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Name calling?


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Today I was in Alderaan civil war. I was sole guarding left turret, when the raid leader called me in to mid turret for help. When I ran over there, I was am ambushed, and we lost left turret. Then the raid leader began calling me a idiot, and I put him/her on ignore. Is this what I should have done, and is this normal? Oh, and it was in the 50 bracket. But, I was in levelling gear from Voss (almost all orange, commendention gear, and bonus series gear. Oranges got blue and purple mods in it). Edited by ToMyMa
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From what you say you were just following the raid leaders orders. He told you to come so you went. Not your fault you got ambushed. But for the future i'd say if you're the only one who is guarding the turret stay put.
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MMO players are not known for their social skills (I.e., productive ways of voicing their anger, in this case).


You did the right thing by putting him on ignore - whether or not you did something "wrong" is completely unrelated. Even if you did, there is a mature way to express that to you - which he did not do. The sad thing is many people will focus on what you *did* and whether it was right or wrong... When in reality, even if you did something very wrong, calling someone an "idiot" solves absolutely nothing. Constructive criticism can be immensely helpful in pvp.


Try not to let it get you down.

Edited by Shlamorel
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From what you say you were just following the raid leaders orders. He told you to come so you went. Not your fault you got ambushed. But for the future i'd say if you're the only one who is guarding the turret stay put.


^Yeh pretty much that. The ops leader was the "idiot" for specifically calling you off of a node if you were the ONLY person defending it.

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A lvl16 called me bad once in /say. I'm not going to lie, i was absolutely livid. I really had to re-evaluate myself and my position in life.


In all seriousness, some people are jerks, all you can do is add them to your ignore list.

Edited by namelless
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Ya you do not call someone off a node when you are the only one defending it any person with 1/2 a brain would know that! Heck i wouldn't even do it when i am the leader, only thing i ever ask is for them to do is call out healers so i can mark them!
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Absolutely you did the right thing, and as others have already stated, you were only following orders. Rule 1 about Civil War, never leave a turret unguarded. When myself and a few people from my guild run Civil War, we follow a most likely common strategy. When 2 nodes are capped, have two defending one, two defending the other, and leave 4 others to roam in response to incs.
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Today I was in Alderaan civil war. I was sole guarding left turret, when the raid leader called me in to mid turret for help. When I ran over there, I was am ambushed, and we lost left turret. Then the raid leader began calling me a idiot, and I put him/her on ignore. Is this what I should have done, and is this normal? Oh, and it was in the 50 bracket. But, I was in levelling gear from Voss (almost all orange, commendention gear, and bonus series gear. Oranges got blue and purple mods in it).


I would say he was the idiot for calling you off the node.

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Eh, OPs leader does not qualify someone as a leader in warzones, especially if your puggin. To be honest, Im not even entirely sure how it designates the OPs leader, as at times Ive seen a lvl 14 as OPs leader when others in the match were valor 44. There really is no good way to set a leader though in warzones, as for the most part valor equates more to time spent than actual skill, since there is no real way to lose valor to bad performance or simply afk'ing.


That said, if the guy called you specificly over, he derped if you were the sole defender. Likewise, you probably shouldnt have listened to him in the first place if you were alone.

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Thanks guys! I only listened to him because this was my second 50 warzone, and my server (Hex Droid EU) is only standard pop, and i dont want a bad reputation. Oh, and I am pretty good at ignoring ppl, so it was no problem. I just had to be sure;). But, thanks again:D
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Generally the only thing I pay attention to in /ops chat is when someone is saying incoming/help because 9 times out of 10 it is someone who thinks they are amazing crying about how bad the team is instead of actually trying to win. Lately I swear more people spend time crying in ops chat then actually pvping.


You did nothing wrong except you probably should of just ignored him from the get go or said in ops chat "I'm the only one defending I'm not going anywhere". You did the right thing though and put them on ignore. I rarely do ignore myself just because I find it amusing when these guys rage over a video game.

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^Yeh pretty much that. The ops leader was the "idiot" for specifically calling you off of a node if you were the ONLY person defending it.


Not always true. There are times when leaving it has several advatanges.

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Today I was in Alderaan civil war. I was sole guarding left turret, when the raid leader called me in to mid turret for help. When I ran over there, I was am ambushed, and we lost left turret. Then the raid leader began calling me a idiot, and I put him/her on ignore. Is this what I should have done, and is this normal? Oh, and it was in the 50 bracket. But, I was in levelling gear from Voss (almost all orange, commendention gear, and bonus series gear. Oranges got blue and purple mods in it).



