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Everything posted by Mannok

  1. One of the things I `love´ about SWTOR forums is the zerg of Abusers, Trolls and Shamers... These narcissists arrive at any point, when there has ever been a thread about Premades, Healing/Tank or Class -Balance in this game. They arrive and make long boring posts about their own retarded experiences and opinions (that no-one cares about), while trying to sound superior. All while "Skill Shaming" anyone with opinions, that might force them to open their blind eyes to another reality. There has not been a single point in SWTOR history, when people from either side of the argument has not been abused for either being a "low skill thrash player" or a "NOOB playing a OP Class". Forum Moderators should have been fired and banned 7+ years ago for allowing this to continue over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again... And FOCKING OVER AGAIN...
  2. I am glad it is `not just me´ . I can totally understand a change from `Healing Done´ to `Healing Delivered (to other players)´, if that means removing all Statistics for `Self Healing´ and the Medals that this rewarded. But I just don't remember this being a topic in any Dev Stream or Patchnote. I would love for someone to post a link to Patchnote 6.x.x, that shows this was implemented or a link to that this was ever discussed. Unless this is explained in detail in a Dev. Stream or Patchnote it is easily concluded, that no one will get - Statistic `Healing Delivered´ from any Self-Healing in the future right?
  3. Hey "Taintedsaint" I hope the following explanation clarifies your situation. As it is all about RNG (math). Explanation. 1) Depending on both your Relics being active, when 2) You got the 10% bonus DMG (4 pcs) Descent of the Fearless. 3) Uses a Furious Power stack for the additional +25%. 4) All of this while being under the effect of 1-5 Stacks of `Pooled Hatred´ (Utility - Skillful). If your highest was a 47k Crit (without any stacks of `Pooled Hatred´), that would translate into a 70.5k Crit. Also the highest Crits are obtained vs. the lowest base mitigation targets (with Armor Penetration amplifiers and before any bonuses from specs and utilities). But some Classes have multiple Utilities adding +x% on top of `Their base mitigation´. Utilities and in Spec Bonuses that make varies Classes have more mitigation than Tanks (without active DCDs) for short periods of time (roughly 6-15 seconds).
  4. "Healing" Statistic are bugged in PvP. The End of Match Scoreboard almost always show 0 for all Juggernaut and Guardians in the entire WZ. Sometimes around 0 - 1600 total. Have a good day.
  5. This as un-true today as it has ever been… `In a galaxy far, far away….´ , HPS is mathematically as liable and equal to when calculating TTK. If Healing is 70% as Efficient as DMG, the TTK is extended by 43%..
  6. Hello J. M. Alex. Keep in mind I am just trying to disentangle a problem to provide a solution. I did honestly not know 6.X Bolster went as far as 306 with Mastery Augments, as this was lower before 6.0 (example of 242/248 with 236 augments). Wouldn't `Inexperience of a Class´ be mitigated with a need for a PvP Rank 70 or 80? I think what you said about Tacticals is very true as my grp had 2 Tacticals (to share) from doing 5 Veteran Flash Point last week, and the same from doing 5 Veteran Flash Points this week (with 2 members being below Level 75 both weeks).
  7. Maybe the problem isn't 306 gear or any of the players playing Solo Ranked? . Because during every cycle of new content and gear upgrades, a small (or even smaller) minority of players will be pushing for `The Pure PVP Experience´ and see gear as a mean to an end. So maybe Ranked PvP and Solo-Ranked PvP need a `PvP-Rank to Enter´, something like Rank 70-80. And maybe Bolster in Ranked (if eligible to `Enter´) has to go to highest Item Rating in the game to minimize the amount of bad and potentially random and unbalanced matches. Legacy Unlock Maybe this unlock should be a Legacy Unlock? And the PvP-Rank to enter Ranked could potentially be changed by previous Characters' PvP activity? /just thoughts
  8. Just to confirm do the OP mean actual /duel (1v1) or doing "General PvP" and meeting N' fighting an "Assassin" alone?
  9. If this "The" `reason that why Operatives´ have had their own PvP Solo bracket for 10 years?.. Are you kidding? Or is this because all Other Classes and Players have been reduced to "sjit and MF Crap?..
