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Your Opinion: Worst PvP Class/Spec


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Just want to see what everyone's thoughts were on which AC/Spec is the worst PvP class in the game at the moment.


My vote goes to DPS Commandos. Gunnery Commandos have no mobility, weak defenses, no interrupt and even when left alone their dps still can't come close to a good Sentinel or Sage. Any class with an interrupt (which is all of them except Commandos) can reduce a Gunnery Commandos dps to almost nothing. Maintaining Ammo in PvP is a pain for both Gunnery and Assault (more so for Assault).


Assault Commandos have slightly more mobility than Gunnery Commandos, but aside from that slight perk have the same weaknesses as Gunnery Commandos with the added perk of doing less damage than Gunnery.


Both Specs are essentially free kills for any melee class, Sage/Sorc, or well played Sniper/Slinger. I really don't see how a class that essentially needs its own personal healer and Guardian to be effective in PvP will be a top pick in rated WZs.

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Oh man. So many to compare. Hmmm.


If you're talking about compared to other classes/spec's that fill the same role then that's where I'll base my votes off of:


Juggs/Guards - Any spec, especially "tank" spec'd. Both vanguards and assassins (and mirrors obviously) are vastly superior in every way. The damage Juggs put out is meh at best, and their "survivability" is only ok. Control is decent, but vanguards and sins both have just as much utility while being able to function from range as well as melee when needed. Hands down the worst "can-tank" class to see on your team for anything OTHER than the occasional lulzy huttball cap.


Healer ops - Besides <30% surgical probe spamming lulz they are hands down the worst healer to have on your team. Piss poor energy mechanics (not their fault), squishy as all hell, NO utility (stealth is a joke). Sages and commando's are flat out more efficient (better resource mechanics by far as well), less squishy and have more utility to offer the team. I really feel sorry for healer ops.


Worst dpser... this one I can't decide on as I want to say sniper simply because they're harder to succeed with when people pay attention to them, however their dps when allowed to free-cast is really good to have on your team. So I guess sniper DEPENDING on the enemy team's competency level. Either their heavily disadvantaged, or they're decimating groups quickly.

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There are specs that just dont work in PvP. Stop trying to find the worst one and just pick the best one for your class...


I'm guessing reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. This thread is asking for people's opinions on the worst pvp classes/specs.

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Right now? Worst spec in the entire game? Has to be a tie between Lightning Sorcs, and AP Powertechs.


The last one is the one I have most experience, ****** dps + HAVE to be melee to do damage + have to use flamethrower as part of their rotation + No defence (except for 20% damage reduction while stunned)


Yea pretty much the worst...

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Oh man. So many to compare. Hmmm.


If you're talking about compared to other classes/spec's that fill the same role then that's where I'll base my votes off of:


Juggs/Guards - Any spec, especially "tank" spec'd. Both vanguards and assassins (and mirrors obviously) are vastly superior in every way. The damage Juggs put out is meh at best, and their "survivability" is only ok. Control is decent, but vanguards and sins both have just as much utility while being able to function from range as well as melee when needed. Hands down the worst "can-tank" class to see on your team for anything OTHER than the occasional lulzy huttball cap.


Healer ops - Besides <30% surgical probe spamming lulz they are hands down the worst healer to have on your team. Piss poor energy mechanics (not their fault), squishy as all hell, NO utility (stealth is a joke). Sages and commando's are flat out more efficient (better resource mechanics by far as well), less squishy and have more utility to offer the team. I really feel sorry for healer ops.


Worst dpser... this one I can't decide on as I want to say sniper simply because they're harder to succeed with when people pay attention to them, however their dps when allowed to free-cast is really good to have on your team. So I guess sniper DEPENDING on the enemy team's competency level. Either their heavily disadvantaged, or they're decimating groups quickly.


Jugg/Guards when played right have some of the highest PVP burst damage in the game. Seems there's a L2P issue here.

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Dirty Fighting scoundrel.




Also, Sawbones really aren't that terrible. They aren't Sages, of course, but they work well with a Sage and are more than capable of keeping people up with the UWM-EMP rotation or, on the move, hotting up a team while doing passable DPS (200k Damage as a pure Sawbones is my record, in a game I also got 375k healing. The sage with me did about 550k healing but only 30k damage so I considered it pretty much a tie between us in terms of overall usefulness - and it was a 20 point win on ACW.)

