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    Gaming and hitting people with sticks
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    Hire software developers
  1. I appreciate that. I have gone to all the spots and none of them are highlighted for the 2nd one. I have completed this on several other characters but this one and one other one are stuck at this same point.
  2. This is the second character this has happened on. I have relogged, ported to my ship, to fleet and to Odessen. Nothing is making the second keystone light up so I can interact/collect it. Screenshot below. https://self1622.sharefile.com/d-s1630db1045d64cf282f5a4d96be0b597
  3. With Theron... yeah well... spoiler alert... The Alliance could really use Mako back.
  4. Wait... people paid for the security key? You know there is an app for that...
  5. If you want this game to grow instead of stagnating you should be bumping up these types of requests into your Dev queue instead of continuing to monitor them. Hopefully in the meantime you are working on revamping the game engine so it isn't so limiting with what should be simple feature adds.
  6. Nevermind, I am an idiot... nothing to see, carry on... I forgot that the level purchases would be under the Other Tab. That will teach me to post before coffee.
  7. I am not sure I understand the changes made, although I certainly see the in game changes. In game the reset timer for the Improved Priority Transport: Personal Starship went from 60 minutes when I bought it, to 24 hours after this patch. That is a huge delta and one I am not sure I would have purchased. What I do not understand in the quoted text is . To me this suggests that there are levels that can be purchased that might decrease the time for additional credits, but in game I do not find how to do this. Question: Did you intend to increase the timer reset X24?
  8. There are always naysayers, just look at it as an opportunity to feel MUCH better about your own little world. I thought the event was both unexpected and fun! Well done BW!
  9. Plenty of other MMOs have already captured and worn this badge...
  10. Still subbed, 2 50s and 6 others ranging from 18-40s. Class stories are enough to stay subbed while they work out the wrinkles, imo.
  11. I am still having fun with the game. I have all 8 slots filled with one each of the class types. I really enjoy the class story lines of the characters, so there is still plenty to do in game as far as I am concerned. I sub for 3 months at a time and plan to continue to do so. There is no other game out that has this type of story line and while the other quests are repetitive the class quests are new and I haven't gotten all 8 classes to 50 yet, although I have 2 there and a couple others in the 40s. Sure the end game is somewhat lacking and they are making a few mistakes along the way. Point to any other MMO that didn't have a lack of end game content 4 months after release, didn't make mistakes along the way and didn't have repetitive type quests in game. Just one example is all I ask from all the QQ crowd. Then point to one MMO that has the VO/cut away feel of a stand alone PC game. Best of both worlds and it's Star Wars ffs.
  12. I actually think they started with too many servers, so there is a flaw in your logic.
  13. Is this something that you can group up for so that all the members of the group get the item?
  14. No you make it free to play like EQ2 did I agree with the OP. I don't comment on every thread that I disagree with, because I gave up the way of the Message Board Warrior / Troll long ago.
  15. Too all those leaving for whatever reason... have fun in your next adventure or your return to where you came from. I am sure you will find what you are looking for... As a seasoned MMO player and one that had been out of the mix for about 3 years before TOR I can honestly say the following. No game is balanced/smooth/content/*fill in the blank with your complaint* upon release. None of them I have played in as beta/pre-launch etc... which includes but is not limited to UO, EQ1-2, DAoC, PS, GW, WoW... EQ1 was probably the MMO that sucked me in the most, however, it was full of problems especially for those trying to play single team PvP once released. It was still fun and epic on many levels. DAoC probably had the best RvR system to date imo. WoW was and still is imo a kiddie MMO that tried so hard to please the folks that rushed through to the end game content while trying really hard to make it easier for those that like to have their success spoon fed to them, that I simply won't go back... the biggest MMO - sure. The best MMO - not imo. TOR - Great game on many levels and on par with those listed above as far as release time to current date imo. Sure they are making the same mistakes along the way as others - over promise, under deliver on their first major update - so many others have done this along the way. Again to those of you that rush through to the end game and expect it to have been the best experience of your MMO-life you again imo are missing the point. This is a game to be enjoyed by SW fans and with the VO/cut away it has the feeling of that awesome stand-alone PC game that you always wished would be an MMO. Well, this one is that too. There are plenty of things that one can do to find groups, explore different content, classes, ect. I have played every class in the game I have a couple of 50s, a couple of 40s and the others between 12-35. I love the class story lines especially with the VO/cut away. I love that there is the option to interact and play with others in an MMO environment. What TOR dev should be focused on for the next update imo. 1: LFG tool. You need this, it should be obvious that this is the FIRST thing that should be on your list. 2: Server Population - you have FAR too many servers. Condense them. Put out your list of servers that you are going to keep up and offer a choice for guilds and individuals to move to from the list. If you have to do this on a first come first serve basis fine, but allow for choice. Do not fall into the trappings of other games that say server X and server Y are merging on this date. 3: Ranked PvP for groups and individuals. See number 1. Incorporate PvP LFG into the LFG tool. What do I think TOR will be remembered for in 10 years? The game that started a trend of taking the great aspects of the stand alone PC game and incorporating them into a solid MMO. Will it be the best in this category in 10 years? Unknown, but it certainly could it is still way too early to speculate despite all the QQs going on to state the opposite. Gunz - founder - The M'actyr Legacy
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