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Please End In-Faction PVP (Guild Issue)


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Tonight, we had our third incident of people in our guild taking what happens in the warzone personally and the second time we've lost a guild member because of it. With the Rep vs Rep gameplay and because we have more than 4 players interested in PVP'ing, we sometimes have guild members end up on opposite sides in the same match. This In-Faction PVP needs to be seriously re-thought.


In a PVP match, emotions will always run high, often higher than high-end PVE. It's one thing to die to some nameless individual from the other side, whom you may never see again. It is something entirely different to die to someone that you not only know, but you interact with on a regular basis. Deaths from the same person probably happens the same amount with or without a guild member on the opposing side, but the perception that the person is singling you out may seem more apparent because you know them.


Republic versus Republic PVP is counter-intuitive and destructive to both morale and to camaraderie. It has so far also been destructive to our guild. We should be working together, NEVER working against each other. These issues I mention go even further when guildmates are opposed. Huttball is a "game" in title only as there are deaths involved.


Bioware, for the good of all guilds in the game, please remove In-Faction PVP. We've lost two great members because of it and I am getting to a point where I will start pushing my guildmates to boycott Huttball altogether until it stops.


I have to disagree completely!


You have to remember, it's a game and you can't take it seriously.


I really do enjoy the same faction warzones especially coming from a guild recruitment perspective.

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Wow the amount of pure ******es here amazes me.


Everyone who has been ************ that our guild is a bunch of QQ'ers is wrong. Although not stated there were incidents before where guild members felt they were being singled out and farmed. I don't know about everyone else but I personally don't mind when I get killed ONCE or TWICE purely because a guildy 1v1'ed me. But when a guild member goes out of their way to farm someone that is something more personal to me.


The fact that everyone completely missed Xanthias' point here is a nice point too. READ everything in a post before you all go ************ that we are QQ'ers. We are not.


Incidents like this are stupid, and shouldn't happen. Especially when a Guildmaster states to the guild only days prior, that anyone who willingly seeks out and farms another player will be kicked out of the guild. When a player is verbally told POLITELY that he needs to stop and attacks the guild member for it then rage quits the guild, should never happen. Yes it was stupid of him, but in the first place it should have just been avoided.


I have your back Xanthias :)

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I don't want to call anyone a name, but I agree with everyone that this is a guild/personal issue and not a game issue.


On my server there's been one drama event that I remember resulting from Rep-Rep Huttball, but mostly it's a fun occasion for silly trash-talk, pre-match call-outs, and in-game running commentary. I do worry that things will turn darker when *all* the WZs go same-faction, but in the current state it's a nice break from Imp-killing.

Edited by flem
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Wow the amount of pure ******es here amazes me.


Everyone who has been ************ that our guild is a bunch of QQ'ers is wrong. Although not stated there were incidents before where guild members felt they were being singled out and farmed. I don't know about everyone else but I personally don't mind when I get killed ONCE or TWICE purely because a guildy 1v1'ed me. But when a guild member goes out of their way to farm someone that is something more personal to me.


The fact that everyone completely missed Xanthias' point here is a nice point too. READ everything in a post before you all go ************ that we are QQ'ers. We are not.


Incidents like this are stupid, and shouldn't happen. Especially when a Guildmaster states to the guild only days prior, that anyone who willingly seeks out and farms another player will be kicked out of the guild. When a player is verbally told POLITELY that he needs to stop and attacks the guild member for it then rage quits the guild, should never happen. Yes it was stupid of him, but in the first place it should have just been avoided.


I have your back Xanthias :)



Rage much? It isn't "farming". It's something you have to expect. Guildies enjoy killing each other because they KNOW EACH OTHER. You're here QQing to cover his ***. This is one of the only good things about PvP. Just because you guys whine about it doesn't mean you're right. Grow a thicker skin ffs.

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I agree with pretty much everyone in this thread lol.


OP...Suck it up and move on. My guild plays against each other ALL THE TIME. Us being one of the dominant guilds in the warzones we always end up facing each other. When this happens we all get in the same vent channel and literally hunt each other down lmao. When im playing huttball against a guildy i could care less about the ball...All i care about is killing my guildmate over and over and over and over lmfao. And they do the same! And guess what? Nobody gets butthurt over it. We all have fun yelling and screaming at each other. Talking smack in guild chat.


It's all about fun. When you arent having fun as a guild, even when you are against each other in PVP, then something is wrong in the BIG PICTURE.

Edited by xNonphixionx
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A couple things come to mind:


why not just queue together?


people who have these rage issues would probably rage against teammates if they lost.


If there wasnt same faction PvP, some servers would never get to PvP. (like mine)

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I'm not entirely sure I agree... Having the higher pop side with long queue times (no same faction warzones) would actually encourage people to roll the lower pop side. If anything, same faction PvP in warzones enables the population imbalance because it allows the more populated side to gear up faster, win more, and gear up new toons faster, and win more... etc. If one side is getting many more warzone pops than the other simply because they are more populated, that doesn't seem to be fixing the population imbalance at all...


