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Everything posted by remainderman

  1. Let me try to clear up your confusion. It's really quite simple: 1. When you list something for sale, your market is all of the players who have a need for that itme at that time, have the money to purchase, and have the desire to purchase. 2. By putting it up for 2 days only, you miss those players who need that item on the third+ day, providing you didh't re-list. If you can place it for 30 days (this would be a logical minimum), then the chances for the right circumstances for a sale greatly increase. 3. Also, as a seller, i gave up using the GTN to sell because it was way to much of a hassle. To actually sell items as a crafter, you would typically list many items. Even if half sold, you still get a mail box full of returns in 2 days. For me, I just said screw it. I'm not going waste time placing items just to turn around in 2 days and have to deal with the unsold items. Bottome line, if BW wants the GTN to be viable, then they need to think about how an economy works and allow the players to emulate it. What if your local grocery store had milk for sale for 2 days only, and you didn't need milk until the 4th day. You say that they never have what I need, and they would say that no one buys the stuff they put out (even at low prices). Hmmm ... sound familiar?
  2. I agree that you don't need agrinium for leveling. But you might want to sell purple lower level mods on the GTN. (I know I would buy them as I leveled instead of making them or waiting to get enough help to run a flashpoint). As far as it not being worthwhile, I would disagree. A blue lvl 15 armoring mod has a 46 armor rating where as a purple has a 50 rating. If you have the 5 mod-able pieces that you can now buy off the legacy vendor on Coruscant, it is a significant increase in your armor. This can make a significant difference in your ability to stay alive or even in killing mobs faster. Agrinium is also needed in making the mods, although the difference between a blue mod and a purple isn't as stark as in the armoring.
  3. AMEN. Couldn't have said it better. Though we have no idea if resolve works the way intended as BW hasn't really given us the formula, it make no difference. It's either broken from what's intended or the intent is broken. BW needs to fix it quick, or the numbers will just keep dwindling. Pvp is a joke, and BW is just doubling down on the crap that makes it a joke: more WZs, no open world pvp of any substance, less healing, more trips to cloner. This resolve issue is just another in a series of pvp blunders by BW. The perception is the that there is no resolve. I think this post has shown us that there is resolve and its possible that it works as intended. And that's disheartening because that means BW can't just fix it in a patch, they have to admit that their resolve system sucks and that they intended us to be chain-stunned in pvp. Then after admitting that they were wrong, come up with a whole new resolve system. Odds of that happening? About the same as SWG coming back in its original form.
  4. I heartily agree that ppl who leave because they are losing are lame. And personally I usually stay to the bitter end so I can get my coms/valor etc. However, Athaulf has a great point. With BW's obsession with WZs as their main pvp offering, and that you need to do them as the only way to get pvp gear, it gets really annoying when there are others on your team not even attempting to accomplish the goals. Then you see the same guild name on both sides and you begin to wonder if its purposeful. Sometime hitting the leave warzone button is your only link to sanity. Same faction WZs only make this worse.
  5. I never said I left inside the start box every time, i just said i unqued. Besides, does it really matter? My post was about spending an inordinate amount of time being stunned and thrown around, lifted, etc. Most replies wanted to check my apostrophe usage or quibble about when I said I unqued. I take it then that most here are just fine with the amount of time you spend getting stopped in your trax (and no, trax is not in the dictionary and thus is not proper English, so some of you can just quit reading now). I have heard many complaints, and read many posts about being chain stunned and how annoying it is, so I was just wondering if others were as bothered by it as me. And no, I have no clue how resolve works. As far as I know BW hasn't really come out and said how resolve is supposed to work, so just because someone does some testing and figured out the amount of resolve you get by the type of stun or movement impairment you received, doesn't mean that it works like BW intended. Bottom line, if BW did intend for pvp players to be immobilized as much as they are, then they are as retarded as their resolve system and as lame as their pvp offerings. So either way, it's broke as hell.
  6. Ok, big whoop, so I havn't taken the time to fraps my resolve bar while I'm perma-stunned in a Voidstar. Forgive me, I'm too busy trying to pretend BW has pvp. The reality is that the end product in pvp is more time in the air going the wrong way, or slumped over with a headache, or on the ground looking like some mut in heat than it is beating someone over the head with a glowstick. When many of us say it needs fixing, it means simply make it viable,give it substance, make it have some meaning. Bottome line, if I am spending that much time in paralysis when it's already fixed, then what the hell were they thinking. I sincerely hope that it is currently broke so we have some stun relief to look forward to.
  7. So I enter Huttball. Usually an auto unque for me, but since it wasn't same faction, I thought I'd stick it out. Once in the pit, I got force chocked, so I hit my cleanse, then I was thrown to the ground, kicked in the nuts, blown to the ground, pulled, lifted, elecrocuted & spun, nut kicked again ... (probably some I'm forgetting) and by the time I finally hit someone, our side had already scored. Don't mistake this for another QQ thread about the other faction being OP, 'cause it aint. Reps have their versions too. But this is just no fun at all. I get the idea of stuns, stasis, crowd control etc. But there has to be some limits. Longer cooldowns on some of this ****, or a resolve that actuallly works. WIth the upcoming healing nerfs, I fear pvp will be reduced to stun/stasis/get in a hit/blown/pulled/clone/ rinse & repeat. I hope I'm wrong but I don't think so ... If not for full paralysis, "I could have been a contender"
  8. I can't agree more with the overall sentiment of your article. For me and many in my guild, the endgame is pvp. I played SWG for 5 years, and even though I viewed the day-to-day content on the open-world format of SWG to be healthier, if it wasn't for the fairly robust open-world pvp, I would have quit after a year or two. TOR has enough content (and I'm sure they will add more) to keep me interested for a while, but if they never have real open world pvp (not WZs only) then I will get bored easily. Why get the best gear? Why do dailys for a week just to get one implant that has 30 more on 2 stats? If the answer is just to play more ops, instances, hard modes, then after I grind up most professions and gear them out (if I last even that long), I will probably just quit playing. What would make open world pvp work? Very simple: Have some sort of reward for open-world pvp kills, then have cross-faction communication so we can set up fights, etc. Yes, this gets ppl all worked up talking trash etc., so what. It worked in SWG for 7+ years. At present, the only real pvp we get is WZs. No ones shows up at illum because now you can get your daily kills through the WZs. I don’t mind Alderaan and The Voidstar, but Huttball, especially same faction, has become a mandatory unque. I hear that other WZs might be same faction as well. Terrible idea. How’s the Tatooine free-for-all zone working? I hope BW hires some game DEVs who understand what makes MMORPG pvp work, and it’s not instance-based zone fighting with objectives. This leads to massive exploits, gets boring and is not real pvp anyway. I’m hoping to be here 5 years from now, but if there is no real pvp, I simply will unque and stay that way.
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