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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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But equally some did do bad stuff and quit due to the concequences, and many more didn't do bad stuff for fear of concequences.
Nah, people that were going to do bad stuff did it; the threat of tattling didn't stop anyone.


Am I sensing you got touched in a bad way and are still bitter about it? :eek:
No... I just laughed when I read about some of the "we should add X to the PoMS list" talk in ooc, since I had already seen how ineffective it was.


Likewise, I wasn't surprised when people complained every other day that someone from the top defiant raiding guild on my server had "ninjalooted" an item from a pug... they stayed the top defiant raiding guild on that server, and kept right on "ninjalooting"...

Edited by ferroz
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And its not just the one thread, heres some more that got ignored. It almost seems like BW doesnt want peoples money...


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=34745&highlight=server+merge 1,006 posts 124,233 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=136348&highlight=server+merge 1,012 posts 76,359 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=350700&highlight=server+merge 1,047 posts 74,051 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=246560&highlight=server+merge 1,024 posts 70,978 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=310753&highlight=server+merge 1,002 posts 68,998 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=233108&highlight=server+merge 1,004 posts 68,980 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=340708&highlight=server+merge 1,012 posts 65,430 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=380340 702 posts 33,765 views and counting.



Ha, funny how the threads have lost about 50% of the views they were getting. Sounds about right for game pop... about 600-800 thousand subs after may would be my guess.

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I think a lot of us gave this game a fair shot and it just does not make the cut.


They did have 2-3 original ideas in the game which I'm glad Blizz picked up and improved for MoP.


With MoP, D3 and GW2 coming server mergers will mean nothing to me.

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Nah, people that were going to do bad stuff did it; the threat of tattling didn't stop anyone.


How on earth can you know that?


No... I just laughed when I read about some of the "we should add X to the PoMS list" talk in ooc, since I had already seen how ineffective it was.


It was fairly effective when they could kill you. ;)


Likewise, I wasn't surprised when people complained every other day that someone from the top defiant raiding guild on my server had "ninjalooted" an item from a pug... they stayed the top defiant raiding guild on that server, and kept right on "ninjalooting"...


Those at the top do as they like, as they always have and always will, in all things.

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Because they're being praised by the gaming community for even admitting there's an issue?


Acknowledgement would be a step in the right direction.


What we're looking at at the moment is just flat out denial, or wishful thinking that 1.2 will make everything better. Which, of course, it won't.



Do you know the number one thing that drives off new players? When you log into a game and see no one else playing it. That's the biggest killer. As well as Seeing:





































As your server choices. That's not a great impression either...


I would also say any 5 year old could look at that list and say, "problem here. Need fix!".


As a testimony to EA and Bioware we should all just quit now bugger waiting for a patch that they delay longer to get sub money tyring to cover the cost of the 300 million, trust me they are dragging it out to get as much out you as possible ive quit already wont be renewing it once my sub is ran out. Because games on horizon and a free game to play that pretty good is at http://www.pathofexcile.com

Edited by unseenmaji
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I'm a level 50 Sage.


I'm on a pve server and I worked hard to complete the sage storyline of this game-- the majority of which felt like a single player experience beyond the first week in Feb. My server is virtually dead. I originally joined back in December because it was the only server that wasn't "very heavy", it was only "heavy". Now, I've actually traveled to various planets during what should be "peak" hours on the East Coast and there are maybe 2-5 players on a planet. I get very excited and pee myself when I see 6-8. Out of the 360 people in my guild, there are about 6-10 on at any given time, most at very different points than I, and very uninterested in teaming. The majority are a small group of high ranking level 50's that have done it all. I have tired this game at all different times during the day and night, as my schedule changes. I thought it was just my server, which I heard was one of the 3 least populated in the game. I don't understand why this issue has not been addressed. There is no point in playing a game where I wait around to do group quests that I can no longer do on my own. I didn't enjoy playing much of the game solo, but I had little choice. Now I don't have any choice at all, because I cannot beat these flashpoints alone on Ilum.


I'm not interested in starting over on another server, I tried that with a Bounty Hunter and that server is now dead too. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. I know my gripes with this game have nothing to do with anything they are addressing in 1.2. I could care less whether a pure blood sith can be a republic character. Are you kidding me? I want to be able to actually get relevant gear on quests. Why was finding gear like panning for gold the entire game? With respect to artifice, I want to have a higher success rate than .005% at reverse engineering enhancements I create. I spent countless in game credits sending out crew members and I have very little to show for it in way of advancements. Epic fail there, not even worth the time. When I do actually create a purple enhancement, the beefy +39 alacrity points cut my cast times by .002 of a second.. "And their was much rejoicing."