My server is heavily Imp, and for the longest time it would take weeks to get the Ilum quests done because every time we'd show up in Ilum (even with a full ops) 60 Imps would come zerg us to death within 5-10 minutes. Since Imps gear up twice as fast as Rep (due to Ilum quests in addition to WZ quests), you can imagine that a typical WZ has a >50% Imp win percentage. There were times where we couldn't even get 8 Republics queueing (ie: we'd have a warzone where we only had 6, then no pops), meanwhile the Imps were still able to play huttball and continue gearing up to BM. We're finally catching up in gear at this point, but based on my experience I would say no, the same faction warzones aren't a good answer to population imbalance (though they may seem nice for the higher pop side).


Whenever it is that they re-add open PvP area(s), I sincerely hope they include AAO/population buff/population cap to allow some way for the lower population side to compete. At the very least they need to allow server transfers.


On topic, OP's (ex-)guildies need a thicker skin.


It may not be fair, but same faction warzones are better then an entire server population not being able to participate in warzones.


Rerolling to the other side is a option, but even then, not a pleasant one as you'll then be levelling up again and there is no assurances that the 10-49 bracket is any better then the 50 bracket.

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Can you all at least concede we should have an option to exclude ourselves from In-Faction PVP? This would stop wasting peoples' time for those who will now no longer play Huttball Rep V Rep...


Why should Bioware take the time and effort to put that into the game when the current system works fine? Your guild is the only group I have ever seen cry about same faction WZ on the basis that people can't handle being killed in a video game.

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A couple things come to mind:


why not just queue together?


people who have these rage issues would probably rage against teammates if they lost.


If there wasnt same faction PvP, some servers would never get to PvP. (like mine)


He just said he has more then 4 people that pvp. any higher then that isn't possible until 1.2

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Wow the amount of pure ******es here amazes me.


Everyone who has been ************ that our guild is a bunch of QQ'ers is wrong. Although not stated there were incidents before where guild members felt they were being singled out and farmed. I don't know about everyone else but I personally don't mind when I get killed ONCE or TWICE purely because a guildy 1v1'ed me. But when a guild member goes out of their way to farm someone that is something more personal to me.


The fact that everyone completely missed Xanthias' point here is a nice point too. READ everything in a post before you all go ************ that we are QQ'ers. We are not.


Incidents like this are stupid, and shouldn't happen. Especially when a Guildmaster states to the guild only days prior, that anyone who willingly seeks out and farms another player will be kicked out of the guild. When a player is verbally told POLITELY that he needs to stop and attacks the guild member for it then rage quits the guild, should never happen. Yes it was stupid of him, but in the first place it should have just been avoided.


I have your back Xanthias :)


So this boils down to a Guild issue and not a PvP issue and you are posting it in a PvP forum.


Based solely on YOUR post, you have/had guildies that broke guild rules that were (hopefully) stated as part of your guilds code of conduct.


Same faction PvPing isn't the issue here. Immature guildies are.

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So this boils down to a Guild issue and not a PvP issue and you are posting it in a PvP forum.


Based solely on YOUR post, you have/had guildies that broke guild rules that were (hopefully) stated as part of your guilds code of conduct.


Same faction PvPing isn't the issue here. Immature guildies are.





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Can you all at least concede we should have an option to exclude ourselves from In-Faction PVP? This would stop wasting peoples' time for those who will now no longer play Huttball Rep V Rep...


Why would we concede that point? Your rationalization for implementing it was soundly shot down, and now you come back and say we should recognize you were right? How irrational is that?

Intra-faction PVP is a fine way to get people into WZs when there aren't enough people queuing from the other faction. The idea and implementation isn't bad.

The problem here is the people in your guild. I honestly feel sorry for you guys that you actually don't have fun when facing each other.

My guild routinely faces each other in Huttball. We train on each other because we know we are the greatest threats usually. We laugh when we die right about to score because a guildy was in the right place at the right time. We enjoy it.

Your guild needs to learn to have fun. it sounds like you guys don't even like each other. That's your problem, not Bioware's.

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If your guild doesn't like doing Huttball against each other, ANY MEMBER CAN LEAVE THE WARZONE AT ANY TIME. You can all leave at once when you figure out what's happening. There is no need for Bioware to waste their time coding it so that your guild can't enter the warzone together.


Wow the amount of pure ******es here amazes me.


Everyone who has been ************ that our guild is a bunch of QQ'ers is wrong. Although not stated there were incidents before where guild members felt they were being singled out and farmed. I don't know about everyone else but I personally don't mind when I get killed ONCE or TWICE purely because a guildy 1v1'ed me. But when a guild member goes out of their way to farm someone that is something more personal to me.


The fact that everyone completely missed Xanthias' point here is a nice point too. READ everything in a post before you all go ************ that we are QQ'ers. We are not.


