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"Resolve is broken" challenge


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When people say "Resolve is broken" they mean it in a broader sense than just "Resolve is bugged".


What they mean is that Resolve in its current incarnation isn't a sufficient mechanic to counter chain-CCs in the way something like....say "Diminishing Returns" would.


QFT. It's not broken; just a bad mechanic. Implement DR on stuns in pvp and the problem is solved.

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Repeating it over and over and over and OVER doesn't make it any more fun.


As I said, sure, it may be working just fine, and if it is, how it's designed to work is for utter **edit**!


Being unable to move (CC'd), no matter HOW it happens or what you call it, is a BS game mechanic and absolutely NO FUN! There is NO reason a root shouldn't fill resolve the same way a snare does, or a knock down or knock back or a dizzy or a twirly or a mez or ANYTHING!!! I don't care what you wanna CALL it, EVERYTHING that impedes my movement SHOULD both FILL resolve AND be removed by my 'snare' breaker.


Again...resolve may very well work EXACTLY as designed...but it's an absolute **edit** design.


Using caps is not making it more true, you know.


I specificaly stated why roots and slows can not be part of resolve mechanic. Being catched and killed is of course not fun. Leaping to the target and ending 15 m behind it is not fun too.


You dont have any arguments, only emotions and rage. I cannot disscus with that, so unless you will provede some arguments, I will not respond to you anymore.

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For Huttball:


Just don't run over the fire, and you should be fine!


...not an option? ok, if u have full resolve and get rooted, you can still pass the ball! <-- The whole point of resolve, and why it works perfectly.


Full resolve does not mean you'll be unstoppable, just that you can't be incapacitated.


Resolve is working perfectly, AND is a great system! No video exists to prove otherwise.

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Using caps is not making it more true, you know.


I specificaly stated why roots and slows can not be part of resolve mechanic. Being catched and killed is of course not fun. Leaping to the target and ending 15 m behind it is not fun too.


You dont have any arguments, only emotions and rage. I cannot disscus with that, so unless you will provede some arguments, I will not respond to you anymore.


Don't assume CAPS are me YELLING or symbolize any sort of RAGE, they are neither. I use them for EMPHASIS and I will continue to do so.


I did have an argument. If you care to ignore it, that's your choice, but I'll reiterate it for you since you seem to have missed it.


My argument is - Movement impairing effects are NOT a fun game mechanic. Having a system meant to grant you immunity that only works on specific skills causes confusion AND frustration.


Resolve should build with EVERY type of movement impairing effect and immunity should apply to EVERY type of movement impeding skill, no matter what it's 'called' (root, dizzy, stun, freeze, twirl, knock down, knock back, lift, daze, whatever).


You can state all day long why you don't THINK (not "can't", that's an opinion) roots and slows should be part of the resolve mechanic, but it won't change the fact that "I" feel it should be. CC's are out of control in this game and the mechanic designed to offset SOME of it is worthless if it doesn't work as MOST players feel it should.


And please, don't feel I care if you discuss this with me or not - we're free to agree to disagree. I don't need to convince you and you can't convince me. My assertion that it's NOT working, isn't meant to argue with you, it's simply to add my voice to your ridiculous stance that it's working fine as it is, when I, and many others, don't feel it is.

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Here is what I don't like about resolve:

1. Some sorcerer hits me with a stun and my resolve goes to about 80%.

2. After the stun wears off, he hits me with a root which generates no resolve - and since I'm melee it's almost as good as a stun.

3. After the root wears off, I get a few seconds of DPS up-time on the sorcerer before the resolve generated by the stun wears off.

4. I get hit by another stun that fills my resolve bar to about 80%.

5. Repeat.


I see two problems with this:

1. The sorcerer is getting almost double the DPS up-time on me and yet they are not twice as squishy as me.

2. Most people don't like games where they only have full control of their characters about half the time.

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QFT. It's not broken; just a bad mechanic. Implement DR on stuns in pvp and the problem is solved.


Well you see, Resolve is supposed to be a visible form of DR. Whereas DR in WoW were a hidden mechanic, Resolve is openly visible, which is a good thing.


However the problem with Resolve is that it's completely binary.


Either you take the full stun, or you are immune. There's no in between.


In WoW, the first sheep would last 9 seconds, the second 6 second andd then finally 3 second for the third sheep cast within less than 15 seconds from each other.



Resolve would be perfect if it simply reduced CC duration depending on how full your Resolve bar is.


If your Resolve Bar is at 60%, CC only lasts 40% of its duration. If you bar is empty, it lasts 100% of its duration. If your bar is at 99%, it lasts for 1% of its duration.


Then allow roots to generate a small amount of Resolve and Snares simply prevent bleeding Resolve and you have a pretty intuitive system.


The great thing about it would be that it is imminently visible how long your CC will last and forces you to make split second decisions.


