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Server population is dropping...


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Amazing Bioware has yet to comment on such a heated topic. It's as if they want people to unsub instead of calming people's nerves by saying they'll take care of it. You would think this would be an extremely high priority that they would talk about openly.


Pretty disheartening Bioware. Our server population is extremely low on "The Constant."

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Amazing Bioware has yet to comment on such a heated topic. It's as if they want people to unsub instead of calming people's nerves by saying they'll take care of it. You would think this would be an extremely high priority that they would talk about openly.


Pretty disheartening Bioware. Our server population is extremely low on "The Constant."



Yeah , amazing the Titanic didn't immediately tell everyone on board the ship was sinking.

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Amazing Bioware has yet to comment on such a heated topic. It's as if they want people to unsub instead of calming people's nerves by saying they'll take care of it. You would think this would be an extremely high priority that they would talk about openly.


Pretty disheartening Bioware. Our server population is extremely low on "The Constant."


oooooooooor, they see the real numbers and stats on people playing on each and every server... and they know the truth on what is going on... which may be far removed from the few doomsayers and trolls that parade around the forum...



just maybe....

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oooooooooor, they see the real numbers and stats on people playing on each and every server... and they know the truth on what is going on... which may be far removed from the few doomsayers and trolls that parade around the forum...



just maybe....


Do you really think that this many different people came here to complain about a problem that doesn't exist?

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but they have said something about it. SOmeone posted it 2-3 times at least that I saw in the past couple of days.


They wont do anything until after 1.2. They can't. They need to get the legacy system in place and then start work on transfers. Last I heard I think they were talking about late april for transfers to the oceanic servers.


Imagine the grief if they go it slightly wrong and something went wrong with your toon.


You really want it NOW?? without testing?? just magically done?




They should open up transfers today. After a month, then combine servers down to about one quarter of what they have now.


THEN, they should put the legacy system sometime this summer. Perhaps that could be patch 1.3. They are hemorrhaging players. Not doing anything about low pop issues because it is too hard to implement AFTER a legacy system nobody gives two sh|ts about is bass ackwards.


They will be sorry (but of course they will never acknowledge or understand) that this is the sole reason for them having less than a million subs by the time June rolls around.


Get a clue, Bioware.

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So you think server population is fine? And you are calling me delusional. Classic.



Frostvein, everything is fine. Everyone loves this game. It is all roses and peaches and cream. Even though it looks like you are all alone on your server with 4 other people, there are literally thousands there with you.... in spirit.


It's a roleplaying game.


You have to use your imagination and pretend it doesn't take 4 separate instances just to leave your ship and dock on a planet. That 10 minutes IS QUALITY GAME TIME. You get to roleplay running through the spaceport like a futuristic O.J.Simpson. Sure its the SAME EXACT SPACEPORT on every planet but that just gives you more time to not worry about looking at the environments.


Everything is fine. No need to worry about upcoming "mega-servers" or the FTP conversion. That will be just fine too. You don't know it yet, but that is exactly what you want.


Every subscriber will get a free tube of Vaseline in the mail to help deal with any discomfort.

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In an MMO without instant gratifaction tools like LFG. People would know who was what on your server. If you were a ninja, Your name would get around the server, which would get you black listed. A community built, people got to know peoples rolls and classes. Idiots would be outed and black listed and the server balance would take effect. At the moment in WoW, people log in, push a button, jump in an instance with no community ties. people ninja with no back lash. people act like idiots with no back lash as they know all that they have to do is join another queue.


No thanks!


Server merge yes, Cross server LFG no thanks.


I think people that complain about ninjas are peole who don't understand community because why does it matter when someone rolls against you; you will run that fp a hunder or more times. Just because you think anyone rolling against you is ninjaing doesn't mean its true.


In addition, name changes and server transfer also cause ninjaing.


also check out this article about LFG:




It would require most server ot have more 3 people in the fleet to have a community or a guild.


If don't like group rolls set by the devs don't blame the players blame the game.


Finally, we are not your mother with don't have to dress your; run more fps and you will ge geared.

Edited by samht
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Frostvein, everything is fine. Everyone loves this game. It is all roses and peaches and cream. Even though it looks like you are all alone on your server with 4 other people, there are literally thousands there with you.... in spirit.


It's a roleplaying game.


You have to use your imagination and pretend it doesn't take 4 separate instances just to leave your ship and dock on a planet. That 10 minutes IS QUALITY GAME TIME. You get to roleplay running through the spaceport like a futuristic O.J.Simpson. Sure its the SAME EXACT SPACEPORT on every planet but that just gives you more time to not worry about looking at the environments.


Everything is fine. No need to worry about upcoming "mega-servers" or the FTP conversion. That will be just fine too. You don't know it yet, but that is exactly what you want.


