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Server population is dropping...


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I assumed GW2 would be like the first. So I threw up in my mouth when I heard they were making a sequel.

Diablo 3 probably should've come out 10 years ago when it would still be popular. Now, who cares and who still plays hack n slash game anyway?

Tera was horrible too. The controls, wow. no thanks.


Guild Wars 2 is actually nothing like the first. The only similarities are the races, lore, name, etc. The gameplay is entirely different. I encourage you to check it out on Youtube, at least so you can make an educated decision for your own benefit.


Diablo 3 is a TON of fun. A lot of people still play Diablo 2, what do you mean who plays those kind of games anymore? Diablo 3 is going to have a huge player base. I've been in the beta for about 4 months now, and it's great.


Yeah I don't care about Tera either, not my cup of tea. I had high hopes for this game, but Bioware is just completely incompetent or EA is severely handicapping their ability to make this into a good game. Either way, a lot of people are going to be leaving in the coming months.

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Not to mention that Guild Wars 2 is... literally... nothing like the original Guild Wars. This is a very common misconception about Guild Wars 2 made by people who have not actually researched the game.


Between Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2, Mists of Pandaria, and Bioware being absolutely incompetent when they try to do literally anything with this game.... SWTOR is done.


You hit the nail on the head.


I really don't understand why BW isn't jumping through hoops for us right now - every other gaming company is.

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Not to mention that Guild Wars 2 is... literally... nothing like the original Guild Wars. This is a very common misconception about Guild Wars 2 made by people who have not actually researched the game.


Between Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2, Mists of Pandaria, and Bioware being absolutely incompetent when they try to do literally anything with this game.... SWTOR is done.


Incompetent in what way? These conversations piss me off because people are so damn spoiled with World of Warcraft. It's been out for 7-8 years now and is pretty well polished off this game has been out almost 4 months? THIS game is doing much better than any Blizzard made game when it was first year or couple of months for that matter. World of Warcraft was broken and unplayable until about the 6th or 7th month and PvP was literally non existent until the 8th or 9th month. SWTOR just needs time not to mention you guys have such damn high standards set for this game you need to realize Bioware has no MMO experience until this game. Give it a damn rest. Yes this is a huge problem, but it takes time to fix these things and the fact that you all want instant gratification and call Bioware incompetent just shows it. If this game had no market and completely sucks why would Blizzard be trying so hard to get people to return? It's not the whole community that is having this problem its only about 25% of the servers. And before you say anything I'm on Thendys Noori the second lowest populated PvP server on the East Coast peak hours we have about 10-15 people on in the fleet (not to mention I'm Republic).

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Incompetent in what way? These conversations piss me off because people are so damn spoiled with World of Warcraft. It's been out for 7-8 years now and is pretty well polished off this game has been out almost 4 months? THIS game is doing much better than any Blizzard made game when it was first year or couple of months for that matter. World of Warcraft was broken and unplayable until about the 6th or 7th month and PvP was literally non existent until the 8th or 9th month. SWTOR just needs time not to mention you guys have such damn high standards set for this game you need to realize Bioware has no MMO experience until this game. Give it a damn rest. Yes this is a huge problem, but it takes time to fix these things and the fact that you all want instant gratification and call Bioware incompetent just shows it. If this game had no market and completely sucks why would Blizzard be trying so hard to get people to return? It's not the whole community that is having this problem its only about 25% of the servers. And before you say anything I'm on Thendys Noori the second lowest populated PvP server on the East Coast peak hours we have about 10-15 people on in the fleet (not to mention I'm Republic).


Yet even at its most broken state WoW still had enough going for it to become the most successful MMO of all time. Bioware had 6 years and experienced developers who had decently bombed an MMO and they still managed to mess it up.

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Incompetent in what way? These conversations piss me off because people are so damn spoiled with World of Warcraft. It's been out for 7-8 years now and is pretty well polished off this game has been out almost 4 months? THIS game is doing much better than any Blizzard made game when it was first year or couple of months for that matter. World of Warcraft was broken and unplayable until about the 6th or 7th month and PvP was literally non existent until the 8th or 9th month. SWTOR just needs time not to mention you guys have such damn high standards set for this game you need to realize Bioware has no MMO experience until this game. Give it a damn rest. Yes this is a huge problem, but it takes time to fix these things and the fact that you all want instant gratification and call Bioware incompetent just shows it. If this game had no market and completely sucks why would Blizzard be trying so hard to get people to return? It's not the whole community that is having this problem its only about 25% of the servers. And before you say anything I'm on Thendys Noori the second lowest populated PvP server on the East Coast peak hours we have about 10-15 people on in the fleet (not to mention I'm Republic).