Do you want to stun that target with 50% Resolve and only have it last 2 seconds or should you rather wait a few moments for more Resolve to bleed in order to get a full duration stun?


It just makes way more sense than the current binary form of Resolve.

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Resolve is not broken in the sense that it does not work at its coded purpose - to make you immune to stuns, mezzes, and knockbacks when full.


It is broken in the sense that it fails at its intended purpose - to make you immune to CC when full, as it does nothing to the CC that puts you into full resolve (allowing resolve to start draining before the CC breaks!) and also does not affect roots at all, which is a CC to melee classes.


I wish people would stop using the term interchangeably. I have never seen someone stunned when their resolve was full. I have never seen someone knocked back when their resolve was full.

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My argument is - Movement impairing effects are NOT a fun game mechanic. Having a system meant to grant you immunity that only works on specific skills causes confusion AND frustration.



Being jumped 3v1 and killed is not fun too, shall we make warzones 1v1?


Sometimes it is necessary to use not fun in some aspect mechanic to provide fun and interesting experience - we have this kind of situation here, IMO.

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It is broken in the sense that it fails at its intended purpose - to make you immune to CC when full, as it does nothing to the CC that puts you into full resolve (allowing resolve to start draining before the CC breaks!) and also does not affect roots at all, which is a CC to melee classes.


This is also part of the problem. When your Resolve bar is full, it doesn't break your current CC. It only make you immune to the next.


This is especially funny when your Resolve starts draining before the actual mezz has ended.

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Ok, I want to throw a gauntlet to all supporters of opinion that resolve is broken.


Please post a vid or link to a vid where someone is affected by stun or mezz or knockback or pull while having white resolve bar.


By affected I mean - hit by new one, one that filled resolve bar SHOULD work.


If you will get me a vid, we can then ask BW to fix it.


If not, I am going to direct all resolve-complainers here.


One more time, get me a vid or stop QQ about resolve please.


A bar that ignores most CC and takes 20 times as long to fill up as it does empty. It's simply useless. Not broken.


I'd rather just have 4 secs of immunity after being hit by CC. 4 seconds from when they hit. This way chaining stuns/roots will be nearly impossible. Players will be able to get some air inbetween stuns and people will have to be careful not to waste their stuns on already stunned people instead of this reckless abandon CC-fest we have now. Roots/stuns will have their own timer. Snares will have their own timer.


The CC-break either needs to be on shorter timer or grant 4-8 secs of immunity.

Edited by Dayshadow
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Here is what I don't like about resolve:

1. Some sorcerer hits me with a stun and my resolve goes to about 80%.

2. After the stun wears off, he hits me with a root which generates no resolve - and since I'm melee it's almost as good as a stun.

3. After the root wears off, I get a few seconds of DPS up-time on the sorcerer before the resolve generated by the stun wears off.

4. I get hit by another stun that fills my resolve bar to about 80%.

5. Repeat.


I see two problems with this:

1. The sorcerer is getting almost double the DPS up-time on me and yet they are not twice as squishy as me.

2. Most people don't like games where they only have full control of their characters about half the time.


A Sorcerer has one stun and one mez. That mez can be talented to add a 2 sec stun if it is broken early, it also gives you a full resolve bar, not 80%.

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A bar that ignores most CC and takes 20 times as long to fill up as it does empty. It's simply useless. Not broken.


I'd rather just have 4 secs of immunity after being hit by CC. 4 seconds from when they hit. This way chaining stuns/roots will be nearly impossible. Players will be able to get some air inbetween stuns and people will have to be careful not to waste their stuns on already stunned people instead of this reckless abandon CC-fest we have now. Roots/stuns will have their own timer. Snares will have their own timer.


The CC-break either needs to be on shorter timer or grant 4-8 secs of immunity.


CC in SW TOR are stun, mez, pull, knockback, slow, root, pull.


Only root and slow ignores resolve.


You can get a full resolve bar in 1 second, all you need is 2 opponetns using stun on you.


4 sec of immunity after being hit by 4 sec stun mean that after stun ends, you can be stunned again. I think you meant 4 seconds after CC ends.


Separate timers for different CC mean that against coordinated team, you will be CCed without end. Go and see diminishing returns in WoW as an example of that.


Idea that resolve bar should act as dimisnihing return against CC is interesting and worth considering. Amounts of resolve added from different CCs would have to be rebalanced, and I can see it working, but it still requires to somehow deal with problem of charge skils (ie. full resolve should not provide charges useless)..

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It's not broken, it just doesn't do what some people think it should do.


Unfortunately some people of this opinion are rather loud armchair devs who are certain that they know more about developing an MMO than actual developers (they tend to be the ones claiming that everyone will quit if they don't get their way too).

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Yes, I play a character with no "charge".


EVERYTHING that effects movement should contribute to resolve. I could live with push's and pulls not contributing to it, but EVERYTHING that impairs or impedes my movement SHOULD.