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Healer ops - Besides <30% surgical probe spamming lulz they are hands down the worst healer to have on your team. Piss poor energy mechanics (not their fault), squishy as all hell, NO utility (stealth is a joke). Sages and commando's are flat out more efficient (better resource mechanics by far as well), less squishy and have more utility to offer the team. I really feel sorry for healer ops.


Not sure if I'd agree with that, especially after 1.2. Sage and Commando resources are getting nerfed to hell.


Commandos have jack for utility and almost no defensive cooldowns (the bubble at a 2 minute CD), and their heavy armor doesn't do anything against force attacks.


Still have to wait to see how it plays, but I'd expect given their mobility that Sawbones will be in a much better position for PvP healing come 1.2.

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AP Powertech.


Of Specs that people actually play? Both DPS Commando options. All the turret mechanics of Marksman Snipers, barely any of the defenses.


Yeah, if they want DPS Commandos to be turrets we should at least have the defensive and utility kit given to Gunslingers.

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Commandos have jack for utility and almost no defensive cooldowns (the bubble at a 2 minute CD), and their heavy armor doesn't do anything against force attacks.



Oops! Someone doesn't understand the game mechanics.

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I play a rage spec jugg and i am always top damage and destroying people and i can always switch to tank stance and throw on a shield off hand and run the hutt ball. I crap on maruaders and pretty much anything one on one.


tank spec with tank gear in pvp is just useless though imo.

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Oh man. So many to compare. Hmmm.


If you're talking about compared to other classes/spec's that fill the same role then that's where I'll base my votes off of:


Juggs/Guards - Any spec, especially "tank" spec'd. Both vanguards and assassins (and mirrors obviously) are vastly superior in every way. The damage Juggs put out is meh at best, and their "survivability" is only ok. Control is decent, but vanguards and sins both have just as much utility while being able to function from range as well as melee when needed. Hands down the worst "can-tank" class to see on your team for anything OTHER than the occasional lulzy huttball cap.


Healer ops - Besides <30% surgical probe spamming lulz they are hands down the worst healer to have on your team. Piss poor energy mechanics (not their fault), squishy as all hell, NO utility (stealth is a joke). Sages and commando's are flat out more efficient (better resource mechanics by far as well), less squishy and have more utility to offer the team. I really feel sorry for healer ops.


Worst dpser... this one I can't decide on as I want to say sniper simply because they're harder to succeed with when people pay attention to them, however their dps when allowed to free-cast is really good to have on your team. So I guess sniper DEPENDING on the enemy team's competency level. Either their heavily disadvantaged, or they're decimating groups quickly.


Operative/Scoundrel healers are amazing, I truly wish I would have rolled one instead of my Commando. Their mobility and their heals is just amazing and in 1.2 they're only going to be getting better.

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Juggernaut tanks aren't that bad. Sure they don't do any damage, but even with a pve spec and gear I was really feeling useful when I started out pvping. I pushed out like 300k protection in one voidstar, and just generally kept the healers (as well as everyone else) alive. Sure it's rubbish compared to what an assassin can do, but it's not a broken spec by any means. Just worse than other tanks. Also, a jugg tank is hands down the best ballcarrier in the game.


Healer operatives, again, not bad at all. Great survivability in fact, and the most mobile healer in the game. I've got one running the ball with me most days and I really wouldn't trade that guy for anyone else. Huttball utility not on par with a sorcerer, but far above mercs, and for the other two warzones I'd say it's pretty level. Sorcs can top the charts easier maybe, but I still have no preference. Most of the best imp healers on my server seem to be operatives.


So now that I've defended two of the mentioned specs, I have to say AP pyrotechs must be the worst. It's so gimped I can't quite imagine what Bioware was thinking when they designed the tree.


But if we're talking about specs that people actually run with.. probably lightning sorcs. Not that they're a total pushover, but it's such a gimp spec when you compare to all the hybrid specs, and even full madness. Next patch we'll see a lot more of them as well... oh the horror.

Edited by Boissi
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lol if youre having problems with gunnery, which i understand to be the mirror of arsenal, then you arent going to succeed with any class/spec.


I want to say snipers/gunslingers in general. theyre only decent if given the opportunity to freecast. ive destroyed them on all of my toons

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AP Powertech, hands down, is the most broken PvP spec. Followed closely by Lethality Operatives.


This is the answer. You can take all of the other classes/specs mentioned and they don't even come close to how bad these 2 are in pvp. I say this having both classes at 50 and having tried both specs, and they are just so bad it's hard to imagine they got no real love in 1.2. I would follow this up with concealment operatives and their smuggler mirror, especially post 1.2.

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