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Why do people say Sorcs/Sages are overpowered?


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Because at level 28 I just don't see it.


I know, I know, not level 50, but with so many people in the past complaining about this Advanced Class you'd think that even at low levels we could faceroll, but this isn't the case.


Our main heal is a 2.5 second cast, which is easily interruptible by almost anyone.


Our damage is sub-par.


Our CC is good and that's what I enjoy about the class combined with the hybrid DPS/healer aspect, but there's not a single melee class at this level that has a problem sticking on top of us.


I can see that rock/lightning spam is annoying but so is tracer missile spam among other things. Being constantly slowed really not even that big of an issue given the gap closers and disables in the game presently.


Being ganked by three sorcs/sages is annoying/bad/whatever, but so is being ganked by three of anything, and I don't know about you but I'd rather be ganked by three of us than almost any other class, but maybe that's just me. Our burst damage isn't that scary and our slow is nothing more than an annoyance.


I understand that now people are properly geared lvl 50 sorcs/sages are nothing to be concerned about in any overpowering now, or so a lot of people tell me.


So why do people say that Sorcs/Sages are overpowered?


And with the nerfs coming in 1.2, is it worth levelling to 50? I'm not totally interested in PvP, I like to PvE as well, but I'm having a whole lot of fun of my BH so just wondering if I'd be better off levelling that instead? I also enjoy the stealth/healer concept and gameplay on my smuggler so maybe I might level that for my PvP and PvE healer instead of my sage.

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The running theme here is people complain about things they can't kill.


I agree with most of what you've said above, but sages have more than a few tricks to escape death, and this is what most people whinge about.


If they say, Learn to slow, interrupt & focus fire the healers? You wouldn't see anywhere near as much QQ.

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alot of classes are jacked, Bioware really did a crappy job at having roles and drawbacks for the claases. I played a sage and it is BORING easy, you can sprint, bubble, heal, dps a ******** using 1 ability and throwing rocks.


It's too easy to get 1st place as sage, I don't even play mine anymore, besides PvP for a sage is bubble, 2-1-1-1-2


1 being project and 2 being that stupid move that throws R2-D2...

My 9 year old nephew plays a sage and gets 3-4th place every match.



on a side note the R2D2 is far more advanced then the droids we have now, why am I throwing him if he hasn't even been invented? 0_0

Edited by UnclearImage
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The running theme here is people complain about things they can't kill.


I agree with most of what you've said above, but sages have more than a few tricks to escape death, and this is what most people whinge about.


If they say, Learn to slow, interrupt & focus fire the healers? You wouldn't see anywhere near as much QQ.


Sages have more than a few tricks to escape death because there aren't many situations at level cap, in live, in which a DPS sage/ sorc will win in a 1x1. A healspec sage/sorc will be a bigger pain in a 1x1 but while not dying will likely not kill anyone either This looks to be even worse if 1.2 goes live based on hearsay.


It's a class in the current release, which, if healing is extremely good. If DPSing a sorc/sage can survive in a group, take some pressure off heals and provide support, pull , etc. If a few group together they can support each other well, caught out in the open they are easy for most classes to kill as long as they can interrupt or slow.


But I doubt that a lot of this will be as viable in 1.2 , especially in PVP.

Edited by Calista_ZK
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It's too easy to get 1st place as sage


This right here, is the answer to your question.


The vast majority of players are bad, and they think that topping the damage meter in a meaningless PUG warzone actually means something.


When I run with my premade, any opposing team that has more than 3-4 sorcs is an automatic win for us.


But, when we see 3-4 marauders and assassins, combined with some mercenary healers, we know we're in for a tough fight.


Bottom line is, if you measure the strength of a class by how well it performs in a PUG, then yes, sorcs are massively OP.


But for people who play in fully geared premades and know what they're doing, sorc is considered one of the weakest classes in this game currently, and will be even worse after 1.2 hits.

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A Sorc can't realistically escape from either an Assassin or a Marauder unless there's elevation involved (Huttball). If you managed to get away, either the other guy isn't good or that he saw someone more important to kill.
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Because those people are idiots.


Sorcs/Sages are not OP by any means.