Finally, when I do get a group together-- if anyone is at a slightly different place in the story-- the quest cannot be shared. Or worse, in the middle of a quest, players actually have to wait for something to re-spawn and complete it themselves rather than get credit from their group completing it. And as far as the bonus quests go, "Stage 3: run back around and kill 40 more robots" just isn't cutting it. I love Star Wars, and I love SO MUCH about this game. I really do want to love the game, but there is enough wrong, that I'm leaving. They aren't addressing the problems that are CAUSING people to flee. At issue is not the decline in server populations: that is a symptom of the real problems, which are those I've mentioned and more. Never mind the fact we have a cap at level 50 with no more skill advancements. Yeesh. If such issues are not addressed, all the server merging in the world will not light up this game. There is plenty of money to go around with younger players, wow has survived. This game wasn't ready and is still not ready to go the distance. Bioware, please email me when you fix these issues and I will GLADLY give it another go.

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You know, a big problem with this game is simple:


When you first play and make your character your already thinking "Umm.. Not a lot of character customization" Infact, there isn't any. You are forced to pick from pre-sets. You can't make your character look how you want. So already it starts off bad.


So anyway, you make your character and land on Tython/Dromund Kaas/Ord Mantell/Hutt and you go about questing.


At first it's great. The whole voice-over thing, the dialogue choices, you feel like you want to quest, want to know the story the quest giver will give you. But as you progress, you start wondering "Didn't I just do this quest?" because every single quest is the same. They took a template like:


I'm _____ From ______ and something bad has happened to _______. I need you to ______ x amount of _______ to make this right.


That's the template FOR EVERY SINGLE QUEST. From 1-50.


So ok, you ignore that and just continue mowing down the quests one after another, and as you progress further in the planets, you stop dead in your tracks and just say "My god, this is absolutely dead!". You're not speaking about the population. You aren't speaking about the server. You are speaking about the atmosphere of the game. The planets are dead, lifeless and bland. No NPC interaction outside quest givers. There is no point in exploring. You are on the rails from the very moment you get on the planet after going through about 6 loading screens.


There aren't any old Sith Temples to find (Unless it's connected to a quest), no old Rakata buildings, nothing. It's an on the rails adventure the whole way through. No exploration in an MMORPG? Especially a Star Wars MMORPG? Ouch.. That's really all that needs to be said.


So what happens? By the time you reach Alderaan, you're bored to death and the only thing that keeps you going is the class quest. So you put your head down, slog through the muck to get to the end of your class quest, and when you do, you realize "That story wasn't even good. Felt like it was written for a 10 year old. Very childish".


Now you are 50. What do you have left to do? PvE dailies, Grinding Warzones, Doing Flashpoints/Ops. That's it, and that's ONLY if you happen to be on one of the 4-6 populated servers, or were able to join a Guild that didn't all quit.


Your next choice? Re-Roll, and do all the boring, bland questing again over the same boring, bland planets again, to see another boring bland main-story again.


No thanks.


They can't fix this game. There are HUGE design flaws that are simply not fixable without rebuilding the game, which won't happen.


This game has no shelf-life. It's a tide-me-over at best.


That's truly a sad, sad ending for a game that had such amazing promise, hype and potential playerbase.

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They can't fix this game. There are HUGE design flaws that are simply not fixable without rebuilding the game, which won't happen.


This game has no shelf-life. It's a tide-me-over at best.


That's truly a sad, sad ending for a game that had such amazing promise, hype and potential playerbase.


This is my first post in these forums (where I am not in any way a user).


Sadly my first post is to say I completely agree with the quoted message. It is very very very sad the current status of the boring planets of this game.


I will not repeat the same words which I share 100% (sadly because I want this game to succeed big time, and I am a SW big fan).


The point of the iceberg of the lack of foresight used to design the atmosphere of this game are the NPC places in the hoth cantina (a little-very telling detail for me). They are THE SAME picture (blond , male...). What kind of inmertion is BW trying to obtain? What kind of polish is BW satisfied with?

For me it is a sign of the lack of interest to produce a customer-driven MMO but a soul-less money-driven MMO.


Very very sad indeed.

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I wrote a painfully honest review, until I read yours. Very well stated, sir. This is my first MMO of any kind, so I had no idea that in others you could go explore and do things other than the limited scope of the stale class quests. I also didn't know there could be more to the worlds. Your post makes me want to try wow. Thank you for what you said, it really rings true.

Edited by DevilsAeon
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Well you can explore "Datacons" and ummmm that's about it.

Not the point of the thread, but yes sadly the game is mostly on rails.


The thing that's boring about the game which makes it less fun when there is no one to play with is there is pretty much only 1 way to get to 50 (if you want to quest) no matter what story line you follow.


