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Everything posted by Amdramnar

  1. You can also buff someone anywhere/anytime in the game. If I am busy standing around for any reason, I will buff random people as they run by especially in questing areas. For me it is especially helpful since due to Legacy, all my characters apply all four buffs with the click of a single button.
  2. The more drop downs you select the more accurate the results, trying to search on the whole thing frequently returns nothing. In face I put in the name of an item and hit search... nothing. I used to drop down to restrict to it to only implants and I got results.
  3. The name referenced is your Legacy name, all your characters will have the same Legacy name. But you have a choice to display it or not. You may choose to display your Legacy name as a Title, Last Name, etc. Thus if you choose a Legacy name of "Smith", you could be "Haplo-lux" OR "Haplo-lux Smith" OR "Smith Haplo-lux". Just be aware all your characters will have the same Legacy name but each could display it differently.
  4. It has to do with the design of the world and the expected leveling speed. They could put questing locations every 10 meters so you do not need to travel any great distance to get to the next quest but that would promote leveling faster than the developers designed. So running half way accross the zone to do a quest and having to return all the way back is accounted for by the developers. To allow unlimited teleportation via taxis would result in getting to places faster and thus they would have to modify other things to keep the same leveling speed (lower xp, quests further appart). Judicious use of your travel powers will help with this. Also, taxies are one of the fastest modes of traveling long distances, it is much faster than even the fastest speeder bikes.
  5. Once I unlock Sith, I will create a Sith Jedi Knight and once I get the Emperor's Executioner as a companion, I plan to go freak out the people on Tython.
  6. In the manner in which you most enjoy. If you enjoy heroics, do heroics. If you love the story, do the bonus missions. If you want to get to the end fast, once quests turn green, finish class missions and go to next planet. If you love doing the same quest over and over again, do dailies. Enjoy the game, the levels will come.
  7. The definition of real is not "The EXACT specifications I want". We have a real combat log it just does not meet your needs.
  8. When you first log in and you see a single button bar, there is a nice shortcut. If you know where the button lock icon is on the left side of the bar, right above it is another icon (looks like a plus sign maybe). Click this, it brings up a list of the three default interface layouts including the expanded button bar. The nice thing about this is it includes other schemes you may have created. Say you created a great interface layout for a character, by using the above method, you can select that characters interface layout and inherit it. No need to remember exactely what you did on another character
  9. Get a Sith Inquisitor to L50. That would unlock the Legacy Ability. Pay lots of credits to purchase the ability. Then to use it you must activate your Heroic ability (not sure exactely but each class has a special ability) and while this ability is active, you can use the Legacy abilities. NOTE: the Heroic ability does not last long and can only be used when you have a companion so it is not like your characters are going to be using Force Lightining all the time. This also limits it in that you cannot use in in WarZones, Operations, or full groups of players.
  10. If money is easy to come by then what is the problem. Using your numbers... 84K - 8.4K (repairs) - 54K (training) = 21.6K profit, a nice 25% profit margin. Sounds good to me. As long as you are making money, what does it matter. Would you be happy getting 30K and spending 8.4K in reapir and training and still making 21.6K in profit?
  11. This happens a lot when a player replaces their attack under the '1' key. If you rely a lot on "autoattack" then you can get burned by this. Autoattack uses whatever attack you have under the '1' key so if you use the mouse button to attack and you put a non-rage generating power in the '1' slot you get this situation.
  12. All MMOs have a lot of maintenance and downtime when they first come out. The developers can only stress test things so much with test tools. Once thousands of simultaneous players doing things never anticipated by development starts hitting the servers, they need to have these maintenance times to keep servers running. Over time, months and years they will drop to once a week and the 8 hours will drop as well. Eventually they may be able to do maintenance with little or no downtime
  13. There is your simple answer. Very few can get enough material through simple questing and even questing + crew missions is hard to keep a dedicated crafter enough materials. Thus the demand is greater than the supply and that causes prices to go up. Thus it is the independent farmers who gather excess material and put on the GTN. Say you and everyone else needs Titanium such that I can put it on the GTN for 1000 credits per unit of Titanium and sell it for that price. You will not get any Titanium because you refuse to buy it at that level. On the other hand say I put it on the GTN for 100 credits per unit of Titanium, you still wont get it because someone else will buy it up before you see it and then repost it for 1000 credits a unit. Since someone is going to make 1000 credits a unit, it probably should be me since I put in the time to get that much material. The time it takes me to get a decent amount of Titanium, I could make 1000's of credits or more questing so the amount of credits I make gathering needs to be high enough to make it profitable. I am not going to pass on 20,000 credits I could get questing to put something on the GTN for less than that amount. If you think the price is not worth 1000 credits a unit, you spend 8 hours one day finding enough materials so you can craft you stuff. Time is money. Supply and Demand =/= greed.