Incidents like this are stupid, and shouldn't happen. Especially when a Guildmaster states to the guild only days prior, that anyone who willingly seeks out and farms another player will be kicked out of the guild. When a player is verbally told POLITELY that he needs to stop and attacks the guild member for it then rage quits the guild, should never happen. Yes it was stupid of him, but in the first place it should have just been avoided.


I have your back Xanthias :)


Your post did nothing to debunk that perception, I fear...

Edited by Arlanon
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Anyone who has been involved in the MMO scene for a while has been around a situation like this. Even though it's just a game, sometimes temper gets the best of people. I'm sure we all have our fair share of stories.


I'm not a fan of same faction warzones for a similar reasons. I've been part of games where there's bickering among same faction members and it sucks for everyone, even if you're not directly involved. Although that tends to be more of a problem with open world PvP games.


That being said, it's a necessary evil until there are cross-server queues. It really can't work any other way. Even then there will probably still be a need for same faction warzones. Unfortunately it's just something you're going to have to deal with.

Edited by Amp_
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Whine topic of the year.



I love facing guildies in huttball.

I love to focus them.

I even drop objectives just to kill them more.

And I even taunt them in the /g or ts after.....or spit their bodies.


And guess what? everybody loves it

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Most of my server looks for the first opportunity they can get to talk s*** to me. My guildmates are about the only ones who never say anything when I kill them. I rarely talk to anyone on my server outside of my guild because people take same-faction pvp way too seriously.


I just play, I don't care who's on the other team.

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Tonight, we had our third incident of people in our guild taking what happens in the warzone personally and the second time we've lost a guild member because of it. With the Rep vs Rep gameplay and because we have more than 4 players interested in PVP'ing, we sometimes have guild members end up on opposite sides in the same match. This In-Faction PVP needs to be seriously re-thought.


In a PVP match, emotions will always run high, often higher than high-end PVE. It's one thing to die to some nameless individual from the other side, whom you may never see again. It is something entirely different to die to someone that you not only know, but you interact with on a regular basis. Deaths from the same person probably happens the same amount with or without a guild member on the opposing side, but the perception that the person is singling you out may seem more apparent because you know them.


Republic versus Republic PVP is counter-intuitive and destructive to both morale and to camaraderie. It has so far also been destructive to our guild. We should be working together, NEVER working against each other. These issues I mention go even further when guildmates are opposed. Huttball is a "game" in title only as there are deaths involved.


Bioware, for the good of all guilds in the game, please remove In-Faction PVP. We've lost two great members because of it and I am getting to a point where I will start pushing my guildmates to boycott Huttball altogether until it stops.


It sounds like you didn't need though Crybabies in the first place. if you PVP, PVP happens get over it.

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If my guild mates couldn't handle being pulled into a fire (and stunned/spiked) in huttball they might as well stop playing games all together (or just grow up).


Removing same faction matches won't stop that sort of abuse anyway if you really are mean... A sorc can pull his own team into a fire (though not stun).

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No, please don't.


I face guildmates in huttball ALL THE TIME. Imperial Generals on Anchorhead pvp A LOT. We usually have 1-4 pvp premades running at all times.


Most of us are usually on vent, we always use different vent channels for premades, and if we by some miracle end up on one side we jump into same channel to coordinate with all 8 of us. This has never been a problem. I love seeing how I stack up against my guildmates.


Just be mature about it. It's just a friendly game. I don't throw the chess board at a friend if I'm losing. I don't get mad at my guildies either. I'm often heal specced Operative, they know that, they gun for me a lot. It's understandable. It's part of the game. I occasionally solo que and end up with my guild's premade on the other side. I do my best, will call someone a bastard in guild after they kill me, all in good fun. We all understand it's just a game, we never get mad at each other. I've seen messages in guild chat from a few guildies "I will eat your first born" after I kill them repeatedly in warzone/stop them from running a ball/or score. IT'S A JOKE. It's all in how you take it, I take as it was intended and tell them similar things.

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i don't heal ppl aim me in other match. i dun care if i lose coz i'm bitter.



i only pissed with my guildmates if they aiming me while i'm already lost 5-0. 7 other ppl to attack why aim me. chasing me whole map and wait at my spawn. cannot let guildies earn some medal?


i do pm them, say in guild chat before put them on ignore. i do not not heal them in ops. one of them is my own regular fp tank.

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I think you're all missing the point. We should never EVER be in this situation in the first place. Regardless of how snippy you think they were, the PVP element should never turn us on ourselves. And it's never two equally equipped/skilled groups, it always ends up being one person who is alone on the other side getting stomped by one or two VERY geared players. Just because it's not happening in your leet guild doesn't mean it's not happening. It's a legitimate point that needs to be discussed, not merely dismissed.


No, it's actually not a legitimate point that needs to be discussed, at all.

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I remember very good time when we had guildies at different teams in huttball. Once it was even premade vs premade -) Gave us a lot of good laughs.


I think people here take game way too serious. And in a bad way. Finding someone who is better than you is a challenge, not a curse.

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