Neither are Maras/Sins/Ops/PT's etc.


The difference is only in how easy it is to perform well with the given class. Sorc/sage is quite possibly the easiest class ever to succeed with. So much so that when I bought yet another copy of the game so my daughter (she's 9 for reference purposes) could play it with me I had her roll a sorc. She never played any semi-serious non-flash point and click game before. She is consistantly within top 3 for healing and damage every WZ she's in.


Is she helping her team win? No, not really. Objectives are something I'm still trying to get her to understand. But does she feel powerful having big numbers on the scoreboard? Hell yes she does.

Edited by Vaipyr
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alot of classes are jacked, Bioware really did a crappy job at having roles and drawbacks for the claases. I played a sage and it is BORING easy, you can sprint, bubble, heal, dps a ******** using 1 ability and throwing rocks.


It's too easy to get 1st place as sage, I don't even play mine anymore, besides PvP for a sage is bubble, 2-1-1-1-2


1 being project and 2 being that stupid move that throws R2-D2...

My 9 year old nephew plays a sage and gets 3-4th place every match.



on a side note the R2D2 is far more advanced then the droids we have now, why am I throwing him if he hasn't even been invented? 0_0


This guy is telling the truth


They have all the utility and a means to overcome their supposed weaknesses. A bubble and healing covers for their light armor and supposed squishiness. They are a jack of all trades and master of several.

Edited by NathanielStarr
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the fact that they can spam lightning over and over slowing (which is fine) and damageing alot (at 50) its range is rediculously long and the cast cd is rediculously short and the cost is so low they can litterally spam it for 10 minutes! the entire game so I feel the nerf will be effective and deffinatly will make players change there specs so over time they will find just as powerful rotation. So deal with it!


a group of sorcerers in a wz which is alot of the time makes for a lightning supression session and u litterally have no chance of getting a capp on a door or turret. with the nerf in place players will ultimatly change specs or class which will balance out the class to class ratio!


Thexremstar Scoundrel Sawbones Infinite Empire

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The running theme here is people complain about things they can't kill.


I agree with most of what you've said above, but sages have more than a few tricks to escape death, and this is what most people whinge about.


If they say, Learn to slow, interrupt & focus fire the healers? You wouldn't see anywhere near as much QQ.


sorcerers are prolly the most squishy class, my healer can beat down a sorcerer 1on1


but in saying this U goto get close enuff to one as a scoundrel


Thexremstar Scoundrel Sawbones

Infinite empire

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I don't understand how any class is underpowered or overpowered. I'm level ten and they all feel about the same to me. :rolleyes:


wait till your 50 till you make judgement ; D


low lvl warzones and ppl whineing about OPness at pre 50s is really ammuseing.


your buff you get pre 49 is ok but it doenst help much agaisnt the Players that twink there 49s and leave WZ before they earn any XP and continuely enter WZs at this lvl for the simple reason of roflstomping lowbies the buff and wat ever does not make up for lvl 49 gear and high lvl mods and such that crafters can make and soon to be more powerful with 1.2.


Hope they fix XP in warzones so that if u Kill a player u get XP to prevent this from happening else aot of ppl will complain.



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My post was a tongue in cheek response, as I had hoped the rolling eyes smiley would have conveyed. I personally don't see sorcs as over powered, being a marauder myself, but the main point was to mimic the OP was speaking from a position of not knowing end game.
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DPS sorcerers are woefully underpowered at BM gear level against BM competition.

Healing Sorcerers are underpowered at BM gear level, except in huttball (where they are great).


1-49 sorcerers are definitely overpowered.


In general (contrary to the QQ on the forums) ranged classes do great against newbs, and undergeared players, but are horrible against good competition. Melee is hard when you don't have a healer and protection, but once you pair them with a good team, they are inescapably better than ranged.

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I used to regularly see sorcs/sages at the top of the DPS and heals in WZs. I mean the same guy is #1 in both at 300k+ in both. this is why some think that they are OP. i would just give them a DPS stance and a healing stance and force them to pick their role like the tank/dps classes have to.


I think that they are fairly balanced overall. On my sentinel a poorly played sorc is easy lunch; a good one dies tired.

