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Why people are so crazy with GTN prices ?


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Why people are so crazy with GTN prices ? Really.


I am playing on Fatman. My crew skill is Cibertech, and many times I need scavenged components and metals, because questing is not enough for me for the quantities I produce. But, for god sake, who in sound mind would pay 1k for one mineral ? Really!


I ussually buy large quantities of stuff because I like to craft and provide people with so neaded augments. And I always charge a fair price: only for materials plus the suggested price of GTN. So the price of my most expensive components are not higher than 5k. Prices usually vary from 100 to 5k. My sells are huge ussuaaly. Easily 30k a day.


But when I need to buy stuff for myself, I usually find staggering prices for mods. 5k for +4 cristal ? Really. I practiced Artifice before, I know how easy you can get raw materials for it. Nothing in comparison with Cibertech where you have to find like 4 different metals to craft one mod.


Enhancements, again everything at 5k for a level 20. For anyone of level 20, 5k is a hefty some of money. Besides the real price of that stuff rarely is arround 1k. I crafted enhacements and I know.


Am I fool for charging for my earpieces some 2k. Should I start charging 10 k instead ? Because if I can´t buy a miserable 20-level cristal, believe me I will.


Are we all crazy ?

Edited by Ivanblood
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People aren't willing to put the time into crafting in MMOs for real world thin profit margins. Start listing things at 200%-400% over cost, and keep increasing until people stop buying. This game is incredibly materials restrained, so prices for finished goods are going to be very high since people can't make enough to meet demand. Edited by XavinNydek
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I make between 300k - 500k per day with my biochem, 250k+ with my cybertech and an easy Million+ per day selling mats on my server. For fun I also corner the market on a few different areas of the GTN by buying everything and relisting at a profit. If I saw your prices I would probably be buying everything you make and relisting them. You are only robbing yourself with such low prices.
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I make between 300k - 500k per day with my biochem, 250k+ with my cybertech and an easy Million+ per day selling mats on my server. For fun I also corner the market on a few different areas of the GTN by buying everything and relisting at a profit. If I saw your prices I would probably be buying everything you make and relisting them. You are only robbing yourself with such low prices.


Where are you getting all the mats you're selling to keep up 1M+ credits per day revenue?

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Such a shame that the greedy and selfish can ruin it for everybody else, but there you have it. :(


More like a shame that darn dirty hippies want to give stuff away for free then complain when someone else scoops up they profit they should have made. :D

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The GTN needs a bidding option. This can solve your issue. Especially on a server like Fatman with heavy population, there's probably a lot of demand.


But true value is hard to determine without a bidding system. I placed an orange schematic on GTN the other day at what I thought was a high price of 20k. It was gone within the day.

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Components are going to sell well because most people don't bother gathering components except for their own use. Any extra component I have usually go into making things to RE.


Lower level items can sell for high prices because a lot of people with high level characters send their low level alts a big lump of cash so that they can have the best gear.


These are opportunities for profit for those that go through the effort of gathering materials for sale or making low level items to serve the "rich alt" market.

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because questing is not enough for me for the quantities I produce

There is your simple answer. Very few can get enough material through simple questing and even questing + crew missions is hard to keep a dedicated crafter enough materials.


Thus the demand is greater than the supply and that causes prices to go up. Thus it is the independent farmers who gather excess material and put on the GTN.


Say you and everyone else needs Titanium such that I can put it on the GTN for 1000 credits per unit of Titanium and sell it for that price. You will not get any Titanium because you refuse to buy it at that level. On the other hand say I put it on the GTN for 100 credits per unit of Titanium, you still wont get it because someone else will buy it up before you see it and then repost it for 1000 credits a unit.


Since someone is going to make 1000 credits a unit, it probably should be me since I put in the time to get that much material. The time it takes me to get a decent amount of Titanium, I could make 1000's of credits or more questing so the amount of credits I make gathering needs to be high enough to make it profitable. I am not going to pass on 20,000 credits I could get questing to put something on the GTN for less than that amount.


If you think the price is not worth 1000 credits a unit, you spend 8 hours one day finding enough materials so you can craft you stuff. Time is money.



Supply and Demand =/= greed.

Edited by Amdramnar
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Its simple economics..higher demand higher price. Thats not to say there isn't complete price sharks that auction prices over sale prices wouldnt' fix. I'm a cybertech and I rarely ever had to buy mats off the AH usually getting them from quest areas or the occasional mission was more than enough.
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Because most people are too lazy to craft apparently, and I take full advantage of that on particular items. I justify it because usually I give away any blues/purples that drop while leveling that my character cant use.


Besides, if you werent willing to pay that much then you wouldnt be buying it.

