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Everything posted by Grizznatch

  1. This post looks to have been ignored for the adrenaline anger argument, but I think it is a brilliant idea. Having the Resolve bar show the potential duration of the CC would add an extra layer of strategy to using CC instead of the spam-whatever-is-not-on-CD-fest we have now. Also: I wish there was a way for the game to prevent redundant CC. I understand that this is probably not a realistic idea, but how many times have we seen the ball carrier in HB go from zero to full resolve in two seconds and only be incapacitated for the duration of one CC? Finally: I vote Resolve not broken. Not perfect, but it is working the way BW said it would
  2. Lazlo Frankenstein I also made a Inq named Casanova Frankenstein.
  3. That's crazy. How many more months does waiting for the CD add? Gifting all five companions to 10K would take about 10 hours. That is without ever taking one on a quest or doing any of the conversations. I suspect most of us will use two or three companions on the road to 50. During that time, you can probably get those companions to at least 3-4K on quests. Also, the CD makes no difference for these because they'd be with you anyway. Anyone wait on the fleet for WZs? That's when I gave my unused companions their gifts. The CD is an annoyance, nothing more. I don't see any need for it other than to make it "difficult" to gain affection.
  4. Am I missing something or does the Risha romance lead nowhere? I "married" her and then that was it. Everything went back to normal except there are no conversations. She just says the same things she said before when I "speak" to her. The marriage itself was pretty lame - just a: "let's get married" then "ok, we're married". No buff or bonus? No gifts from her? No tax breaks? Not even a sandwich? What do I get out of this marriage? What about MY needs? What is she doing for ME? Tangent: do you guys have two Risha's on your ship? This may have been discussed before, but I have one in the engine room (with the gear I gave her) and another one in the computer with the cargo hold (in her original skin suit).
  5. That's odd. I'm a sabslinger, too and I felt like I was doing more damage. I went from middle of the pack to 2nd-3rd. I didn't pay enough attention to the actual numbers before or after, but my damage ranking in WZ seems to have increased slightly.
  6. LuLz...so true. That gear is hideous, but at least they get top level utility and excellent survivability (GS here).
  7. Do space missions and the PVP (WZ) daily. The space missions are easy and only about five minutes long. Completing the WZ daily (you have to win one match) gives a bunch of XP once a day. One WZ match will take 5-15 minutes. Apart from that, just do quests. All the tracked quests show a marker on your map. Use it to plan your quest path to maximize efficiency.
  8. Gear is probably most important. Then use of your abilities. This game does of good job (for the most part) of making you learn your class and use most of your abilities. This one is a pro tip: Many times I've survived a fight because I just dotted and sat behind natural cover on a ranged elite. Sometimes you can just bleed them to death and take near to zero damage. Just takes a long time.
  9. I always holster my blasters when they're out because of this. One animation glitch I think is extremely silly (funny) is running right after opening/accessing a quest item. My GS will run off with both arms straight down for a few moments. I do it on purpose whenever I can because it's funny. Also, sometimes when Recuperating, instead of pulling out a coin to flip and shoot, he'll pull out his offhand blaster and shoot that. Herp Derp GS
  10. Wait, you get a 1hr CD fleet pass if you have an authenticator?!! I must not have been playing the game these past 2+ months because I didn't even know this existed! Best part: I live in the US AND have an Android phone!!!! I guess I better start playing this game (I've already paid my sub) and get that authenticator.
  11. Just not in the face.
  12. I scored twice in Huttball last night. My first and only scores. We lost 3-2... I can't survive long against...well, anyone, but can still do fairly well guarding a side turret in Alderaan alone. I just make sure I call out for help and then become a terrible pest. I buy time by running around the base. Most of the time, they'll chase you around. I try to kite them for as long as possible while teammates come to help. Just remember to check the turret and shoot anyone trying to cap. I've also adopted this strategy in Voidstar. Sometimes, I can get the entire defending side to chase me around while teammates plant the bomb. You may not get many kills or much damage kiting, but you can help your team quite a bit with it.