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I used to regularly see sorcs/sages at the top of the DPS and heals in WZs. I mean the same guy is #1 in both at 300k+ in both. .


Lol. Nice BS.



And btw, I regularly see sentinels break 1 million damage in all warzones and 300K healing with their silly dot spec.



see what i did there?

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I used to regularly see sorcs/sages at the top of the DPS and heals in WZs. I mean the same guy is #1 in both at 300k+ in both. this is why some think that they are OP. i would just give them a DPS stance and a healing stance and force them to pick their role like the tank/dps classes have to.


I think that they are fairly balanced overall. On my sentinel a poorly played sorc is easy lunch; a good one dies tired.


That's b/c people shouldn't be basing their QQ off log numbers. Hybrid sorcerors can put up a lot of damage (against pugs and bad players), but its mostly dot and aoe based. Almost no burst to speak off.


As a healer, I have no trouble dealing with that type of dps, especially if its only 1 or 2 (if you stack 4 together, the aoes start becoming a real problem).


I worry far more about the guy who only does 300k bursty damage (on an important single target), than the 600k aoe types.

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I have a 50 SI Sorcerer, and I often feel overpowered. I can pretty much escape any situation, and I have 3 heals I can cast while moving. I also have an AOE KB snare, a 3 second stun, a casting interupt (8 sec CD), a speed boost, a 50% slow instacast (8 sec CD)a long duration CC (whirlwind), and a 3 sec AOE stun (backlash). I pretty much dominate every WZ I join, unless the other team has 2 very good melee dps classes that seek me out, constantly.


And that 2.5 sec Dark Infusion (large) is actually a 1.2 sec large heal that I can cast twice in a row (after resurgence). Of course, they are nerfing that in 1.2, which should help reduce survivability a little bit. However, an almost guaranteed crit Dark Heal followed by Innervate should still work well.

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I used to regularly see sorcs/sages at the top of the DPS and heals in WZs. I mean the same guy is #1 in both at 300k+ in both. this is why some think that they are OP. i would just give them a DPS stance and a healing stance and force them to pick their role like the tank/dps classes have to.


I think that they are fairly balanced overall. On my sentinel a poorly played sorc is easy lunch; a good one dies tired.


Ok I gotta respond to this one. I get that it can be annoying that hybrid sage/sorc gets both good healing score and good dps score. But it is also the fully healing specced sage/sorc that gets nerved lol.


If the people do their job correctly in a Warzone and actually focus a healer... the sage/sorc can't do a lot of healing other then on themselves.


And after the 1.2 patch that healer spec only has 1 ability to regain some forcepower (power that runs out fast if you try to heal an entire group). The other option we had to regain forcepower free, now costs us health. Which we can't get back easily with someone pounding on us. And with our best heal now being 2.5 sec cast (with no option to shorten that) ... how long do you really think we'll survive if properly focused in a Warzone? ;). With light armor we are pretty squishy.


Yes we can get away with slow or forcespeed (which has cd). But we need to stand still to do a proper heal and if we go out of los, we can't heal others a lot. We need to get into los to heal. And if we do that.. more often than not we also get into los of the enemy lol. Especially if focused.


As for the bubble... lol this one goes down pretty fast with a good dps attack. As for the guard of a tank? Only works if the tank actually stays in the proximity, which doesn't always happen when the sage/sorc goes in on a pug. Sometimes they slap a guard on you and then just go off to do their own thing. And if a sage/sorc needs to escape dying... they sometimes also run out of proximity.


Basically all I can conclude from these posts complaining about sorc/sages being OP, is that the people that complain obviously don't like to get healed :-). Or have never guarded a sage/sorc. Or have never played one at lvl 50 in a WZ where the healers are properly focused.


I would gladly have the perceived OP bubble taken down a notch just to keep either the ability to shorten the cast time on our best heal or to keep the ability to properly regain force power without losing health :).


Lol and then I'm not even touching the PVE effect of this nerf :D. How well will we be able to keep up a tank against a boss, if we have to lose health to get forcepower back. It's not like the sage/sorc healer actually can run up to the boss to use the attack version to get force back. We only have one option to get force back without losing health.

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