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Grapple in hutball...!$#@(*!*#@


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Oh yeah lets take away just about the only useful tool vanguards have. It's ok for BH's to do 8000 damage per round though. It's ok for healers to go on fighting and healing their group for 5 minutes when three players are beating on them. PVP is so horribly imbalanced you will need big changes to fix it. Who cares if you died once, grapple has like a 20 second timer please quit whining.
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Pulls are terrible in general. Anything that can completely negate positioning on the opponent's side is a broken mechanic and impossible to balance around, especially if it's instant. The ability will either be way too powerful on a decent class or cover up problems on a class that actually needs fixes.
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The grapple range is certainly overgenerous.


I can understand the need for such an ability, but the fact that you can pull an enemy ball carrier from the line back into the first fire-pit is stupid, especially because it's basically an instant kill.


Reduce the range to 20m and I'd be o.k. with it.


I dont think this is possible...

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Pulls are terrible in general. Anything that can completely negate positioning on the opponent's side is a broken mechanic and impossible to balance around, especially if it's instant. The ability will either be way too powerful on a decent class or cover up problems on a class that actually needs fixes.


Pulls and charges are essential to MMOs. "Negates positioning?" It is essental for positioning. How else do we get in range of our opponents? As a VG tank, I need to be close to do any damage. Otherwise, the only damage I would do would be from hammershot :p

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I agree it is basically a 1 shot button.


I understand other classes can put into the fire with knock backs but those take skill. It requires timing and positioning to do so.


Just pulling people into the fire for a 1 shot is definitly op.



A fix for this may be to grant 100% resolve after it is used. This will keep people from being stunned in the fire. They may take damage but they can move out of it.

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i'll agree with you for the most part but common tactical observation says i'm right about leap stun stasis being harder to pull off...it requires decent timing and LoS setup compared to the Grapples simple LoS requirement...* yes I know how annoying LoS can be..i've been there myself*


but the ability to simply PULL something to you and freeze far outdoes the ability to jump to them and freeze them in almost all cases seen in this game.


And I seriously dont get why people are yelling about Opr/Scoun heals...some of the best healers i've seen where Opr/Scouns and they did AMAZING jobs.


Not sure about grapple so much but force pull has no "freeze" effect or stun or even damage unlike force leap. Odds are with the pull you also filled their resolve bar anyways so no more cc at all. As a tank you best have pulled them in to acid or fire or you are about to get your behind kicked. It's a tactical advantage only in hutt ball....well nice in open world pvp as rare as that is too.

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I agree it is basically a 1 shot button.


I understand other classes can put into the fire with knock backs but those take skill. It requires timing and positioning to do so.


Just pulling people into the fire for a 1 shot is definitly op.



A fix for this may be to grant 100% resolve after it is used. This will keep people from being stunned in the fire. They may take damage but they can move out of it.


it take skill to pull people in to fire. Odds are if they are the ball runner resolve is full or will be when you pull them so no CC after.


Add to this like what others have said pull has a high % to fail when pulling anyone from a different z axis and position is critical as well as timing to avoid them hitting anything and just falling short. Far from an I win skill like jump in hut ball.


Also consider that I can pull a jumper back but once every 45 seconds they can jump what every 15 seconds? Can't tell you the number of times I have pulled a jumper back to have them engage me for a few second and turn around and jump back leaving me standing there looking dumb. No stun effect or damage either unlike leap......


I think the long cool down more than makes up for this.

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hutball is completely broken with certian classes having a major advantage...old news...BW doesnt give a ****, like most totally broken aspects of this game...


IUO wich class is the worst in hutball?

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I, hate to say it but you can get mad or ticked cause you got grappled into a fire pit.


Tho it's going to happen !.


Barron Deathmark's advice is : Stay away from the Hazards !.


I'm an equal opportunity hunter. Which means anything goes and I, don't discriminate in how or who I, kill in what way.


I'm a Sheild Tech so yes if I, can set you up for an Acid bath or turn some one into a Roasted Fire pit dead duck. I'm gonna do it.


Grapple is in the game its a mechanic and Vangaurds & Powertech can use it.


My best advice to you is to save your ability to unstun yourself.


Grapple with ST = Stun added.

Edited by angrybirdz
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Pull is the only reliable counter to the other I-win huttball buttons. If you take it out you just unbalance things even more in terms of having a sorc/jugg heavy team being an auto-win.


The solution to huttball is not to make the two most dominant classes even more dominant.

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I could live with it if it weren't for the excessive range.


A 20m grapple I could get behind...but a 30m means you can be pulled from just out anywhere into just about anything.


Any actual LOGICAL reason to lower pulls range? It's the only gap closer for a non-tank vanguard/pt.

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I used to hate the grapples/force jumps til i made a jug and LOVE being a flying monkey with the huttball... specially when people are beating on me and i jump to their teammate on the rafter above... i can see them screaming as i score.... soooo much fun!
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It might be cheap, but I don't think anything less of someone who uses it to kill me. It's a valid and effective tactic. Besides, you can usually catch these guys as they're waiting for their target, and use the pit against them with a knockback/stun combo of your own.


If I see them do it to a ball carrier, I just Extricate.


It's a game guys, quit getting so bent out of shape about it.

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Pull is fine. Resolve is fine, people that QQ just piss me off. If classes didn't have pull then my vigilance guardian would be almost unstoppable. I don't get mad when I get pulled into the fire, it's a great strategy, one that my team utilizes as well.


And if you are not in position to aid a score or have the ball, and someone pulls you into the fire near their endzone, just laugh. Because now they can't pull someone who IS in a position to score.

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Wait till someone stands on the edge while the middle doors of Voidstar are being fought over then they grapple you and you fall to your death with nothing you can do except charge....


Extricate, then type, "Everybody gets one."

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I hope so


honestly most powertechs on my server don't even use that move out of pity...and if they do usually they PM you saying sorry..


like its so dirty you need to take a shower after


On my server we live by it, grapple to fire or acid, then CC. Best part of being a Powertech.

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Few Huttballs ago I was carrying the ball to the goal. I saw a teammates near the goal and my dash was on CD, so I did a hail mary. But while the ball was in the air he was knocked to the pits and the merc who knocked him down got the ball. So I force pull the merc to the firepit I was on, he dies, I get ball back and dash in for a score.


Dont you mess with my pulls.


For a decent geared level 50 the fire isnt instant death. You have to use a stun (if their resolve bar wasnt empty when you pulled, then you wont be able to) to make sure they die in it. Of course they can use their CC break. I'd say 2 out of 3 people manage to get out of fire alive. What happens to them after they get out of the fire is a different matter.

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