  14. They all seem to be set up that way... [Attribute] hilt has a higher [Attribute] and lower Stamina [Class-like] hilt has lower [Attribute] but higher Stamina I tend to go with the Attribute specific hilts and stuff because everything seems to have Stamina so I maximize my primary attribute almost exclusively
  15. Please provide the line number and module name so they can find that ONE line of code you have identified.
  16. "PLEASE VOTE: Give us Real Combat Logs" should not use the word REAL. You clearly define combat logs in a very specific way that meets your strict definition. Combat logs cover much more than what you want them to be such that the logs comming out with 1.2 are also REAL. And using that definition of combat logs I support it.
  17. The empire is not evil, it represents order. The republic is always falling apart due to its chaotic nature. While my Sith Inquisitor was a slave she was freed and made a Sith though her efforts. So she tends toward the light since she does not repress for repression sake but she will always support the empire.
  18. As long as they DO NOT tie any quests to a particular time of day or even day/night. Nothing like having to wait 30 minutes for that stupid ghost in LotRO that comes out at midnight. And what about Hoth, do they not allow any questing during the night since we all know it is death to be outside at night. I can just see it now, too far away from shelter so we have to kill animals and spend the next 2 hours sitting inside their entrails. YUCK
  19. From L20-L25 you should stop working on crew skills so you can affort the 40K + 8K credits needed to get the speeder skill at L25. Then you can go back to learning crew skills.
  20. On the other hand... I tend to keep the first one on all of my characters until I max out affection and then choose the second/third based on similar preferences as above. Since affection increases crew skills speed and the active companion gets more affections, I do it this way.
  21. Amdramnar


    Even if you are only interested in the stuff you can get from going Light/Dark, they are adding things so those who are Neutral have access to similar stuff. As far as Light/Dark, I create a frame of reference for each character and try to choose the answer that fits that frame of reference without trying for Dark 5 or Light 5. Over time, they all tend toward one extreme but I do not let the goal of Dark/Light 5 determine my answers. I can have two characters play the same quest lines and choose diferent answers. For example, my Sith Inquisitor tends toward the Light because she was a slave and is less harsh toward the weak but she is still a firm supporter of the Empire. My operative on the other hand will always follow through with what he says. Even if the quest ends up being better for him if he goes back on his work, he keeps his work. thus he trends Dark but has a lot of Light Side points.
  22. It is some multiple of the vendor sell price I believe. It has little to do with reality. Best thing to do is search for what others are selling it for and use that as a guide. Just realize just because someone is asking 15,000 credits for that doo-dad, does not mean someone is buying it for that. Research, guessing, and experience all help in finding the best price to sell something. In some cases, if an item sells in the first hour, I raise the price for furture items of that type.
  23. There will be server transfers well before (years probably) server merges. They are working on server transfers but it will take some time. Since they are a Quality of Life (QoL) issue, they did not delay the release of the game for it and will make it available in the future. Most likely it will be a fee based service with the possibility of free transfers for critical situations. In most cases free transfers are given to people on high population servers to transfer to low population servers. The idea is to make the low pop servers viable instead of even worse. If you are on a low population server your options are re-roll and get your character to its current level before server transfers are available or wait for server transfers and pay to move to a more populated server. OR hope enough people use free transfers to your server.
  24. Many developers have long learned to not provide dates too early even when they know them. There was a major update in SWG that was anounced with an exact date. The update was made a day early and the forums still exploded with "LIES", "PROOF: THEY ARE LIARS", and other hate postings. The same goes for patchnotes. They hesitate to post then until after the patch is complete and servers are coming back up just in case they miss something or add something that was not in the notes.
  25. Not sure about new planets, there is a flashpoint that takes place on a new planet but that could be nothing more than an instanced area off the fleet. I do not think there is a new questing planet. Why do new content? Because you dont want to keep doing the old content? Typical MMO release is expansion packs (i.e. version X.0) that usualy include increasing the level cap and lots of new content. Between expansion packs are major releases (i.e. x.Y) which inclues some new content, changes to classes/species/professions. Mojor bug fixes, and new features (QoL and stuff). Then there are the minor releases (i.e. x.y.Z) where they fix critical bugs and exploits.
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