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Too many stuns in this game (pvp)?


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Perhaps. it's just that i can't get into a fight without being stunned for half of it... doesn't this annoy you guys?


It's extremely annoying for me. However I'm objective enough to know annoyance on my part does not neccessarily mean it's bad for the game and needs to be removed.

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This is so spot on it's not even funny. Every stun has essentially no setup to use or anything and has a short cooldown. There's also not even a way to remove them outside of your cc break. For whatever reason they decided dispels need to be next to pointless, given that about every single stun and even some roots and other effects aren't classified as any spell type. While it's nice every 2 minutes when I can break a stun when 3 sorcerers all decide to open with their electrocutes from 30 yards and give me full resolve, when they do it again a minute later I just have to eat the full stun even if I have a friend standing next to me facepalming at their waste.


Exactly. Take the commando as an example, cryo-grenade really feels awkward as it doesn't really help set up any complex execution of abilities nor does it fit well with the other abilities' this is really different to a scoundrel/operative where they are built around stuns/interrupts/melee, so I'm fine with these classes getting stuns because they are designed to use as part of a typical rotation.

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I agree with most of you here, I don't mind the stuns but why they came up with a stupid system like "resolve" is beyond me.


But jug/guardian push ability and stun when they leap are the most annoying thing ever.


This guy must be a sorc/sage lol.


Also, I think stuns are fine, and resolve is great!

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I could be remembering wrong, but I think I read somewhere that the stun that finally fills your resolve bar, you still have to sit through (assuming your CC break is on CD). So people see a full resolve bar, and are stunned, and resolve looks broken.

Again, I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure there are a few abilities that aren't considered "stuns" but freeze your character when talent points are put into them. Which would once again, make a resolve bar look broken.

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I could be remembering wrong, but I think I read somewhere that the stun that finally fills your resolve bar, you still have to sit through (assuming your CC break is on CD). So people see a full resolve bar, and are stunned, and resolve looks broken.


That is correct. Which makes it a good idea to save your CC break for when your resolve bar fills up.


Again, I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure there are a few abilities that aren't considered "stuns" but freeze your character when talent points are put into them. Which would once again, make a resolve bar look broken.


Correct, snares, slows, roots and immobilize effects are exempt from the resolve system.

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Because resolve is broken.


Even if you white bar resolve, the immunity is almost inconsquential to the player. As someone with a CC immunity skill I see it all the time. I also CC a lot. If you are trying to get out of an ugly situation resolve doesn't work. You'll get rooted once you get immunity as every good player knows. Ha. He just burned that breaker. Root.


Everyone know it. White bar. He's moving root that sucker.


Heck its in the resolve guide above.


So you get stun, stun White bar half health, cc breaker. root. You can hope for heals/cast them, but honestly your likely dead.


If your a GS you lose all your main dps skills. You cannot kb. You cannot shield as it requires cover. So your taking massive dmg rooted. I get root tons by good players who see cover screen. I look forward to 1.2 fixing this issue for me.


Then you have slows. Aka lightning. This freaking garbage slow that does nothing to resolve really is a joke. After a few jolts As in half way through your resolve should be filled.


I also agree that the CC breakers in this game are just about useless.


If you go white resolve that should be an immediate CC breaker. Thus giving everyone a free breaker.


Its a fun factor issue. There is to much of the stun/slow/root/mez/cc all over the board.


I think its just not as fun to play. Add more kb/pull/push. That is fun. Slowed down and unable to act isn't fun.


That is my two cents.


Making you break on white-bar'd would make the second stun pointless, as you get all of the resolve lump sum'd. If this is implemented, resolve would have to be given small bits constantly, a bit like 200 resolve per second. This means that you break exactly after 5 seconds of being stunned or 10 seconds of being mezzed, or a combination thereof.

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Too many knockbacks in this game... too many healers... too many shields...


