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Amount of Shadows/Assassins in WZs now


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a) I'm not your buddy, I could probably be your father.

b) Anyone who starts using personal attacks instead of facts as arguments has run out of arguments and is therefor on the losing side of any given discussion. Fact.

c) You were wrong, because Force Shroud does in fact NOT make you immune to damage.


Learn to argue before you try to insult.

Technically not immune to damage, but since most attacks are tech or force it's very unlikely you'll take more than 1k (unless there are lots of snipers, and let's face it they are hardly played).

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Technically not immune to damage, but since most attacks are tech or force it's very unlikely you'll take more than 1k (unless there are lots of snipers, and let's face it they are hardly played).


MM snipers are your worst enemy, true, but Force Shroud is a problematic ability due it being a CC immume maker aswell.


It even works against Snares and that's a point that should be adressed.

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MM snipers are your worst enemy, true, but Force Shroud is a problematic ability due it being a CC immume maker aswell.


It even works against Snares and that's a point that should be adressed.


In 1.2, it will work against the Huttball fires also!


Awesome, right?

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Well let's see....they nerf scoundrel into oblivion 90 percent of commandos realize that unless your heals you have 0 viability in the 50 bracket...those who have become unsatisfied with their class are going to reroll right?..now would you pick Commando/sage/scoundrel knowing they are getting nerfed in the near future? I personally would have chosen Vanguard but no ducking way am I going through that story again. Edited by Zekeiele
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I'm fairly certain that I read something about them changing the hazard damage type in Huttball to Elemental damage, so that tanks can't just walk through them anymore.


Force Shroud makes them immune to Elemental damage, although it's purely speculation that it won't be coded to not work against the hazards. It could also be changed to Environmental damage type, which I think would be the best solution.


I'll look around and try to see if I can dig up something solid about it.


Edit: Disregard this, I couldn't find anything except stuff written by other players, nothing official from Bioware. Oh internet rumor mill...

Edited by Varicite
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Please stop posting misinformation. Force Shroud (or at least the Rep equivalent Resilience) does not allow us to walk through fires. I definitely take damage when I walk through them.


I didn't say that you could do this currently; I said I heard that the damage type was changing so that you could do this in the future. And anyway, I just spent most of this time searching for an official reference to the change, and couldn't come up w/ anything except for posts by players.


So disregard that bit.

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And the tears of the bad, bad players shall well up and form an ocean to drown out every shadow/assassin and those who play them.


Next up, I hear guardians can do an aoe and hit everyone around them for 3-4k damage. Discuss.

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Recently back in civil war

7assassins and one sorc they wiped all of us out. I cant even harpoon, riot strike, CC or stun due to proc of immunity something like that and they continue healing back, I think, 10%.. I tried find any weakness but I could not find it....And again in huttball they wiped us. nothing we can do.


lighting, tank, shield, healin, proc to immunity. wow.

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I didn't say that you could do this currently; I said I heard that the damage type was changing so that you could do this in the future. And anyway, I just spent most of this time searching for an official reference to the change, and couldn't come up w/ anything except for posts by players.


So disregard that bit.


The fire burns for a smaller area than it appears so a lot of the time it'd appear a random class somehow walked through it without taking damage with some cooldown, when in reality they'd have gotten the same result even without CD.

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Force shroud is a whopping 3 seconds for all sins except talented tanks (and obviously tanks should be able to tank)


more 31/31/31 spec nonsense.


Oh, and we have burst? lol


5 seconds of guaranteed 100% immunity every 45 seconds. Only white dmg can hit you at which time your shieldling should/could take over.


And if you can't put DPS gear on your tankassin and do major dps then you sir do not know what you are doing. Heck, my vanguard doesn't do too bad spliting tank with tactics in dps gear. I do wear the shield generator though to help with procs.

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The fire burns for a smaller area than it appears so a lot of the time it'd appear a random class somehow walked through it without taking damage with some cooldown, when in reality they'd have gotten the same result even without CD.


Heh, even if we won't be able to Shroud through fires in the future, I'm rather fond of Force Sprint jumping over the 2nd fire from the top level for the score. Anyone w/ a sprint can do this, of course, not saying Sins are OP in this regard. : )


Sometimes people have been fast enough to react w/ a grapple or KB, but more often than not it's a great tactic for some breathing room.

