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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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They are working on server merges for tons of low population servers and free transfers for a reason. Just saying.


They are not working on mergers


Q: Our server is currently low on the population rung. We''ve lost people, can we get transferred to another server?


A: JO - Number one priority, coming soon. It's not as easy as it seems.


So transfers are coming not server consolidations.

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They are not working on mergers


Q: Our server is currently low on the population rung. We''ve lost people, can we get transferred to another server?


A: JO - Number one priority, coming soon. It's not as easy as it seems.


So transfers are coming not server consolidations.


That is what a merge is. You x-fer everyone off and then turn a server off.



When people trasfer for free off a dead server. The would be pretty silly to leave it on with 4 people on it.

Edited by Lt_Latency
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Individual character transfers are just going to exacerbate the problem on already dying servers. Hedarr Soongh started out strong, but now we're lucky to have 30-50 people on the fleet at night ON THE WEEKENDS. Unfortunately, merging servers might be good for the players, but it looks bad to investors so guess who wins?
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I don't think there is anything to be done ATM. I hope they get it together soon. This is just getting sad. I think the last thread was over 100 pages and it was a merged thread. Crazy.


I don't even log on anymore to Fatman. This is my last week and then my time is over. I will say I did have fun for 3 months, so it was worth the price, but not an ongoing fee of $15.

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They are not working on mergers


Q: Our server is currently low on the population rung. We''ve lost people, can we get transferred to another server?


A: JO - Number one priority, coming soon. It's not as easy as it seems.


So transfers are coming not server consolidations.


Yeah they sound like they are negociating a hostage situation.


"Were working really hard on getting you that chopper you asked for but it's really hard"

Police chopper hovering over the house.......


Come on people... Server transfers hard? More like they haven't figured out how to tell you they are going to charge you.

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I don't think there is anything to be done ATM. I hope they get it together soon. This is just getting sad. I think the last thread was over 100 pages and it was a merged thread. Crazy.


I don't even log on anymore to Fatman. This is my last week and then my time is over. I will say I did have fun for 3 months, so it was worth the price, but not an ongoing fee of $15.


This is what i feel as well, They need a scaling pay system based on how much you are playing a month.



I am still having fun. But i know when all i have left is 3 warzones 15 bucks is going to be too much to pay.

Edited by Lt_Latency
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You do realize the numbers you are quoting are a joke right? you are so proud of having 100 people on that it's comical. This game is great for non-mmo players like you so stay here so you can be happy.


They are a joke compared to what? Again, what are you expecting to see, you didn't answer? What I'm saying is I see no difference whatsoever from my old WoW server, or my old SWG server. So SWG was not an mmo. WoW is not an mmo. For a mmo-player like yourself, what games *are* mmos?


By the way, "proud"? What?

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my whole guild is deciding to move to a more populated server and they are Empire (republic has half of the Empires population if lucky). It's sad because I have a few million, lots of crystals, and supplies, as well as 4 level 50s and a few 20-30s.


I really don't want to move but my whole guild is just giving up and going to chose one of the more populated servers.


At this point I'd rather just quit than move and lose all the work I put into the characters.


New MMOs are coming out so maybe quitting is going to happen anyway.

Edited by illgot
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my whole guild is deciding to leave. It's sad because I have a few million, lots of crystals, and supplies, as well as 4 level 50s and a few 20-30s.


I really don't want to move but my whole guild is just giving up and going to chose one of the more populated servers.


At this point I'd rather just quit than move and lose all the work I put into the characters.


New MMOs are coming out so maybe quitting is going to happen anyway.


Just move now, Then bring everyone else over later.



You will be able to bring those toons to your new server in the near future

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They are a joke compared to what? Again, what are you expecting to see, you didn't answer? What I'm saying is I see no difference whatsoever from my old WoW server, or my old SWG server. So SWG was not an mmo. WoW is not an mmo. For a mmo-player like yourself, what games *are* mmos?


By the way, "proud"? What?


So you have always been on empty servers and think that's the norm...


You are obviously Nerd-Raging and that's OK, It's clear you know nothing about MMOs so there is no point in attempting a discussion with you.


I'm glad you are happy with SWTOR, they need people like you so the game can stay alive. I hope SWTOR lasts years so it ca be the pre-MMO, where new players come to learn the basics so they can later move on to a real MMO.

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I've got four characters on the EU dxun circle server and I'm an officer in a guild there.


The server pop on dxun is just plain awful, especially when you get in to the level 30 planets.

The guild also died because most of the people have cancelled their subs due to a lack of people to group with.


Even at the starter planets on both sith and rep side there are barely any people on. Sometimes its as low as 15 people.


I've moved over to the red eclipse server and there's still not what I'd call highly populated areas. The only time you actually run into a lot of people is when you're all at the fleet. Otherwise when you're in world you barely run into anyone.

Edited by sambeta
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I've got four characters on the EU dxun circle server and I'm an officer in a guild there.


The server pop on dxun is just plain awful, especially when you get in to the level 30 planets.

The guild also died because most of the people have cancelled their subs due to a lack of people to group with.


Even at the starter planets on both sith and rep side there are barely any people on. Sometimes its as low as 15 people.


I've moved over to the red eclipse server and there's still not what I'd call highly populated areas. The only time you actually run into a lot of people is when you're all at the fleet. Otherwise when you're in world you barely run into anyone.