Every subscriber will get a free tube of Vaseline in the mail to help deal with any discomfort.


^ loved it, can I get extra vaseline; I keep on running out every time my companion is mako

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I know pops are low but you can't go by he Zone number in the upper left hand corner it is always stuck at nine....last week our guild had a guild meeting on Tatooine sixty of us zoned into Anchorhead; the Zone number said it was nine. They need to either fix that or remove it because right now it's useless.


im not lookin at the zone number,i open up the fleet and there was nine people on...theres only 3 now...its like that every day...on a good day i may see 15...i think my server is the worst of them all

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oooooooooor, they see the real numbers and stats on people playing on each and every server... and they know the truth on what is going on... which may be far removed from the few doomsayers and trolls that parade around the forum...



just maybe....


If the servers weren't dead then people wouldn't complain that they are. Fact is - the population is dying.


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I started on one of the early servers, and ended up switching to a lower population one because the game ran so slowly in some areas. That's since been fixed but my main characters are now on a server with such a low population I'm practically playing a single player game. There are so few people online that we can't get warzones going - the levels are spread between 15 and 47 so people quit - and it's not possible to find people to do the end game flashpoints.


I'm at the point where I'm ready to quit. I have level 14 legacy, and several alts at varying stages of the game, and I have been so excited about the prospect of that actually meaning something, but if the only option available right now is for me to start up on a more populated server then I lose all of that. I created a toon on Tomb of Freedom Nadd yesterday just to see. There are more people online in the starting area than I have ever seen online on the other server.


I love the game and I'd love to keep playing. But if they don't enable server transfers or merge servers then I lose all of the time I've put in so far. And that just kills my enjoyment of the game.

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I started on one of the early servers, and ended up switching to a lower population one because the game ran so slowly in some areas. That's since been fixed but my main characters are now on a server with such a low population I'm practically playing a single player game. There are so few people online that we can't get warzones going - the levels are spread between 15 and 47 so people quit - and it's not possible to find people to do the end game flashpoints.


I'm at the point where I'm ready to quit. I have level 14 legacy, and several alts at varying stages of the game, and I have been so excited about the prospect of that actually meaning something, but if the only option available right now is for me to start up on a more populated server then I lose all of that. I created a toon on Tomb of Freedom Nadd yesterday just to see. There are more people online in the starting area than I have ever seen online on the other server.


I love the game and I'd love to keep playing. But if they don't enable server transfers or merge servers then I lose all of the time I've put in so far. And that just kills my enjoyment of the game.


Man u so right. I have same situation...:mad::mad::(

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I love over generalization then dialing it back after the cat's out of the bag... like that slimy lawyer that phrases some awful lie at the end of a line of questioning just to get in the minds of the jury... then qualifies it down, or withdraws it...


It's not over generalization when about 90% of people in this thread states the same thing.



A server may have low population, but the overall game is FAR from dying... as evident by heavy, very heavy, and standard servers all over the place.


You're right, a server many have low population that does not mean game is dying. But when you have 10, 100, 200 servers that are all having low population, then it does mean the game is dying.


How many heavy and very heavy servers are you seeing? I don't see a lot. Standard population at peak time with only 100 players on the fleet is not considered a lively server.


You know they lowered the server cap right? Which means "Standard" population now, were considered "Light" at game launch. Remember at launch where 90% of the servers were full and had a queue time? I don't see that now. Do you?


When a game goes from 4 hours queue time to get into a server at launch, to 80% of servers show "Light" off peak and "Standard" during peak time, how can you say the game is not dying, is beyond me.

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First excuse my english, i'm spanish ^^


ppl who seak a game with constant high population are wrong ... since there's many MMOs people switch from game to game since they have reached the hi-end content and come back at new update.


Look at Rift. the game was about dying 2 month ago and now you have (on EU server at least) some server with queue ...



(ex : Since I play Guild Wars, and probably GW2, i'm fine with spare a monthly fee when i know i'll not play a lot. I will quit SWTOR because i'm full Rakata and reached all my in-game goal and come back later when the new content is on.)


Oh, and i dont speak of ppl who are on Mass Effect 3 waiting the 1.2, it's about 1/3 of my guid.

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Frostvein, everything is fine. Everyone loves this game. It is all roses and peaches and cream. Even though it looks like you are all alone on your server with 4 other people, there are literally thousands there with you.... in spirit.


It's a roleplaying game.


You have to use your imagination and pretend it doesn't take 4 separate instances just to leave your ship and dock on a planet. That 10 minutes IS QUALITY GAME TIME. You get to roleplay running through the spaceport like a futuristic O.J.Simpson. Sure its the SAME EXACT SPACEPORT on every planet but that just gives you more time to not worry about looking at the environments.