It's pretty well 'matched' actually. Everyone has something to complain about. :D


Actually, no. There ARE too many stuns in this game. What makes it worse is that a lot of them have 6+ second durations and extremely short cooldowns. I won't pick on any one class because it's pretty universal. PvP in this game is all about who can stun first rather than skill and knockbacks seem to be unbalanced. I've been knocked back extremely large distances at times and others not much at all by the same person. Even worse, some knockbacks come with a snare. Is that really necessary? Classes like Guardian/Jugg really feel like tanks. A lot of time standing still or walking slowly while others beat you to death.


I really think they need to tone down the durations on the stuns. Resolve means nothing when you're killed through 2 stuns. Additionally, they should hide the resolve bar. Make them actually rely on some sort of skill or strategy rather than their stuns.

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Yes, lets remove all things that aren't straight up DPS /rollseyes


I agree. If you remove them Consular is all but a dead class. They simply need to reduce the duration on them. I don't think any class needs to have more than 2 stuns while it seems like most have 2+ and then some snares. I play a shadow and with grenades I can stun two damn people at once. I can force life one while I **** the other then escape, depending on the class and how well the person plays. Thats stupid.

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Far too many.


Why they didn't just copy Warhammer Onlines system for PvP I've no idea.



They did, actually. Warhammer Online launched with over 80 different CC abilities and a broken immunity system. So far, BW is following right in Mythic's footsteps.

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Actually, no. There ARE too many stuns in this game. What makes it worse is that a lot of them have 6+ second durations and extremely short cooldowns. I won't pick on any one class because it's pretty universal. PvP in this game is all about who can stun first rather than skill and knockbacks seem to be unbalanced. I've been knocked back extremely large distances at times and others not much at all by the same person. Even worse, some knockbacks come with a snare. Is that really necessary? Classes like Guardian/Jugg really feel like tanks. A lot of time standing still or walking slowly while others beat you to death.


I really think they need to tone down the durations on the stuns. Resolve means nothing when you're killed through 2 stuns. Additionally, they should hide the resolve bar. Make them actually rely on some sort of skill or strategy rather than their stuns.


There are no, let me repeat no stuns with more than 4 seconds of duration. I'm sorry, but if you had skill and strategy and they didn't, you shouldn't have been stunned for more than 4 seconds, or you weren't attempted at being stunlocked anyways.

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This has got to be the world's worst mmo pvp ever, at least in the mmos that actually matter. I love playing pvp, then I get stunlocked and die alot. Resolve doesn't seem to do crap and I'm almost always stunlocked, there's nothing exciting about watching my guy sit around taking alot of damage.... it's boring.


Please, Please, PLEASE Bioware fix your freakin PvP and make some kind of change to get rid of the stupid amount of stuns in game, here's some suggestions


1: make our "break stun" ability have a 3-5 second stun immunity after used


2: make resolve IMMEDIATELY break CC when it fills up and make us immune for 1-2 seconds after it's been filled



Edit: I played a warlock in WoW and the diminishing returns for WoW were fine, you just learned to work around them and keep people feared. In this game it's so damn easy to keep someone stunlocked or knocked back or anything like that it's... well boring. To all those people talking about "skill" and "strategy" it's not that complicated, honestly my 7 year old nephew pvps in SWTOR and takes top 3 almost every match, and I"m being serious about that.

Edited by UnclearImage
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  • 2 weeks later...
Without stuns it becomes a simple race between DPS and healing/protection.

It Comes down to skill over gay *** stuns I mean seriously you start killing someone they either stun you and run or vanish and run this pvp is the most OBNOXIOUS I have ever played and I have played many MMO's and none have ever made me want to strangle a kitten as much as this one.

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  • 6 months later...
they aren't! many are only 2s


its fine


because sentinels/marauders and guardians/jugg would be totally out of control!


not everyone has a knockback and especially not everyone has it instant.


to actually give the fight depth and not only stupidly spam damage skills to win the dps race


because it would be useless otherwise :rolleyes:


but a question for you:

why are so many people that obviously do know shi.t about the game they are talking about complaining about it?


most complains would resolve on their own if these people instead would start to learn how this game works.




no it wouldn't. not even for you. maybe for a short time playing a sentinel you wuold enjoy pawning everyone as a nonstoppable damage machine but i bet even you would get bored after some time.


to make this all more fun it would be 1000000000000 times more usefull that people like you shut up and start to understand how it works and most important:


Yes, lets remove all things that aren't straight up DPS /rollseyes


if you cant beat the dude without having him do nothing for 4 seconds, if you legit need him to let you take a couple free shots at him for you to win then both of you should just open your disk trays break your game and walk away from the computer

Edited by Valorman
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How do people use their cc breaker do they try wait for a full resolve bar before using it?

