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I don't like companions...


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Such a silly thing to say. For a MMO to have long term playability it needs to not only have certain systems included but it needs to give people the ability to make a choice on how they play.


It's the way that BioWare makes games, which is why I'm here. I didn't buy TOR to play an MMO; I bought it to play the new BioWare game. Its games have companions in them and they're important to the game. Saying that including companions damages MMO long-term playability doesn't even make sense. The play can choose how to play. You have six companions to choose from or you can actually group with another player and avoid companions altogether. This is an MMO, right?

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^ ^ ^ THIS


Whatever your stance on the utility of the companions, one can not possibly and objectively argue that STWOR's companions have the same level of depth as in Bioware's previous titles.


However the game is young, and should SWTOR live on for several years I can imagine the companions' emerging out of their current mediocre shell. But here is to hoping :p


Because this game is an MMO, certain changes were made to the formula that I think have tarnished and destroyed the BioWare formula. You can't talk to your companions at any time because they have the tiered conversation system to keep you playing, gathering companion affection, and spending money on gifts. It's a shame really. If only this were KotOR III...


I'd also be surprised to see them seriously expand on companions in the future. For the current companions to be improved, BioWare would need to bring back all 40 or so voice actors at a crazy cost. I just don't think it'll happen, not that I really care since I don't like most of the companions anyway.

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I've never gotten the complaint that companions don't heal well. I used Mako exclusively with my Merc and never had a problem with her not healing. Well, there were times she didn't like if I was out of LoS or range, so I used Ctrl-2 to draw her back, Ctrl-2 to put her off passive, and everything was dandy.


Hell, by the last few levels I was easily clearing Heroic 2+ quests. Now that I'm fifty and healer myself, I'm using Torian to just tear crap up. Dailies are cinch. Plus it's fun to have a second toon to gear/hold my DPS set. Companions are AWESOME!

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On my healer I took all his skills away except heals. So he heals and shoots his pistol that's all


Yeah, it took me awhile to figure that's what I had to do with healers. On Doc I turned of that steam thing he has, and with Guss Tuno I turned off that electric thing. Now both concentrate on healing. But like others have mentioned, if you take on too much damage too fast, they can't catch up. With my Jedi Guardian I have to make sure I constantly hit -- I forget the names of the skills--but they trigger armor/barrier bonuses, and I make sure I hit them as soon as the cooldown pops, otherwise he can't tank effectively against an elite mob.

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Companions are great, very helpful, and it's easy to like them because they have their stories also.

OP needs to find another issue to complain and troll about, whining about companions is like grasping at straws to say the least.

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Companions are a staple of Bioware games, if you don't like them then Bioware games in general are not for you.. /shrug Thats one thing that won me over with bioware games was the companions in Baldur's gates, I am glad they are here in Tor, and Dragon age, and Mass effect..:)
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I wouldn't be against bioware removing companions in field and keeping them on our ship full time and have them only appear for cutscenes. It would require just drastic retuning though, removal of silver level mobs and elites from all quests and quest areas, the 4-5 groups of standard/weak mobs reduced to 1-2 at most and the only enemies you fight, and a removal of all the stuns/knockbacks said mobs have... actually on second thought those are all incredibly good ideas that bioware should have done already.


Scrap the companions and/or implement the above please.

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i correct you here m8, BIOWARE´s companions in other BW games, KOTOR, specially DAO were amazing; you could talk to them at ANY TIME, PLAY with em to get into more conversations and even stat bonus ( ok that was KOTOR 2 and that one wasnt done by BW).

Companions in SWTOR are boring, get in the way of RP, were poorly implemented, dont add significant story for me to even care talk to them.

for me they r just crafting/collecting bots that are not in the same league from Carth Onasi, Bastilla Shan, Morrigan, Alistair, even the dog from DAO.


DAO companiopns were terrible.... and made a poor game unbeearable. Hey and BW just lifted the whole gift mechanic and threw it into TOR. all TOR is is rehashed BW games, and not very good ones at that.

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I like the companions, but their AI need alot of improvement. If their not melee, and you get into a fight, they just turn into a turret. And the healers, if you get out of range, they just stand there and watch you die. Sure you can put them on passive, and they will run to you, but why can't they do that on their own?
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Even before this game came out I disliked the idea of having to rely on companions in order to get things done, and now, three months later I STILL feel the same way..


You don't have to use them at all, I leveled a character to 50 without ever using a companion for anything but professions.


Posted about it here with links to videos for proof of concept, total played time at the end of it was less than 7 days with a fair bit of time idle doing profession stuff.

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Yeah, I turn off the auto-use of the abilities and just use them manually via keybinds. Much much more efficient. I'm used to playing piano with abilities so not a big deal to me.


Not saying great AI for companions wouldn't be nice, but they're just really abilities via proxy to me.

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