping out mods, partially because of the bad BM reitemization changes, partially because I'm slotting new gear into augmented oranges) but it's just gone too far. Now I'm sitting broke on the fleet and I'm not going to "have any fun" having to grind dalies just to pvp. The event's been fun, but 4k a quest? Seriously? Corelia dalies, one week and I'm already tired, 8k each? You know it costs 44k creds to rip out a War Hero mod, right? Where's the logic? Way to go too far, I'm not having fun anymore, and you know what happens when I'm not having fun. /unsub isn't a petty threat, it's the logical conclusion.
  2. I knew some others would have stories. I still think it's fun, not 600-0 if they give up, but a hard fought game where I guess honor and pride get mixed in. Didn't think it was TOO rare, but I guess I don't get to see a lot of Civil War playing an Empire character compared to those of you who play the minority faction or are on balanced servers. lol, not... ok well, the name's close enough We held "our" side the entire time uncontested, won the battle at "their" side and capped, and stalled them long enough mid to cap that eventually. Really long battles because of the healers. Those two BHs were actually on the winning side.
  3. Were you the 0 or the 600? Because if you were the 0 I can see not wanting a shot of that, lol.
  4. Because now I have. http://imgur.com/8HrnF Wondering who else has "accomplished" this? Seemed like a rare occasion to me.
  5. I think you guys are failing to consider... that the screenshot may not be what's finalized and in the game by April.
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