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There was no buff to the Sentinel class, just fixes.


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Truth, and anyone that plays the class already understand this. All they did was fix things that should have been fixed from first week, and give the other two spec lines access to building centering.



This is likely the strongest fix that were getting:


An issue that could prevent dual wield visual effects from playing correctly has been fixed.



- Oh yeah, I heard them say on that guild summit video they 100% fixed all the animation issues and moved on to other things. I was like "Huh??", but I hope this means that now our sword animation will no longer stutter.



Let's look at the rest:


Awe no longer costs Focus to activate.

Force Kick no longer costs Focus to activate.

Pacify no longer has a Focus cost


- They never should have. Abilities like this cost like 5 force to people that start off with easily 100++ force. Force just regens for free to these people. Now for us, a single '1' focus is a huge deal, and ultra expensive. Sentinel players should be upset the game even went live with these costs.


Pacify is no longer limited by the global cooldown.


- Another fix that should have been done before the game even launched. Why was this ever on the GCD anyways? I bet it was simple coding error. At least Pacify goes from "Maybe use on your mirror class, sometimes: to a usable ability against a few classes.


Dispatch can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (up from 20%).


- Huge fix that should have been changed looooong time ago. Man, everyone else had 30% finishers. This is totally a case of some computer nerd pressing a '2' instead of a '3' when typing, and no one else having the quality control or backbone to say 'hey, this is a mistake.'


Master Strike can no longer be interrupted


- Yeah, whatever. You are still going to get chain stunned / knockbacked. Call this a buff if you want, but I hope it was changed to help stop the ability from getting locked into 'sword dance' animation, where you can't do anything else until it is finished. I'm hoping, I'm hoping high, this is the case.


Crippling Throw's "Trauma" effect can no longer be cleansed.


- Come on. No one things the healing debuff was meant to be insta cleansed by healers that multi sweep of negative effects in a single GCD. This should have been fixed on week one. Damage on this ability could use a boost, and the debuff delve could be higher while we're here. Although late, still a nice fix.


Force Camouflage now additionally reduces all damage taken by 50% while active.


- This is really a nerf, but it's a good one. Having 100% damage immunity is always bad in some way, shape, form. There will always be some Gollum lookin' dude that will find a way to exploit it. Needed change, and the way they changed it makes people feel happy about it.


Inflammation now applies a 50% movement speed reduction (up from 30%).


- Okay, this might be a buff, but a legit one. Like it takes time to dial in how strong some snare abilities should be. This adjustment is a good one, that is actually coming into play at about the right time since the game has been released. /thumbs up


Zealous Leap now immobilizes the target for 1 second.


- Needed fix that should have been in the game from the start. Maybe now the leap won't just miss on people on turbo force speed.


Quick Recovery removed from the game:


- Good nerf, and a needed one. Focus spec (not Watchman) line is all about the alpha strike of the Force Sweep. But there were so many 'lol Force Sweep' people out there, spamming the ability just because Quick Recovery made that made Force Sweep dirt cheap w/ rapid cooldown. Some will QQ, but this was a great change. /thumbs up


... Combat spec should now work like intended, even on big things


- Hooray for this. I always wanted to play combat when I had a Healer/guard with me. Looking forward to this spec line working as intended


...Random abilites being moved from one place in a tree to another place, maybe different tree.

- Fixes, all of it. Combat specs and Focus specs now have the ability to build centering (a core part of the class) equal to Watchman. If nothing else, I hope it makes the other two spec lines quite playable and fun.





So I looked at it, and I don't feel buffed. I feel that my class has finally gotten fixes, many of which should have been done in the first week of the game. Hooray for the fixes, but I don't feel 'buffed' at all.

Edited by Asphen
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I guess it is a relative term. The changes should mean that combat hits harder and is viable. If you expected changes that increased the amount of damage watchman does then you were dreaming quite frankly. The changes that have increased.. Utility, or if you like the ease we can use our utility, is certainly very welcome and should make the class flow a lot better.


All in all I'm very happy with the proposed changes. And very looking forward to trying out the improved combat.

Is debilitation still in the game? If so, rooting, un-interruptable, armour bypassing master strikes anyone?


The only thing I wanted that I cannot see in the changes, is some kind of dispell protection on watchman burns. Unless I've missed something? But hopefully combat should be improved enough to be able to use that in rateds instead.

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Truth, and anyone that plays the class already understand this. All they did was fix things that should have been fixed from first week, and give the other two spec lines access to building centering.



This is likely the strongest fix that were getting:


An issue that could prevent dual wield visual effects from playing correctly has been fixed.



- Oh yeah, I heard them say on that guild summit video they 100% fixed all the animation issues and moved on to other things. I was like "Huh??", but I hope this means that now our sword animation will no longer stutter.



Let's look at the rest:


Awe no longer costs Focus to activate.

Force Kick no longer costs Focus to activate.

Pacify no longer has a Focus cost


- They never should have. Abilities like this cost like 5 force to people that start off with easily 100++ force. Force just regens for free to these people. Now for us, a single '1' focus is a huge deal, and ultra expensive. Sentinel players should be upset the game even went live with these costs.


