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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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By all appearances it seems that bioware has no intention of implementing server transfers.


So when Bioware publicly states that it is working on server transfers, first for the Asian servers, and then for the other regions, they are engaging in deliberate lying?

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Actually, I do. Records of player activity over the past two months show no real variation for the vast majority of servers. Populations peak at approximately the same time each day, the magnitude of that peak remains constant nearly every day, and the daily lows show similar repetition.
Except Torstatus just uses the server status, and not actual population numbers.


So what was a 130-150 fleet population and registers as Standard has alot of room to drop below the 40-50 fleet population it can muster while still boasting of being Standard population.

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So when Bioware publicly states that it is working on server transfers, first for the Asian servers, and then for the other regions, they are engaging in deliberate lying?


Talked to a few people who have tried the free trials and decided not to buy the game based on the negative feedback given by players in the game, otherwise they enjoyed it. We are shooting ourselves in the foot here.

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Except Torstatus just uses the server status, and not actual population numbers.


So what was a 130-150 fleet population and registers as Standard has alot of room to drop below the 40-50 fleet population it can muster while still boasting of being Standard population.


With a pop of around 1 million the average server pop will be between 250-500 with light serves falling below that and higher pop servers moving above that. This is the reason why some have been asking (myself included) people to reroll on higher pop servers.

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Except Torstatus just uses the server status, and not actual population numbers.


So what was a 130-150 fleet population and registers as Standard has alot of room to drop below the 40-50 fleet population it can muster while still boasting of being Standard population.


I'd kill for a fleet pop that huge! the other night I logged on and went to several different worlds. Highest pop was 5. lowest pop was at fleet and that was 2! It wasn't after a patch or before one either. Ok sure names might be a prob with server merge but this game it shouldn't be that big of a deal. After all not like there is player towns or houseing lots. Yes cross server warzones would help but only for some PvP not for PvE. I'd like to pick up an operation someday without preplaning it and calling a ton of peeps in real life.

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Yeah. On republic side, the fleet is certainly at "Light" Pop levels. Imperial Fleet is better, at about three times the population, which is probably why our server ends up being at Standard.


This is something they really need to fix. Especially when a starter world on fatman has over 4 times the number of people that we have on our fleet.

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Except Torstatus just uses the server status, and not actual population numbers.


So what was a 130-150 fleet population and registers as Standard has alot of room to drop below the 40-50 fleet population it can muster while still boasting of being Standard population.

I always find it odd that people keep referencing fleet population rather than getting the whole server population


levels 1-30 = 89 people

levels 31-49 = 33 people

level 50 = 80 people*


total of 199 people republic side on a Tuesday at 8:45pm server


* of the 50s

  • 31 were in EV
  • 25 in fleet
  • 8 of them were in a pvp match (civil war)
  • 4 on belsavis
  • 2 on corellia
  • 2 on hoth
  • 4 on illum
  • 2 in KP
  • 1 on tatooine
  • 1 on voss


I assume that some of the people on fleet were raiding and recovering from a wipe, because when I checked a few minutes later, there were 8 in KP rather than 2.


So of the 50s logged in tonight, half are raiding (since the lockout is reset today, that's not surprising). 1/4 are pvping or doing dailies or derping around in random zones. 1/4 are sitting around in fleet (maybe forming raids, maybe forming HM FP, maybe queued for PvP, unknown)

Edited by ferroz
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Here's to compare, server Colonel Tobin, Imp side, 9:20PM server time


1-30 (64)

31-49 (57)

50 (50)


Total players 171

Total Fleet population 15


Of the lvl 50:


16 in EV

14 in Fleet

12 Pit (imp vs. imp match)

3 Ilum

2 Corellia

2 Belsavis

1 Unknown (it's blank)


Tue pop is always a lil higher since the weekly resets, a couple guilds come do their ops. So this is about as good as it gets on this server.

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I always find it odd that people keep referencing fleet population rather than getting the whole server population


levels 1-30 = 89 people

levels 31-49 = 33 people

level 50 = 80 people*


total of 199 people republic side on a Tuesday at 8:45pm server


* of the 50s

  • 31 were in EV
  • 25 in fleet
  • 8 of them were in a pvp match (civil war)
  • 4 on belsavis
  • 2 on corellia
  • 2 on hoth
  • 4 on illum
  • 2 in KP
  • 1 on tatooine
  • 1 on voss


I assume that some of the people on fleet were raiding and recovering from a wipe, because when I checked a few minutes later, there were 8 in KP rather than 2.


So of the 50s logged in tonight, half are raiding (since the lockout is reset today, that's not surprising). 1/4 are pvping or doing dailies or derping around in random zones. 1/4 are sitting around in fleet (maybe forming raids, maybe forming HM FP, maybe queued for PvP, unknown)


and 199 is a good thing?


We should have 1000s of people online at peak times on a server not 200.


This is a damn single player game, and unless Bioware makes it a proper MMO more and more people will quit.

