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Server population is dropping...


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You reading the same thread I am? While the reasons vary and are all over the board, most in this thread appear to be saying they're quitting because their server never has a war zone pop and/or nobody is around to group with in OPS and FPs... and rerolling would be throwing everything away they've done for 4+ months.


Yeah, they can do their dailies they can solo, play alts, play space missions, but this is an MMO and people payed for an MMO which tells me they were more than likely expecting a lot of player interaction, grouping, and PVP.


That's their prerogative, even if it doesn't make much sense. But if it were me, I'd find a way to have fun (reroll) or just be patient. Quit if you have to until they bring transfers in. These are the only options you have. I'm also saying that it's silly to just up and quit because you're having fun, but suddenly have no one to play with.

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Noone has said that. From a business perspective, all that matters is total subscription revenue. In fact, the ideal situation would be millions of subscriptions with no players playing. But obviously there is a link between the two and the developers have acknowledged that the number of concurrent players has declined since launch. This is why character transfer are in the works.


What people have said is in response to the people who claim that the game is dying, is that this is not the case, as evidenced, in part, by the steady subscription numbers. There is a difference.


But those numbers are smoke and mirrors, the fact is if cancellations worked like they should, It should stop imediately gives refund of remaining months time then you would see the game has under 700k subscribing and playing. The fact that companys get a away with this is wrong the entire consumerism market needs to change so that people can get refunds from subscriptions if cancel if have remaining months left. Why should a company be rewarded money for a product that doesnt even keep the person interested in logging in, they should be punished take a huge finanical drop from refunds,

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Would be interesting if nature turned on EA for their focus on Mammon and the area the servers are located was hit by a earthquake and destroyed, making the company fall apart under it corrupted foundation which I wouldnt be suprised the devil has something to do with.
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you would see the game has under 700k subscribing and playing.


I can make up numbers too, but I usually avoid doing so since I know how damaging it can be to one's credibility.

Edited by Kthx
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I can make up numbers too, but I usually avoid doing so since I know how damaging it can be to one's credibility.


You wouldnt be able to say that if what I said about subscriptions and refunds is how it really worked, right now they can padd their numbers for investors and stock prices but eventually they wont be able too and you can bet that this game is about to take a huge hit from coming games. Anyone with a brain can see that all efforts they done laterly is desperation, it like using a bucket to try save a sinking ship taking on to much water cause the ships been cannonballed to often.

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It's a valid point when there are a few online, not 2 however.


Wold you still say the same if it was 0 ?


I've seen it zero before.. Happens when i leave fleet and there is only me there


but on a side note my server has a max of 16-20 at peak in fleet. That is what is unacceptable

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I am on Anturi Reach and in the peakest of hours we may reach 20. During the Rakgoul event I think we even reached 24 on the fleet at one point in time. Skarky? I know, but things are dismal. I started a guild on AR with a real life friend who is playing his first MMO. He refuses to leave his sizable legacy and re-roll, so now we usually play separately because I did re-roll. We had a 3rd friend playing but she quit as the situation on AR started to decline.


Example - There have been nights when I have played from 6 - 10 pm with zero WZs popping. You are lucky if you can get 2-3 between these hours. (Level 1-49 WZs, mind you)


The "Powers that Be" explained it was my fault for selecting a low pop. server. Let me explained how that happend. My friend received the game from me for xmas, and selected his server at like 2 am 12/26. As this is his first MMO, he simply selected the first server from the list (or very nearly) - Anturi Reach.


Was Anturi Reach one of the 3-4 servers added immediately after launch? I think so. Yippee for my friend! He would have found it difficult to select a ****ier server, no?


The plus is, though, rare items are easy to come by. I've picked up 6 Unusual Eggs on AR, and I have failed to find one on my re-roll server. lol Trying to end on a positive.


If I can't play the game with my friends, then I'm not sure that I want to play SWTOR. I may go back to my former MMO and watch and wait.



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Lost my 2nd 16 man guild yesterday.


We were world 6th, we plowed through 4/4 hardmodes and looked at each other and realized nightmare won't be coming for months, if at all, and even when it does, strong chance of it being disappointing anyways. They had a vote between WOW and Rift and ended up going back to WOW.


I now just pvp and watch the pop steadily drop on my server.


I won't comment on others but it sure seems like a trend.


Too bad, I really kind of like this game, but I can't talk anyone into staying..........