Edited by Varicite
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5 seconds of guaranteed 100% immunity every 45 seconds. Only white dmg can hit you at which time your shieldling should/could take over.


And if you can't put DPS gear on your tankassin and do major dps then you sir do not know what you are doing. Heck, my vanguard doesn't do too bad spliting tank with tactics in dps gear. I do wear the shield generator though to help with procs.


You're obviously not very good at this game. Dps gear wont make u do major dps as a darkness sin. u are clueless. guess what, other classes have good abilities too. marauder 99% damage protection is 20x better than force shroud because it works on everything... and THEY ARENT EVEN TANKS. Why you are ************ that a tank can tank for 5 seconds is plainly stupid and ridiculous.

Edited by Ahhmyface
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All tank assassin/shadow players are just FOTM easymoders. It's a ridiculously easy class and spec to do well with, and the people playing it just don't want their 4 button easymode taken away.


The class needs to be nerfed into the ground, everyone is calling for it, time for Bioware to stop slacking and take action.

Edited by Redmarx
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You're obviously not very good at this game. Dps gear wont make u do major dps as a darkness sin. u are clueless. guess what, other classes have good abilities too. marauder 99% damage protection is 20x better than force shroud because it works on everything... and THEY ARENT EVEN TANKS. Why you are ************ that a tank can tank for 5 seconds is plainly stupid and ridiculous.


It isn't the tanking ability of assassins that's overpowered. They're actually a litle sub-par in that department, just a smidge. It's the DPS coming from a tank that's out of place. Assassins do over twice the DPS of the other two tanks.

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Just because Force Shroud doesn't work on melee/ranged attack doesn't mean the Assassin is weak against them. Any Darkness spec starts with 16% defense versus those attacks, easily the highest base in the game. Saber Ward is a pretty strong counter versus these attack as well. Only Marauders which have Saber Ward and Obfuscate have a better toolset against melee/ranged, but then they're obviously the 'other' powerhouse class.


I never had problem with Snipers of any kind. Their KBs/roots just don't do very much against a class that can do damage at 10m and can counter a KB/root every 20 seconds with just Force Speed. Since Snipers can't move while in cover, you can simply park yourself 9m away from them and just start trading hits and you'll win comfortably because if a Sniper can beat a melee while trading hits, they'd be unstoppable by definition (longest range DPS will never lose if it can still win while trading hits).

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You're obviously not very good at this game. Dps gear wont make u do major dps as a darkness sin. u are clueless. guess what, other classes have good abilities too. marauder 99% damage protection is 20x better than force shroud because it works on everything... and THEY ARENT EVEN TANKS. Why you are ************ that a tank can tank for 5 seconds is plainly stupid and ridiculous.


Whew man. That's a brain teaser. The Undying rage ability they have is 99% reduction on white and yellow damage. Anyone with half a brain will explain to you how much more yellow dmg is a factor in this game because it covers the largest majority of abilities, not to mention CC's. It's on a 90 second CD. They spend 50% of current HP to use it.


Tankassins get 5 second duration which is the same. 100% on the yellow (nothing on white, so toss up) since you can't be CC'd either. You spend nothing but the time to hit the button which you get to do every 45 seconds when specced. It even removes hostile effects currently on target which considering CDs of attackers using any DOT damage could be half their resources and another 5 seconds prior of casting ablities and global cooldowns.


Plus Tankassins get to heal themselves while damaging much much better than my long CD for a mere 15% of my HP pool.

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You're obviously not very good at this game. Dps gear wont make u do major dps as a darkness sin. u are clueless. guess what, other classes have good abilities too. marauder 99% damage protection is 20x better than force shroud because it works on everything... and THEY ARENT EVEN TANKS. Why you are ************ that a tank can tank for 5 seconds is plainly stupid and ridiculous.


Undying Rage is seriuosly overrated as a CD. The equivalent of Force Shroud is Force Camo if specced into 100% damage reduction (which is no longer possible next patch). Undying Rage is only useful if you're losing badly due to its health requirement. It is no doubt very strong but you really shouldn't plan on purposely losing a fight just because you've a good CD.

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