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MMO vets what do you think Of Sw TOR


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I started playing MMOs in the mid-90s with a game called Tibia. PvP in that game was truly nerve wracking because when you die you end up losing a percentage of your total experience you've ever gained and you have a good chance to drop some of your gear as well. I doubt that today's gamers would find that fun though, people want progression and if they were to grind for weeks to get an item they lost due to someone killing them, they'd just get pissed off.


My experience in this game has been quite positive from launch until now.


I play to PvP, I really dislike PvE because it's too predictable. I must say that Bioware deserves props for the PvE levling up storyline. This has been the only game that I've ever played that was actually entertaining to level up in.


My end game experience has been good for the most part. I would like to see more pvp-oriented end-game content but it's already almost here and the game is still quite new. I'm used to MMOs being updated with new content on a far less frequent basis, so to see new content be delivered so quickly gives me really high hopes for the future of this game.


I think if I were to complain about anything, it's be the little bugs like random client crashes and rubber-banding, but these kinds of bugs exist with all games in the beggining so I don't think that complaining about it achieves anything more than venting a bit of frustration.

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I think a lot of people forget the bugs that were out when this game was brand new. They've hammered out A LOT of the bugs that made the game irritable.


I can play hours on end every night and not have to deal with bugs now. I'm successful in PvP and can't wait for 8-man queues to make PvP even more fun (no more blaming terrible pugs).


PvE is great. Our guild is 8/10 nightmare mode and most of the bugs involved with PvE have been hammered out or are easy work around.


What is not to like about this game?


Only thing I ever here is... Gear progression sucks.. And that T2 & T3 are too close in stats.


Honestly, that doesn't bug me at all. MMORPG's are about being rewarded for your time, not being rewarded for hitting max level.

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WoW - 4 years (4 yrs quit after BC)

WAR -2 years

Aion - 1 year

RoM - 1 year


in 2009 started to follow GW2. All MMO's have been filler for GW2 since then, I started all of the following games with this in mind.


GW1 - 1.5 years(got 30/50 HoM points and quit)

WoW Cata - 1 year


SW:TOR - Played since release, sub runs out Apr. 22, wont resub, havent played in a few days. I have 2 50's one of each faction and about 4 level 30ish toons.


SW:TOR has good story, i will give it that. I have done only a few HM dungeons and the PVE is just like every other MMO, Tank/Heal/DPS/dont stand in stuff.


My guild of 4 spend most of our time PVPing which is ok in SW:TOR but nothing new, i will say that i am one of the few that like Huttball because its different. Open world PVP is all but dead and Ilum was a huge disaster anyway.


I would have quit this game even without GW2 on the horizon. After you're done with your personal story its just WoW with lightsabers and less depth. Granted WoW has been around for, what?, 7 years and blizzard has had time to perfect PVE. SW:TOR has potential and i think it will sustain enough subs to break even but thats about it. There arent enough hardcore starwars nerds(not that you have to be a starwars freak to like swtor) to turn the profit Bioware thought they would.



SW:TOR has potential and they are patching in some good stuff in every patch. But it doesnt do PVE as good as WoW and it doesnt do PVP as good as GW2 will. Its just a clone of many MMOs with tired ideas but flashy light sabers.


So if you like gear ladders and fresh(but similar) PVE content on a regular basis play WoW. If you like competitive PVP and fresh ideas and a company that is willing to break the 10 yr MMO mold play GW2. If you like the starwars universe and good story telling play SW:TOR.

Edited by phluke
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EQ 3 years COH 5, Eve 1, WOW 2, SWG 1, UO 1, 8 others < 0.5


Hate to say it but WoW was the only one with a rich realm PvP *and* warzone PvP. Hate FFA silliness, but realm v. realm in the wilds is fine.


Which is sad here because they reskinned WoW so closely...except for the PvP.

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UO, SWG, Lineage 2, EQ2, AoC, warhammer, Aion, Rift


Overall I enjoy the game, but I do wish they had spent another year developing it. It just feels like that they didn't take advantage of everything the star wars universe has to offer. I'm def more of a pvp'r than a pve'r and just felt a lil let down in that department. I love WZ's though and play them everyday. I feel that open world pvp could of been amazing with this game, but still hoping that it will be in the future.

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SWTOR is a small console game and a wasted opportunity, the planets outside of the starter ones are empty and PvP is a rotation of 3 warzones, soon to be 4 which should have been at least 3 times as many for launch and should certainly have several introduced for 1.2 after making illum irrelevant.


Its super easy mode with one stat per class, free gear, heal gear = dps gear and crit covers all the bases, god forbid people having to plan, build and sacrifice for a specific role


In spite of all the whining on these forums balance isnt bad though.


