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WZ shutdown sequence aborted


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Very tired of getting stuck in a WZ with 4 people on my team in total, getting to the last 30-10 seconds before the abort and then we magically get another few people so we have JUST enough to abort the shut down but its 6v8 for the rest of the game which as that point is usually FUBAR. Not always, but vast majority of the time.


There has to be a better way to handle imbalanced teams. Maybe a stacking buff per player that you are down.


Being stuck 4v8 to the point you can't win and then getting just enough to avoid shutdown but still have no chance of turning it around is very frustrating.

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Whats more annoying is when your outnumberered 4 - 8 or whatever, it gets to 10 seconds, then its aborted again as new people join, only for the same people to look at the score and rage quit again, reseting the timer back to 120 seconds.
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Its quite annoying. I wish warzones wouldn't form uneven. I hate starting a wz 8 vs 6 and then people on the losing side start leaving right away and then its a contant case of warzone abort, abort cancelled till the end.


When queuing you should be told if you are joining a game in progress. Its also quite annoying to accept a queue and join alderaan with the other side 3 capped.

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Very tired of getting stuck in a WZ with 4 people on my team in total, getting to the last 30-10 seconds before the abort and then we magically get another few people so we have JUST enough to abort the shut down but its 6v8 for the rest of the game which as that point is usually FUBAR. Not always, but vast majority of the time.


There has to be a better way to handle imbalanced teams. Maybe a stacking buff per player that you are down.


Being stuck 4v8 to the point you can't win and then getting just enough to avoid shutdown but still have no chance of turning it around is very frustrating.


I see it now... premades getting into huttball long enough to give their tank the ball, leave 2 healers for him, and everyone else leaves. Cha-ching easy wins.

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Its quite annoying. I wish warzones wouldn't form uneven. I hate starting a wz 8 vs 6 and then people on the losing side start leaving right away and then its a contant case of warzone abort, abort cancelled till the end.


When queuing you should be told if you are joining a game in progress. Its also quite annoying to accept a queue and join alderaan with the other side 3 capped.


Well its not biowares fault that the ppl that que'd left the que at the end, didnt join, went afk and such but im sure the raging kids will still blame them...

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If they merged servers there would be enough population to fill those spots....


I think there's enough people when it starts, the problem is when a pre-made decides not to take the WZ invite leaving the team 4 men short....

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If they merged servers there would be enough population to fill those spots....


Hell No, I like playing against ppl on my server. Knowing the goodies and baddies is something that makes me play pvp with more enthusiasm

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Very tired of getting stuck in a WZ with 4 people on my team in total, getting to the last 30-10 seconds before the abort and then we magically get another few people so we have JUST enough to abort the shut down but its 6v8 for the rest of the game which as that point is usually FUBAR. Not always, but vast majority of the time.


There has to be a better way to handle imbalanced teams. Maybe a stacking buff per player that you are down.


Being stuck 4v8 to the point you can't win and then getting just enough to avoid shutdown but still have no chance of turning it around is very frustrating.


Its worse with a map like Voidstar. 120 seconds is WAY too long to call the match early. Hell, 60 seconds can be too long if the team that is short people is the initial defending team.

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You can tell matches will start short handed, and it has nothing to do with people not accepting the que popup.


The other day, 4 games in a row it was me and the same 4 other pub's, for 4 games in a row, against 8 random imps. The game started 8-5 each time. Thats not people queing and then dropping, thats the matchmaker just starting the game anyways.



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Lots of minor* tweaks would help.


  • Queue by WZ. People wouldn't drop because their queue popped into the 'wrong' WZ.
  • For 'civil war' (i.e. imp vs. imp, pubs vs pubs), Dynamic balancing of the teams as players join, while keeping pre-grouped players together. That is, players are assigned to a WZ team based on how many people are on each team at that moment - not based on what team you were picked when the queue popped.
  • 10 minute "Deserter" debuff for leaving, DCing, or CTD. Sorry, but if you don't add the debuff for DC and CTD, people will just DC or Alt-F4 to 'leave'.
  • Cross-server WZs.
















* - well, I say 'minor', but without looking @ the code involved, none of us can really say that with assurance.

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I almost wish it would allow cross-faction fillers. If having 2 people from the Empire fill a shortman republic team would speed up the queues, improve competition, and make the matches fun and competitive i am fine with it.


I guess you could have instances where people grief but i would hope that everyone would be professional enough to play to win.

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You can tell matches will start short handed, and it has nothing to do with people not accepting the que popup.


The other day, 4 games in a row it was me and the same 4 other pub's, for 4 games in a row, against 8 random imps. The game started 8-5 each time. Thats not people queing and then dropping, thats the matchmaker just starting the game anyways.




More likely that the imps had 4 reb alts grouped allowing the invite timer to time out.

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QFE and can't be that hard to code either.


This may be tricky to code, as they send out the 8 invites and if someone is afk, and seven people accept the WZ starts. If they coded it like this, the WZ would load but you'd be behind your 'screen' waiting for that 8th player. I'd rather be running around doing something than sitting in a wz doing nothing waiting for that 8th guy.


You can't auto accept for someone, so it's probably going to be this way.


Although my fav is to keep up a 'accept queue' window while I do other stuff in case I need to use it.


I wonder how many 7 player warzones i've caused because I continue to re-queue right before the timer ends, just to keep the pop-up persistent.

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What I really hate is the speeder bike ride of fail as the defender in Voidstar. Attackers instantly spawn in this WZ, and defenders have to ride that damn speeder, and if your side is down players at the start, it's fatal.
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Hell No, I like playing against ppl on my server. Knowing the goodies and baddies is something that makes me play pvp with more enthusiasm



You know that the players would still be there just alot of new faces his comment didn´t say anything about Xserver WZs.

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What I really hate is the speeder bike ride of fail as the defender in Voidstar. Attackers instantly spawn in this WZ, and defenders have to ride that damn speeder, and if your side is down players at the start, it's fatal.

That's getting fixed in 1.2 at least.

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This may be tricky to code, as they send out the 8 invites and if someone is afk, and seven people accept the WZ starts. If they coded it like this, the WZ would load but you'd be behind your 'screen' waiting for that 8th player. I'd rather be running around doing something than sitting in a wz doing nothing waiting for that 8th guy.


You can't auto accept for someone, so it's probably going to be this way.


Although my fav is to keep up a 'accept queue' window while I do other stuff in case I need to use it.


I wonder how many 7 player warzones i've caused because I continue to re-queue right before the timer ends, just to keep the pop-up persistent.


Tricky or not, it is game breaking IMO.


To me, there should always be even numbers on the field.


IE, if the game starts with 6 on one team and 8 on the other, then the last two peeps to load on the 8 man team should not be allowed to enter the WZ. IE, making it a 6 on 6, for example.


Then as more of one team join, others can join on the opposing team until it reaches 8 v 8 in a more reasonable fashion. This would also help prevent hosers from abusing the que system by allowing invites to time out using alts of the opposing faction.


I would also be fine with a method where the WZ does not even start until 8 peeps have loaded on both sides, or it aborts after some amount of time.

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I always love zoning into voidstar, and during the loading screen you hear the alarms blaring in the background. Pretty much never had that turn out well for me.


Know what you mean and I hate that too, but a couple of times when that's happened I've joined a team that was doing really well -- the alarms were because the attack was succeeding. I guess someone's connection dropped.

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