  10. Well to me the math is pretty clear on this. If any player record their wins/loses over 10, 50 or a 100 games in Regz and/or Ranked and record `Healers Present´ during these games. 4/5 matches are "Won" or "Lost" due to a Healer being present in your team or present against your team. Games with 1 Tank vs. 1 Tank or 1 Tank vs. No Tank is easier to Work around and might only impact the result of games like 50% of the time. IMHO Devs should be able to track these trends very easily and cancel Half the Ranked lost vs. +1 Healer or +1 Tank in a Ranked-Game or vice-versa.. If they want to.
  11. SWToR PvP is very Toxic for a Reason. Toxic PvP is the norm btw. So Very toxic PvP isn't that bad . Soccer Players' worth their money are 9/10 verbally abusive. This is part of any "Sport" so why bother? SWToR Players have had bad PvP Experiences due to PvP being 1/2 - 3/4 of games being "We Chain-Stun this guy and make this guy unable to react to any DMG received for 8 secs" and "Kill Him with ZERO Effort". Even tho humans only have 0,15 - 0,4 s reaction times. So 7,6 seconds later and still unable to react… "Good players a still bored to `Death´ with Waste of Game-Play". So a "God-Like" player in swtor will get killed and globalled like anyone else in a 8s Chain-Stun. Even the worst Two PvP Players global the best 1% of players ignoring their "Rank 1 - aka no-body" PvP players. Ignore Chat if you are too sensitive imho. Use /ignore as Bioware get 90% of their money from currently active PvP players.. as /"Some Players" can only play 5 matches per week…
  12. Hey m8. Pls explain exactly what gearing you want, because thare have been at least 10 different since launch. 90% of Player Base agrees that: A General Random Gear Rewards System = Cancer PvE > PvP and PvP > PvE = Cancer Game Devs. implement systems that violate the above and get thrashed because they are apparently only interessted in Cash Cows and Short Term Money.
  13. There is really no Class 1v1 Balance. Operative/Scoundrel can solo all classes in PvP if they are of equal Skill/Gear. They can do this 10/10 times, so if you ever put any Operative or Scoundrel within 1 global DCD of dying, they are really bad.
  14. Well the point is very clear what "seems" to be a very small diffrerence, is a really "big" difference.
  15. Well if ignoring Alacrity of 5.4%, that do not break Global Cooldown Breakpoints, (You need either 703 for a 1.4 sec GCD or 1860 Alacrity for a 1.3 GDC). The above means roughly a +17% "Efficiency" in PvP. The +10% Defense is the highest variable. This is by measuring the above" Stat" differences only. In general "People" and "Devs" are clueless how to understand and interpret "Multiplicable" versus "Additive" variables, and this causes "Motherf'ing" and "Big" "Discrepancies" in PvP outcome. I do believe that 252 as baseline and 240 Augments are close to a equal playing field and the +X % to be miniscule. If their is a +10% mathmatically proven efficiency at the top 1% . I will whine my azz off . Until then.. their is no gear grind. Just have fun in PvP with 228-236 Augmented 248 Gear, untiil you get better gear from Ossus .
  16. Voted: Tatooine Canyon. Knockbacks are not much better than Slows and Roots. LOS is present, but not a problem. Map is small and quite open which, limits kiting and Combat Stealth shenanigans. Almost no desync. And as alot already wrote . Make more Polls! Make more Polls!. Polls and threads like this could potentially have huge value for the Devs, the Game and the community. A game like The Division have had 109 live streamed "State of the Game" and similar Community interaction, is the future of Gaming.
