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You win, I give up on my Juggernaut.

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We have a 1 min CD (speccable to 47 second) stun called Force Choke. If you spec tank obvioulsy you know it is improved by removing channeling. So why are you comparing Sabre ward to 1 min stuns other classes get?

IIRC 1.2 they are changing that talent to a tier lower so maybe interesting hybrid specs will emerge.


I find force push occasionally helping an opponent amusing as well as frustrating. Ahh well. ****'s funny bro. You're just a rager.


Saber ward is pretty sweet I think and used correctly I think is powerful. I really wish it was a 2 min cooldown though I admit. 2 seconds of 100% defence on melee/range followed by 10 seconds of 50% is pretty nice, and the 12 seconds of reduced force& tech damage is great too.


I have never played Immortal but to me it looks obvious that it would be mostly good at huttball leap/intercede/push/guard where the point isn't so much the fights as it is to get the ball down there. Do powertechs and assassins have the same mobility to leap as we do? No?


For voidstar and civil war I could see many situations where a tank (with a healer) could reduce the damage to his team and keep a healer up really well.



I thnk you're just expecting the wrong things from your class and it sounds like your pretty mid-tier on IQ. Only spec I've played really is Rage and I have always felt powerful at it doing high damage. I know that Bounty hunter tanks do **** damage from fighting them alot.


Assassins seem OP in PVP to me so I agree with you on that.


I'm comparing Saber Ward to the 4 second stuns other classes get because of A) when you get the ability, B) because it's obviously equivalent in Bioware's eyes since they tied it to the heroic moment ability and C) force choke is channeled, not fire and forget. You can't have a 47 second cooldown Force Choke and an unchanneled version without some terrible hybrid setup. Also, both of the abilities to reduce the cooldown on Force Choke are being removed with 1.2.


You can insult my intelligence if that makes you feel better but that doesn't change the fact that the numbers do not add up to anything remotely approaching balanced.

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No, they really don't have the best defensive cooldowns. They have the highest numbers, which is compensated for by making them 3 minute cooldowns, which means they aren't up nearly enough to be truly relevant because there's no real death penalty in PvP.


I disagree that juggernauts are the best at running the ball in Huttball. Tank specced assassins are just as good if not better because of the CC immunity + force speed. They also don't have to be hybrid specced to do nice damage, they just have to put on DPS gear in tank spec. Considering defensive stats do nothing to reduce the majority of incoming damage in PvP, it's exceptionally foolish to wear the tank gear.


You're right, marauders don't have taunt or guard, but they can just kill everything that they would need to taunt anyway so why bring a tank when you can bring more DPS?


You are a fool if you think a assassin is just as good if not better. They can get across the final ramps and the finish line nicely but how do the carry it across the map? They dont have good mitigation. And I regularily get across the finish line for free because an enemy lets me leap to them. A jugg + a sorc is amazing at getting the ball to the finish line.


And *** you mean about marauders killing everything? Lol. They kill as well as anything sure. I'm tired out hearing about supposedly godlike marauders. Assassins are more of a problem by far than marauders.

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Highest numbers = best


I should stop reading right there, but I'll continue to entertain your opinion. Single shot mitigation on a long cooldown is not effective in PvP. You may think it's awesome because it let you score one more time in Huttball, but if your opponents had even the slighest clue, you would've been CCed the whole time it was up because not only is it the longest cooldown, it's the shortest duration.


Between your cooldowns you also have your relic (I carry one defensive and one power) so I have three pure mitigation plus Endure Pain (combine it with the PvP health stim). Sins aren't bad, but they're not as good as Jugs in part because we have the best cooldowns and while you're correct there isn't a death penalty most of the time there damn sure is for ball carriers (provided you care about winning). No other class has the mobility & surviabilty that a tank specced Jug does.


Again, if you're losing to Maras you're doing it wrong and the reason to bring a Jug (any tank) is for team damage mitigation and to keep your healers alive. A Mara simply can't do that so comparing those classes is useless.


