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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Mara/Pally Bubble needs to be looked at(Undying Rage)


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I find the one issue, from a serious-pvp standpoint, is that its not the survivability that the ability is useful for, its for objectives.


Marauders have an excellent capacity to hold out objectives above and beyond most every other class; with exceptions of the vanish abilities of things like the operative, or a tank+healer guarded combination.


This is especially noticeable in places like voidstar, when defending, where every second on a revive timer counts. With proper coordination in premades, timing your survivability cooldown as the revive window opens up is pretty much uncounterable by opposition.


You forgot assassins too have a combat cloak - where they actually leave combat and pop another medpack if that CD is up.

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I looked at it... meh. I don't really have an issue with Undying Rage. It's a whopping 5 seconds. If you've blow all your CDs and CC before then you were going to lose the fight anyways. I have defensive abilities too, and CC to laugh at them while they count the seconds before imminent doom. Yes, Undying Rage can be very annoying, but it's not OP or broken. Most classes have a way to deal with it.



im sorry this is just rubbish


if I see a mara and im on 100% hp and hes on 10% hp and I have no way to stun/mez as its just been used on another fight why should the mara get a free 6 secs spank on me when he should just be 1 shotted like EVERY OTHER CLASS WOULD BE


it wouldnt be so bad if the damage was reduced by half but its just immortal mode especially when they got full resolve

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There is a reason why blizzard nerfed the paladin bubble. Same reason Mara bubble needs to be fixed. You should not be able to do full dmg while being immune to pretty well everything. Make it so when a Mara uses this bubble its defensively and not offensively. Cut all damage and healing while bubble is up by 50%. I think its ok that you should be able to survive while its up but being able to kill multiple ppl while its up is just wrong and shouldnt be happening.





EDIT ****Good Constructive Feedback So














After 60+ pages and 17000+ views it has been concluded that a damage reduction perhaps isn't needed. The hp loss penalty as is isn't a penalty. Making it so a 99% healing reduction was added to this ability would fix the penalty so it would be working as intended. There hasn't been one mara/sent that has been able to debate this properly without using l2p scenarios. I urge the pvp team to consider this. For organized pvp this is one small step to an overall balance. Sure there are other issues that need to be attended to but clearly this has gotten the attention its deserved to be looked into. Hopefully BW & the pvp team can resolve this with what "they" think is a solution to this overpowered ability. No complete damage reductions were ever good for any ranked competitive pvp. If this isn't addressed you will most likely see a huge reroll of this class with threads to come after ranked warzones start. I trust the pvp team will be able to work it out.



Learn to kite guys, this is no different then any other MMO.

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Learn to kite guys, this is no different then any other MMO.


Good advice but how does one kite as a Juggernaut?




It's an OP CD that needs to be either taken out of the game (they have enough CDs as is) or nerfed somehow. Its BS being in a fight with a mara having to blow every CD as a Jugg and finally get within kill range for him to pop this BS CD and get an "IWIN" button.

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Good advice but how does one kite as a Juggernaut?




It's an OP CD that needs to be either taken out of the game (they have enough CDs as is) or nerfed somehow. Its BS being in a fight with a mara having to blow every CD as a Jugg and finally get within kill range for him to pop this BS CD and get an "IWIN" button.


Really? :rolleyes:


Let me guess you're a dps jug?

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It's funny that this thread is being reset, because when it was first created, I re-rolled sentinel specifically because of this overpowered ability.


Here we are a month later, and my sentinel is level 50 in full champion gear, and this ability (Guarded by the Force) is every bit as overpowered as I always knew it was.


I run with a very good sage healer, and here is what happens in almost every single encounter.


I leap in, and put out devastating single target damage, always killing at least 1 person, and usually 2 people. When I get to about 2k health, I pop GbtF and my healer (who KNOWS I am going to do this) pops force potency and hits me with a double deliverance for 10k healing. At the same time, I pop my wz medpac for another 4500 health, bringing me from 5% to 90% health in the span of 3 seconds, all while being completely immune to damage. (yea I know it's 99%, ****)


I then continue to stomp people until my health again reaches 5%, at which point I pop force camo and my healer again hits me with a huge heal.


I'm now on my 3rd life, and if I'm lucky my GbtF is almost off CD, so I might get to do it all over again HOORAY!.... if not, no big deal, my healer will just use rescue on me and bring me behind the pillar for a chance at a 4th life, and if this is successful, my GbtF and Force Camo will both be off cooldown which gives me 2 more lives.