Everything is fine. No need to worry about upcoming "mega-servers" or the FTP conversion. That will be just fine too. You don't know it yet, but that is exactly what you want.


Every subscriber will get a free tube of Vaseline in the mail to help deal with any discomfort.


ahh it's all so clear to me now... bw wants us to roleplay that a plague wiped out the universe and we are the last survivors.....

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After looking here:


http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/trends (be sure to highlight the whole date range by clicking and dragging on the section under the graph)


I really think server merges can't come fast enough.


Clearly the number of "light" servers is increasing steadily whereas "heavy" and "full" servers have steadily decreased to the point where they have flatlined at the bottom of the graph (even over spring break!) Unless BW have been steadily changing server caps to make them look more empty I think these graphs are pretty accurate of the situation at hand.


Personally I don't care about sub numbers I just would like more people to play with. I do not wish to reroll and level up again. It takes me months to do this as I only play 10 hours a week or so at most.


Since there are so few players to play with I log even less, which just grows the problem.


tl;dr at least merge all the servers that never go higher than "light".

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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


Maybe people have jobs, schools, other obligations, etc....when TOR launched it was during a time when most people had a lot of free time...the server I primarily play on, Canderous Ordo seems to be in the 'Heavy' category a lot of the time by the late afternoon.

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Maybe people have jobs, schools, other obligations, etc....when TOR launched it was during a time when most people had a lot of free time...the server I primarily play on, Canderous Ordo seems to be in the 'Heavy' category a lot of the time by the late afternoon.


This is true. But if this was the only reason for the drop off, then Spring Break throughout March in the US and Canada should have seen a large increase in log ons. There wasn't.


I wish I could transfer to your server, sounds nice. :)

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They marketed it all wrong


1. They said it was an MMORPG with everything you'd expect from an MMORPG but you'd be doing different things. Instead, you do the same things but the VO's add a different flavor and rather than many short stories along the way levelling involves following one longer story, but it's all completed far quicker than MMORPG players would expect.


2. Hardcore players can only progress so far, and the pinnacle can be reached pretty quickly. Much, much faster than you'd expect from an MMO.


In short, it doesn't play like the average MMORPG. It's very fast, it's not involving and it's not demanding to complete the entire game. It's casual only.


They didn't mention that much at all. Too many people came to the game expecting an MMORPG but expanded upon, and left. It hasn't been made clear that it's a very casual game in the advertising. And many people who would be might not yet be aware of the fact that this is a casual MMORPG tailored to people who don't have much time to play. I don't think many people understood that coming into it, so they lost an ideal audience by not making that clearer.


The time you can spend on a character in depth is very limited, and in order for it to have the same time and effort demands as what many are used to or associate with MMO's for good or bad, it's a matter of how many characters you create and play.


People in beta didn't really talk about the game in much detail, and like everything, that was a mixture of opinions and a variety of what people saw and experienced. And not all reached level cap. With the up and coming media blitz planned pretty soon I hope they don't make the same mistake.

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Bioware's silence on this issue speaks volumes about who is really calling the shots on the management decisions of SWTOR (hint: its EA). My account is cancelled. I love the game, but I'm not rerolling. That is not why I pay $15 a month to EA/BW. Its clear they think 1.2 will solve the population problems, but I'm telling everyone I know not to bother coming back because its clear EA/BW don't care about the issues that really affect their players/customers.
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Anyone who says population isnt dropping is a idiot. Its 1pm on a sunday more than half the servers are light, with 1 heavy? What does this tell you?


WE HAVE TOO MANY DAMN SERVERS!!!. People are quitting, cause of this, this is my main problem i have with the game. It feels like i am playing a single player game and not a mmo. Its sad when during peak time and you cant see more than 50 people on fleet at a given time. Warzone queues can take 30 minutes, a group for a HM FP can take over a hour at times and if someone leaves mid way good luck finding a replacement. The GTN is dead, Guilds dont last long cause people are dropping so fast and harder to recruit. The list goes on.


People dont have time to reroll so they are quitting, its obvious, if people were rerolling you would at least see more heavy servers but we dont do we? At peak times i dont see more than 4-6 heavy servers, half would be standard the other half are light.



Bioware merge your damn servers or end up like Warhammer online.

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Red Eclipse: 835 republic and 947 empire(not including all lvl50's),

Kellian Jarro: 185 republic, 158 empire

both standard load

Didnt read the whole last thread, but there was discussion about how standard servers have around 100 on the fleet in prime time. But the difference between the two ends of standard seems to be pretty huge. I typed who from lvl 1-10 and so on, on both factions on both servers. So not sure about the total amount of players in red eclipse, as it showed only first 100 results for lvl50's.


yup, kellian jarro is prety much a ghost server. i would most certainly welcome a server merger.

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