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proof devs aren't paying attention/care


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Guys, read between the lines.


Bioware does care. They are just telling Lethality Ops to roll Snipers. Problem solved.


clearly we are to reroll to lethal snipes and everyting will be cured...thats our fix...hahaha

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/squad facepalm


But this specific "Community Representative" is renown for such pointless closings.


And should you read it, LexiCazam, the OPERATIVE is actually a diffrent advanced class from the SNIPER... do you know the community you represent?


I have flagged her post.

Edited by Kheldras
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Wow. That is honestly insulting. That is legitimate constructive feedback to a serious issue (one whole tree being unplayable because of a broken mechanic) and the thread gets closed immediately.


Screw the devs and this game.

Edited by aspectsofwar
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aww... seems he fixed the link.


well in any case, what the op pointed was that back then the link he provided was a link towards a discussion about snipers instead.




it won't let me access the link so i don't know if it changed.


anyway yes, it is very sad

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It was a thread of a guy brining up concerns about Lethatlity Ops being subpar (which, all the players know, is absolutely horrendous).


Then the very first response is this incompetent mod that closed the thread because "there is already a discussion" about the exact same topic elsewhere, then provides a link to a "1.2 Sniper DPS blahblahblah" thread.


It's sadly hilarious and infuriating at the same time.

Edited by Sanctioned
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anyone still thought the devs have a clue?


remember: we are in between 5% of a marauder. (lacking the utility, superior defense and sustained damage...)


Well, to be fair to the devs a CM is not a dev.


But it still doesn't give us much hope that our DPS brethren are being heard. :(

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Well, to be fair to the devs a CM is not a dev.


But it still doesn't give us much hope that our DPS brethren are being heard. :(


of course not, BW is too busy sucking up to the people playing assassins/shadows dps atm to actually make an intelligent post regarding how subpar operatives really are compared to other classes mainly in the defense department

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i almost dont want any of us to spec healing, just because when we do mercs/sorcs will QQ because we can actually keep people alive in wz's and that just can't and shouldn't happen. it will bring about a new round of med nerfs in 2 weeks of 1.2 launch.


so we shall start bets...ill put the line at 3 weeks after launch till we get our healing nerfed.

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i almost dont want any of us to spec healing, just because when we do mercs/sorcs will QQ because we can actually keep people alive in wz's and that just can't and shouldn't happen. it will bring about a new round of med nerfs in 2 weeks of 1.2 launch.


so we shall start bets...ill put the line at 3 weeks after launch till we get our healing nerfed.


4 Words: -Feral Druid Classic WoW- "Lol Feral noob spec Resto to raid".. Never Again.

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of course not, BW is too busy sucking up to the people playing assassins/shadows dps atm to actually make an intelligent post regarding how subpar operatives really are compared to other classes mainly in the defense department


What defense do OPs need? They can take out health in all of 3 seconds with their stealth/stuns stuff, same goes for scoundrels.

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