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Quite Simply One of the Best MMOs I've Ever Played


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I still enjoy the game... kinda. Mostly because I'm leveling my.. what? 8th alt?

I like the class quests, I like the star wars music and sounds.. I think that's about it.


There's very little MM in this MMO. The constant instancing and closed in/corridor maps really bother me, also questing through a planet having only seen a small hand full of other players while you were there is not good and makes you feel isolated. And I'm on Ajunta Pall, which is one of the higher pop servers I think. This really feels like a single player kotor kind of RPG with some multiplayer elements slapped on. This is all well and good, but I really wanted an actual MMO where I constantly run into other players in a large open environment.

Edited by Rotny
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Nothing wrong with liking the game & being able to ignore or overlook it's failings.


Some players will be more cynical than that but if we were all the same life would be very boring indeed.


I personally really enjoy the game, but the things I am not happy with do bother me.

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Why is it so hard for you to accept that the majority of players playing do it because they have fun?


The majority of players who have played this game are not logging in atm. Doesn't sound like they are having fun to me.


SWTOR is a fun game, and a good one-- but the best MMO in history with sunshine droplets coming out it bottom?? no, not even close.

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1-3 had Jedi in plain brown robes. Sith in plain black robes. I dont understand what you mean.


Thank you for admitting the games greatest short coming.


If everyone was in plain robes, then you would probably be complaining about lack of diversity.


You can only do plain robes so many times, and their already there from 1-49.

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The need for silly, completely extravagant designs have always baffled me. The one thing I simply loved about EQ2 was that you looked like you were going into battle and not a damn masquerade for the insane asylum. On my Jugger, I have the chest piece you get from Corellia commendation vendor. The one that looks like it was black at some point, but is a bit dusty. It looks awesome. Compare that to the columi chest I also have? Ugh... I only wear raid gear when raiding at the moment. I, sadly, also play a twi'lek assassin and the rakata set is just... WHO WOULD WEAR THAT? It's like something a little child would make out of a cardboard box and pretend it's a magical suit of magic... or something.


/rant off


EDIT: Oh and yeah, the game is awesome. Currently at 5x50 and one in the making. Can't wait for legacy unlocks to make Miraluka sorc and Twi'lek marauder.



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The majority of players who have played this game are not logging in atm. Doesn't sound like they are having fun to me.


SWTOR is a fun game, and a good one-- but the best MMO in history with sunshine droplets coming out it bottom?? no, not even close.


yeah, no one is claiming that its the "best MMO in history with sunshine droplets coming out it bottom....


dont be dramatic.



I agree with the OP, it is a great game, and i look forward to the bright future it has.

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If everyone was in plain robes, then you would probably be complaining about lack of diversity.


You can only do plain robes so many times, and their already there from 1-49.


Pretty much, people cry that they don't look like a homeless man that just found some tattered robes in a dumpster.


Some of the gear looks great, some looks bad. The problem is the artists don't really have an overall theme to work with. You have iconic gear that people want. So you make that gear then what? Make a different color of that robe?


For better or worse id rather have a variety than looking like a homeless man in a dumpster for the games lifespan.

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I love the game, but I want more - so, so much more. Here's the book I wrote for the "Your favorite Star Wars fantasy" thread though I unfortunately forgot to mention Slave Leia, and now I'm afraid that we'll never get to live out our 12 year old dreams.


In its entirety:


Where is the all of the above poll option, in addition to Pazaak, player created cantina bands & band music, full personal ship customization with different types of weaponry, armor plating, furniture, and crew members (on a side note, where do crew members cook, shower, relieve themselves, or even sleep since my sage's ship only has one bed?). I'd also like to see 4v4 arena type mini-games with 4 players AND their companions versus 4 players and their companions. How about dejarik (the game C-3PO and Chewie play from Episode IV)?


I think swoop/pod/speeder racing should feature customizable vehicles along the lines of the Nintendo 64 game Pod Racer. In one slot, you can choose between faster acceleration or a higher max speed, and I'd like to see SWTOR move away from the current ship customization options in which you never have to trade off stats - you can only make them more powerful.


Also, how about some type of holovid meta-game where you can pop on the old virtual reality visor and experience past events, such as Revan's routing of the Mandalorians over Malachor V.


Continue giving us the classic locations we love and want: Yavin 4, Dantooine, Dac/Mon Cala/whatever you want to call Ackbar's homeworld, whatever happend to Manaan, Bespin, etc. You know when Anakin said he wanted to visit ALL THE PLANETS? I want to visit ALL THE PLANETS.