If so I think that's half the problem because without support you will be dead before its full


Only time I hold off on my cc breaker is at a cap node when I know the second stun/cc is coming

Or hut ball for the fire pits

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You shouldn't remove stuns altogether - absolutely not. CC is out of control in this game for sure though and its something that should be a top priority for the company. Stuns are actually fun - as annoying as it is getting stunned yourself. Operative/Smuggle stuns are fine in my opinion. Maybe flashbang/fear a slightly shorter duration but w/e. Its the other ones like sorc bubble explosion (3 sec, builds 15% resolve...). If you have 2-3 sages in a warzone with this you'll find your gameplay experience (as a melee class) to be a 0/10; simply unplayable.. When your getting cc'ed over and over b/c of a passive talent? ew, gross.. Such an unprofessional move. Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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  • 6 years later...
You shouldn't remove stuns altogether - absolutely not. CC is out of control in this game for sure though and its something that should be a top priority for the company. Stuns are actually fun - as annoying as it is getting stunned yourself. Operative/Smuggle stuns are fine in my opinion. Maybe flashbang/fear a slightly shorter duration but w/e. Its the other ones like sorc bubble explosion (3 sec, builds 15% resolve...). If you have 2-3 sages in a warzone with this you'll find your gameplay experience (as a melee class) to be a 0/10; simply unplayable.. When your getting cc'ed over and over b/c of a passive talent? ew, gross.. Such an unprofessional move.


yep still a problem lol i know i robbed the grave with this but jeez really come on fix it

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LoL, 7 years ago we complained there were too many stuns. When you compare back then to now it makes you want to cry or laugh hysterically because the stuns are now 100x worse.


Jeez. I know some necro'ed threads that STARTED in 2012 but this one even ENDED in 2012 and is still on topic.


Makes you wonder, assuming the game still runs in 2025, what will the gear grind be like? Imagine if the situation now is 100x better than it would be now :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:


Now reread the last paragraph and replace "gear grind" with each of the following: "merc OPness", "class imbalance", "number farming", "queue times" :p

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I guess you guys are haveing a hard time remembering that literaly no cc or stuns have been added to swtor since 3.0


roots? yes, but not cc or stuns. every class has the same 8 sec cc sngle/crowd mezz, same 4 sec hrdstun, pt still has his aoe hrdstun, and stealth stilll have their stealth mezz. the only thing that has changed about swtor in mezz department is number of "roots/slows" or snares as we call them. also everyone and their mother plays merc now so we all know how great enet is... that doesnt respect whitebar. (enet was there in 3.0 just no one played merc so no one cared)


In fact, the harsh reality of 2018 swtor that has changed in pvp and not for the better is the addition of gear disparity and dcd additions.


examples of added dcds are a mara RA (even nerfed) a mercs endless dcds, the removal of 30% stunned from all dps specs, and the 30% when stunned giving like a present to tanks. and healers. (not ops tho. no love for op hlrs.)


what is in the spoiler is a conprehensive list of changes in 5.0 and how balance was broken for dps specs.


gear disparity has shown its head in the most positive way possible in 5.10. with the sudden force for everyone to be same gear/bolster for the first 2 weeks, it has been interesting watching healers melt in pvp when they no longer have a gear advantage on the other 8 man (this is very noteworthy because in the 5.0-5.9 era, most healers had max gear and they already take 2-3 people of tunnel to take out. this suppposing your pug is smart enough to mass tunnel them, and you know, that 4 of them dont have less than 120k hp. because who need augs in casual mode? (gets blown up in 2 seconds))


the biggest most noeable things for 5.0 was what didnt change vs what did. pt got nothing but nerfs, while merc got nothing but buffs. and we arent talking like 2 buffs and 2 nerfs we are talking pts have 1 root break and no ranged attacks. meanwhile a mercs 4 sec root lost its cd, gained a 30m range, and got several (3) melee antifocus melee. and the worst part about the difference between pt and merc is that merc with the utility has every single cd the pt does, all of them.... and the pt has half the cds merc does and no offhls.


