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Feels like a single player RP


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Ok, first off, I'm enjoying the game so far. I'm only level 33 and think that this may be part of why I feel a lack of MMO vibe. I'm in a guild so that's not really an issue. I'm one of the few day players in the guild though but the guild is made up of folks that I have played with since 2004. But so far, to me, the game feels more single player RP than MMO. Will maxing to 50 change that?
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This is a very common criticism with the game and it's true, it does feel like a single player game most of the time.


The problem is the fragmented population between all the different instances (no server channel) and the fact that none of the group content is necessary, it's all optional. Couple this with the fact you can go 1-50 without even seeing a player of the enemy faction on any server and it can make for a lonely experience.


You don't need to group, sure you can group and many do, but a lot of players choose to solo this game.


The other problem for new players is unless your a tank or healer you struggle to find groups, most guilded players don't group with non-guildies in this game, many get a lvl 50 to run them through most flashpoints.


There is just little incentive to group and this persists at 50 where the FP's and Op's are so insanely dull, boring and buggy and ultimately pointless and circular, i.e. you do them for gear to do other instances to gain gear for other instances etc etc....it doesn't actually make any difference unless you plan on getting on the gear treadmill which is the only pve end game content currently.

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I group all the time, for any missions, solo and heroic missions, flashpoints etc, sometimes with random folks sometimes with friends


If you are playing this as a solo game that is your choice, no one else’s, and certainly no fault of the game itself.

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The thing he is saying though is that now that the core players have hit 50, newer players and alts haven't gotten anyone to group with. Worlds are baren now, there are not even 10 people on each planet while you are leveling up now.
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I think server population has a lot to do with that. My last server I got bored by the time I hit 30 because my guild were all level 50 and the population of the server was low.


However now I am on a highly populated server, with a large guild who have alts of varied levels, and so I can usually find a player or two either in guild or on General in which to do Heroic missions or Flashpoints with. And it makes such an improvement to your levelling experience!

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The thing he is saying though is that now that the core players have hit 50, newer players and alts haven't gotten anyone to group with. Worlds are baren now, there are not even 10 people on each planet while you are leveling up now.


That's only true of lower population servers. Other servers have lots of toons leveling. Canderous Ordo has 50+ during the day on the low level planets and up to 100 or more in prime time.


The problem is that they created too many servers and eventually they are going to need to correct that. For now you options are to create new alts on a higher population server or wait for the completion of the transfer system, or both.

Edited by JerokTalram
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Why do you all complain about the game being "SP"? I don't get it, if you want the MMO feel, then group up!


If you choose to not group then of course it will feel like a SP game, that is your fault, not Biowares!


His point was that there are barely any players for him to group up with.

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Why do you all complain about the game being "SP"? I don't get it, if you want the MMO feel, then group up!


If you choose to not group then of course it will feel like a SP game, that is your fault, not Biowares!


I know, people decide to play a certain way, and then complain about how they choose play it as if it was the games fault, If the game forced them to group they would complain about that too.

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His point was that there are barely any players for him to group up with.


Again, this doesn't mean that SWTOR isn't an MMO because it is.


I think the problem is, is that there are SO many planets so while there might be a lot of players on your server/faction playing, you don't see many of them. So that is why you see like 20 or so players on a planet.


I say that come future updates, instead of adding like 6 new planets to each side, only add 3.

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Hmmm, from what I see on the forums, it goes like this:


Game feels like a a single player game because of low server populations which is because server populations are dropping, which means the servers should be merged and I get tacos.


That about right?

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Hmmm, from what I see on the forums, it goes like this:


Game feels like a a single player game because of low server populations which is because server populations are dropping, which means the servers should be merged and I get tacos.


That about right?


About right, yeah... Except the Tacos, they're all mine I'm afraid.

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Ok, first off, I'm enjoying the game so far. I'm only level 33 and think that this may be part of why I feel a lack of MMO vibe. I'm in a guild so that's not really an issue. I'm one of the few day players in the guild though but the guild is made up of folks that I have played with since 2004. But so far, to me, the game feels more single player RP than MMO. Will maxing to 50 change that?


If you haven't got a tight group to level up with, it certain can feel like that.


Even in a nice guild, it still can.


I'm not entirely sure why, although I guess instancing and to some extend the story doesn't help.

