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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


Couldn't agree more. After seeing what 1.2 had to offer, I just quit. I was umm'ing and arr'ing over it for ages. 1.2. sealed the deal for me. Sad to say.


I bought the CE and was hoping to play this for years to come. I just feel like I've completed KOTOR 3 and now it's time for something else.

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Yes because playing the game is fun. I'm a perfectionist in RL because my job says I have to be. Video games? Not a priority unless it is horrible to play or is utterly monotonous (think STO.) This game is neither. The new UI made a world of difference for my combat effectiveness and I haven't even had a chance to fully explore end game, the Legacy system or PvP yet - still gearing up for HMs. As a 20 hr/week player there's more than enough to keep me entertained and coming back, and the in-game community is great. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Unsubbed last night.


The changes in 1.2 were nice. The changes to PvE healing for sorc (my main) was not. I'm all for changing around classes and all that, but to make my char the worst healer in the game is a bit much.


Even with this in mind, I could keep playing if I found the game to be fun ... but I don't anymore. Collecting twenty different types of commendations, running dailies, etc - isn't fun. Getting smashed in PVP as a sorc healer isn't fun and isn't rewarding.


The only fun I had in this game was with the operations. Now that my class is a liability to the other healers, I've lost the drive to keep playing.


Till next time Bioware.

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Already unsubbed, bought a 6 - month sub as I give every new game that long at launch, it runs out in July & it remains to be seen if 1.2 has enough in it to hold my interest until 1.3 which will be the deciding factor in my resubbing.
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I enjoy the game, so I'll keep playing.


If there's anything I'd rate as a concern it'd be the bugs and the non-existent regression testing.


That's not enough to make me stop playing though as things are mostly improving.


Besides, as people like to forget even the 500-pound gorilla of the MMO genre were very buggy under the first part of its existence.

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the 1.2 pvp changes have effected my game considerably


I have also lost a few good friends due to the pvp changes

right now im thinking whether i should renew or not


Yup. Right there. I dropped my subscription down to monthly. Going to give them a few patches to see if they realize what kind of mistake they've made. I don't have much faith though, given some manager made this decision, and the fact that he/she is most likely a no talent bum who can't afford to admit a mistake. So corporations go nowadays. Read Atlas Shrugged, the looters are truly in charge now.


Is Guild Wars 2 out yet?

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I am still having fun with the game. I have all 8 slots filled with one each of the class types. I really enjoy the class story lines of the characters, so there is still plenty to do in game as far as I am concerned. I sub for 3 months at a time and plan to continue to do so. There is no other game out that has this type of story line and while the other quests are repetitive the class quests are new and I haven't gotten all 8 classes to 50 yet, although I have 2 there and a couple others in the 40s.


Sure the end game is somewhat lacking and they are making a few mistakes along the way. Point to any other MMO that didn't have a lack of end game content 4 months after release, didn't make mistakes along the way and didn't have repetitive type quests in game. Just one example is all I ask from all the QQ crowd. Then point to one MMO that has the VO/cut away feel of a stand alone PC game. Best of both worlds and it's Star Wars ffs.

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let's see,

reasons why i canceled my account and why i don't want to reactivate it.


1. No actual pvp on this game. i joined a pvp server and since lvl25 or so till 50lvl i killed 15-20 people only. large areas in planets, empty with 10 people only around.

2. warzones are consider to be a farming gear terrain. too repeatable, the new wz map is a cornfield with rocks and you need to stand in front of a monitor to capture 2 points oO nothing unique there.

3. This game is a pve game, but the servers are empty 2 months now i can't find people to play a FP

4. Rerolled other classes, done that, great storyline but i was pressing space button most of the times just to get 50lvl faster.

5. The legacy system is just a "fashional" feature doesn't improve the gameplay or it's fixes the existing problems.

5. No open world pvp , no reps vs imps fights anywhere. no fortresses, no sieges, no war!

this is not the old republic trailer concept of war.



they chose to add pets and "silk furs lipsticks" etc etc fashion stuff useless to our problems mentioned thousands of times in forums.

they do not merge servers which is a more important issue than launching legacy system.

they do not have a pvp plan

they do not have an good art design team to create something nice and SW themed.

they did not launch Ranked pvp.

they added more crafting items but guess what, weapons still need biometric crystal alloy which is only gathered at FP where we can't play ( low population)

They did not add a LFG tool that will help us find groups to play.


i can think of more things to complain but i think those are enough.

a person with a basic understanding will conclude that those reasons are enough to cancel his account.