Defensive relics do basically nothing in PvP. You can't shield or defend against anything a bounty hunter is going to hit you with, or anything a sorc is going to hit you with, or anything an operative is doing. They work on exactly two classes - marauders and snipers, both of which have so much accuracy on their gear that they mitigate most of your defense chance and they can bypass your shield with crit.


Have you ever heard the expression "dead players do no DPS"? That's why you bring DPS in the first place. The other tanks do just as good a job of mitigating damage as a juggernaut does, bring just as much if not more survivability to the table, and more damage.

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You are a fool if you think a assassin is just as good if not better. They can get across the final ramps and the finish line nicely but how do the carry it across the map? They dont have good mitigation. And I regularily get across the finish line for free because an enemy lets me leap to them. A jugg + a sorc is amazing at getting the ball to the finish line.


And *** you mean about marauders killing everything? Lol. They kill as well as anything sure. I'm tired out hearing about supposedly godlike marauders. Assassins are more of a problem by far than marauders.


Darkness specced assassins have just as much mitigation as you do. If people are stupid and let you leap to them so you can score faster, that's outplaying them. It isn't hard to avoid, people are just bad.


You know what works even better than a jugg + sorc? An assassin and a sorc. Go try it and get back to me.

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Very troublesome does not equate to effective, it equates to an annoyance. If your damage can be healed through and you can easily be killed because you're actually trying to do your job and guarding someone, then you shouldn't be included.




Well I certainly cannot speak for others but I personally am very effective (and annoying). I can kill a healer just like anyone else who says they can, can. With a bonus... I can guard and intercede.


It seriously boils down to situational awareness, actually more that and executing what you are trying to do. Also unfortunately this class is extremely gear dependant. So if you arent coming to the table with atleast full champ gear... well, prepare to be devoured lol.



Note: With full champ gear and some BM you are like a roaming lion.

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Well I certainly cannot speak for others but I personally am very effective (and annoying). I can kill a healer just like anyone else who says they can, can. With a bonus... I can guard and intercede.


It seriously boils down to situational awareness, actually more that and executing what you are trying to do. Also unfortunately this class is extremely gear dependant. So if you arent coming to the table with atleast full champ gear... well, prepare to be devoured lol.



Note: With full champ gear and some BM you are like a roaming lion.


Until everyone you're fighting has the same gear you do, yes. I can stomp on noobs still in centurion as well as the next guy too. Go hit someone who actually has battlemaster gear and you might revise that opinion.

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I'm comparing Saber Ward to the 4 second stuns other classes get because of A) when you get the ability, B) because it's obviously equivalent in Bioware's eyes since they tied it to the heroic moment ability and

Are you *********** kidding me? Our stun isn't the same as there stun because of what level you get it before you're 50? AND HEROIC MOMENT? *** does that have to do with anything????? We're sith warrior tanks, like Darth Malgus, the RP *********** talent is because of the RP ability to take a beating.


You're reasoning is bad. You're seriously saying our 1minute stun isn't like their 1 minute stun because of levelling and a gimmick role playing skill that has nothing to do with pvp.


C) force choke is channeled, not fire and forget. You can't have a 47 second cooldown Force Choke and an unchanneled version without some terrible hybrid setup. Also, both of the abilities to reduce the cooldown on Force Choke are being removed with 1.2.


You can insult my intelligence if that makes you feel better but that doesn't change the fact that the numbers do not add up to anything remotely approaching balanced.


Well boo *********** hoo it's channeled. It also puts a damage DOT (does the other guys) that does decent damage for a stun on them and for tanks (which you're talking about) it's not channelled...


And we're not talking about 1.2 because who knows how good/bad the self heal is going to work out. We may become super durable because of it.


*edit, I insulted your intelligence not to make me feel better (how would it) I did it because you're the guy saying 2+2=3.

Edited by wickedUOF
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This...this can't be real. Like it CAN'T be real. Are you serious? My 50 jugg absolutely dominates warzones.


Name one class that can lockdown 2-3 healers at once consistently. That's right, you can't.


Juggernauts also have the most burst mobility in the game for huttball. They are also in my experience the single most difficult tanks to actually focus down.