  17. NB! Before I make a point I just want to add, that I think we all agree that the low population of current SWTOR is a barrier to many improvements. Anyway.. . To me the problem is very straight forward and some has been made clear in this thread, as well as similar threads. Imagine. Take 10 seconds and Imagine the outrage in Ranked and Team Ranked in SWTOR, if there was 1 que and that ranking made very little difference to teams due to "Que Timer" > "Balance". This would lead to 4/5 games to be a complete /facestomp if not 9/10. And secondly imagine any current competitive MOBA or ARENA like MMO/Shooter, without a ranking system to que people of comparable skill against eachother. Maybe 5% would play these games for more than a few weeks without ranking and without PUG vs. PUG or Group vs. Group. A Dinosaur. For this reason SWTOR PvP can be seen as a Dinosaur, just like WoW with no ranking in Battlegrounds (Some players have 85% winrate in WoW battlegrounds as solo que). SWTOR's actual Game Play is amazing, the animations very Star War'ish, enjoyable Classes and Specs. But that doesn't matter because the basics are completely off. To many Hard Stuns (4 sec Hardstuns should not be in the game and 4 sec Hardstun should be a whitebar), to much difference in Skill Level, Team Composition and too much Premade vs. PUG. SWTOR PvP - Is basicly 1 Mega variable multiplied by a Mega variable multiplied by another Mega variable. My personal opinion and conclusion. There has not been a single game ever developed, in which the above mentioned imbalances has been present, that have had good PvP. It is bad design and therefore the above mentioned are no longer present in any current game - like MOBAs or ARENA shooters. These games have no other mode than PvP and can serve as a "Canary in a coal Mine" in a reversed sense. If these games removed their internal ranking systems, they would implode in less than a month. And therefore. Any "Git GUD" or" make friends this is a MMO" argument is completely ludicrous in SWTOR's current Regz focused PvP. If anyones gets good and make friends and play with them in Regz, they wil eventually just destroy all other players.. it is a not-thought-through and nonesense argument if anyone makes it. SWTOR matchmaking is a Dinosaur even after the recent changes. It is NOT a individual player problem. Any respectable FPS have had systems to prevent similar bad matchmaking even 20'ish years ago . Therefore current PvP Matchmaking in SWTOR REGz is the best it has ever been, but also out of touch with the reality of Modern Gaming. GAME Devs should split que immediately (let the best 5 or 10% Solo players que with the Groups) in peak hours (17-23) and try it for 2 weeks or a month. Put in a 15 minute "You recently left a Warzone and is considered a Traitor" to punish leavers in Warzones. Should give 50% of all medals for playing Objs and completely remove STATs for overall DMG. Instant kick a player on a team, that have one more Support Classes/Specs (with a MSG: "You have been removed from the Warzone due to unbalanced amounts of Support"). Finally give +50% reward for winning a Warzone and remove /say and emotes from PvP. Job Done .
  18. Hello and merry Christmas everybody. As this is Christmas and a time to celebrate "dat gut stuff" I would love to hear and see, what people off all sorts of affiliation, PvE'focus or PvP'focus current or recently either /love (or loved) about SWTOR. Hopefully a wide variety of people will respond and give some measure of what they like, love and prefer about SWTOR compared to other MMO'rpgs out there. Including reasons why you prefer SWTOR above other current MMOrpgs. A humble "wish" . Plz do not reply to other's posts until you atleast made your own "Top 10".
