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People who leave WZs when they're losing...


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If I'm on a bad team that isn't trying to win((Do the objective)) I just aim to be top of the scoreboard at the end.Its pretty funny when your entire team is at the bottem then their team and your just the lone guy up top,ussually get alot of mvps aswell:p.

Don't see any point in leaving a WZ because your teams bad,just try have as much fun as you can.Also you can troll the most annoying player on your team :cool:Its hilarious with the 'Rescue' Mechanic on Huttball,fires,acid you get the idea :p responces always make me laugh


Indeed, I enjoy the PvP at any rate.

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I am not leaving warzone because i am losing, I am usually leaving warzone because my queued solo team refuse any strategy or any "wait for the other team to come".


When you have two turrets on alderaan and 3 or 4 players go to assault the third, ecasuse of this you loose a turret and generally did not win one -> one time is ok, 2 or more, I am leaving, they may win the match, but it not for me.


On hutt ball, I rarely leave because even if you team is clearly outmatched (due to no strategy or vocal team on opposite side) you can still bother the opponent by yourself and the matches gets short.


On voidstar, as a melee player, if there are 5/6 inquisitors, andno heal in my team, I am leaving because I will die without doing any damage nor do I have any chance of defending/or planting a bomb.


Otherwise on the voidstar you can't really say the team is bad, it can be a good distraction on the other side, it can be an out dps-ing and everyone blocked behind the door. The only real time I may leave is when they are two premade in the opponents and they pull (and manage) a defense high up (far from the doors) because then you don't have event ime to try to reach the doors or to group your team for an assault.

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i rarely leave early because i'm losing but one also has to keep in mind that people leave for other reasons than just because of the simple fact you're losing.


sometimes a person may be at the very end of a long pvp run and went ahead and got in that last game and it was just a disasterous game and they see no reason to continue with it and go ahead and end their session. after 3+ hours of games and sitting through bad losses i can't blame a person for going ahead and bailing early on their last game of that session.

(not everyone just logged in and started, some may of been pvp'ing for 5 hours)


or they may need to go because someone came over, or need to eat or any other reason.


so.. it's not always so black and white.

Edited by teambff
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You know, even when you lose, you still get exp (if applicable), credits, valor and commendations. These ppl just want to win and that is ot. I have gone on bad losing streaks and eventually, it turns around, but when you leave early, you are just saying to everybody that you believe that you are never the problem with a loss. If you are not there, you are the problem. A loss by one or a hundred does not matter. A loss is a loss and a win is a win. At least fight it out and take the easy benefits.
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I once got farmed in a Hutt Ball. We were down 0-5 and they were just wrecking us. I was on my tanksin. I killed their ball carrier, walked towards our goal line, pulled one of the enemies towards me with my Force Pull, and typed /stuck. I died (as I was in combat), the enemy I pulled got the ball, and the enemy team won instantly.


I got MVP votes for ending the farm.



Don't leave games. Just throw them instead.

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i agree or there just annoyed that they are good and a lot of there team isnt. it happens, though annoying, it will never stop happening. at least in 1.2 they are adding things to make people stop leaving (15 min of not being able to que again.)


Lol, with all the dead servers, only about 2 matches are going on in the pre-50s bracket, and they run at about the same time - you have to wait about 15 minutes to queue anyways, because there won't be any matches open to play in!

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i rarely leave early because i'm losing but one also has to keep in mind that people leave for other reasons than just because of the simple fact you're losing.


sometimes a person may be at the very end of a long pvp run and went ahead and got in that last game and it was just a disasterous game and they see no reason to continue with it and go ahead and end their session. after 3+ hours of games and sitting through bad losses i can't blame a person for going ahead and bailing early on their last game of that session.

(not everyone just logged in and started, some may of been pvp'ing for 5 hours)


or they may need to go because someone came over, or need to eat or any other reason.


so.. it's not always so black and white.


Exactly, this is also true, and usually influences that aspect of whether to remain or bail out of the game too. I rarely walk out on games, but at least if I did, I know some one else in the cue will take my place who could well be a far better player than me anyway.

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Then team always seems to get better when the bads quit.


Now when someone quits, the replacement should instantly get into the game, and not be stuck behind a que window.


In voidstar if you aren't paying attention it will make you go through all the movie/space bar crap. If the match has started, push us through all that garbage.

Edited by MightyHalo
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I never used to leave WZs early - as far as I am concerned, playing is the fun part, even if you are in a game that you KNOW that your team will not win.


Voidstar and Huttball I never leave to this day. If my team is losing so badly that there is no hope of winning, then I'll just go about PvPing and forget about the objectives (the objectives being moot at that point anyway)


However these days I am developing a strong dislike for Alderaan. I WILL leave Alderaan early if it is bad enough. As a matter of fact, sometimes I leave Alderaan before it even starts, because I dislike it so much. If each team has one node and is fighting over the remaining node, say the Middle node, and some chumps for my team decide to try to take the node that the other team has, and as a result we lose Middle, I quit. It is too painful to try to get people to get a node back, when some people just wander all over the map doing whatever and contributing nothing. Bloody Alderaan just takes way too long, with too little to do... no fighting on doors, no fighting for a ball... just standing there at a node, or constantly respawning and zerging a node. *sigh*


Anyone else hate Alderaan even more than Huttball?