I really just don't know what you could be doing wrong dude, my juggernaut feels so retardedly poewrful. The amount of sheer crowd control available to us is just nuts, our tankiness is absurd, I can 1v1 literally any single class except healers, which my only purpose is to cc them anyways.


I actually flipped my **** when I saw how many buffs Juggernauts are getting with 1.2, because frankly we are going to be broken once those changes make it in.

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Until everyone you're fighting has the same gear you do, yes. I can stomp on noobs still in centurion as well as the next guy too. Go hit someone who actually has battlemaster gear and you might revise that opinion.



Most people I see on my side, and enemy is BM with a lot WHs... I play on a pvp server with the highest pop in the game so not sure what better environment to test on but... hey man roll tankasin (I got one) they are awesome too. The other tanks are kinda wack if you ask me but thats just an opinion as well.


Im just arguing that Jugg is not nearly as bad as you say they are or as bad as I see some people playing them.


It just seems to me that they are one of the more complex adv classes and many people want a 4 button hero they can own everybody with.


Go get full BM dps gear and play around a bit then YOU get back to ME.

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as a 50 shieldtech I fully support the OP..


jugg often drop too fast in pvp compared to me


I've tanked 6 battlemasters solo halfway from the middle pt to one side of the map utilizing all my cc and cds, I am very happy with my survivability. One day in the 50 bracket I went on a 99 kill streak over the course of 3 matches before I died once.


I think ppl are just "making due" with juggs because the vanguard/powertech is one of the least played classes and ppl not aware how capable the BH tank really is by comparison to the jugg, especially in pvp.


I guess "pistol tank" is just not a popular choice for ppl in a game with lightsabers.

Edited by Prolyfic
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I've watched your videos. Let's see one of the entire match instead of just the shots where you have your relic and adrenals rolling and you can beat the hell out of someone. I've played the Immortal spec you listed and yes, it is good at peeling a single target. What do you do when you have 2? You do realize this spec is getting slapped with the nerf bat right?


You clearly didn't watch the second video, or the third one.

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***Preface: I am in a guild of strong PvPers that have been together over multiple games and played well as a group. I personally have been doing PvP in MMOs since DAoC and very much enjoyed the tank playstyle in what has been pretty much every game I've played up to SWTOR. My ability to play the class really isn't in question here - what is in question is the fact that the numbers and skills make no sense.***


You win Bioware.


I'm ready to give up on my Juggernaut. The class seems like it should be good, right up until you get into any sort of PvP situation with it.


We get heavy armor. Seems awesome right? Then you realize it doesn't actually mitigate damage from the majority of skills, or mitigates only part of it and you're still taking elemental or internal damage.


We're a tank class, so we should have more health than other classes right? Nope, not even if you make an effort to get more, because everyone can mod their gear to have the exact same mods you do and apparently DPS classes like marauders/sentinels should have more base HP to compensate for their lower potential armor. Except the armor doesn't actually mitigate most of the damage that kills you.


Next, we come to base class cooldowns. We get Endure Pain, which seems like it should be good, but in reality just lets you live another 10 seconds maybe, 15 if you spec all the way up Immortal. At the end you will, 95% of the time, have a DoT on you and die to the tick immediately following the expiration of Endure Pain. I have this happen even when I have a pocket healer in PvP because suddenly I lose 30% of my health and then take a DoT tick while he's channeling a heal.


Saber Ward is actually a halfway decent cooldown. The problem is it's on a 3 minute timer. This is the ability we get in place of a 4 second stun that the other base classes get. Said stun has a 1 minute cooldown and can be decreased to 50 seconds for every other class. I have no way to reduce the cooldown on Saber Ward, which I can already use only 1/3 as often as the equivalent abilities given to other classes. Also, this ability is available to marauders so they get another defensive cooldown.


Force Push is supposed to be our equivalent to Grapple and Force Pull, except it's on a longer cooldown and 50% or more of the time, the client has different positions than the server and you end up pushing your target in a completely different direction other than the one you intended, whereas Grapple and Force Pull you just have to deal with the possibility of bouncing someone off the ceiling. Only really relevant in a few places in Huttball.