Im hoping SOE dont screw up planetside 2 and is essentially just an update on the original.

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I played Meridian before moving on to Ultima Online > EQ > DaoC > ...


Everything you can find in SWToR, you can find better versions of in other mmos.


Normal PvE, much better in EQ, UO or even Rift, seeing an npc tell you to kill 10 guards instead of reading it, doesnt really make thatm uch differance.


Instances, i dont like th game, but theres no denying WoW probably have the best raids, HM and NM mode of instances is lazy crap programing though.


PvP, DaoC, SB, AC, UO..pretty much every game that doesnt copy WoW PvP is better, SW PvP should be massive, instead its confined to repetative warzones (FPS mapped PvP is NOT the way to go for MMORPGS!)

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Well I go back to uo eq daoc


So basically everything has pretty much stunk since then


This game is entertaining I will give it that. And I do like the class stories, so I guess really they accomplished their point


But the game sadly falls into the wow category of EZ mode and with every patch it gets more and more ez mode

Welfare gear, raiding is an absolute joke, levelling is not 300 hours at all or even remotely close


There are no goals


I dont blame them they want to make money, so you pick the everyone can get everything without effort mode. And you will capture 90% of the market



This dude nailed it. Too easy of a game to be honest. Where is the challenge? All of the raids have simplistic boss mechanics and the hardmodes are just a gear/dps check. PVP is a grind that rewards you for participating, you don't even need skill if you have enough man hours to get the same exact rewards as the players who take pride in their gear.


For me the 1.2 patch is the killer. I modded my BM gear so that I could hit optimal stats, didn't keep the old mods, and now i find out i can't trade my modded BM gear for WH gear? So I need to regrind BM stuff? No thanks.


I think that this game can/will be great, but right now it's just not the right game for me.

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DAoC has the best PvP of any MMO out...and has been out for 10 years now...my account is still active and I still love playing DAoC.


That being said....the first MMO company that decides to copy DAoC's RvR model for a new MMO will capture 99.9% of all the serious MMO PvP players worldwide.


I like Star Wars and I believe it has a chance to be great, but imo they must put in a Open World PvP zone that you do not have too que for...then we can have guild vs guild battles, small mans roaming, 1 vs 1's, and massive zerg battles as well.


There has to be objectives (NON GEAR BASED) for this open world pvp to thrive, a relic system that grants more damage if your side holds the relic, or more xp or fasting crafter timers...there HAS to be something to get the "casual pvpers" fighting in open world. Myself? Ill pvp for no incentives if I have too because thats my favorite part of MMO's.

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I've played Shadowbane, CoH, GW, EVE, and WoW. I think I'm a pretty average player, not noob but not hardcore. I PvP and PvE. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't Star Wars first off. I like the classes and the abilities, I wish there was more pvp and open world, I think the Flashpoints are cool. I wish there was more perks for being in a guild. Overall I really like it but I don't love it...yet. I'm having fun, that's what counts right?
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UO - 6 months

EQ - 3 years

DAOC - 3 years

City of Heros - 1 month (wow, that game sucked!)

WOW - 7 years


In every game I've played, with the exception of UO and CoH, I've been in one of the top PvE guilds on my servers. In DAoC, I had a RR6 Champion and two RR5 Mentalists. In WOW, I played a Hunter (so no gladiator titles for me) and earned the Of The Horde title and fell just a little short of The Bloodthirsty (250k kills) due to the game just sucking.


SW has failed, thus far:


- failed at crafting (allowing Biochem and Cybertch to be top dog for so long is awful)

- done a SPLENDID job of making you enjoy your character in solo PvE/leveling

- humped the bunk on world PvP

- and has done a shoddy job of WZs and end game PvE


The thing is, though, BW delivered EXACTLY what they promised in giving us a story driven MMO. There is a lot of story to enjoy and there aer a lot of people playing it. The rest, though, is what is really killing the experience. Between the bugs, ability lag, indifferences between Repub and Imp animation delays, THREE different changes to how you obtain PvP gear, and Operations being nothing more than Flashpoints with 4 more people, its just kind of bland.


I really kind of think of SWTOR like I think of the food you see on fast food commercials. You see the big plump steamy hamburgers and they look great. Then you actually order one and they're flat, sometimes stale,a nd often soggy from sitting under a heat lamp. Sure, you got the same burger that they showed, but they've failed to deliver the expectations.


Perhaps we're all just overly critical of this game because it is Star Wars and, for those with the history, a Bioware game. Regardless of that, though, they've got a lot of work to do.

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DAoC has the best PvP of any MMO out...and has been out for 10 years now...my account is still active and I still love playing DAoC.


