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1 v 2 against two healers healing each other...


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EDIT: The purpose of this thread is to discuss the strategy to kill 2 healers as one dps.


Just ran into this for the millionth time trying to take a node in Civil War. I was able to kill a marginally geared operative. But while I was being CC'd watching them heal each other. It struck me...


I now refer to this strategy as the Dutch Rudder.


/end story

Edited by UnderatedNoob
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. Just ran into this for the millionth time trying to take a node in Civil War. I was able to kill a marginally geared operative. But while I was being CC'd watching them heal each other. It struck me...


I now refer to this strategy as the Dutch Rudder.


/end story


Coordinate with your own team to provide a two man dps assault, as you might have noticed you had one just like they did... >.>


I refer to this strategy as highly effective and slightly annoying... that is until me and my buddy burst-kill one healer then dance around the other singing "Another bites the dust..."

Edited by Doomsdaycomes
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Coordinate with your own team to provide a two man dps assault, as you might have noticed you had one just like they did... >.>


I refer to this strategy as highly effective and slightly annoying... that is until me and my buddy burst-kill one healer then dance around the other singing "Another bites the dust..."


Not saying it's not a good strategy.


Sometimes while we have a big assualt at one node, I'll go solo to the other node. If its a 1on1 I cap 90% of the time. I am able to win 2 on 1's maybe 30-40% of the time. But I still don't know what specs I'm hitting until I attack.


The point is. I now know what to call these guys / gals.

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As DPS, the frustration becomes ten times worse the second you realIze there is no outcome that will not leave you looking ridiculous.


As a healer, I live for these moments because watching that poor sap pinball between the two of us is hilarious.

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As DPS, the frustration becomes ten times worse the second you realize there is no outcome that will not leave you looking ridiculous.


As a healer, I live for these moments because watching that poor sap pinball between the two of us is hilarious.


Yes its frustrating. Against two very good healers, there is nothing I can do.


If either of them get a little antsy and dps me too much , I can pull off some slick tab target interrupts / stuns and burst one down...


Whats worse than being the one pinballing in between 2 healers, is being the healer that just saw his buddy die; Knowing hes next.

Edited by UnderatedNoob
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Against 2 good of any class you alone can't do anything.


Sometimes you can get lucky and get a good string of crits/procs or one of the other guys can mess up.


2 healers vs a dps is pretty much a losing battle no matter how you slice it.

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Sometimes you can get lucky and get a good string of crits/procs or one of the other guys can mess up.


2 healers vs a dps is pretty much a losing battle no matter how you slice it.


Yes i also won 2v1 today i almost won a 3v1 3rd guy was down to 50% when i died but they was bad. If you are up against 2 ppl that are good at what they are doing i don't see how they would lose, of course everything is possible but asking for a good strategy to do it is i think pointless all you need if luck luck luck, every hit a crit and half their hits a miss or something like that.

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Against 2 good of any class you alone can't do anything.


Against 2 Good dps I have a way better chance of winning than against 2 good healers.


Even against 2 of the best DPS a lot of the times I can kill 1 of them. Against 2 of the best healers, I have no chance of killing one.


Sometimes you can get lucky and get a good string of crits/procs or one of the other guys can mess up.


2 healers vs a dps is pretty much a losing battle no matter how you slice it.


Pretty much this.

Edited by UnderatedNoob
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I like these situations just because it's on them.


I mean if you're solo against 2 healers you surely aren't expected to get anything done.


...but if they end up doing something stupid and you actually take one out and then the other, they probably feel like rerolling to another game.

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I like these situations just because it's on them.


I mean if you're solo against 2 healers you surely aren't expected to get anything done.


...but if they end up doing something stupid and you actually take one out and then the other, they probably feel like rerolling to another game.


Yes. This is why I love the challenge.


Low risk - High reward.


Winning 2 on 1's is great. 2on1 against healers... Priceless.

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The situation as it is now is that healers don't run out of force/power. So you're fighting something with potentially a unlimited pool.


You interrupt one they have another healing them so I would think it's next to impossible for one DPS to kill 2 good healers.