You can spec Immortal and get Invincible, except that has the same problem Saber Ward does - the cooldown is way, way too long for PvP especially considering the abilities other classes get. In turn, you get to try and play in Soresu with terrible rage generation and damage output (which I did for the first 67 Valor ranks). Because tanking in this game is entirely cooldown dependent for PvP, you can tank for about 22 seconds (Invincible followed by Saber Ward) while tank specced. During that time, the best you can put out pitiful damage that can be healed through by an DPS specced heal capable class, which I don't really have a problem with, except the other tank specs don't have this issue. Powertechs get a 25% reduction for 12 seconds every 2 minutes. Assassins get immunity to tech and Force powers for 5 seconds (if specced into it) and a 12% self heal every 20 seconds that does silly amounts of damage while slowing the target.


I finally gave up and specced Rage about a week ago, and the damage is actually making it possible for me to kill opponents and feel like I'm actually contributing to my team instead of just making us lose slower in bad matches. I'm enjoying this while I have the option to do so, before 1.2 is released. Once 1.2 comes out, marauders will be better smash monkeys than juggernauts because of Quick Recovery and the multitude of defensive cooldowns that make them more difficult to kill than a juggernaut.


I don't want to reroll. I shouldn't have to drop a character I've worked hard on since release because Zoeller seems to think that defensive stats do something in PvP and that class balance is somehow best served by making juggernauts inferior to marauders in almost every shape form or fashion in the DPS arena, and inferior to powertechs and assassins in the PvP tanking arena.


If the 1.2 changes go through as posted, there's a pretty good chance I'm just going to be done. My subscription is cancelled as of right now.



Your tears.... They are delicious.



If you are THAT unhappy, then play something else, or, better yet, play a different game. I don't think this one is for you.

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***Preface: I am in a guild of strong PvPers that have been together over multiple games and played well as a group. I personally have been doing PvP in MMOs since DAoC and very much enjoyed the tank playstyle in what has been pretty much every game I've played up to SWTOR. My ability to play the class really isn't in question here - what is in question is the fact that the numbers and skills make no sense.***


You're right, your ability to play wasn't in question.


Then you posted.


Then you continued to post.


At this juncture, I very much question your ability to play this class effectively. If your team is competitive, they should too.



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I can understand some of the OP's complaints, but I do not think the class is weak. I do think as a full BM Rage Jugg I shouldn't go down fast as I do, and for pure tank pvp nothing beats an assassin, Immortal doesn't come close.


I have a Sentinel, and while its not 50 yet, and its definately a glass cannon, even with the defensive cd's up. The dps is lacking in the class but I cant think of another class with better utility than the Jugg.

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***Preface: I am in a guild of strong PvPers that have been together over multiple games and played well as a group. I personally have been doing PvP in MMOs since DAoC and very much enjoyed the tank playstyle in what has been pretty much every game I've played up to SWTOR. My ability to play the class really isn't in question here - what is in question is the fact that the numbers and skills make no sense.***


You win Bioware.


I'm ready to give up on my Juggernaut. The class seems like it should be good, right up until you get into any sort of PvP situation with it.


We get heavy armor. Seems awesome right? Then you realize it doesn't actually mitigate damage from the majority of skills, or mitigates only part of it and you're still taking elemental or internal damage.


We're a tank class, so we should have more health than other classes right? Nope, not even if you make an effort to get more, because everyone can mod their gear to have the exact same mods you do and apparently DPS classes like marauders/sentinels should have more base HP to compensate for their lower potential armor. Except the armor doesn't actually mitigate most of the damage that kills you.


Next, we come to base class cooldowns. We get Endure Pain, which seems like it should be good, but in reality just lets you live another 10 seconds maybe, 15 if you spec all the way up Immortal. At the end you will, 95% of the time, have a DoT on you and die to the tick immediately following the expiration of Endure Pain. I have this happen even when I have a pocket healer in PvP because suddenly I lose 30% of my health and then take a DoT tick while he's channeling a heal.