That was the problem though. That what people warned them about. You need to do something to distinguish yourself from games before you.


EQ had huge head start over WoW. But they changed enough and improved enough that it didn't matter.


With this game, I like the story and single player game better, But I'm done that now and I have moved on to PvP. Where I will have to wait years paying 15 dollars a month to get the content in WoW today.


Thats the problem. They have no real stand out features for the long term right now

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What is comes down too is that they were after easy money not retention, they thought people would be sucked in by voice acting and play a bad game over and over, so it become the most instanced based boring questing game ive ever played and if you remove voice acting it has nothing worth while. In truth they are lieing about the subs and this game has probably 700k playing it right now, by mid year I suspect about 400k and by end of the year probably 300-200k players if that.
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I watched two 12-15 minute videos posted about a month ago. Do you have a suggestion for me to watch that might change my mind? I never played the first GW but I heard it was horrible as well.


The first GW sucked. And I am not too impressed with the new one coming out. Just looks like a rehash of the same old GW, but with better graphics. No tank or healer classes? That is misleading as I watched a boss fight and one party member had to put up his tank damage reduction spec and gear. In other words they did not all just start banging away at the boss the way they came into the dungeon to begin with. Would have to play the beta to convince me and there is noway I will buy it when it comes out without some free play first to try it out.


Instead keep your eye on the Secret World coming out in June. TOR will have a lot of challenges to face the upcoming months and needs to step up to the plate and hit a home run.

Edited by Valkirus
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Instead keep your eye on the Secret World coming out in June. TOR will have a lot of challenges to face the upcoming months and needs to step up to the plate and hit a home run.


I like how the SWTOR-killer is a moving target (Diablo 3, GW2, Tera, and now it's Secret World). I've always enjoyed a good mystery!

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I like how the SWTOR-killer is a moving target (Diablo 3, GW2, Tera, and now it's Secret World). I've always enjoyed a good mystery!

No mystery there. WoW was "under attack" by WoW killers for years and years (still is, the last contender was named..well.. TOR).. and its still alive and kicking.


And new "killers" will continue to emerge until it does step down for whatever reason.. thats just the way it is.

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I like how the SWTOR-killer is a moving target (Diablo 3, GW2, Tera, and now it's Secret World). I've always enjoyed a good mystery!


None of those will "kill" TOR. As TOR did not "kill" WoW like so many said it would. But it "will" have a impact on thier subs and even more so if TOR does not offer some more and better reasons to stay than what they can offer at the present. Even the very old MMO Ultima Online is still active and has never went to FTP. But it's sub base is also very low.

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The /who tool is broken

The devs are working on it, its a priority

My standard/light server is fine

You are making this up

the same 30 people are making the same posts, the problem isn't that bad

its only a few servers


Go to whitebeam run please. I just took a couple screen shots and left an open comment and I get flamed for it.. This is whats wrong with these forums. I said nothing in my comment negative I said "An update to server pop at this time in the day". Lol... Good to see forums are truly just full trolls. Minus a few.


PS: I also am surprised you guys cant possibly fathom a server with a pop that low at noon. So you make accusations of "Doctoring Screenshots". -Laughable.


Furthermore to those that say you shouldn't have picked a ****** server." When making a char for the first time now a days it throws you in a character selection screen of a server that is pre picked. So if you are new to mmos entirely, you will not notice this.

Edited by Lord_Of_Hunger
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Go to whitebeam run please. I just took a couple screen shots and left an open comment and I get flamed for it.. This is whats wrong with these forums. I said nothing in my comment negative I said "An update to server pop at this time in the day". Lol... Good to see forums are truly just full trolls. Minus a few.


PS: I also am surprised you guys cant possibly fathom a server with a pop that low at noon. So you make accusations of "Doctoring Screenshots". -Laughable.


Furthermore to those that say you shouldn't have picked a ****** server." When making a char for the first time now a days it throws you in a character selection screen of a server that is pre picked. So if you are new to mmos entirely, you will not notice this.


I was being sarcastic.

