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Why do you PvP??


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Serious question


Why do you PvP?


Do you PvP so you can get better and better gear and have an advantage over people with less gear?

Do you PvP so you can have the best gear to show off how pwerful your character is?

Do you PvP for the fun of it and the challenge??

or is there some other reason that you PvP?

With the changes to the gear system coming up im seriously wondering why it is that people PvP?


This post is more for my own personal curiosity than anything else.

Why do you PvP??



EDIT: To all of you that simply state because its fun....



Why is it fun, what is it about PvP that you enjoy?



EDIT 2: from what im reading here is correct the majority of the PvPers play because of the challenge and because they prefer to face off against humans



so i gotta ask...why are we caring so much about the loss of valor rank required to buy PvP gear???


we still get rewarded with unique looks and we still get to PvP to have fun.

Edited by Michaelphoenix
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to have fun. it's an enjoyable experience and as long as it continues to be an enjoyable experience i will continue to pvp in any game i play.


i became addicted to the capture the flag (random pick up group) style of pvp from unreal tournament ever since then it's always something i try and look out for in games.


the continuous battle, the flow of it... like a tide coming into the shores it flows back and forth which fascinates me. i like the team aspects of it and how you sort of have an experience with other people and remember them and have this unspoken bond with, it's like they have your back and you have theirs and you see them you sort of "nod" to yourself like "it's on" so and so is here.


it's a great distraction and time killer, time flies when you're involved in a good match. hours go by like nothing.


put on some tunes, que up and just zone out for a few hours. very peaceful.

Edited by teambff
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Boredom, pure and simple. After the dailies are done and the op's havent started I pvp to complete the daily/weekly missions. When those are done I stop.


Pvp is the worst part of any mmo but a necessary evil, so being sith I embrace the evil for as long as my frustration can take, then have real fun playing the actual game.

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I enjoy improving my skills against an opponent that isn't programmed to react a certain way. I enjoy PvP for the same reason I enjoy FPS's like CoD...I NEVER know what will happen. No two fights are ever the same (unless it's against 8 sorcs) so the content is endless. Unlike Soa, players are 100% unpredictable.

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I play it because eventho PvE is fun to do after 10 x the same instance it becomes boring people who say it remains challenging are lieing and they know it.


I play pvp because its the only way to learn your class better. pvp'ers clear an instance as well as pve'ers who are generaly slugish and can't cope well with different situations.


I play pvp because its gives a good feeling if you win a close call 1 vs 1 and it happens at times in 8 vs 8 WZ.


I play pvp because win or loose a close call fight is just great.


I play pvp to try to make a difference for my team.


I play pvp because of teamplay real teamplay not that walk in the park pve teamplay because PvP is far more dynamic.


I hope for more Open World PvP.


I don't care much about gear. Gear is a bad thing for PvP.

Edited by Hewbaka
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Bcuz it's the HARDEST thing to do in the game.


Plus it's fun being better then you!


(Not you, but anyone infront of me in Arena/world PVP/WZs)


NOTE: I could care less about gear stats. Weapon maybe to keep me playing and Better looking stuff for the high ranking people so they can show off their Epeen. But overall a gear gind isn't 4 me or most good PVPers...it's for the nubs/noobs to make themselves feel better about being them!

Edited by Swidgin
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because i like the randomness of pvp unlike pve


because it feels good to kill other players


because i like it when that one guy is clearly at the same level (skillwise) like you and every encounter with him is epic


because pve is boring



and might i add this is (my) the first mmo where i can pvp from low level to max level and not be so heavily punished for having lower gear or level (i know gear still has some part but even with low gear and level you can still be a threat if you know what you're doing)

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because is the only content that when i repeat it i cannot move/do exactly what i did the time before


because sometimes i win sometimes i lose it's not an automatic win like PVE


because i end up using all my abilities not only 1 or 2 that actually "work" against that boss


because you dont need to fight....wait 2 minuts everybody shut up..... fight wait 3 minuts regroup.... fight wait 10 minuts 2 are going to the bathroom... fight wait 4 minuts semi wipe...


so many many reason :D

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It is the quickest way to level , by far.


nice bonus is some gear you can use in PVE also.


10 to 15 minutes, 10-17k xp, vs. riding accross planet for 1/2 hour, get quest, spend another 1/2 hour doing quest, or waiting on a group to do the quest, get 20k xp.


Plus, its true, fighting a dumb AI = not fun.