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Already unsubbed, bought a 6 - month sub as I give every new game that long at launch, it runs out in July & it remains to be seen if 1.2 has enough in it to hold my interest until 1.3 which will be the deciding factor in my resubbing.


Same situation here. Mine runs out this July ( Aug with the 30 day free play time? ) and unless there are some big changes in the game to help me experence the end game content which fits into my time schedule, cannot see resubbing. In other words, they donot add a cross server LFG tool for PVE by then, I am gone.

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Yes im staying subbed


Why? Because its not wow, its star wars, its bioware and i enjoy the game.


Its that simple


it's obvious that you do not want to overthink this.

you just want to play something and have some fun.

you don't care that much for the terrible looks of new gears, the cancelation of ranked or the total absence of pvp, the reduction of population on servers which are not yet merged. you consider pvp to be just warzones. simply because they gave you chicken, told you it tastes like chicken and you do not complain. Chose to follow the mass. you are a part of the mass.

Game devs toss you some new craft gear, pets, emotes and you are happy.


I'm sure you watched the same trailers as we all did when the game started.






i'm 100% sure you want to have a similar pvp experience, there is a big IF and WHEN this will happen.

but when people like you don't question or complain don't expect millionare companies who are capable for anything to push their professionalism to our likes.


cheers o/

Edited by kantnerfme
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I am currently subscribed for 3 more months, but my interest is waning.


Legacy failed to deliver for me. I was under the very mistaken impression that unlocks were obtained either with Legacy level or a large amount of credits, now that the system is here I'm incredibly disappointed to find out that it's both legacy level AND a huge sum of credits.


Personal thing here, and I may be wrong, but I'm a tad insulted that after giving Bioware a large sum of cash for the Collector's Edition, the CE vendor FINALLY gets something new and it requires a large sum of credits... 200k for a Tauntaun pet. Like I said, maybe it's a personal issue, but I feel the CE vendor should have mostly free or at the very least signficantly cheap items. 200k is ridiculous.


My Jedi Knight Campaign gear.... What the heck... I won't dock them too hard since I can move the mods out to gear that looks like something a JK would actually wear (oh and perhaps most importantly of all, doesn't include the giant bubble butt that still plagues male Jedi Knights) but come on... Fire the art team if they think that even remotely looks good. Suppose I could play my Sage... Oh wait, apparently all Consulars go back to the stoneage and put on gear that I may see on Barney Rubble...


I can finally go directly from the planet to my ship... Sadly I still have to travel through an annoying space station to reach the planet from my ship.


On the plus side, my friends still play this game, and the rakhghoul event is entertaining for now. As my subscription renewal date gets closer (I originally paid for 6 months, figured that would be plenty of time to see the quality of patches and decide if I wanted to stay subscribed) I will continue to decide whether or not to let it renew or to cancel. Currently, I'm leaning towards cancel as the game is still lacking imo. It's a good game, don't get me wrong, but I see the potential for a great game and frankly, that's what I'm expecting.

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Yes im staying subbed


Why? Because its not wow, its star wars, its bioware and i enjoy the game.


Its that simple


Sounds about right. I wanted a Star Wars game I could play cooperatively with my wife. This game meets that intent. If another did it for less or free and was enjoyable, we'd play it.

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I had mixed feelings a couple of months ago but after the guild summit, the changes in 1.2 and the notion that they are taking steps in the right direction (with regards to Role Playing, open world feeling, world interaction, competitive PvP, endgame posibilites...) my answer is YES. So please, update my previous post in the current thread.


Of course, they've still got loads of stuff to improve a/o implement but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, at least until summer.

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i have 2 lvl 50's and 4 lvl 30+ not that I like leveling that much its more I hate standing about for 3 hours or more waiting to find a team to do FP HM. I still have not completed all the FP's even though i spend 30 hours + a week playing.


The end game is nonexistent,


1.2 is a fail baubles and bangles for the natives. They spent so many resources giving us trivial skills rather then address the real problems.

The Rakghoul event has ended up with groups of players standing in groups for hours on Carrick spreading plague for DNA. A great step forward for gaming the excitement of standing still.

The first sunday afternoon after 1.2 release I was in the Blackhole and there was only 7 players there and non wanted to do the new FP HM.

I completed the Rakghoul dailys and bought the random companion customization and received and Sith warrior one, brilliant i am Republic and we can not even trade with Imps. 2 hours wasted my only reward is frustration and amazement at how crap the design team really are.


I would really like the game to be a success so much of it is excellent but it fails to entertain as a MMO so im out

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