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I have never left a warzone because I was losing. If/when I leave a warzone it is before the match even officially begins.


I leave because there is no warzone specific queue and I end up in a Huttball. I refuse to play another Huttball, so I leave.

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I never saw the point of leaving...you still need to play WZ's to collect your 30/150 armaments. So why leave? Getting slaughtered? Ok, stay, do what you can, farm your 4 medals then wait for the match to end. You get your comms, your 3 armaments, and you don't look like a jerk.
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I never saw the point of leaving...you still need to play WZ's to collect your 30/150 armaments. So why leave? Getting slaughtered? Ok, stay, do what you can, farm your 4 medals then wait for the match to end. You get your comms, your 3 armaments, and you don't look like a jerk.


No you don't. I queue from Ilum, where I get the VAST majority of my armaments. On a good day, I play less then 5 warzones. Just grab armaments as you wait for the queue.

Edited by Phaedrynn
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i agree or there just annoyed that they are good and a lot of there team isnt. it happens, though annoying, it will never stop happening. at least in 1.2 they are adding things to make people stop leaving (15 min of not being able to que again.)


It may stop me from leaving but it will NOT stop me from just sitting there doing nothing while leaching off you people who suck at pvp....


So yuou have gained NOTHING by keeping us in a match at least when we leave you might get someone who will try.

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Usually if i leave it's because A )My ping is going crazy and i'm of no use to anyone or B) My game crashes.


I don't really blame people for leaving during BM premades either. I try not to do it, but it's not fun being a fresh 50 and going up against min/maxed mmo addicts.

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So if I stay in a warzone where no one is trying to do what they should do, for example a hutball match where 6 of the players don´t giive a **** about the ball but try to zerg (andf are not even good at that), if I stay in such a warzone that makes me good?

honestly I´r rather say that would make me a masochist


No, it just makes you selfish and inconsiderate. If you don't want to be in that WZ, why do you think the next person in queue behind you wants to take your place in the WZ? Also, what you see is 6 players not caring about trying to win they might see differently. I think its safe to say most everyone that pvps has run across players of your ilk. They complain loudly about how bad the team is and then they leave, because they're obviously god's gift to pvp and can't be bothered to play with mere mortals.


Often times despite having a teammate abandon us (aka the guy who thinks he's god's gift, etc) we are still able to pull out a win. When a player leaves though, he drastically lowers his team's chances of winning. Sometimes a group of pugs takes a second to get on the same page when thrown against 2 pre-made groups. When you leave a Huttball game where the other team scores first, you're almost ensuring that your team will lose.


In summation, WZ quitters are selfish and inconsiderate of their fellow players. Not only do they hurt the team they leave, but they also punish the guy behind them in the pvp queue. Say what you will about your team, but the next guy in queue you have no justification for putting them in that position.

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Can't assume to know the reason somebody is leaving and punish them for that. I myself have to get out out more then often because i have a 3 year old daughter and a 6 month old baby who force me to go afk/quit the wz.


On top of that... I have been in loosing teams.. Seen people quit and being replaced by better players.. and then win in the end..


So.. Meh...

Edited by Ephor
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Can't assume to know the reason somebody is leaving and punish them for that. I myself have to get out out more then often because i have a 3 year old daughter and a 6 month old baby who force me to go afk/quit the wz.


On top of that... I have been in loosing teams.. Seen people quit and being replaced by better players.. and then win in the end..


So.. Meh...


If you have a legit reason for leaving a WZ, then a 15-20 minute penalty isn't a big deal. By the time you've dealt with your 3 year old, sick dog, unexpected guests, etc. the penalty time will be over or close to over. A 15-20 minute queue penalty will be a deterrent so serial WZ quitters, though. Its sad that there needs to be a penalty, but something has to be done it inevitably the people that have legit reasons to afk/leave a WZ are the ones who are really penalized.

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...are not good at PvP.





thats a poorly thaught out answer


there are far more other reasons why players leave warzones



my examples the reason i leave warzones is some of the following


1. the other team is full of healers

2. the other team is full of sorce/sages

3. the other team is full of powertechs/vanguards

4. the other team is full of tracer/grav spammers

5. the other team is full of juggers/maurauders

6. the game is full of stupidly OP class's specs

7. some bug abuser is about to kill me

8. some hacker is about to kill me

9. i get randomly booted to character select while in combat

10. the spawn barrier bugs out or blinks leaving me in the spawn

11. i have to use the bathroom

12.i need to go somewere

13.my team sucks dont know whta they are doing and leave through frustration


these are some of the reasons

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So if I stay in a warzone where no one is trying to do what they should do, for example a hutball match where 6 of the players don´t giive a **** about the ball but try to zerg (andf are not even good at that), if I stay in such a warzone that makes me good?

honestly I´r rather say that would make me a masochist


I heartily agree that ppl who leave because they are losing are lame. And personally I usually stay to the bitter end so I can get my coms/valor etc. However, Athaulf has a great point. With BW's obsession with WZs as their main pvp offering, and that you need to do them as the only way to get pvp gear, it gets really annoying when there are others on your team not even attempting to accomplish the goals. Then you see the same guild name on both sides and you begin to wonder if its purposeful. Sometime hitting the leave warzone button is your only link to sanity.


Same faction WZs only make this worse.

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