I have zero doubt as someone who plays A TON that my server pop has dropped drastically. Raiding is now practically non-existant except for a few 8 man casual guilds. It is hard for me to even call 8 man raiding though, it is more like glorified dungeons.

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Lost my 2nd 16 man guild yesterday.


We were world 6th, we plowed through 4/4 hardmodes and looked at each other and realized nightmare won't be coming for months, if at all, and even when it does, strong chance of it being disappointing anyways. They had a vote between WOW and Rift and ended up going back to WOW.


I now just pvp and watch the pop steadily drop on my server.


I won't comment on others but it sure seems like a trend.


Too bad, I really kind of like this game, but I can't talk anyone into staying..........


I have zero doubt as someone who plays A TON that my server pop has dropped drastically. Raiding is now practically non-existant except for a few 8 man casual guilds. It is hard for me to even call 8 man raiding though, it is more like glorified dungeons.


Same. I've tried talking my friends/mates into staying, but they always come up with valid reasons for leaving and I have no real counter to them. They are right after all.

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Yes, I should add too that I really do enjoy the game when I can find people to play. The new WZ is awesome and I've enjoyed searching for the new pets, the event was entertaining. Though try catching the plague when on 9 people are on the fleet. I spent more time running off - fleet to acquire the plague than exploding, that was disappointing. On my re-roll, everyone stood in front of the pvp bounty board and it was like pop-corn.


I'm dreading the fix because it will be paid transfers, and I know that I'll be faced with either 100$+ to transfer my legacy or stay and watch everyone flee. As I've stated in other threads, anyone that can read will avoid Anturi Reach in the future. Why not merge instead? Please!

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Yes, I should add too that I really do enjoy the game when I can find people to play. The new WZ is awesome and I've enjoyed searching for the new pets, the event was entertaining. Though try catching the plague when on 9 people are on the fleet. I spent more time running off - fleet to acquire the plague than exploding, that was disappointing. On my re-roll, everyone stood in front of the pvp bounty board and it was like pop-corn.


I'm dreading the fix because it will be paid transfers, and I know that I'll be faced with either 100$+ to transfer my legacy or stay and watch everyone flee. As I've stated in other threads, anyone that can read will avoid Anturi Reach in the future. Why not merge instead? Please!


Certainly not your fault for ending up on a low pop server. Server merges tho are a sign of disperation. The better solution is to have a cross server LFG tool and then let those who wish to stay on a low pop server enjoy the benefits of doing so. :) Which I can think of many reasons I would.

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Yes, I should add too that I really do enjoy the game when I can find people to play. The new WZ is awesome and I've enjoyed searching for the new pets, the event was entertaining. Though try catching the plague when on 9 people are on the fleet. I spent more time running off - fleet to acquire the plague than exploding, that was disappointing. On my re-roll, everyone stood in front of the pvp bounty board and it was like pop-corn.


I'm dreading the fix because it will be paid transfers, and I know that I'll be faced with either 100$+ to transfer my legacy or stay and watch everyone flee. As I've stated in other threads, anyone that can read will avoid Anturi Reach in the future. Why not merge instead? Please!


I don't think this game can afford expensive paid transfers as a solution. It would backfire on them, people would just quit. Quite simply, this game is barely worth a subscription, let alone what you are talking about. The solution has to be free transfers or server merges, or extremely cheap paid transfers, with bulk character options.

Edited by Eddizel
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Certainly not your fault for ending up on a low pop server. Server merges tho are a sign of disperation. The better solution is to have a cross server LFG tool and then let those who wish to stay on a low pop server enjoy the benefits of doing so. :) Which I can think of many reasons I would.


Desperate times call for desperate measures, now is not the time for Bioware to be prideful. I like this game but it is pretty obvious it didn't live up to expectations. It is time for them to salvage and fix what they have and just see if it can carve out a profitable niche in the market. It isn't like the gaming pop is full of idiots, i don't think anyone would cry over merges, most of us would be thankful to see our gaming experience improve.


I am sorry but there is no advantage to a ghost town server, unless you are some sort of weird loner role playing a hermit on tattoine like obi-wan or something. That is not the point of an "MMO". You don't need to play on a heavy or full server, but ghost town servers are garbage.

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I don't think this game can afford expensive paid transfers as a solution. It would backfire on them, people would just quit. Quite simply, this game is barely worth a subscription, let alone what you are talking about. The solution has to be free transfers or server merges, or extremely cheap paid transfers, with bulk character options.