And please continue releasing new flashpoints, operations, and warzones on a regular basis, but I'm sure you will, so I'm not worried about that.


Fix Ilum, or create some other large scale PVP game. Warhammer: Online had FANTASTIC PVP (until they changed the max renown rank from 80 to 100). Give us keeps, NPCS, and tons of objectives to fight over. Optimize/refine/just fix the engine so we can have more than 30 people on screen at once without lag even if we have to crank our graphics down.


Server merges and/or free server transfers from the least populated servers. This is a serious problem, one that I'd like to see addressed sooner rather than later. Right after launch, there were a solid 300 people on the Republic fleet during 6-11 PM. Now there are about 100. I'm sure 1.2 will bring some back, but anything less than 200 feels a little sparse. 300-400 is preferable.


Cross server PVP/PVE matchmaking. Better cosmetic customization options with advanced primary/secondary color palettes. More companion missions to do what THEY want to do (instead of always being at your beck and call). The ability to flirt/kiss/do kinky stuff with your significant other whenever (just like in Dragon Age). Actual questions being asked and concerns being raised when my Sage MARRIES his padawan (I guess in this case, the Jedi Council's a-ok with this?). The chance to kill companions off yourself or have them killed by somebody else to give your relationship with them more meaning. The ability to change factions. A third or even fourth faction. More character races (why not droids? They can speak basic).


More new locations and settings. One star destroyer is the same as the next. I want more unique settings and more breathtaking moments when I just have to sit back and gaze on a landscape for a minute. I don't want to feel, "oh great, another cave, building, starship, etc." I want to feel, "wow! This looks beautiful, and it's nowhere else in the game - just in this one location."


Oh yeah, flashpoints which require companions, like that 4v4 PVP arena I described above. You put together a group of 4 players, and then you bring your companions along for the fun as well.


I think I could go on and on, but just one more idea: legacy crafting. With high legacy levels, you can unlock some items which are bound to legacy. Maybe armor, weapons, stims, whatever. Maybe these items require multiple crafting professions to create. To fashion a helmet with great stats, maybe I need three different characters to craft bound-to-legacy biochem, cybertech, and synthweaving materials.


Oh yeah, the ultimate Star Wars fantasy? Confront your alts. You're light side and you have a Sith lord father? Defeat him in combat and turn him to the light side. Make your legacy part of your storytelling experience instead of having 8 different characters merely connected on a family tree.


I could continue spewing out ideas, but this seems like a pretty good start. Oh yeah, I pay my $15 a month, so I expect you to implement ALL OF THESE IDEAS in the next 12 months, Bioware.

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Im curious, bc you said that the game does a great job in immersing you in the SW universe. What do you think about the gear post 30?


IMO they missed the mark by a mile. They tried to smash Starwars into the MMO gear progression shell and failed miserably. Force users get the worst gear I have ever seen in my close to 13 years of playing. The end game gear is not even Starwarsy...


This is Starwars, there is already a certain expectation on what gear is supposed to look like. The shoulder pads just have to stop. I want simple yet elegant. I want gear that looks functional in combat.


The gear now looks like the art team has never seen a SW movie. To me that is a slap in the face to all Starwars fans.


You know that this game don't got anything to do with movies right? Averything in game is thousands years before movies... More like SW TOR comics and Kotor..

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You know that this game don't got anything to do with movies right? Averything in game is thousands years before movies... More like SW TOR comics and Kotor..


Show me pics of the comics and of KOTOR 1 and 2(which i have played through 6 times each) that look anywhere close to the trash we are forced to wear at endgame?


I have read most of the EU and I am a die hard SW fan. I know what I'm talking about.


Your english is making it hard for me to take you seriously

Edited by Toweleeeie
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I'm really impressed with the game - however before I go on, I've only got two level 10 characters!


The voice acting and storey is fantastic. I'm completely engrossed and I can't imagine going back to the former style of MMOs where story wasn't central to the game. It really is amazing.


The graphics work, too (I'm playing the game on a Mac with a 256mb graphics card and it still looks great).


I can't comment on the 'nothing to do at 50' posts - apart from every 'hardcore' player of every MMO has said that. Even WoW has only got to the point in the last few years where there was a lot to do for PVEers and still needs a lot of work re. PvP. So go easy on the game.


Even from my low level 10 perspective, I'd say that there are a few things missing though, that need to be in the game - and soon:


- 'Dungeon / group quest finder' i.e. something to get people grouped up automatically like WoW


- Better tuition and explanation of the game systems. BW do a good job, but when you get to level 10, having a better explanation of what to do, where you're going with the advanced classes, crew skills etc. could help.