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Ok, first off, I'm enjoying the game so far. I'm only level 33 and think that this may be part of why I feel a lack of MMO vibe. I'm in a guild so that's not really an issue. I'm one of the few day players in the guild though but the guild is made up of folks that I have played with since 2004. But so far, to me, the game feels more single player RP than MMO. Will maxing to 50 change that?


All leveling games feel like a single player MMO these days WoW isn't any different nor is LOTRO, EQ 2 etc etc


And I have yet to see any single player game that lets me bring three other friends along in Flashpoints.

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Well, it is made by BioWare. If there's one thing they do really well it's make a single player RPG. It's not much of a surprise that the single player feeling translated into the leveling process.
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Ok, first off, I'm enjoying the game so far. I'm only level 33 and think that this may be part of why I feel a lack of MMO vibe. I'm in a guild so that's not really an issue. I'm one of the few day players in the guild though but the guild is made up of folks that I have played with since 2004. But so far, to me, the game feels more single player RP than MMO. Will maxing to 50 change that?


If you are on one of the 5 high pop servers it will be fine for you, but if you are on the light/standard servers which are all over the place then even at lv 50 it will be a Single player game.

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... so far, to me, the game feels more single player RP than MMO.

That's why I like it. I never pug with strangers, but having all those resource gatherers and crafters to do things I can't be bothered to do sometimes is great! I just buy what I need and I'm good to go. I hate games where you have to stand in line to finish a mission/quest because there are so many players in the area doing the same thing. (Don't try to tell me if they all grouped they'd finish quicker and make friends - THAT aspect of MMOs had largely died out quite a while before I stopped grouping with people)

Edited by Dibdabs
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If you are on one of the 5 high pop servers it will be fine for you, but if you are on the light/standard servers which are all over the place then even at lv 50 it will be a Single player game.


I'm on Shadow Hand.

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Again, this doesn't mean that SWTOR isn't an MMO because it is.


I think the problem is, is that there are SO many planets so while there might be a lot of players on your server/faction playing, you don't see many of them. So that is why you see like 20 or so players on a planet.


I say that come future updates, instead of adding like 6 new planets to each side, only add 3.


The problem isn't the number of planets, it's the number of players on some servers. Leveling in SWTOR is pretty linear. You do one planet, then move on to the next. Chances are, most of the people in your level range and your faction are on the same planet you are.


So yes, that doesn't mean SWTOR isn't an MMO. It's an MMO with a serious population issue on some servers.

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As others have said, it could depend a lot on which server you are on. I'm on Jung Ma and there are usually 10-30 people on most planets during the afternoon - probably more at peak times, but I usually logout before the peak time comes due to my available play times.


I enjoying soloing, and I like how this game makes it easy to do so. However, there are usually people in general chat grouping up to do heroic quests and lots of people PVPing (I have never queued for more than 5 minutes to get a warzone). I'm Republic, so there are usually enemies to fight whenever I am questing, depending on the planet (Voss can get ridiculous -- it is really hard to get into the Temple of Healing without getting attacked). I expect Empire people get less enemies, but grouping up is probably easier.


While it does feel like a single player game in many ways while leveling if you don't group up, unlike SPGs, there are usually other players also questing, which gives the world more life than SPGs have -- I never see anyone else levelling while playing actual SPGs. Fortunately, quest nodes and mobs usually respawn quickly, so having other people around doesn't detract from my questing. Most SPGs also don't have a GTN-equivalent, since there is noone else to trade with.


I rarely go more than 10-15 minutes while questing without seeing someone else.


If you really want to group up and do social activities, joining a guild on a busier server is probably the way to go. EDIT: reread your post and saw that you have a guild. If the server seems empty, why don't you get your guild to roll new characters on a busy server one day. You don't need to delete your existing characters, and it might be interesting to see what you are missing. Or roll a new character to play during the day when your guildmates are not on.


Roll Republic on a PVP or RP-PVP server -- we can always use more. We will defeat the Empire!

Edited by sjmc
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You'd be surprised to find other players willing and wanting to group with you just to do normal planet content.


General-1:"Hi, just got to the planet, anyone interested in running quests in a group? Social points, lots of laughs and fun!... also Heroics are instantly jumped into!"


Sometimes you get no hits at all... sometimes you do.


You'd be surprised how many friends you make this way, and even recruit into your guild.





The game is what you make of it. It doesn't do it for you.

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