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ARENAS/Death match....NOW


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Arena would mess up class balance like it did in wow. Sure things are balanced in arena (sort of....) but in the other 2 areas of pvp, no. And I guess you have to look at, which of these areas would have more people aka paying customers playing, and I'm guessing it wouldn't be arenas. Other thing is with arena either they'd have to rebalance their classes a lot or they have to make it so you get no extra rewards from doing arena over other forms of pvp because I struggle to see how the average sniper would obtain the shiny new arena set as easily as inquisitor classes.


I do see where the arena guys are coming from though. I am so bored of the same 3 wz and if you are someone who plays in a premade I imagine ordinary wz are even more boring. Illum is heinous.


Different classes are better at different things. Warzones and Arena-style deathmatch games could coexist side-by-side.


I think that where WoW went wrong was trying to balance PvP around Arenas, because of the heavy focus that was being put on it due to the e-sport status. This led to imbalances in other areas of the game.


Different classes should be better at different things. They shouldn't get funneled into objective-based WZs all the time, where only certain classes can excel on certain maps. Classes that might not be great in an 8 man zerg can really shine in a 4v4 setting.


You don't need to balance solely around one area of PvP, because this is a RPG and the entire point of having different classes is to excel in different areas of the game.

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Different classes are better at different things. Warzones and Arena-style deathmatch games could coexist side-by-side.


I think that where WoW went wrong was trying to balance PvP around Arenas, because of the heavy focus that was being put on it due to the e-sport status. This led to imbalances in other areas of the game.


Different classes should be better at different things. They shouldn't get funneled into objective-based WZs all the time, where only certain classes can excel on certain maps. Classes that might not be great in an 8 man zerg can really shine in a 4v4 setting.


You don't need to balance solely around one area of PvP, because this is a RPG and the entire point of having different classes is to excel in different areas of the game.


This ^

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Yes please. I liked arenas because small scale engagements are more fun to me than a big zerg fest where individual player skill doesn't matter.


There's no reason both arenas and WZs can't exist. Just don't balance pvp around arenas, and the game should be fine.

Edited by Smashbrother
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lol. arenas are a failed experiment that went on way too long.




season 10 participation was down 90% from what it was in season 3.


i'm guessing people got tired of chasing FOTM comps



if anyone thinks this game will ever see arena then I suggest you put the pipe down...

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lol. arenas are a failed experiment that went on way too long.




season 10 participation was down 90% from what it was in season 3.


i'm guessing people got tired of chasing FOTM comps



if anyone thinks this game will ever see arena then I suggest you put the pipe down...


Indeed, Blizzard themselves said that if they knew that they knew now they'd have never implemented arena's.

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Who cares what Rob Pardo thought 3 years ago? Arenas were very popular since its introduction and a lot of people had a blast with it. The only reason why participation is so bad now is because they don't care about it anymore, they don't fix problems or leave it till it's too late and haven't made any significant balance changes since very early in the expansion. Balancing has been a huge issue because of the way the game is designed and they don't want to separate the PvE and PvP functions of abilities to confuse new players. You don't have to achieve perfect balance but you want enough to keep players happy and an active participating community.


Keep spewing bs though, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about and are just riding a hate train. Also, PvE has rarely ever been affected because of a PvP change (at least since after BC), it is almost always the other way around.

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I bet your one of those people who are so bad that you can't play objective based games....so many noobs going for kills instead of objective.


it is so hard to imagine that some simply do not LIKE such objectives? the fact that someone likes deathmatch does not imply being too stupid to play objectives.


but that one concludes such stupid things could be understand in such a way :rolleyes:

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Yes please. I liked arenas because small scale engagements are more fun to me than a big zerg fest where individual player skill doesn't matter.


There's no reason both arenas and WZs can't exist. Just don't balance pvp around arenas, and the game should be fine.


this is my opinion.


i like warzones for the diversity but i am and always was an open world pvp'ler and 3on3 or 2on2 arena pvp'ler. actually arenas is the only type of pvp that could hold me for a longer period of time attached to a game.

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Indeed, Blizzard themselves said that if they knew that they knew now they'd have never implemented arena's.


He's talking about season 10. You're talking about something that was said in season 1.


You're also taking it completely out of context, just like everyone else who mentions that quote.

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E-sports suck.


Bring back roaming PvP and base wars.


^^^^^ THIS!!