Honestly, if he calls for help and you are guarding a turret alone, you should've ignored him. His message wasn't for you. If he calls you by NAME to come help, then you tell HIM he's an idiot, and he should stop being a bad leader.


That's why he called you an idiot. He was kinda right here. We all make mistakes though. Never, ever leave a turret unguarded. It takes way more work to win it back then it's worth giving it up for.


Use this guideline in the future:


- If you are defending side/mid, always keep 1 defending the quiet turret - and it HAS to be a good soloer/survivialist.


- If you are defending side/side, always keep two on the quiet turret, including one healer. You two need to be able to hold off a zerg longer (distance greater).


The exception to the two man on the side rule, is if it's getting late in the game and you're a good way behind in the score (say 200-80). Then you send the extra healer over to help zerg it - knowing full well if you lose the other turret it's just expediting the inevitable.

Edited by islander
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To be honest, Im not even entirely sure how it designates the OPs leader, as at times Ive seen a lvl 14 as OPs leader when others in the match were valor 44. .


It goes by the currently numerical value of your Valor....



ie.....if I am Lvl 20 Valor, and my numerical valor is 25666 of 26000....and there is a Lvl 75 valor, with a current numerical value of 25660 of 1,2000,000..... I am going to be the ops leader.

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Today I was in Alderaan civil war. I was sole guarding left turret, when the raid leader called me in to mid turret for help. When I ran over there, I was am ambushed, and we lost left turret. Then the raid leader began calling me a idiot, and I put him/her on ignore. Is this what I should have done, and is this normal? Oh, and it was in the 50 bracket. But, I was in levelling gear from Voss (almost all orange, commendention gear, and bonus series gear. Oranges got blue and purple mods in it).


Never leave a turret alone. Unless you're behind and need to take a node now in an all-in attack.


Also the raid leader either


1) Didn't address you


2) Didn't know you were alone


3) Is an Idiot


You should have said you were alone and you didn't want to leave the node unguarded. And yes, you're very much at fault for leaving the node. The raid leader was wrong for calling you, but you're more wrong for following those orders.


The age old saying: "Who is the bigger fool, the fool that leads or the fool that follows" applied here. Live and learn.

Edited by Orangerascal
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It goes by the currently numerical value of your Valor....



ie.....if I am Lvl 20 Valor, and my numerical valor is 25666 of 26000....and there is a Lvl 75 valor, with a current numerical value of 25660 of 1,2000,000..... I am going to be the ops leader.


Pretty sure this isn't true, as I have been Ops leader with several War Hero's in my warzone (I'm valor 69).

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Pretty sure this isn't true, as I have been Ops leader with several War Hero's in my warzone (I'm valor 69).


he's correct. The leader is determined by the highest x where x is the amount of valor at the current level.


It's a known bug.

Edited by Orangerascal
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Islander@: He actually said over chat:" Stormer inc mid, NOW!" or something like that. BTW, I am a commando, so no good solo class.


You should have told him he was an idiot then. You weren't at fault - at all. You followed his specific instruction.


The 'who' guards a turret is just the guideline my guild uses. Most people don't think of it this way. I just find personally we lose turrets a lot less by putting someone durable on the turret. A good vanguard or assassin, for example, can hold off 2 people easily - and probably a third for a time. You basically need to duelist to hold off a horde for about 20 seconds. By then if help hasnt arrived it's not the defender's fault.


If it's a side/side defense, then it doesn't matter who the DPSer is, just that the second should be a healer. You can do two duelists also, but then you really gimp your dps when trying to take the second turret.

Edited by islander
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Today I was in Alderaan civil war. I was sole guarding left turret, when the raid leader called me in to mid turret for help. When I ran over there, I was am ambushed, and we lost left turret. Then the raid leader began calling me a idiot, and I put him/her on ignore. Is this what I should have done, and is this normal? Oh, and it was in the 50 bracket. But, I was in levelling gear from Voss (almost all orange, commendention gear, and bonus series gear. Oranges got blue and purple mods in it).


So glad there was a thread made over all of this, another +1 to crap that needs to be kept out...

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I play WZs all the time, and I do a pretty damn good job if I do say so myself. With that said sometimes I make mistakes, and I hate being called out on it by some finger-wagging nerd. SO, when I see these people in huttball on the opposing team I make sure to grief them over and over. IT's gratifying, you should try it. Edited by HBninjaX
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