This class is massively overpowered because of these 2 cooldowns, but you are about to see 50 pages of noobs explaining that it's just "5 seconds and then you are dead, and you can be CC'd through it, learn to play lololol"


All of these sent/mara defenders are people who solo queue all day long and have no idea what it's like to have a pro healer with you on vent, capitalizing on your ridiculous ability to stay alive when every other class in the game would be dead.


This is the exact situation that happens in most warzones that you see a group of 4 with a mara and a healer in it. I know thats what I do when I play a healer. Heck, when I spec DPS I let the mara go in before me as bait because I know he'll have three lives before he's actually in trouble.

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im sorry this is just rubbish


if I see a mara and im on 100% hp and hes on 10% hp and I have no way to stun/mez as its just been used on another fight why should the mara get a free 6 secs spank on me when he should just be 1 shotted like EVERY OTHER CLASS WOULD BE


it wouldnt be so bad if the damage was reduced by half but its just immortal mode especially when they got full resolve


For the same reason he just burned his CD? Why should you get a hard stun + knockback that roots when you should be 1 shotted like EVERY OTHER CLASS WOULD BE!?


See what I did there? GBTF is no different than a hard stun. You stun someone and beat the crap out of them. We pop GBTF and it act like a stun...except we can still be stunned/rooted/knocked back....


Getting tired of people over hyping this ability. I've said this several times before but I would EASILY give up my GBTF for a hard stun. I'd rather stun you and beat on you over popping our so called "god mode" only to be stunned/rooted/knocked back for the entirety of the CD.

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<< if I see a mara and im on 100% hp and hes on 10% hp and I have no way to stun/mez as its just been used on another fight why should the mara get a free 6 secs spank on me when he should just be 1 shotted like EVERY OTHER CLASS WOULD BE >>


I can't count the number of times that I have used multiple dispatches on characters with less than 10% health and not killed them. Aside from sent/mara (which have a short duration), there's also bubbles and emergency heals and cloaks and guard/taunts and combinations of all of those. <10% means you should be hitting them and you will kill them eventually but it's not necessarily an easy kill vs any enemy.

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<< if I see a mara and im on 100% hp and hes on 10% hp and I have no way to stun/mez as its just been used on another fight why should the mara get a free 6 secs spank on me when he should just be 1 shotted like EVERY OTHER CLASS WOULD BE >>


Ive seen that happening alot lately. Worst case is 2-3 of them working together. They are low health pop bubble and annihilate opposite team or most them. When you see some other class low health everyone runs to ge tthe kill, when you see mara low health and red bubble, you think oh **** time to get the hell away. But when you are cc, slowed your dead even when you have full health. Welcome to pvp.

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Yes clearly marauders would be completely useless if you added a healing debuff to this ONE ability which apparently is easily counterable anyway according to the army of scrubs.


It's not like they bring anything else to the table, like millions of interrupts, the only healing debuff in the game, an 80% movement speed buff that can be popped multiple times per game, and a 15% damage increase for your entire dps train.


All of that stuff is totally useless.


I've been part of countless gaming communities throughout my life, but this one is by far the most ignorant.


1 out of 100 people on this forum is able to think logically about balance, the rest just form snap opinions that make no sense, based on their experience playing with randoms.


This ability WILL get nerfed, and I'll be back to say I told you so when it happens.


I see you think that all marauders have a 31/31/0 spec.


All stuns, knockbacks, knockdowns mezzes work as interrupts. We have 1 proper interrupt that can be used in melee range.

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I am sorry but this ability is so broken its not even funny.


They should remove the 99% damage reduction, but make so it grants immunity to all tech/force abilities, and it should cleanse all debuffs, and makes you immune to all forms of CC and debuffs for at least 5 seconds so there is not even a way to counter it. To make up for this huge nerf the 50% health cost of the ability should be removed to balance it with other classes defenses.


All classes should have the same defensive abilities and it is an outrage that not all classes don't play the same.


P.S. if you don't see "What I did there" I can't help you.

Edited by Seravis
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I am sorry but this ability is so broken its not even funny.


They should remove the 99% damage reduction, but make so it grants immunity to all tech/force abilities, and it should cleanse all debuffs, and makes you immune to all forms of CC and debuffs for at least 5 seconds. To make up for this huge nerf the 50% health cost of the ability should be removed to balance it with other classes defenses.


All classes should have the same defensive abilities and it is an outrage that not all classes don't play the same.


P.S. if you don't see "What I did there" I can't help you.


Can i get a pull too then?

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