- Numerous UI enhancements. This is the 'little things'. Things like on the dialog boxes - the inactive tabs are so greyed out that your (well, my) eye doesn't notice them. Things like directing the player to where the codex is etc. etc.


- A rework of the game systems re. classes. It's obvious that each class will have to have a little more variety re. their counterparts and that the advanced classes are far too complex (seems like the game decided to compete with WoW in their Cataclysm era before they decided to simplify their skill trees in their next expansion - presumably because they are impossible to maintain properly re. balance).


- and UI customisation is coming


And one final thought. OK, I've barely scratched the surface as I'm only at level 10, but I'm wondering if the true home for the game is on the next gen of consoles, the rumoured upcoming full-fledged interactive TVs (with gaming facilities built in) and maybe even tablets? Just a thought....

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The issue they have is, what do you do to make the gear look 'starwars' but also look like it is end game gear? All I ever hear people suggest is "simple robes", but they are already in the game and with 1.2 will be just as viable to use as endgame style gear.


So what are you after? I'm just curious how you make one set of robes look more 'epic' than another set of robes.


Yeah i agree is no easy feat. But this being a Old republic era they could grabs stuff and ideias from the KOTORs and the old republic comic books.

I would like to play my sith pure blood looking like a Egyptian pharao. If you know what i mean.

On those lines. Jedi looking like space knights instead Of Robes for a change. I mean to be diferent and more connected to the lore and pictures we know from the comic books for instance.

Gladly there is orange gear and 1.2 will bring alot of new ways of costumization. wich is good.

More tech blades and staffs would be great too.

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Agreed, i like the game alot.

I don't play alot tho, i play whenever i can.


I would think if you look at most of the "hate" the game got, is not because the game is bad, it's because said people are just burned out of the genre.

This game has issues, what game doesn't. That's what patches are for.


If there's 1 thing i would change however, it's the planets. I would make them alot bigger, but i hope BW instead of giving us new planets, increase landmass on all planets, mix them up so you have high level zones for groups on "low" level planets, mix it up abit.


And ofcourse less loading screens.. But that's about it, the other stuff is already on it's way.

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The majority of players who have played this game are not logging in atm. Doesn't sound like they are having fun to me.


Bogus statement. Saturday at 8 pm edt, when I checked, 74% of U.S. servers were standard, heavy, or very heavy. If you are seriously suggesting that 51% or more of all players have stopped playing, then I would like you to back that up with some facts.

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completely agreed ! let the rest whine, just have fun ! those whiners will never be happy, not with this, not with GW2, not with tera, they're just mmo hoppers, or are bored of the genre and think every new mmo out there will be their own holy grail ! well good luck !
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I like it 50/50




+ Voiceovers

+ Story

+ Star Wars

+ Lightsabers

+ PvP is fun

+ Huttball

+ Companions




- No Space Combat, Space Exploration, Mining

- Planets outsides mostly bad/unrealistic looking

- Planets way too small / too corridor like

- Too much instancing

- No sandbox housing

- No Puzzle quests, all click X kill Y

- No interaction with the environment or NPCs

- Mob A.I. is rather dumb

- Very basic character animation without variation

- No collision detection with NPCs

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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I'll chime in since I think people that actually like the game rarely post (they are probably using their spare time to play the game, but hey I'm at work)


I really like the game as well. I've been playing since early access and have a fully battkemaster bh and I am leveling a sniper. I am looking forward to 1.2 and although the devs have made some key mistakes I still believe they have the games best interests at heart. I'll be subbed for the for the forseeabe future.

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Bogus statement. Saturday at 8 pm edt, when I checked, 74% of U.S. servers were standard, heavy, or very heavy. If you are seriously suggesting that 51% or more of all players have stopped playing, then I would like you to back that up with some facts.


I log in and see 15 people in the fleet, when I used to see 115.

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I think your imagination is terrible if you think plain robes automatically means boring. They can use different textures(materials), cuts, colors, adding little bits of armor to those different models(like Clone Wars cartoon), hood up, hood down, belts on inside of robe, even no robe at all(mostly skin with torn armor), using the same robes but with different undergarments. Im talking customization, you know like choice.


Precisely. There are many ways to make gear look great without resorting to comical shoulders and head pieces. And with improved textures coming in 1.2 even more doors can be opened to add subtle detail that achieves this.


That said, I do think there are some exceptions where the art team has done a good job, and I commend them for that. Shows that they have the skill and potential to give us better.

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