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I wasn't planning on playing Guild Wars 2 at all. Just because I disliked the first one. Well I liked the first one. but it wasn't an open world mmo, and the level cap was just 20 when I started and I reached it super quick.

GW2 will have a real open world, a level 80 cap, and incredible open world pvp(WvWvW, if you havent' seen any youtube videos, they are awesome).

The graphics look better. The gameplay looks a lot more fun(this game has horrible gameplay mechanics.).


I loved leveling up in SWTOR, but I reached level cap in like 2-3 weeks, and realized they had no endgame.

I've done KP EV, and the first 2 bosses in Denova.

The raids are just a straight line pretty much. And the boss mechanics are nothing special. The pvp is a joke, and pvp is what I spend the most time doing in mmos.

I've played at least 15 MMOs. This game is bad. It's really fun from 1-49, and can still be fun at 50. It's still a bad game.


With Guild Wars 2 and Diablo 3 just around the corner, I really don't see how this game stands a chance.

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I like this game. What I don't like is waiting hours for a pvp game. The population on The Constant is really low. There's no chance I'm going to reroll on another server, not after spending so much time levelling and gearing my characters.


Bioware needs merge a few of the low pop servers or allow free transfers. ATM it feels like I'm paying $15/month to wait in a really long line.

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All this talk about server pops had me thinking back to my days in EQ. I'm sure this is rose coloured nostalgic glasses on my part, but I remember weeknight raiding in our guild alone there was close to 100 people. I recall the night population on our server being 1-4k


I think the sever pops here barely breaking 100 on some servers is mind boggling. Is the technology to game engine demands really changed so much that servers can't handle thousands of people anymore?

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Incompetent in what way? These conversations piss me off because people are so damn spoiled with World of Warcraft. It's been out for 7-8 years now and is pretty well polished off this game has been out almost 4 months? THIS game is doing much better than any Blizzard made game when it was first year or couple of months for that matter. World of Warcraft was broken and unplayable until about the 6th or 7th month and PvP was literally non existent until the 8th or 9th month. SWTOR just needs time not to mention you guys have such damn high standards set for this game you need to realize Bioware has no MMO experience until this game. Give it a damn rest. Yes this is a huge problem, but it takes time to fix these things and the fact that you all want instant gratification and call Bioware incompetent just shows it. If this game had no market and completely sucks why would Blizzard be trying so hard to get people to return? It's not the whole community that is having this problem its only about 25% of the servers. And before you say anything I'm on Thendys Noori the second lowest populated PvP server on the East Coast peak hours we have about 10-15 people on in the fleet (not to mention I'm Republic).


Incompetent because Bioware had 8 years of WoW to look at and learn from, and all they did was take the worst parts of WoW and bring it over to their game. They had other games to look at and learn from, build upon, and they didn't. Instead they took their formulaic single player RPG, and copy - pasted it into an MMO. Smacked on some multiplayer options and called it good.


Don't talk to me about vanilla WoW. I was there. I remember how broken it was, and I will never claim otherwise. However, I've been in certain other beta's for a while now... and those games have things that SWTOR still doesn't have. In beta stage. It's absolutely absurd the amount of modern MMO features that SWTOR didn't have and STILL doesn't have. Not to mention the absolutely crappy engine, etc.


I don't want instant gratification. I want some kind of sign that Bioware actually knows what they're doing. Telling everyone for months that we'll have Rated WZ's in 1.2 and then pulling them 12 hours before the patch drops isn't competent. It's borderline sketchy. Breaking the game and having an entire day of downtime just to fix it the day after 1.2 isn't competent. It shows that Bioware has absolutely no idea what they're doing.


Honestly, out of all the MMO's that I've played, Bioware is the first developer to single-handedly alienate over half of their player base in a span of less than three days. First the Rated WZ's fiasco, and then saying only people with level 50's are valued customers. Good job pissing off the PvP'ers, and a lot of casual and RP players Bioware.


I've been playing MMO's for 10+ years. I don't expect instant gratification, I expect to get what I'm paying for. In the 5 months that this game has been out, Bioware has yet to convince me that this product is worth the time and money. And I am far from being the only one that feels this way.


Give them time? It's a cut-throat business, and if you don't get your crap together after 5 months you probably never will.