another example is how maras got RA, and no stun+heal saber ward... while juggs got 10% and.... regular saber ward.


and the 2 dps offtanks all got a big nerf when burst pt and dps sin lost 30% stun DR. that was huge for them. combined with literaly the entire dcd shutdown of merc enet spam and the 30% sins went from viable to meh. play it if your good, if not, play something better. another point against them was phasewalk removal.


some people say sniper is broken or "OP" but its not. snipers eat juggs, pts and sins alive. sometimes maras but it can be a close fight. but there is nnothing wrong with a class being able to counter another, and the bottom line is if a pt had another root break, 30% stun dr and his old 30m railshot/DfA a pt wouldnt get farmed. I think a sin still would even with PW and 30% stun dr, but then snipers are hard wired to be anti cc. a jugg can put up a pretty good fight to a sniper, but still. the inability to leap, with such a reliance on leap, just makes it irrelevant.


Edited by Seterade
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From memory and totally FAKE NEWS etc. the changes to Stuns, CC and DCDs were as follow (Imp side).


CC has only been added in SWTOR since release except 1.

Removal of Operative 2 sec Stun Opener on Backstab (which often meant instant kill).

Addded: Bubble stun to all Sorc/Sage specs with the current Perk System.

Added: Low Slash to Deception Sin.

Added: Whirlwind 2 sec stun (Sorc/Sin).

Added: Electronet (Merc).

Added: Root on Roll (Sniper).

Added: Root on Bladebarrage/Bladestorm not dependent on spec (Jugger/Mara).

Added: Imperial Preparation to reset all DCDs and some CC (Sniper).

AoE Useable : AOE Stun Grenade.


DCDs and Defensives added in SWTOR.

Added 5+ perks that increases base mitigation on Sorc/Sages.

Saber Reflect (Juggernaut).

Dodge Roll (Oper).

Evasion DCD is reset on DMG (Opers).

Imperial Preparation (for all DCD reset on Snipers/Gunslinger).

Heal of Ballistic Shield (Sniper).

Added Shield CD reset on DMG (1 Spec changed to all Merc Specs and PT).

Heal Stacks as 1 per attack on DCD Shield (Merc.)

Reflect, DMG Immunity and Heal On DMG (Merc).

Tech/Force DMG resist added to Obfuscate, as CC immunity was later removed (as in not intended). (Mara)

Force Shroud (Sins).

Reflect on main DCD (Sin).

Reflect on Evasion (Oper).

Mad Dash (Jugger and Mara.)

Rocket Out (Merc +Perks).

Teleport (Sin+Sorc).

Sorc Bubble with immunity and Self Heal (Sorc).

On "In Combat Stealth" Healing (Sin).

+15% Mitigation on Ignore Pain (Veng. Jugger).

+10% Mitigation or Defense on Focused Burst or Furious Strike (Jugger/Mara).

+2% (max 6%) Defense on Ataru Form added to Carnage (Mara).

Varies "On Stun useable DCDs" or Perks, that increase Mitigation during Stuns.


Stun in SWTOR compared to other games.

There is no other MMORPG with as many "Stuns" in PvP as SWTOR to my knowledge. The closest is WoW with most CC being mostly "Soft Stuns" and "Roots".


SWTOR is the only MMORPG with a real "General CC-Counter System" - That mitigates overall or general `CC-Spam´. But Roots were removed from the mechanic.. which is good when a Ranged class is Rooted, but beyond stupid and detrimental, when a Melee Class is Rooted, as this might as well be a Hard Stun. First MMORPG to address this Melee vs. Ranged dynamic was DAOC in 2001.

Edited by Mannok
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