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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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BW must take seriously those who decide to cancel their accounts(including me).

They have created a casual game mostly single player mode into an mmo market.

They did not put a lot of effort for end game and please hardcore gamers. But since this is the preseason i assume there are many things to be added in the future.

One thing is for sure, they have no open world pvp plan and it's a shame that they thinked outside the box but only for the pve part. i'm sad that i can't taste a SW war and earn an experience fighting REPS vs IMPS.

I think most of the players wished that this game will bring something epic like those trailers we all watched.

I don't see how they will bring large changes into the game, so i am going to have to wait for the next SW mmo in 3-5 years i assume.

Unless they add real pvp and not the wz maps which is nothing but a grinding area for pvp gear,

unless they bring more people on empty servers or merge them i don't see why should i keep paying for a game that does not help me play a single FP coze the server is empty and in Fleet there's only 15people.

i like the game but now i feel bored and unwilling to keep having faith, specially when they don't say how this game will develop within the next months.

How ever i will track and keep reading the latest news hoping there would be changes to bring me back as a costumer.

Let's hope they will make this game bigger and more efficient to hardcore players with less subs.

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No, I found the game extremely lacking, boring, felt more like a single player game with multiplayer features tacked on in a hurry, pvp is a giant CC spam fest no tactical feeling what so ever, space was insulting , only time I had fun was leveling my first character after that not so much, too much VO and cutscenes, more dialogue than gameplay itself, this game isn't for me, and I wish it well, I just hope in the next few years when someone else gets the SW license to make a MMO they do it right and make it a hybrid MMO and not a pure themepark or sandbox.


Copying WoW works only so many times before people really get tired of it, think original , think creatively, take all the good things from all MMOs even features from SWG would've worked here well, and many more other classic MMO titles that had features that stood out from the pack.

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I finally cancelled. I gave Bioware a free month subscription as I didnt play for 6 weeks. the new patch has actually discouraged me from playing. I dont have any interest in learning about some boring change to a flawed design.


the emu is nearly complete for the star wars galaxies project. in its current state its better than the original already and its improving daily.


I dont see any mmo getting me to quit playing swg emu until someone decides to actually develop the first true hybrid mmo


The link below is your wish for a hybrid sci-fi MMO that takes all the good things about SWG into a brand new game.



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With Diablo 3 coming out soon and Guild Wars 2 I'm more than satisfied.

Plus the game is just dropping in terms of enjoyment post leveling.

I mean the leveling is huge, but most of the longtime motivation comes from endgame and that

is pretty medicore in this game.

Also class balance is somewhat wacky.

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Yes !

Why ?

Fanboy !

But why yes to resub ?

Because i enjoy it just enough to resub and because i get to whine over all the bugs and lots´o´lots trolls eats the food ! Because i could either be playing this or wow and this is more suited to me ! i have to much money to throw out the window. Reason enough or do you want more ?


---------------------- *walks away*

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I'm unsubbed at the moment, I really don't want to re roll on a higher populated server, and trying to find a group for anything is pretty tough. It's disappointing on a week day in the evening i'm on taris with 6 people all of which say nothing in general when i ask them if they want to group for a heroic. Might as well be playing Kotor.
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Yes because its a great game and was excellent from day one.


BUT with the recent release of 1.2 and the suspicion that the rakghoul event is merely a scratch on the surface for a wealth of events that SWTOR has planned.... tells me that Bioware has a solid plan in place.

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It does. All xp and loot is better when you group even for your class quests. Hell, even the class quests even scale in difficulty if you have 3 or more.




No, what they have is an MMO with more single-player to it than any other MMO. And it's about damned time someone did it. And there is much incentive to group. But what you have is a playerbase that would rather do it solo DESPITE the increase in xp and loot with grouping.




Well, good for you. After playing both of those, TOR is 20 times the game than either of those.




Well, you must have hated WoW when it was only 3 months old, then.




Actually, no. Are you seriously expecting a brand new MMO to have the same content as an 8-year-old game? Then you will never be satisfied with another MMO again. Because TOR, at 3 months old, is so much more game than WoW was at 3 months old. I know. I was there.


I think the only rose-colored glasses going on here are in front of the eyes looking at WoW...



Well said.