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Incompetent in what way? These conversations piss me off because people are so damn spoiled with World of Warcraft. It's been out for 7-8 years now and is pretty well polished off this game has been out almost 4 months? THIS game is doing much better than any Blizzard made game when it was first year or couple of months for that matter. World of Warcraft was broken and unplayable until about the 6th or 7th month and PvP was literally non existent until the 8th or 9th month. SWTOR just needs time not to mention you guys have such damn high standards set for this game you need to realize Bioware has no MMO experience until this game. Give it a damn rest. Yes this is a huge problem, but it takes time to fix these things and the fact that you all want instant gratification and call Bioware incompetent just shows it. If this game had no market and completely sucks why would Blizzard be trying so hard to get people to return? It's not the whole community that is having this problem its only about 25% of the servers. And before you say anything I'm on Thendys Noori the second lowest populated PvP server on the East Coast peak hours we have about 10-15 people on in the fleet (not to mention I'm Republic).


There is lots of talent in the market place they could bring on, other industries do it all the time. For the supposed capitol spent on developing this "first MMORPG" doesn't fly as an excuse.


That being said, honestly there are some great aspects of the game (see quest cinematics) and then there are FUNDAMENTAL flaws as well, and then even further there are some pretty basic game features that are just absent.


You can only release a game once, and I get that it was probably released when it was in order to hit the xmas market, but sometimes premature release can hurt the long term performance.

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Incompetent in what way? These conversations piss me off because people are so damn spoiled with World of Warcraft. It's been out for 7-8 years now and is pretty well polished off this game has been out almost 4 months? THIS game is doing much better than any Blizzard made game when it was first year or couple of months for that matter. World of Warcraft was broken and unplayable until about the 6th or 7th month and PvP was literally non existent until the 8th or 9th month. SWTOR just needs time not to mention you guys have such damn high standards set for this game you need to realize Bioware has no MMO experience until this game. Give it a damn rest. Yes this is a huge problem, but it takes time to fix these things and the fact that you all want instant gratification and call Bioware incompetent just shows it. If this game had no market and completely sucks why would Blizzard be trying so hard to get people to return? It's not the whole community that is having this problem its only about 25% of the servers. And before you say anything I'm on Thendys Noori the second lowest populated PvP server on the East Coast peak hours we have about 10-15 people on in the fleet (not to mention I'm Republic).


Seriously your ways of comparison need to stop.... who cares if SW ToR is better than 4 month old WoW....


When something comes on the market it SHOULD BE BETTER THAN other similar things(in this case games)


SW ToR COMPETES WITH WOW in year 2012 not 2004....


By your logic when you buy a new car and it has 1950 characteristics you go back to the shop and complain and then the salesman tells you ''but this car is so much better than when they first released cars we didnt had 60 years of development so give us TIME ffs''


dumb reasoning is DUMB!

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I'm going to have so much fun quoting this over and over again. Thank you!


But its true with Guild Wars 2 Diablo III and also Tera online looming over the horizon SWTOR is in serious trouble, posters here may say it a million times over and over again but the fact remains that its true.

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But its true with Guild Wars 2 Diablo III and also Tera online looming over the horizon SWTOR is in serious trouble, posters here may say it a million times over and over again but the fact remains that its true.


Diablo III is not MMO game and allthough many who palyed Diablo and Diablo II also played WoW or/and Starcraft there is no guarantee that they will also shift to Diablo III


Guild Wars 2 meanwhile will be the same ''disappointment'' as SW ToR is supposed to be there will be multiple things ''missing'' compared to Blizzards WoW and targeted audience is same...


TERA looks crap btw....


Seriously SW ToR is a game with multiple flaws where the most ridiculous one is bad community managment by Bioware (listening to forum whiners) closely followed by no Xfers and no server-only LFG tool


But what i personally say disappoints me the most is the fact that Hero Engine is ULTIMATE CRAP for allowing true MASSIVE EVIRONEMTN together with servers only handling a COUPLE of thousand people online


Modern MMOs servers and engines SHOULD handle 10.000+ players on a single server....


Ps: The only real reason why Guild Wars 2 is going to be doing relatively ''good'' is because it has no subscription fee.

Edited by Alcarinn
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But its true with Guild Wars 2 Diablo III and also Tera online looming over the horizon SWTOR is in serious trouble, posters here may say it a million times over and over again but the fact remains that its true.


Not to mention MOP and SW will take some and a overlooked game coming called firefall looks pretty fun.

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