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The reason you see ridiculous prices on the GTN is because any good deals are likely to have been snapped up already. My advice is to buy in bulk BEFORE you need the materials, and to find a good supplier.

Also, price your wares a bit higher. I sell a techblade that costs me 13k of mats for 50k, and it's a very good deal for the people who buy it.

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Where are you getting all the mats you're selling to keep up 1M+ credits per day revenue?


I have 8 toons and constantly send their companions out for mats. I also buy off the GTN and resell higher or use for crafting and at least one mat stack that I sell gets me hundreds of thousands each day. In fact when I just logged in and cleaned out my 3 GTN seller toons I was up over 3 million just since I logged off last night. Credits in this game are so easy to make its not funny. Players are willing to spend them because they know its easy to remake them.

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Then say good buy to good me :D. A new GTN shark is born. I am not lazy to grind for materials and crafting. Now I will take advantage of all you who needs a mighty armor or an new earpiece or a droid core.


Maniacal laugh.

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Then say good buy to good me :D. A new GTN shark is born. I am not lazy to grind for materials and crafting. Now I will take advantage of all you who needs a mighty armor or an new earpiece or a droid core.


Maniacal laugh.


Your journey to the dark side is complete, my young apprentice. :wea_03:

Edited by Walking-Carpet
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I love the insanely high prices


It means I can put stuff on the market for a reasonable ( and profitable ) price far below the insane prices and my stuff sells very quickly :)


You need to remember that the prices you see on the GTN are what things have NOT sold for yet, if they were already sold at that price, you wouldn’t see them.

Edited by Dayln
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Am I fool for charging for my earpieces some 2k. Should I start charging 10 k instead ? Because if I can´t buy a miserable 20-level cristal, believe me I will.


Are we all crazy ?


GTNs follow the normal supply/demand free market model. Supply/demand is different on different servers, and will change over time as well. Yeah, sometimes someone decides to corner a market on something to scalp, but not often and not broadly in the market. There is room for everyone to benefit in the market, buyers and sellers.


If you oversell in a free market model, your products dont' sell. You will end up relisting and dropping your prices until they hit a sell threshold.


If you undersell in a free market model, you are short changing yourself. Someone else benefits from your generosity. In reality, a good selling model is to establish what the market price is and undercut it by 5-10%.

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More like a shame that darn dirty hippies want to give stuff away for free then complain when someone else scoops up they profit they should have made. :D


I'm a card carrying member of a Socialist organization, and even I understand the law of supply and demand!

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I've put about 75 different items on the GTN on my server in the last week at GTN suggested prices including 0% markup. About 68 of them after 48 hours got returned to me. These include greens, blues, and a few purples. Only the purples tend to sell.


I've gone there on numerous occasions to look for mats for crafting, too. Too bad the only mats there seem to be to 350 to 400 crafting. I'm not there yet. And even if I were, I wouldn't find enough to keep me busy. Oddly, when there are any mats for low-mid level crafting, they seem to be put in at ridiculous prices. Like 3450c for a piece of plasteel.


Yeah, the GTN leaves a lot to be desired. I want to be able to place orders on the GTN. But, that would be too eve-like.

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I've put about 75 different items on the GTN on my server in the last week at GTN suggested prices including 0% markup. About 68 of them after 48 hours got returned to me. These include greens, blues, and a few purples. Only the purples tend to sell.


The problem you are experiencing is that so much stuff drops in this game, and yet so much is available from crafters and from quests. Crafters sometimes flood the GTN as they skill up and so they kill the entire segment of the market they are listing into.


I play on a few differnt Standard servers, and greens simply are not worth listing any more. Yeah, one might sell, but usually not. Blues, I have to actually undercut the listing price about 10% to get them to sell. I make most of my money off of orange drops to be honest. Blues and purples I sell at discount prices, and greens go to the vendors, some times some blues that I know will not sell (like blue weapons in most cases). I'm sure it's even worse on higher populated servers.

Edited by Andryah
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I sell Mats on my server and business is good. I look on the GTN and usually sell my Mats at 70% of the top price, as long as it isn't ridiculous. Now 1k per Titanium is a good price I think depending on the quantity. Unlike the real world where you buy bulk for savings, in TOR you pay more for bulk. It all comes down to the time it takes to acquire the Mats. Now if I saw 7 Titanium on the GTN for 5-10k of course I will not buy it, it is way too expensive when I can just do missions and have it in about 15 mins fo a fraction of the cost. But 99 Titanium for 60-100k that is worth it because I can craft alot of items with that amount. So when looking at prices factor in the quantity, don't buy from someone that sells a small amount force them to do the hard work.
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