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Serious question


Why do you PvP?


Do you PvP so you can get better and better gear and have an advantage over people with less gear?


Do you PvP so you can have the best gear to show off how pwerful your character is?


Do you PvP for the fun of it and the challenge??


or is there some other reason that you PvP?


With the changes to the gear system coming up im seriously wondering why it is that people PvP?


This post is more for my own personal curiosity than anything else.


Why do you PvP??



EDIT: To all of you that simply state because its fun....



Why is it fun, what is it about PvP that you enjoy?


First, I do not consider warzones to be PvP. They are meaningless cage fights with zero impact on the over all game. I do them only to maintain gear viability for (I hope) the eventual revamp of world PvP and Ilum fixes. Nothing more. If I didn't think the gear would be necessary to be viable when/if this happens, I would never step foot in a warzone. If there isn't significant progress made towards world PvP by the time GW2 comes out, I will simply leave to play that.


As for the general idea behind the question, I PvP for fun. If I could do it naked (meaning gear has no impact on performance) I would. In fact, I would prefer if there was no gear associated with PvP at all, either as a reward or a requirement for viability. Frankly, I would rather just buy/craft my entire gear set and be done with thiking about gear entirely so I could PvP without having some hurdle I felt I needed to get over (and then start looking at the next one).


EDIT: However, this all assumes that PvP MEANS something and isn't just about death matching people over and over again. I want a game influencing reason to PvP, something for my faction to fight for and defend.

Edited by Phaedrynn
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While each defeat is more frustrating because it's often down to someones unredeemable stupidity, each victory is all the more satisfying.


It also drives to give bonuses which reach beyond PvP. As a jedi sentinel, if I buy a spare champion chestpiece, rip out the mod and enhancement, pair them up with a might armor 23 from the daily commendations in an orange, I have...


An orange chestpiece which has identical damaging statistics as the columi chespiece, only with 45 less armor and 17 less endurance. Which maybe isn't all that necessary to a sentinel that doesn't wait til he's nearly dead to break threat.


Right now I am driven by the 65 valor landspeeder. Less than 2 ranks to go. Rushing like there's no tomorrow because I don't know what date 1.2 will be announced for, when the speeder vanishes. They may only give a days notice for all we know.

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Slightly for all reasons listed (gear progression is a nice carrot cause sometimes i'm hungry), and I admit to occasionally enjoying the big numbers increase (maybe because I enjoy math and playing with different gear to see different numbers).





But the main reason I pvp...the real reason a lot of people pvp...here it is: to kill other players.




Sounds simple and stupid right? Well everyone has their own reasons, but me personally: the MMO community is mostly full of the type of people I cannot stand (in person or on the internet) despite myself enjoying the genre, and because of this, I get great enjoyment out of killing players, knowing that a large portion of the people I kill/harrass with my characters abilities are those kind of people.



Luring an over-emotional, self-entitled, impatient, illogical, self-righteous, fairly unintelligent overall person across a huttball map giving them the appearance they "have you now" and then killing them...proving to them, or at least yourself/someone watching that you both outsmarted them and/or are better...most satisfying game experience to be had in my opinion. :D

Edited by MrXen
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I pvp because raiding is lame. That and I'm arsenal and I do nothing but hunt smugglers and operatives because they are all so douchy with their sneaking around and trying to one punch you with their overpowered BS crap. Granted it's not so bad now, but at one point with full champ gear, heavy amour, full health, and getting killed in one to two hits from out of nowhere without any chance to move or react, laying flat on my back, really made me sour. So now every time I'm in huttball and I hear that douchy ka-ching sound of some clown pulling a knife and trying to be cool, I immediately turn and focus the entire match on them, toying with them as they try all their fancy crap, eat it all, then toss their dumb *** off to the bottom, make them walk all the way back, waiting for them, timing it then exposing their lame cloaking crap, letting them try their crap again, and tossing them again off the same spot just for fun, then doing it twice more until they give up. They focus on someone else then I kill them with tracer spam to see them cry in chat.


That's what makes pvp fun for me. Getting all my valor in the first minute, then focusing on the ball carrier and douchy people that jumped the bandwagon on the flavor of the month I win button class but then totally sucked at it. Even the good ones can't kill me fast enough before I can toss them off the platform and heal up for the next attempt.


You can even tell that they are frustrated that someone is constantly seeking them out. That's why I pvp.

Edited by Frankee
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