Pacify is no longer limited by the global cooldown.


- Another fix that should have been done before the game even launched. Why was this ever on the GCD anyways? I bet it was simple coding error. At least Pacify goes from "Maybe use on your mirror class, sometimes: to a usable ability against a few classes.


Dispatch can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (up from 20%).


- Huge fix that should have been changed looooong time ago. Man, everyone else had 30% finishers. This is totally a case of some computer nerd pressing a '2' instead of a '3' when typing, and no one else having the quality control or backbone to say 'hey, this is a mistake.'


Master Strike can no longer be interrupted


- Yeah, whatever. You are still going to get chain stunned / knockbacked. Call this a buff if you want, but I hope it was changed to help stop the ability from getting locked into 'sword dance' animation, where you can't do anything else until it is finished. I'm hoping, I'm hoping high, this is the case.


Crippling Throw's "Trauma" effect can no longer be cleansed.


- Come on. No one things the healing debuff was meant to be insta cleansed by healers that multi sweep of negative effects in a single GCD. This should have been fixed on week one. Damage on this ability could use a boost, and the debuff delve could be higher while we're here. Although late, still a nice fix.


Force Camouflage now additionally reduces all damage taken by 50% while active.


- This is really a nerf, but it's a good one. Having 100% damage immunity is always bad in some way, shape, form. There will always be some Gollum lookin' dude that will find a way to exploit it. Needed change, and the way they changed it makes people feel happy about it.


Inflammation now applies a 50% movement speed reduction (up from 30%).


- Okay, this might be a buff, but a legit one. Like it takes time to dial in how strong some snare abilities should be. This adjustment is a good one, that is actually coming into play at about the right time since the game has been released. /thumbs up


Zealous Leap now immobilizes the target for 1 second.


- Needed fix that should have been in the game from the start. Maybe now the leap won't just miss on people on turbo force speed.


Quick Recovery removed from the game:


- Good nerf, and a needed one. Focus spec (not Watchman) line is all about the alpha strike of the Force Sweep. But there were so many 'lol Force Sweep' people out there, spamming the ability just because Quick Recovery made that made Force Sweep dirt cheap w/ rapid cooldown. Some will QQ, but this was a great change. /thumbs up


... Combat spec should now work like intended, even on big things


- Hooray for this. I always wanted to play combat when I had a Healer/guard with me. Looking forward to this spec line working as intended


...Random abilites being moved from one place in a tree to another place, maybe different tree.

- Fixes, all of it. Combat specs and Focus specs now have the ability to build centering (a core part of the class) equal to Watchman. If nothing else, I hope it makes the other two spec lines quite playable and fun.





So I looked at it, and I don't feel buffed. I feel that my class has finally gotten fixes, many of which should have been done in the first week of the game. Hooray for the fixes, but I don't feel 'buffed' at all.


stop complaining, they are fixing our problems and not buffing us cause its not needed, if people want to get lost in the words and think they are gonna jump in damage cause we are getting a ton of buffs let them.


stuff like Dispatch, just cause one class can do it before us doesn''t mean it should be the same for us, i am glade they are making it the same but i would be happy at 20%.


Force Camo its not a nerf they are restructuring the talent to make it last longer and give us a speed boost which will be HUGE in pvp. as Camo stands now its a move you use to get un targeted in wz, its not an escape move like it should be. With the extended time and speed boost it will become your basic escape from getting jumped. if talented or just your get untarget move.

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This is the only forum in the entire game where people simply wanted a few fixes. BW listened to us and gave us those fixes. It's sad because, if we would have cried as loud as all the other forums, we would have probably received a new skill or something.


In any case, making Combat and Focus tree a viable and realistic option is a good thing. Though I do love my dots since i"m becoming extremely good at keeping them up on people, I do hate that mechanic.

Edited by Paralassa
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I'm less concerned about trying to qualify the 1.2 changes as fixes/buffs/nerfs and more concerned with how the proposed changes are affecting player perception of the class. We went from "WAAAH! Sentinels are underpowered! Buff plz BW!" last week to "WAAAH! Sentinels are overpowered! THEY GOING TO BOMB OUR RATED WZs WITH FOCUSES!!@#"
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I think some of the changes are fantastic and am looking forward especially to Pacify going off the GCD (which I think is a big buff) and the %50 snare on Cauterize, which I don't spec into atm (well %30) and hate having to hit leg slash in my rotation... this is a buff, I think a big buff.


all other changes are pretty good, I think people will rage but that's okay, their tears will sustain me.

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It may technically be fixes but the end result is a nice buff to an already very strong class. Not easy for the average player mind you, but very strong in capable *or* macroing hands...


If you think Sentinel are weak you are doing it wrong.

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If I see all those changes and compare them with my usual gameplay, wich only includes raids and flashpoints, I really don't see any improvements for Sentinel.

All I see is some pvp crap, wich doesn't work on raids and a nerf to camo - the only save for an already terrible class, thx to those melee-hating scripts.