Saber Ward is actually a halfway decent cooldown. The problem is it's on a 3 minute timer. This is the ability we get in place of a 4 second stun that the other base classes get. Said stun has a 1 minute cooldown and can be decreased to 50 seconds for every other class. I have no way to reduce the cooldown on Saber Ward, which I can already use only 1/3 as often as the equivalent abilities given to other classes. Also, this ability is available to marauders so they get another defensive cooldown.


Force Push is supposed to be our equivalent to Grapple and Force Pull, except it's on a longer cooldown and 50% or more of the time, the client has different positions than the server and you end up pushing your target in a completely different direction other than the one you intended, whereas Grapple and Force Pull you just have to deal with the possibility of bouncing someone off the ceiling. Only really relevant in a few places in Huttball.


You can spec Immortal and get Invincible, except that has the same problem Saber Ward does - the cooldown is way, way too long for PvP especially considering the abilities other classes get. In turn, you get to try and play in Soresu with terrible rage generation and damage output (which I did for the first 67 Valor ranks). Because tanking in this game is entirely cooldown dependent for PvP, you can tank for about 22 seconds (Invincible followed by Saber Ward) while tank specced. During that time, the best you can put out pitiful damage that can be healed through by an DPS specced heal capable class, which I don't really have a problem with, except the other tank specs don't have this issue. Powertechs get a 25% reduction for 12 seconds every 2 minutes. Assassins get immunity to tech and Force powers for 5 seconds (if specced into it) and a 12% self heal every 20 seconds that does silly amounts of damage while slowing the target.


I finally gave up and specced Rage about a week ago, and the damage is actually making it possible for me to kill opponents and feel like I'm actually contributing to my team instead of just making us lose slower in bad matches. I'm enjoying this while I have the option to do so, before 1.2 is released. Once 1.2 comes out, marauders will be better smash monkeys than juggernauts because of Quick Recovery and the multitude of defensive cooldowns that make them more difficult to kill than a juggernaut.


I don't want to reroll. I shouldn't have to drop a character I've worked hard on since release because Zoeller seems to think that defensive stats do something in PvP and that class balance is somehow best served by making juggernauts inferior to marauders in almost every shape form or fashion in the DPS arena, and inferior to powertechs and assassins in the PvP tanking arena.


If the 1.2 changes go through as posted, there's a pretty good chance I'm just going to be done. My subscription is cancelled as of right now.



Don't argue with this pity remains of some masochists here, who still play this class and think it's cool and who are convinced that they are effective as an immortal jug in PvP. I made the same mistake and chose the immortal tree and defence equip for PvP.


You have two options:


1) reroll a Sith Assassin or Marauder

2) cancel subscription


I chose the second.


While rage and vengeance is doing the trick, the immortal tree is the most boring, unfinished, ineffective and fanciless skill tree I have ever seen in a MMO, be it PvE or PvP....and patch 1.2 won't change anything about it.

Edited by Midichlorien
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If you want to posit that you don't like the "flavor" of the class and tree or the animations or the thousands of other subjective things you're not likely to hear a word from me.


However, trying to claim that Immortal isn't effective in PvP and PvE is laughable. Far too many people have had success in both PvE and PvP. Rated warzones will show this even more as people put together teams that actually work together.

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my main is a jug... and i dont have an issue

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Unfortunately, my experience supports the OP. I've played way too much since early access. As a result I've got a 50 guard, 50 mara, 50 ptech and almost 50 shadow tank.


The guard is easily the poorest performer in pvp. Sure, I make myself a nuisance to the bad guys. But I am no where near the threat I am on any of the other characters. Anyone not giving us the benefit of the doubt are likely missing solid points of reference.


The differences in pvp performance between the classes I listed and the guardian are noticeable, and disheartening because I really like my guard.

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As a tank jugg, I expect to die a LOT and I dont expect to kill people, but the way i see it... that is my job. :)


...I don't know what you've been smoking, but if you expect not to kill people and you expect to die a lot, then you must have been advising BW when they designed the PvP tanking aspects of Jugg tanking... FAIL... A tank in true tank spec should be doing way less damage then everyone else, but also be able to die a lot less.