Don't let Trenter hear you cause the poor guy thinks that's normal and we don't want to hurt his feelings. I know hundreds of posts on these forums are saying the same thing but Trenter has not seen them so let's not ruin it for him.

Edited by Quintan
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So you have always been on empty servers and think that's the norm...


You are obviously Nerd-Raging and that's OK, It's clear you know nothing about MMOs so there is no point in attempting a discussion with you.


I'm glad you are happy with SWTOR, they need people like you so the game can stay alive. I hope SWTOR lasts years so it ca be the pre-MMO, where new players come to learn the basics so they can later move on to a real MMO.


You still didn't answer his question: What numbers are you expecting to see? All you did was deflect his inquiry with a Red Herring and an Ad Hominem. Unlit you provide measurements of "peak time" population for this game and at least five others you are basically a non-contender in any form of rational discussion on the topic. As is everyone else. Arguments from ignorance are not arguments at all. They're just noise.

Edited by AdmiralBlue
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You still didn't answer his question: What numbers are you expecting to see? All you did was deflect his inquiry with a Red Herring and an Ad Hominem. Unlit you provide measurements of "peak time" population for this game and at least five others you are basically a non-contender in any form of rational discussion on the topic. As is everyone else. Arguments from ignorance are not arguments at all. They're just noise.


A few thousand around peak hour should be expected, this game doesnt even come close to half that on most servers. We used to have atleast 3k people online way back in DaoC on the populated servers. My WoW server had alot of people on most of the day (Emerald Dream US).


Standard server here has around what? 500 per side? Its a freaking joke calling it an MMO.


A modern MMO server should hold around 10k people with no problem i.e 5k per side.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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So you have always been on empty servers and think that's the norm...


You are obviously Nerd-Raging and that's OK, It's clear you know nothing about MMOs so there is no point in attempting a discussion with you.


I'm glad you are happy with SWTOR, they need people like you so the game can stay alive. I hope SWTOR lasts years so it ca be the pre-MMO, where new players come to learn the basics so they can later move on to a real MMO.


Don't let Trenter hear you cause the poor guy thinks that's normal and we don't want to hurt his feelings. I know hundreds of posts on these forums are saying the same thing but Trenter has not seen them so let's not ruin it for him.


I understand it's irritating to have someone not agreeing with you, but I really have to ask because this is just ridiculous - Do you seriously have a problem?


Look at what I wrote in my posts and then explain to me what in them warrented the kind of crappy attitude I get from you right now? You really need to chill out a bit, man. No, I haven't always played on the most heavy servers in my former mmos. So? I've had tons of fun, and met tons of people. Yet again you have avoided my question to you: What do you expect to see? You said "Standard" tagged servers are dead. I'm again asking you, when did they start being dead? Have standard servers been dead since launch?


Also, "nerd rage"? I... what?

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If bioware were smart they would have had immediate server merge protocol set up back in beta.


The only MMO that has not needed server merges soon after release since WoW has been WoW. Every other MMO has had to merge servers.

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Agreed but I think they want to charge people for transfers rather than merge servers.


I know I would not have canceled my sub if they had merged by now but 1.2 being so lame and Legacy is so ridiculous with smugglers force choking etc that there is just too much fail to get over it all and pay a sub.

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THey said server merges is a "Last resort".


I think they pretty much said they would do server transfers before the even thought about server merges which they called "That thing which will no be named"


Because honestly server merges makes them look bad, so they dont want to do it this close to launch.

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Yeah but I believe that merges would have been better cause at this point it's clear SWTOR is no WoW killer. Why not try to help create a solid community on a few servers and then send out all the F2P passes?


It would guarantee a decent experience for most players rather than the lame experience everyone is having. First impressions are hard to get over..

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Yeah but I believe that merges would have been better cause at this point it's clear SWTOR is no WoW killer. Why not try to help create a solid community on a few servers and then send out all the F2P passes?


It would guarantee a decent experience for most players rather than the lame experience everyone is having. First impressions are hard to get over..


Well, I dont know. They pretty much said at PAX they were refusing to merge servers. They were pretty snarky about it as well.


They basically said if you dont feel you have enough people on your server, reroll on another server.


You will see transfers(which they could charge for) far before you see server merges.

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Well I know I wont be re-rolling no matter what, i have 2 50s and a bunch of alts so the list of reasons why to NOT re-sub continues to grow. Tuesday I'm pre-ordering GW2 and I'm sure I wont be worried about SWTOR one bit once I'm Playing D3 may 15th and playing GW2 beta sometime this summer. It's sad really but seriously, even Aion was better than this crap lol.
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Well I know I wont be re-rolling no matter what, i have 2 50s and a bunch of alts so the list of reasons why to NOT re-sub continues to grow. Tuesday I'm pre-ordering GW2 and I'm sure I wont be worried about SWTOR one bit once I'm Playing D3 may 15th and playing GW2 beta sometime this summer. It's sad really but seriously, even Aion was better than this crap lol.


You know I like the game, and have fun, but even in beta some of the comments that have been made are just in poor taste...


Its like back in beta when they said they didn't care what our opinions were they just needed us for metrics. Pretty much their exact words.


They KNOW they need to merge some servers. They just have this stubborn streak and don't want to look bad by having to do it.

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