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Pureblood Sith species on republic


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I dont know how the rest of you feel but im going to find it pretty hard to see sith purebloods walking around the republic fleet.


I think this is going to be pretty lore breaking for me. The "sith" have come to invade, not populate the republic and i do not see why, such a race would be interested in becoming a member of the republic.


Perhaps we can get a dev to update us on why such a thing, would happen, as i am seriously struggling with the notion.

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This isn't WoW where races belong to a set faction.


Individuals can go in whatever faction they deem their ideals belong to.


With Legacy, it is highly possible that a Pureblood Sith who tells himself that the Empire is not for him defects to the Republic.

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I dont know how the rest of you feel but im going to find it pretty hard to see sith purebloods walking around the republic fleet.


I think this is going to be pretty lore breaking for me. The "sith" have come to invade, not populate the republic and i do not see why, such a race would be interested in becoming a member of the republic.


Perhaps we can get a dev to update us on why such a thing, would happen, as i am seriously struggling with the notion.


its stupid, but they aren't going to change it. I hate it but I'm over it.

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This isn't WoW where races belong to a set faction.


Individuals can go in whatever faction they deem their ideals belong to.


With Legacy, it is highly possible that a Pureblood Sith who tells himself that the Empire is not for him defects to the Republic.


^This, show where in lore that Sith pureblood has to be apart of the Empire.

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This isn't WoW where races belong to a set faction.


Individuals can go in whatever faction they deem their ideals belong to.


With Legacy, it is highly possible that a Pureblood Sith who tells himself that the Empire is not for him defects to the Republic.


So, your saying, that this sith geared up for invasion, and then decided that he was fighting on the wrong side once he saw what the rest of the universe was like?


Remembering that the sith did not exist in the galaxy until they "invaded korriban".


Also, sith purebloods are the ideal sith in their culture. Why would they give that up?

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Isn't your own personal characters lore what you make of it. Lore wise there's people switching sides almost constantly throughout the Star Wars universe.


Yes the Pure-Blood Sith are more tightly affiliated with the Empire, but anybody can have doubts or be persuaded by another. Maybe your Sith became infatuated with a member of the Republic (possibly in your own legacy), he might still be 'Darkside' but fighting alongside the person he's infatuated with in the hopes something will blossom. (for example).

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So, your saying, that this sith geared up for invasion, and then decided that he was fighting on the wrong side once he saw what the rest of the universe was like?


Remembering that the sith did not exist in the galaxy until they "invaded korriban".


Also, sith purebloods are the ideal sith in their culture. Why would they give that up?


Because a sith pureblood can still have their own views/morals/different way of thinking, they aren't mindless drones that do whatever they are told. Palpatine's Imperial Royal Guard, were suppose to pledge their absolute loyalty to him and never question an order from him...yet there were a few that defected and went to the Rebel Alliance.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I'm totally okay with this. The JK story alone basically allows for this.


And it's not like there isn't precedent. Visas Marr was a miraluka that was aligned with a Sith Lord in KoTOR2. Matter of fact.. that's the first thing I'm doing when 1.2 launches--making a miralukan sith :D

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So, your saying, that this sith geared up for invasion, and then decided that he was fighting on the wrong side once he saw what the rest of the universe was like?


Remembering that the sith did not exist in the galaxy until they "invaded korriban".


Also, sith purebloods are the ideal sith in their culture. Why would they give that up?


You need to read the Dark Horse comic series "Dawn of the Jedi: Force Storm".

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I'm totally okay with this. The JK story alone basically allows for this.


And it's not like there isn't precedent. Visas Marr was a miraluka that was aligned with a Sith Lord in KoTOR2. Matter of fact.. that's the first thing I'm doing when 1.2 launches--making a Miraluka sith :D


Fixed. And you and me both.

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Pureblood Sith species on republic.


Kira was born a sith.. read the Pure Bloods they have the strongest of the dark-side in them but even they.. have brains.. what we call FREE WILL.. and can choose right from wrong, you're also saying they should have no light-side options and should only be able to chose dark-side lines right?

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Not like there's gonna be a ton of pure bloods on republic anyway. There aren't even that many on the empire side (that i've seen). Heck, there aren't even a lot of republic players to begin with. Don't worry, they'll be rare enough.
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So, your saying, that this sith geared up for invasion, and then decided that he was fighting on the wrong side once he saw what the rest of the universe was like?


Remembering that the sith did not exist in the galaxy until they "invaded korriban".


Also, sith purebloods are the ideal sith in their culture. Why would they give that up?


Stop being racist.

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IMO it won't be lore breaking as long as we don't see dozens of them running around the rep fleet. A few purebloods wanting to join the Republic is plausible but not a sizable amount. As for non RP servers. I don't see why anyone would care. Edited by Pathlight-
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What I can't understand is why the choice of species was so small and similar and then with the Legacy system rather than bring in new species they bring this in.


More near humans wasn't exactly what people were asking for when they asked for more species. That we were told the more exotic species wouldn't make sence and then having pureblood republic troopers seems to make that argument flawed.


I'm sure there was a point you couldn't play a pureblood Sith Inquisitor so it seems like BW aren't being very consistent with their use of the lore or reasons why more exotic species weren't included. For a certain point of view it seems like BW are doing the opposite to what makes sence or what they players want. By ignoring the lore and the feel of Star Wars to bring in more species, but speices that aren't very unique or interesting. If you are going to ignore the story and the lore and the feel of the Star Wars universe you may as well bring in what people asked for.

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