Sadly, BW has not figured out how broken PvP tanking is in this game. I live just as long if not longer in PvP when I am Rage specced on my jugg. A good marauder can easily outlast a jugg 1v1 especially with the 3 weak survival cooldowns they have given us. Defense does nothing noticable in PvP.


In PvE the bigges problem with jugg tanking is AOE threat. There are so many threads about this problem on the forums, yet BW keeps ignoring the problem. Juggs are even inferior 1v1 tanks on fights like Karraga where there is a distance gap between the boss and the jugg--powertechs and assasins are far better here since they have many more range skills.


I'm very unhappy with the overal tanking design in PvP and I know I am not the only one. I know many people who will be leaving the game if BW doesn't start paying attention--there are plenty of new games on the horrizon.


At this point the only thing being tank specced in PvP does for a jugg is adding backhand and invincible which are on a long cooldown. You can do everything in rage or vengeance spec that you can do in tank spec, i.e. aoe taunt, slow, fear, taunt, intercede, guard and cary the ball. Immortal spec is useless in pvp--it's too bad, since it would be nice to be a damage sponge.

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OP I agree w/ you 100%. You took the words right outta my mouth.


Yes we can earn medals in pvp, and yes we can be situationally useful in pvp. But none of that changes anything that the OP has written in his first post.


I'm immortal specced (yes, really, because I wanted to focus on defense), and other than the 22 secs of defensive talents, I'm just as squishy as the next guy in pvp due to all the yellow damage going around. You guys can call him a QQ-er or say that we don't know how to play.... or you can objectively analyze his post and tell me where you really disagree, and why. Hopefully you will do the latter because it will be more constructive.

Edited by CBRGhostRider
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You're right, your ability to play wasn't in question.


Then you posted.


Then you continued to post.


At this juncture, I very much question your ability to play this class effectively. If your team is competitive, they should too.




^ Pretty much this


I've come to the Conclusion that the OP is just a baddie and just can't accept he's a bad Jug and that it may not be the class for him.


As for wanting to see whole matches go watch Dracozs stream, the link is in his signature.


There are tons of threads for every spec that can make you a better player. The problem is YOU and YOU alone. My advice if you can't get the class reroll to an easier one. Assassin is very easy to play.

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and in a group situation there is nothing a juggernaut can do that one of the other tanks can't do just as well while either putting out more damage or having better survivability.


that's where you are a wrong... Juggernauts are the ideal ball carriers in huttball. If you need to know why, you will prove to the world that you need to l2p.


here is the spec you want: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101frhfzRbouRZhMRZM.1


the gear you want is dps gear for this spec. There is a post on the forum about this and how it works.


you can find it here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=208529


and here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=387407


in the 2nd thread there is even a video of the spec in action.



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that's where you are a wrong... Juggernauts are the ideal ball carriers in huttball. If you need to know why, you will prove to the world that you need to l2p.


here is the spec you want: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101frhfzRbouRZhMRZM.1


the gear you want is dps gear for this spec. There is a post on the forum about this and how it works.



Fallerup, for the record, I agree w/ you here that immortal Jugs rock huttball, no question. Between intercede, charge, push, charge, countless stuns, invincible, and saber ward and endure pain, I make a great ball carrier and scorer. Whether an assassin is better or not at huttball, I honestly do not know.


I have also seen the link to the above immortal dps, and it is an interesting thread.


But what about immortal speced people like me that want to focus on tanking in pvp (the other two pvp events) (priorities: staying alive, scoring objectives, guarding teammates, disrupting enemies, and the occasional kills)? Shouldn't there be a way to be a bit more tanky besides the 2 major talents (saber ward and invincible)? Just to reiterate, I don't care much for dps, I want to be really hard to kill, and guard my teammates and disrupt my enemies.


It seems wrong that I should have to take dps gear when I'm a tank and want to tank in pvp. Yes, dps gear on a tank seems to work better than tank gear on a tank, because the tank gear on a tank does not noticeably increase our survivability, while the dps gear at least increases our dps. And that to me suggests that something is fundamentally wrong in this *tanking tree/class*.

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