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and 199 is a good thing?


We should have 1000s of people online at peak times on a server not 200.


This is a damn single player game, and unless Bioware makes it a proper MMO more and more people will quit.


Which MMO have you played that has thousands of people on (one of) the lowest populated server at a time (not including expansion/game launch days) that aren't chat spammers? Please tell.


*edited for improper wording

Edited by Oofpez
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Which MMO have you played that has thousands of people on a single server at a time that aren't chat spammers? Please tell.


...good one...


FYI, on the server with 171 online right now I listed above, it's had a total of 2 WZ's pop today, both imp vs. imp huttball.


It wouldn't be so bad if there were cross-server WZs at least.


Maybe you should log onto it and ask everyone there if they think their server is dead. Be sure and tell them that's how all MMOs are to see who believes you.


I like the game a lot and want it to grow, but I'm not in denial.

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...good one...


FYI, on the server with 171 online right now I listed above, it's had a total of 2 WZ's pop today, both imp vs. imp huttball.


It wouldn't be so bad if there were cross-server WZs at least.


Maybe you should log onto it and ask everyone there if they think their server is dead. Be sure and tell them that's how all MMOs are to see who believes you.


I like the game a lot and want it to grow, but I'm not in denial.


I actually believe that the populations of some servers are falling, but I also believe that the populations of some servers are rising at a slightly smaller pace.


What I meant was that there will be empty servers regardless of what game you play, and if you're on a server with lower population (171 total is quite small, I agree, but you can't argue that there ARE servers out there with MUCH more population. I believe Fatman has about 9x that number), then I hope that server transfers/merges come out soon, because I DO believe that Bioware went somewhat overboard with the number of servers they released at launch (due to in part by players whining).


However, what I MEANT to say was give me a game where the lowest populated server has THOUSANDS of people. I don't think there are many, but, then again, I haven't played too many MMOs.

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I'm on a Low Pop server and have mixed feelings about it. While I'm "story" questing, I love it. I can, generally, get all of the kills I need, easily. The quest bosses are almost always there (ready to be killed). Then I pick up a couple of group quests/flashpoints, and there are fewer people on the planet than they recommend to run the quest.


As a result, my alts have virtually 0 Social Points with no real prospects of of getting any, which is kind of annoying ... so much neat social gear.


So, yes, I'd like the LFG option... I get the benefits of questing on my low pop server with the ability to group up when needed.


The market place is almost dead, too, but oh well.

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If BW doesn't add cross server LFG soon or let me merge onto a decent server AND implement same server only LFG then I don't see any point in resubing next month. There's a huge amount of content I'm paying for that I can't access because I don't have 3 hours every night to spam chat looking for a group.
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Which MMO have you played that has thousands of people on (one of) the lowest populated server at a time (not including expansion/game launch days) that aren't chat spammers? Please tell.


doubt you will have anyone respond with a honest answer.

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Which MMO have you played that has thousands of people on (one of) the lowest populated server at a time (not including expansion/game launch days) that aren't chat spammers? Please tell.


*edited for improper wording


DAOC..And ever ytime you hit the game launcher you knew how many were on each server or visited the website for that matter.

Normal server pop prime time was common to have 1000 to 2000 players online on each server.

When they released the classic server rule set the servers would hit pop cap (3000 to 3400 i forget which it was).

RvR keep battles of 600 plus players were not uncommon and seeing several 100 player battle groups zerg around every night was common.

Even in pve i never had a issue filling a battlegroup (100 players) for master level raids.

I have to say that daoc truly felt MASSIVE and alive and the fights were just epic!

Modern day mmo's would melt down if 600 players all showed up in clip range.

Yes there was lag some people on not so good systems even crashed out. We did crash the zones some time (hib shroom spam FTW) But that was with HUNDREDS of players/pets ALL in clip/render range.


All this from a game that had a peak sub base of 250k! Swtor last claim was 1.7 million and i rarely see anyone outside of fleet the nits 100 to so on a HEAVY server and my system lags.

Go to a planet to level a alt and 40 people on planet and get this.. I never run across any of them.

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Which MMO have you played that has thousands of people on (one of) the lowest populated server at a time (not including expansion/game launch days) that aren't chat spammers? Please tell.


*edited for improper wording



and 199 is a good thing?
No, it's pretty terrible, especially since 20% of those people are raiding because it's the day that the raid lockout reset... that means it's pretty likely to be the weekly peak usage, or close to it.


Even before EQ added the bazaar, back when SOE actually reported the server numbers on the server select screen*, most of their medium population servers had ~2500 people on them at prime time; heavy pop servers like Sullon Zek had more in the 4000-5000 range, and I seem to recall seeing a screenshot of the server select where there were nearly 8k people on a server. Low pop servers were in the 1500-2000 range


*that went away around or shortly before DAoC released iirc... they didn't want to give competitors any info about their usage. But before then, they had the actual logged in users at the server select for the world to see, which was also available through the web page that had the server status.

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