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I'm not going to resub. The game has fallen far short of what I expected and I don't think MMO is my 'thing'. The repetition and lack of logic or immersion are really starting to bother me. I'm sorry Bioware chose to take this path rather than either making a dedicated MMO or KOTOR III. Or both, but as seperate entities. Edited by The_Smith
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Sub was up on the 19th. Canceled sub due to empty server, no one to play with and no ETA on server transfers from Bioware.

Stopped by today to see if there is any news about server transfers and got the same answer from 5 months ago, which is *shrug*.


Thing is, I'm now losing interest in being uninterested. Started playing other games and nearly forgot to come check in.

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


I have no clue what you are talking about.


The only reason I unsubbed was because my computer couldn't take the game , but I have a new computer now so that problem is fixed.


After playing this game I find it impossible to go back to other games like wow, or rift , or such. I simply cannot generate any interest for them.


yes, this game is *mostly* like the previous games with a few changes. But then again , the previous ones like Wow were also mostly like the ones that came before as well.


I'm still having fun. I'm staying.

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I have already cancelled.

Reasons: The story ends at lvl 50. I'm not one for item-grind or endgame, so I quit once I finished the story. I may come back for future add-ons that will hopefully bring large portions of new story.


Plus: I really enjoy PvP, but gear-based PvP just sucks. Why would I want to grind warzones for weeks or months and constantly get farmed by those who started grinding said gear before me until I finally am equipped well enough to actually compete with others and start having fun with it? I generally think that gear progression and pvp are two things best kept apart. Gear progression is fine for PVE-raiding. because other than gear progression, what would be the reason to do pve again once you've beaten an encounter.


But PVP is a whole other matter. You don't need gear progression to keep one playing pvp because it's always a different thing anyways and players play it just for the pleasure of beating the crap out of others :) (At least that's why I pvp and play fps => to win each particular game and not to gain some piece of armour to finally be able to beat an opponent)

Edited by Turkman
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I have a 6 month subscription but cancelled a couple of weeks ago.


I've enjoyed the game but as others say the game ends at 50, and 50 in this game is ludicrously easy to get to.


My main reason however is the complete lack of open world, persistent PvP. I have no interest in rated warzones and when BW used the word 'pre-season' I realised this game wasn't for me.


I've had my money's worth so no complaints on that front but IMO it's not that great an MMORPG deserving of a long term subscription.

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Sub was up on the 19th. Canceled sub due to empty server, no one to play with and no ETA on server transfers from Bioware.

Stopped by today to see if there is any news about server transfers and got the same answer from 5 months ago, which is *shrug*.


Thing is, I'm now losing interest in being uninterested. Started playing other games and nearly forgot to come check in.




you asked for a server transfer in december? when the servers were so clogged that you couldnt log in for hours on end????

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I came from the mmorpg, "lord of the rings online"; where I and my guildies were together for about 5 years, I believe. I convinced about 95% of my guild to move games to swtor. Every single one of them loved the game, but slowly people quit or lowered their time online. My guild is down to 1-4 people online now a days.


Not long after release my "heavy" server went from FULL, to light; and has sat with the light statue from then on. A very busy day will have 100 people upon the fleet. My account's subscription ran out yesterday; I added another 3 months. Toss a fan who supports you a bone Bioware, merge the small servers so my friends and many other can return.


They are bored of paying to play, as they say "A barren single player game"; honestly I feel the same at times....


Server merges please? :)

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I will not subscribe once my time runs out because I feel the game to be very lacking in exploration + non-railing quests BUT


But I want you (and you and you) to continue subscribing and this game to be an HUGE money cow so BW/EA in the future add Space combat PVP, different leveling paths, server merges/transfers, planet+Ilum reingeneering...


I want all this in the future so please, please YOU continue paying to BW/EA so some of us who are leaving can enjoy these features in the future.


I want this game to have 10M subscribers! In a year and a half there will be 10M+1 (with me aboard).




I hope your sarcastic you dont encourage others to play a game you hate yourself, your rewarding companys whom rushed released for money and hurting the industry not helping it. The game cant get that because it is basically to much like wow but far worse than wow for it is way behind wow people can go back to wow and still play even after long breaks, SWTOR doesnt have that pull and I am sorry to tell everyone this but it is the overall game design for it to ever work they would have to take down the game to remake it.

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