OOOh! Now, the bulk character transfer is something that I could really get behind! Free? I doubt that the "Powers that Be" will be so benevolent. They did respond to my direct inquiry with an accusation - "You are the one that selected a server with a low population."

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I don't think this game can afford expensive paid transfers as a solution. It would backfire on them, people would just quit. Quite simply, this game is barely worth a subscription, let alone what you are talking about. The solution has to be free transfers or server merges, or extremely cheap paid transfers, with bulk character options.


It CAN'T afford paid transfers. Even I, as someone who is sticking it out because I love the game, wouldnt stand for paying to transfer.


However, this game more then deserves its monthly subscription. The game's only problem is it needs half the servers its got now. If it did, it'd be a great game again.


People are 'mostly' quitting because there's nothing they CAN do at 50, not that there's nothing TO do.

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It CAN'T afford paid transfers. Even I, as someone who is sticking it out because I love the game, wouldnt stand for paying to transfer.


However, this game more then deserves its monthly subscription. The game's only problem is it needs half the servers its got now. If it did, it'd be a great game again.


People are 'mostly' quitting because there's nothing they CAN do at 50, not that there's nothing TO do.


Fair enough, I am just still a bit bitter about losing my 2nd 16 man hardmode guild within a 2 month span and now having basically zero raiding options on my server. I would transfer off in a heartbeat but I refuse to reroll.


That was a mild jab at this game in general. It is still worth my subscription money..........barely. Expensive paid transfers though? Hell no.

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I highly doubt transfers intended to correct population imbalance will involve a fee. No other title in the industry forces players to pay extra costs in order to correct these issues.


I agree. But the free transfers are likely to be one-way passes to low-population servers from high population servers.


Who would accept a free one-way ticket to Anturi Reach? (crickets)


This is the formula I have seen in the past. Things are left to escalate until some servers have atrocious waits, and then this population is given a free one-way ticket to a "ghost-town" server.

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You wouldnt be able to say that if what I said about subscriptions and refunds is how it really worked


Please show the math that demonstrates that your scenario would mean there are only 700,000 subscribers playing.


Anyone with a brain can see that all efforts they done laterly is desperation


I may have many faults, but I'm pretty pleased with my brain and one thing I feel it can handle fairly adequately is quantitative economic analysis. So eat your heart out and show us how you got from 1.7 million to 700,000. Until such point I maintain my claim that this is a number you made up with no data or evidence to back it up.

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I agree. But the free transfers are likely to be one-way passes to low-population servers from high population servers.


Who would accept a free one-way ticket to Anturi Reach? (crickets)


This is the formula I have seen in the past. Things are left to escalate until some servers have atrocious waits, and then this population is given a free one-way ticket to a "ghost-town" server.

They will probably also take the form of consolidating the empty servers. The method I've most seen utilized in the past identifies a handful of destination servers. Players from servers suffering population issues are offered transfers to some, or sometimes any, of these destinations. So for example, if Anturi Reach were identified as a destination server it would be available to those on the Fatman as well as those on the other dead server in the game. In this way the server community is consolidated into a much smaller number of locations in a way that creates a sustainable community on each.
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Desperate times call for desperate measures, now is not the time for Bioware to be prideful. I like this game but it is pretty obvious it didn't live up to expectations. It is time for them to salvage and fix what they have and just see if it can carve out a profitable niche in the market. It isn't like the gaming pop is full of idiots, i don't think anyone would cry over merges, most of us would be thankful to see our gaming experience improve.


I am sorry but there is no advantage to a ghost town server, unless you are some sort of weird loner role playing a hermit on tattoine like obi-wan or something. That is not the point of an "MMO". You don't need to play on a heavy or full server, but ghost town servers are garbage.


I do like to RP Obi-wan. :cool: Benefits to a low pop server is very low competition for mobs and items when doing quests and no que times to login. Nice ones for me. I donot need online game friends to enjoy a MMO. RL friends/family fullfill that need just fine.

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I don't know how you can say my server is dying! There are still 10 or less people in fleet during peak hours, with a total of 40 or less people on the whole server! That's incredible!


Seriously, I rerolled on a different server, there are around 200+ on fleet at all times, 40-50 on each planet... hell there were 150 people on Dromund Kaas the other day... I didn't want to abandon my main, but the game was unplayable and I feel as if my time on that server was utterly wasted...

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