That being said....the first MMO company that decides to copy DAoC's RvR model for a new MMO will capture 99.9% of all the serious MMO PvP players worldwide.


Hit the nail on the head here without question


I honestly have no idea why no gaming company can recreate this. Anyone who played back then knows that their pvp (rvr) was incomporable. It was simply the best and that should have been the industry standard instead we have been putting up with crap for 8 years +

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WoW - 6 Months in BG

WAR - 3 Years

Aion - 1 Year


I've just start playing SWTOR about a month ago, but so far I'm loving it. However, just looking at what's provided for endgame I can tell I will be rolling quite a few alts on both sides to keep myself busy.


Crafting I really like. It might not have the same depth or usefulness as Aion did, but as someone with kids and strange work hours I like that I can set and forget about it.


Coming from WAR I'm a little disappointed by the lack of open world PvP, but I think we can all admit PvP is more of a niche playerbase than PvE. The WZs have been an absolute blast. Huttball is great when you're an imp player. One of the frustrations I had with WAR was if you wanted quick pops in scenarios you pretty much had to roll on whatever side was FOTM. Led to way too many alts.


The PvP combat is fun. Fights last a good amount of time, the classes seem pretty balanced, and my Pyro Merc is engaging enough. Could use a little more depth maybe. One thing I would like to see is a 10% increase on movement speed across the board: it just seems a little slow.


The thing is, though, BW delivered EXACTLY what they promised in giving us a story driven MMO. There is a lot of story to enjoy and there aer a lot of people playing it. The rest, though, is what is really killing the experience. Between the bugs, ability lag, indifferences between Repub and Imp animation delays, THREE different changes to how you obtain PvP gear, and Operations being nothing more than Flashpoints with 4 more people, its just kind of


This. The story is just stellar. In WoW, WAR, and Aion I could really care less what my character was doing while leveling. SWTOR engages me, immerse me, and makes me care. Some of the people I know who have dropped the game admitted to spacebarring through the cutscences on their first time through, just like some people I know who dropped WAR didn't do any oRvR. Every game has a focus and if that main focus doesn't jive with you, then there is nothing the devs can do to please you. The game's just not for you.


I see myself staying here for a very long time. SWTOR is very squarely aimed at providing a good experience for more casual players and as someone with kids this is perfect.

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Every day it feels more and more cramped.

Not sure how long I can play the same 3 Wz

over and over no matter how good they are.


I was part of Rubkai's premier NT AOE bombing

squads back in the day... Good times


When I picked Jedi Guardian I thought

I was going to be like an enforcer in pvp

lol was I wrong.


Nothing will every feel as magical as

Anarchy Online in it's heyday to me.

Edited by VoidJustice
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I think SWTOR warzones are the most fun instanced PVP in a long time. Open world PVP really needs a rework which Bioware has already agreed on.


PvE is the same as every other mmo at launch. EASY. I cant think of a single mmo that launched with ridiculously challenging raids. It's always best to introduce your playerbase to the game mechanics in a not so punishing way. Then you slowly add more challenging content. SWTOR is no different.




PVP ~ 7/10


PvE ~ 7/10


Story ~ 9/10


Immersion ~ 8/10


Graphics ~ 7/10


Animations ~ 8/10


Fun Factor ~ 8/10


Overall my score on the current state of SWTOR? 8/10

Edited by xNonphixionx
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Hit the nail on the head here without question


I honestly have no idea why no gaming company can recreate this. Anyone who played back then knows that their pvp (rvr) was incomporable. It was simply the best and that should have been the industry standard instead we have been putting up with crap for 8 years +


Not pvp related, and I agree with you, but there is one thing even more exciting than well-done pvp and that is live invasions.


I have seen precisely two since UO came out. I am not talking the crap City of Heroes ones which aren't live but rather just temporary spawn point that las for a week or two.


I mean one, which was a dragon invasion in UO, with dragons pushing up the beach to the city.


The other was in EQ when they opened the first expansion pack (I think, was long ago also) where this dark elf army swept throuh zone after zone.


People in both cases got slaughtered left and right, awesome things dropped, but best of all, you felt something was happening, for the first time.


Imagine you were on the big space station and Darth Malik sweeps in with a dozen champ assistants. Boy that would wake people up.


The standard objection is that it upsets people, but so what? I'll join that server over a static one any freakin' day.

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Oh tea, indeed..biggest downfall is the armor designing in this game ...they just cant do it right.


I would have been so much happier if they just took the lv40 PvP gear sets and made them look slightly more "epic" for lv50 sets.


Instead, I look like a space ant w/ a flamethrower.

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