I have spoken with my wallet and am down to 10 days of play time. After that I'm gone for at least 6 - 9 months. And I lover Star Wars.

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Well i just unsubbed and am not coming back.I truly wanted this game to work and played through 3 lvl50s and 3 servers.I really cant find anything enjoyable to do apart from PVP (it feels like you are truly playing with your fellow players) but this doesnt make an MMO for me.I did have fun along the way but overall im dissapointed. Hope the game gets better for people who stay playing and that people get transfers sooner rather than later.I score the game 6/10 because it needs to be reworked in my pointless opinion.
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This is my first post in these forums (where I am not in any way a user).


Sadly my first post is to say I completely agree with the quoted message. It is very very very sad the current status of the boring planets of this game.


I will not repeat the same words which I share 100% (sadly because I want this game to succeed big time, and I am a SW big fan).


The point of the iceberg of the lack of foresight used to design the atmosphere of this game are the NPC places in the hoth cantina (a little-very telling detail for me). They are THE SAME picture (blond , male...). What kind of inmertion is BW trying to obtain? What kind of polish is BW satisfied with?

For me it is a sign of the lack of interest to produce a customer-driven MMO but a soul-less money-driven MMO.


Very very sad indeed.


I agree. I feel like this is a sad case of EAware. They spent a huge budget on the voice acting and let the actual game itself fall by the wayside. There are so many things not in this game, it feels lifeless, and the community on most servers is broken.


I've spent so much time telling myself it was good, but its just not all it was cracked up to be. 1.2 is introducing very little by comparison to what this game needs to be successful. This game needed more development time it simply was hyped for too long and then fell short.


I am struggling because the Star Wars fan in me wants me to come back. I didn't even really play SWG but now I am wishing I had gotten the chance because I thought this was be 'the' star wars experience. Its not even as good as Kotor 3 probably could have been.

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Mis disculpa a los usuarios de habla ingles, pero yo soy Chileno y quiero quejarme en mi idoma y voy a usar google traductor para dejarlo en las 2 formas.


Muy cierto, no entiendo como EA o Bioware, no hacen algo para solucionar este problema, ya parece servidor privado, no hay gente para hacer nada de nada, las colas de pvp son eternas por falta de gente, en mi servidor PORT NOWHERE antes estaba repleto, ahora pasa vacio.


La mejor solucion es fusionar servidores o hacer transferencia gratuitas a los usuarios que estan aburridos de jugar en un pueblo fantasma como son muchos servidores que estan por ahi.





My apologies to the English-speaking users, but I'm Chilean and I complain to my Idoma and I use google translator to leave in 2 ways.


Very true, do not understand how EA or Bioware, do not do something to solve this problem, since it seems private server, there are no people to do anything, pvp queues are eternal lack of people on my server was previously PORT NOWHERE full, now goes empty.


The best solution is to merge servers or to download free to users who are bored of playing in a ghost town as many servers that are out there.



please the moderator, I delete the part in Spanish, I think if I pay for something I have the same right to my opinion. I hope they are not racist ...

Edited by legsepl
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/who 1-30 = 84 people

/who 31-49 = 40 people

/who 50 = 36 people


160 total republic side.


Guy spamming in general trying to get a tank, has been spamming for an hour for a regular directive 7.

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bad analogy. You can't compare entertainment to something emotional. You should not be emotionally invested in a video game unless you physically helped create it.


ROFL. Entertainment is emotion. The reason we like to be entertained is to feel good. To enjoy. to watch a movie for laughs, scares, play a game for excitement, listen to music for comfort. What other reason is there for entertainment? LoL


Also though many of us including me get emotionally attatched to our work, that is NOT what work is primarily for for many of us. Many of us should not get enmotionally attached for "professional" reasons. So the opposite of your analogy is actually correct in most cases.

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Until people stop supporting companys which dont care about them which are only in it for money, they will continue to do it, all that happening now is giving money to unworthy companys. I call for mass boycotte as a protest against this type of treatment of players, EA and Bioware need to learn we arn't just numbers and wont stand for this nonsense any longer. Releasing games before there ready to get easy sales based on a popular name is disrespecting the public. I feel bad for the Starwars series putting it name on this game it repetation has been hurt suprised Lucas isnts sueing over them rushing and ruining the game when he put his name to it. I say we make a statement and a stand and all boycotte their games and leave this one, stop giving them subs they dont deserve it and are so overconfident make predictions that arnt even true and have censored every negative post that been posted, are we living in a nazi controled world that free speach is censored if it goes against the powers that be. Dont stand for it gamers we arnt numbers we are people and our voice maters. Edited by unseenmaji
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