What seperates the Open World RvR/PvP Roaming Guilds / Groups from Arena PvPers is the Open World Groups NEVER know what they are going to run into, be it another guild group or a zerg.


The ability to kill 75 people with an 8 man has always impressed me waaaaayyy more than a simple Arena 3vs 3 ever would.

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Simple Solution, have it offer no rewards or gear. Maybe a few titles and a ranking system.


And srsly the ones who are like "NO NO ARENA'' are obviously the baddies who got stomped in whatever game they played before ToR.


I for one would love to see some ranking so i dont have to group with people who arent skilled at games. I hate being dragged down by people that think they're good.


If I only had a nickel for every time some ego-centric poster tries to tell us how super awesome he is at PvP, I'd have a bunch of nickels.

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He's talking about season 10. You're talking about something that was said in season 1.


You're also taking it completely out of context, just like everyone else who mentions that quote.


No, no I didn't.


"We didn't engineer the game and classes and balance around it, we just added it on, so it continues to be very difficult to balance." - Rob Pardo


Just adding it on, is exactly what these arena posts keep asking for, "gif arena naw, we demanded it!!!1". They want it tacked on, and done now, "else me and every1 will the quit".

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What in gods name is taking so long?



BW make a 150m * 250m room and let us do the rest.


Afraid your game can't stack up balance wise?




Step 1. Buy Sparkle Powder.


Step 2. Use Sparkle Powder on self.




Step 4. Proceded to ignore all objectives in huttball except for sparkle powder death match midfield.


Step 5. Probably lose the game, but be satisfied with the fun of sparkle powder death matches.


Bonus points: fight entirely with the camera zoomed into first person.

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Arena takes for more skill than some objective based ********.



Since when?

Arena is about class setup.Nothing else.


If i am wrong then go reach 2400+ with balance druid and destro warlock,2v2.


Keep e-sports and the rated rubbish to Dota 2 and Starcraft.MMORPG is the WORST platform for that.

Edited by Kaedusz
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i really dont have a problem with arenas, but i do hope that bioware doesnt give in and add them 'just because wow has them'.


i am a much bigger fan of objective based pvp.. if you really hunger for dm go play a game designed specifically for that type of game play. the performance and balance will be superior to anything you find in an mmo.

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this game, in its present form, cannot handle zerg battles. why, I don't know.


I'm not a technical guy but I call it as I see it.


oh and 1v1 is hardly skill in most cases, you tab target and hit a button sequence --plus if you have better gear you have an advantage.


it's like a dj that goes up on stage and presses play on his laptop and dances around pressing buttons and turning dials acting like he's some musical genius, and everyone applauds him. the emperor wears no clothes and all that.

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Arenas - kill this guy...kill him now...kill him now. game over


Objectives at least involve more strategy. And they incorporate the "hard" parts of arenas, such as coordinating CCs and good positioning.


This strat results in 1500 rating.


No one wins like this. Arenas are more skilled then objective pvp....


people who don't want arenas are the ones who were never able to excel at it...everyone who supports it, did well and had fun with it.

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This strat results in 1500 rating.


No one wins like this. Arenas are more skilled then objective pvp....


people who don't want arenas are the ones who were never able to excel at it...everyone who supports it, did well and had fun with it.


^ this. Even if they did implement arenas, no one if forcing the nay sayers to play them. If you don't like arenas then simply avoid them. What are you afraid of? That warzones will go deserted? Are the BGs deserted in WoW? No. You're precious objective based PvP will remain played and in tact. You can't really give me any good reason for no arenas and deathmatch other than "I don't like it". Sorry, that's not gonna cut it.

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^^^^^ THIS!!


What seperates the Open World RvR/PvP Roaming Guilds / Groups from Arena PvPers is the Open World Groups NEVER know what they are going to run into, be it another guild group or a zerg.


The ability to kill 75 people with an 8 man has always impressed me waaaaayyy more than a simple Arena 3vs 3 ever would.


DAOC is dead guys. This game will never be a substitute for it. It was never meant to be. Stop drowning your sorrows in the past. Adapt or be left behind.

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This strat results in 1500 rating.


No one wins like this. Arenas are more skilled then objective pvp....


people who don't want arenas are the ones who were never able to excel at it...everyone who supports it, did well and had fun with it.


I'd be in the arena all day myself. I simply don't enjoy the current WZ's much.

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