Maybe it's time for YOU to understand that movement impairing skills, no matter what they're called, are simply NO FUN!


what you find fun dosent matter at all when it comes to balance and diversity of options and skills in pvp if snares and roots affected resolve huttball would be unplayable what you think should happen wont happen no matter how many capital lettered words you put in your rediculous one sided post.

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Huttball's the best warzone with 2 equal teams.


It sucks when one side is significantly better than the other.


Every warzone sucks if one team is much better than the other. Huttball at least ends in 4 minutes then:)


And yes, it is the best warzone in SW TOR.

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Resolve would be perfect if it simply reduced CC duration depending on how full your Resolve bar is.


If your Resolve Bar is at 60%, CC only lasts 40% of its duration. If you bar is empty, it lasts 100% of its duration. If your bar is at 99%, it lasts for 1% of its duration.




The great thing about it would be that it is imminently visible how long your CC will last and forces you to make split second decisions.


Do you want to stun that target with 50% Resolve and only have it last 2 seconds or should you rather wait a few moments for more Resolve to bleed in order to get a full duration stun?



This post looks to have been ignored for the adrenaline anger argument, but I think it is a brilliant idea.


Having the Resolve bar show the potential duration of the CC would add an extra layer of strategy to using CC instead of the spam-whatever-is-not-on-CD-fest we have now.



Also: I wish there was a way for the game to prevent redundant CC. I understand that this is probably not a realistic idea, but how many times have we seen the ball carrier in HB go from zero to full resolve in two seconds and only be incapacitated for the duration of one CC?



Finally: I vote Resolve not broken. Not perfect, but it is working the way BW said it would

Edited by Grizznatch
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what you find fun dosent matter at all when it comes to balance and diversity of options and skills in pvp if snares and roots affected resolve huttball would be unplayable what you think should happen wont happen no matter how many capital lettered words you put in your rediculous one sided post.


Explain this to me, because I play huttball quite a bit and I have no root skills...I have no jumping, leaping or pulling skills either.


What "I" do is wait for the resolve bar to go away before tossing my one snare on the ball carrier. If he's already near the goal line, it's a waste because there's no chance I'll burn him down before he crosses...so...please explain to me how this would affect huttball in any way that huttball isn't already affected, at least partially?!


And what "I" find FUN, DOES matter, to me. Being chain lifted, choked, spun, twisted, dangled, knocked down etc, while a player caps a turret in Alderaan or plants a bomb in Voidstar, while I can do nothing but watch, BLOWS. Being chain pushed/pulled in huttball from goal line to central ball point, sucks!


Rooting me, while not touching my resolve bar, doesn't add "diversity" and it sure as **edit** doesn't add "balance". It breeds nothing but frustration.


Also, try to use punctuation. My caps usage obviously bothers you, but it's not nearly as ridiculous as your one massive sentence.


PS...of COURSE my argument is "one sided". I HATE the way the current resolve system works...there's NOTHING positive I have to say about it at all, and "I" feel it doesn't work for **edit**! Learn to watch the resolve bar like everyone who doesn't have an ability that bypasses it needs to do...THAT's your balance.

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The only tweak I could think off is that the Resolve Bar only grants immunity when it begins diminishing, and this takes a slight while. Meanwhile, you're still vulnerable to stunlocks.


I think resolve should grant the immunity right after the stun which granted you the full bar ended, preventing any further stunlocks.


I don't have videos to prove this right now, but if I can come up with one, I'll show you guys. But I've tested myself this, though my veredict means nothing.


If anything, it's working as intended, yes.

Edited by RJMazz
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This post looks to have been ignored for the adrenaline anger argument, but I think it is a brilliant idea.


Having the Resolve bar show the potential duration of the CC would add an extra layer of strategy to using CC instead of the spam-whatever-is-not-on-CD-fest we have now.



Also: I wish there was a way for the game to prevent redundant CC. I understand that this is probably not a realistic idea, but how many times have we seen the ball carrier in HB go from zero to full resolve in two seconds and only be incapacitated for the duration of one CC?



Finally: I vote Resolve not broken. Not perfect, but it is working the way BW said it would


Not overlooked by me. IMO, it's the ideal solution (Dee-Jay's post). And I concur...Resolve isn't "broken", it just sucks as it is.

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Explain this to me, because I play huttball quite a bit and I have no root skills...I have no jumping, leaping or pulling skills either.


What "I" do is wait for the resolve bar to go away before tossing my one snare on the ball carrier.


Hmm.. what class are you playing then? No jump, no pull, no root, only 1 snare...


Warrior? No, they have charge.


Sorcerer? No, they have all CC possible and then more.


Assasin? Well, pull, knockdown, stun, slow etc.


Merc? Knockbacks, stun.


Powertech? Pull, stun, charge if specced.


Sniper? Plethora of knockbacks and roots.


Operative? Knockdown, stun, mez, root.


Hmm... seriously TUX, what are you talking about?

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