  13. I'm using the Cyborg RAT MMO and I love it. Lots of thumb buttons and they are all different and spaced fairly well. It is a fully modular design, too. http://cyborggaming.com/prod/mmo.htm
  14. I think the only reasonable way to stagger maintenance is by continents (US and Europe). There probably won't be too many people in the US (or vice versa) who will log onto a Europe server at 10AM local time to mess around. This doesn't help the "I want to be the first to raid" people, but...really? who cares? Seriously though, it is once maybe twice a week and they let you know beforehand when it isn't the normally scheduled day. I understand that there are some people who's uncommon schedule forces them to play at that specific time, but for the vast (vast, vast) majority of people, it's fine. I just schedule something else on Monday late nights.
  15. I think you've missed the point I was making (that I think the OP is making): His problem isn't the mobility as much as it is the requirement that he be in cover. The extra time it takes him to get into cover is more than a commando/sage (who, in some specs, must also sacrifice mobility). The OP is asking that his DPS abilities not be tied to cover. In my personal experience, I've found myself mashing a keybind for a cover ability only to find that I wasn't in cover. A pain to be sure, but not game-breaking. I think the cover mechanic needs to be streamlined, but like it otherwise. Maybe if our "cast time" abilities were instant in cover, but with longer cooldowns? Edit: Also, someone (many people) have suggested that cover-only abilities put you in cover automatically instead of having to push a button. Also, you should try using the cover in place (or something) keybind. I have that bound to one key and the roll cover thing to Shift+Spacebar. That way I can control where I cover.
  16. I'm thinking the real issue the OP is having is that many of his main DPS abilities are only available while in cover. A commando/sage can perform all their attacks at any time - provided they just stand still. Waiting for the cover animation (which doesn't always happen right away) before firing a skill, moving, then going into cover again adds unnecessary lag to our attacks. I think that's what he's saying.
  17. Nevermind, strike my comments. From reading the replies to my comments, I see that not everything being written is being read or addressed. Debate is not likely when only a part of what is being read without the intent of the comment being understood. I cannot hope for any real change or conversation when we nitpick the details of our comments instead of trying to understand and respond. In the end, it is my foolishness to hope for anything other in this thread. Also, I'm at work, bored and so I am on the forums. What? Are you guys not playing out of anger and so browsing forums?
  18. I actually agree with what you are saying. If you had quoted my entire post, others would see that I believe that a pure RNG system is flawed. It is uninteresting and unnecessarily frustrating. However, the QQ about fairness is valid. I haven't read the TOC carefully (even though I told BW I did...multiple times), but I don't believe there is a clause in there that all players will be rewarded equally. I don't understand why people expect this to be fair. While not a perfect parallel, PVE raiders have to deal with the same RNG issue. I haven't spent too much time over there, but I don't remember seeing as many (or at least such a wonderfully long) threads about it.
  19. Yes, this is exactly addressed in my last paragraph. If you pay for something and don't like it, what do you do? Complain that the company change their product so that you like it or just get your money back and move on? To use your analogy, you are paying for a movie theater that you know shows any movie at random. Now if you don't like the movie being shown, you are going to demand that they start showing the one you like? I think you'd take it as a lesson learned and never go back to that theater. Or do you think that you are entitled to getting what you want? Like I said: put up or shut up. If you have a solution talk about it. If all you want to do is whine about what you signed up for, please....stop.
  20. Now, I agree that something needs to be done to balance getting gear too quickly and forcing an (maddeningly frustrating) RNG grind. Perhaps a gear <> token trade system. 1x piece of gear gives 1x token and something like 10x tokens gives 1x gear. That way, you do get rewards for failing the RNG game, but keeping at it. HOWEVER, whenever someone makes an "It's not fair" argument and their age is in double digits, it is QQ. What in your life has EVER been fair? Please. I can never listen to a grown person whining about fairness. Some people haven't learned a thing about life since grade school. Why do we expect things to be different in any aspect of life - game or otherwise? RNG is a band-aid fix to throttling rewards. It is flawed, but it is the best they've come up with so far. If you have a solution, post it. Maybe (probably not) it will gain enough momentum and maybe (probably not) the devs will listen. Seriously though, don't just whine and complain like a child and expect sympathy. Live with it or don't. Money where your mouth is. Walk the walk. etc.
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