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The situation as it is now is that healers don't run out of force/power. So you're fighting something with potentially a unlimited pool.


You interrupt one they have another healing them so I would think it's next to impossible for one DPS to kill 2 good healers.


1. I'm an operative , so I can burst very well. Allowing me to surprise burst down a healer to about half way, flash grenade the other one, kick the original one, interrupt a heal... and finish the burst kill.


2. Some healers tend to get over confident and dps me more than they should. Especially when I get down under 50%, I'm able to slowing kill the healer the first portion of his health bar. When a healer sees his health at 60-70% and mine at 30-40%, he tries to kill me. That's when I unload my burst, while keeping the 2nd healer CC'd.

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Yes i also won 2v1 today i almost won a 3v1 3rd guy was down to 50% when i died but they was bad. If you are up against 2 ppl that are good at what they are doing i don't see how they would lose, of course everything is possible but asking for a good strategy to do it is i think pointless all you need if luck luck luck, every hit a crit and half their hits a miss or something like that.


AmunRa Assassin Tank BM


It's not hard to win a 2v1 if your class is absurdly OP.

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I had this exact situation happen while our team was on offense in void star. We just got through the first door and I ended up in a 1v2 against both Imperial healers in the first room. Funny thing is it ended up being basically a total standoff, but our team proceeded to tear through the next two doors because the idiots were so preoccupied with me. Even though killing a healer or two might be a futile effort, it often causes good things to happen. Edited by Cereyeth
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I had this exact situation happen while our team was on offense in void star. We just got through the first door and I ended up in a 1v2 against both Imperial healers in the first room. Funny thing is it ended up being basically a total standoff, but our team proceeded to tear through the next two doors because the idiots were so preoccupied with me. Even though killing a healer or two might be a futile effort, it often causes good things to happen.


Ya. I've had that same thing happen to me. Actually we fought in the hallway after door 1.. and they werent able to kill me until we planted on the last door... took 2 healers out the fight.

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Ya. I've had that same thing happen to me. Actually we fought in the hallway after door 1.. and they werent able to kill me until we planted on the last door... took 2 healers out the fight.


I love taking on that nuisance role in a Warzone. My main is a tank specced guardian and I love just being a complete diversion for most players. My favorite thing to do is drop down into the pit in Huttball when I'm low health and watch 2-3 players drop down as well to kill me, then just pop all my cooldowns and just stall while the rest of my team easily scores.

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The day I lose 2v1s anything as a healer against anyone is the day Id quit the game. As a healer I can make the worst scrub in the world beat anyone, and if the other guy is doing anything but pressing autoattack I wont die to one guy anything either.


In a war of attrition 1v1, and if the other guys got plenty of interrupts and selfhealer (mara), yes I sometimes die, but 2v1 - Never. On a DpS spec however.. Meh..


And thats the way it should be. That some classes can just wade into 2+ evengeared people and expect to win on a regular basis just counts toward them being somewhat OP. Yes Im looking at maras, shadows here. Good thing they are getting a buff though. And sorc/commando which is usually the only classes they are able to beat 1v2 on a regular basis gets nerfed. Bioware knows exactly what they are doing...

Edited by Niconogood
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If you win a 2v1 against similarly geared opponents.....it's not you that's good, get off your high horse....you just managed to kill 2 retarded chipmunks who may or may not be looking at their keyboard while they play and saying "derp.....wut happenz if i press dis button here....." Edited by Madnutter
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Even 1v2 against the 2 classes with the worst possible matchup on you, with a significant gear disadvantage for the 2, should result in an easy victory for the side with the 2. You'd need a pretty big mismatch (i.e. Marauder/Assassin versus light armor) just for the 1 guy to be able to kill 1 of the 2 before he dies.
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As DPS, the frustration becomes ten times worse the second you realIze there is no outcome that will not leave you looking ridiculous.


As a healer, I live for these moments because watching that poor sap pinball between the two of us is hilarious.



But is that a clever move to leave 2 healers guard the node? Will it be more sufficient for healer to support the attack forces?

If it is a 4 man defense then it`s no question.. But to leave the two people to defend the node and both of them are healers.. weird and uneffective..

Edited by Missandei
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