  19. Hello. From memory and totally FAKE NEWS etc. the changes to Stuns, CC and DCDs were as follow (Imp side). CC has only been added in SWTOR since release except 1. Removal of Operative 2 sec Stun Opener on Backstab (which often meant instant kill). Addded: Bubble stun to all Sorc/Sage specs with the current Perk System. Added: Low Slash to Deception Sin. Added: Whirlwind 2 sec stun (Sorc/Sin). Added: Electronet (Merc). Added: Root on Roll (Sniper). Added: Root on Bladebarrage/Bladestorm not dependent on spec (Jugger/Mara). Added: Imperial Preparation to reset all DCDs and some CC (Sniper). AoE Useable : AOE Stun Grenade. DCDs and Defensives added in SWTOR. Added 5+ perks that increases base mitigation on Sorc/Sages. Saber Reflect (Juggernaut). Dodge Roll (Oper). Evasion DCD is reset on DMG (Opers). Imperial Preparation (for all DCD reset on Snipers/Gunslinger). Heal of Ballistic Shield (Sniper). Added Shield CD reset on DMG (1 Spec changed to all Merc Specs and PT). Heal Stacks as 1 per attack on DCD Shield (Merc.) Reflect, DMG Immunity and Heal On DMG (Merc). Tech/Force DMG resist added to Obfuscate, as CC immunity was later removed (as in not intended). (Mara) Force Shroud (Sins). Reflect on main DCD (Sin). Reflect on Evasion (Oper). Mad Dash (Jugger and Mara.) Rocket Out (Merc +Perks). Teleport (Sin+Sorc). Sorc Bubble with immunity and Self Heal (Sorc). On "In Combat Stealth" Healing (Sin). +15% Mitigation on Ignore Pain (Veng. Jugger). +10% Mitigation or Defense on Focused Burst or Furious Strike (Jugger/Mara). +2% (max 6%) Defense on Ataru Form added to Carnage (Mara). Varies "On Stun useable DCDs" or Perks, that increase Mitigation during Stuns. Stun in SWTOR compared to other games. There is no other MMORPG with as many "Stuns" in PvP as SWTOR to my knowledge. The closest is WoW with most CC being mostly "Soft Stuns" and "Roots". SWTOR is the only MMORPG with a real "General CC-Counter System" - That mitigates overall or general `CC-Spam´. But Roots were removed from the mechanic.. which is good when a Ranged class is Rooted, but beyond stupid and detrimental, when a Melee Class is Rooted, as this might as well be a Hard Stun. First MMORPG to address this Melee vs. Ranged dynamic was DAOC in 2001.
  20. @ Kissingaiur /deleted post. Hint. Don't bite off more than you can chew. Yeah people are repeating things alot (including yourself) and ignores 2-4 posts (or multiple pages), that cleared misunderstandings and arguments on previous pages. Like separate que and the not defined "Premade" term, that was just used ad libitum. All of which, was cleared out of the way like 3-4 times. Some might say, that some seem to be doing it on purpose to insult and instigate, rather than contribute... So this thread has been diabolic (including most of your posts and the previous post above). FYI - https://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/rulesofconduct We don't know how the matchmaker works in any real detail? We know how they want it to function and that is it. I will re-affirm what I know and make up my own mind anyway. So take the hint... My 2 ideas are still around. max 3 man Premades for Regz and max 1 Support per Premade. To make it harder to bypass the matchmaker (and create 2+ Support advantages) and to avoid the worst situations with 4-man facestomping. Both with the goal to make Regz more friendly to New and more Casual players and that is it. I am off, this is like willingly getting the flu. - Michael Jackson
  21. Nice, trying to frame it like that.
  22. No sorry Seterade. None of the above can be said to be true, unless you clear out 18 pages of weird azz assumptions. So NO Offense. I will reply to this "more or less "Word for Word" repeat of 10+ pages of assumptions" like the 3-4 previous posts. 1) No. No Solo Que has ever said to be tired of or whined about being /stomped by equally skilled players. They are making it clear, that High Skilled Trinity Comps are a HUGE Mother Focking problem to 8 vs 8 "supposed" PUG teams (as in supposed random 8 v 8). This ruins a large amount of Warzones for 8-12 players at a time. It has been argued that the Matchmaker cannot sort teams effectively, when 2 Support are allowed to que together (FOR APPARENT REASONS that no one needs to get explained). 2) No, They do not and this was debunked 500 threads and pages ago due to the "low population argument" and no one disagreed. 3) This is already included in the answer to 2). 4) Yes that is legit but as that has been discussed and is already happening, nothing has been suggested to change anything. 4) We have no clue, what the matchmaker is trying to do, in terms if Skillz vs. Gear.. NO idea. Jebez can't people just ignore this topic, unless they got a carefully thought out argument.
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