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Poll: Which Top Priority? - Content (from 1.2 Onwards) or Server Merges/Transfers?


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Even though i live on high population server (prolly highest eu pve) i vote: 1.

I have so many people joining my guild who were forced to abandon multiple high lvl characters on dead servers, that i can't help feeling sorry for them. The person who decided server merge tool doesn't need to be ready within 2 months of game launch should definatelly be fired. Can't even imagine how many subs they lost because of it.

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I would have to go with 1: merge servers or offer character transfers


I come from a standard server so it's not really an issue for me, but to the many others stuck on a constant light server I can feel your pain.


Yes new content will bring some new players to the game, but where do you think they'll go to play? NOT the light servers, they'll probably pick the more heavily populated servers, leaving the light servers still in the same situation.


Yes new content will bring back some of the old players, but what happens when they finish that new content? They'll leave again to wait for the next content to come out leaving the same effect as before.


It's a never ending cycle that needs to be stopped. With server merges or transfers, even if people leave till new content comes out at least the ones staying with the game will still have people to play with.

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Server merges is THE biggest issue in this game that is in dire need of attention right now! This issue is now adversely affecting servers that had healthy populations. The past few nights there have been 1/2 hour queues on Fatman at 10:30pm because of all the rerolls.
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So heres a thought....why don't the people who want sever transfers, make a brand new character/class altogether on a more populated sever and play that one until transfers? This way...your


1. Not bored


and 2. You get to go through a whole new class/story


As for my vote, im indifferent now.


And squander away the 20 legacy levels I have? Please. I play the dead server and whine to the 3 other people on the planet for kill-stealing my mob and forcing me to wait for respawn :p

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content so they don't need mergers.


Though really, they're completely separate things. The people making levels and doing voice acting aren't usually the same people who would write server transfer tools.

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There is a lot of debate in the community about server population. Any insight on how you guys feel about the population distribution?


JO: We always take feedback from the community and from all kinds of different sources like our telemetry metrics, and take it very seriously. When we hear that from the community, we are listening. We have the plan to allow for character transfers in the future. The legacy system actually is another reason why character transfer is becoming more important. It is one of our biggest priorities right now; that and group finder are essentially are biggest priorities coming in the near future after Update 1.2.


Is there any discussion of merging servers or adding incentives to move players to low pop servers?

JO: No, we’re not going to. Merging servers is not something we are looking at. We have a very healthy game right now, so that is not something we are looking at in the near future. We're always going to look at ways to make sure a server is healthy. There are a whole bunch of different ways you can do that. We're discussing them. We want to make sure players feel like there are enough players on their server to play with.



Doesn't look as if merges will happen going by the comments from the Q&A session at Pax. I will update the results shortly.

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What a dumb *** question. Like as if BW has two guys working in texas and they can only commit to do one thing at a time. What if *shock* both happen within a week of each other? Think before you post.


I guess you haven't been following this game since December. I doubt anyone at BW could walk and chew gum at the same time at this point.

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I guess you haven't been following this game since December. I doubt anyone at BW could walk and chew gum at the same time at this point.


Oh? What's that? Someone without a single bit of working experience in the computer field criticizing the developer of the game they no longer enjoy? Thank you for the new and refreshing experience of having to listen someone talk about something they know nothing about. That's never happpened to me before and it feels like I've just had my eyes opened for the first time about people. Carry on.

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There is a lot of debate in the community about server population. Any insight on how you guys feel about the population distribution?


JO: We always take feedback from the community and from all kinds of different sources like our telemetry metrics, and take it very seriously. When we hear that from the community, we are listening. We have the plan to allow for character transfers in the future. The legacy system actually is another reason why character transfer is becoming more important. It is one of our biggest priorities right now; that and group finder are essentially are biggest priorities coming in the near future after Update 1.2.


Is there any discussion of merging servers or adding incentives to move players to low pop servers?

JO: No, we’re not going to. Merging servers is not something we are looking at. We have a very healthy game right now, so that is not something we are looking at in the near future. We're always going to look at ways to make sure a server is healthy. There are a whole bunch of different ways you can do that. We're discussing them. We want to make sure players feel like there are enough players on their server to play with.



Doesn't look as if merges will happen going by the comments from the Q&A session at Pax. I will update the results shortly.


Did they really call this game healthy? They do realize they're working on Star Wars the Old Republic and not Mass Effect 3 don't they?

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Oh? What's that? Someone without a single bit of working experience in the computer field criticizing the developer of the game they no longer enjoy? Thank you for the new and refreshing experience of having to listen someone talk about something they know nothing about. That's never happpened to me before and it feels like I've just had my eyes opened for the first time about people. Carry on.


Tony obviously you don't know much regarding the Gaming/IT industry from your narrow minded approach. As I am sure there are many sub teams that are working on server moves / mergers within Bioware and not 1 single Team/Area. UI developers will be needed for the call center support people to implement server moves, even call center scripts will need to be updated if you decide to do it via phone.


Technical Database Engineers will need to build out the correct SQL scripts or whatever database system they are using for the 'server trasnfer client' that the support teams will use. im sure some form of java developers will need to build out a client / tool that will allow the support teams to move people easily.


Web Developers for the web Frontend to select a character transfer. Graphic designers for the web sites front end interface too.... needless to say do you really think that there is only '1' single team working on server transfers.... narrow minded. Resources will get moved about from project to project. Some of the work on the server transfers might have a knock on effect on some of the bug fixes, content that some of the other teams are trying to implement..


Trolling is Trolling. Its a poll for priority, nothing more nothing else, but by all means... 'Carry on'.

Edited by Calenei
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