Dispatch is ok, but I never had problems with 20%, more with the recast time of the spell.

Snares - don't work.

Master Strike - makes you stuck in an animation on move-scripts from raidmobs.


At least the Raptor in Karaggas will now be easier for me to anticipate, since I don't have to stop my chains everytime he looks in my direction to check his actual target - and geting more damage since camo has been reduced to 50%.

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Free interrupt is a big thing, and I love it.

The force camo nerf is easily bearable because now I have more reason to put those two points into inflammation to get even MORE anti-kite to my beloved watchman set.


And the animation fixes were a long time coming.


In short, I love this patch and want to have its babies.

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Just like republicans are doing a great job taking care of wall street Tycoons!


Watchmen that actually know how to play our class; We are the 1% =p


Also, removing quick recovery is going to hurt a LOT in PVE where I like to use sweep for its AOE stun on trash mobs. In PvP though? Not so much...

Edited by Morticoccus
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Fixes are nice but truthfully we need some nerfs to put us back in check with other classes. Four Defensive CD's (Not including Pacify during a 1v1), two escapes, and more burst damage than any other class in the game. Not slightly more burst. Much much more. I've noticed this from playing several different classes including my Sentinal and we certainly arent balanced.
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any change that increases the overall ability of a class is a buff


a fix can be a buff, but a buff is not always a fix


I'm guessing OP just doesn't like the idea of people saying a class has been "buffed" up to the level it should have been to start with

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Fixes are nice but truthfully we need some nerfs to put us back in check with other classes. Four Defensive CD's (Not including Pacify during a 1v1), two escapes, and more burst damage than any other class in the game. Not slightly more burst. Much much more. I've noticed this from playing several different classes including my Sentinal and we certainly arent balanced.


Yes, *but*.


In order to output that amazing damage while correctly popping CDs and interrupting the enemy you have to have more overview, skill and team support than any other class in the game.


Just being able to 1v1 people isn't enough when all WZs are about team based objective play.


And with the recent nerf to DOTs, preventing caps is now a full lockdown for you until the capping player is dead, removing one of the greatest utility functions we had.

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Yes, *but*.


In order to output that amazing damage while correctly popping CDs and interrupting the enemy you have to have more overview, skill and team support than any other class in the game.


Just being able to 1v1 people isn't enough when all WZs are about team based objective play.


And with the recent nerf to DOTs, preventing caps is now a full lockdown for you until the capping player is dead, removing one of the greatest utility functions we had.


Our dots were much too short to be very effective at preventing caps, especially when compared to 21 second spammable weaken mind.

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I'm actually pretty excited about this patch from a Watchman PVE perspective. Even if they are "fixes," better performing utility is always welcomed. Even more impactful for me is with Swelling Winds moving to tier 1 of Focus tree, Watchman AOE is getting improved with some shifting of points. The Master Strike buff in damage in Focus tier 1 could also be tempting since the Force Stasis talent really wasn't impactful in my opinion. The change to Force Leap adding additional focus potentially makes close quarter an even better generator.


It may not be a true buff but it feels like the class has been further optimized.

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I'm personally a little upset about the "nerf" to Master Focus.


Let's face it, Sents don't get a hard stun, we don't get a knockback... all we have is a channeled, er... "stun" on a long freaking cooldown that we can't do anything else while we use it. 10 seconds doesn't seem like much, but man it's necessary when you have so few soft/hard CC skills in the first place.


I'm also not thrilled about the change to Master Strike being permanently uninterruptable. Going up against other JK/Sith Warrior classes, the FIRST thing I'm watching for is them to start channeling Master Strike/Ravage. The next thing I do is Kick and interrupt it or throw up Force Stasis, whether it's on me or any other teammate. This, in my opinion, is a HORRIBLE change from a mitigation standpoint. No skills in the game should be uninterruptable. Ever.

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I'm also not thrilled about the change to Master Strike being permanently uninterruptable. Going up against other JK/Sith Warrior classes, the FIRST thing I'm watching for is them to start channeling Master Strike/Ravage. The next thing I do is Kick and interrupt it or throw up Force Stasis, whether it's on me or any other teammate. This, in my opinion, is a HORRIBLE change from a mitigation standpoint. No skills in the game should be uninterruptable. Ever.


I Agree here, But you still can use Force Stais.


i really am not seeing a problem with us being OP in the live game right now... and that is all we can judge by, if you are going by Private Testing that means nothing till it hits Live. but even then the fixes we get are not going to make us the new class to play, we are medium armor which is almost as bad as light and we are stuck in melee range to fight people so we need options to survive.

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I'm also not thrilled about the change to Master Strike being permanently uninterruptable. Going up against other JK/Sith Warrior classes, the FIRST thing I'm watching for is them to start channeling Master Strike/Ravage. The next thing I do is Kick and interrupt it or throw up Force Stasis, whether it's on me or any other teammate. This, in my opinion, is a HORRIBLE change from a mitigation standpoint. No skills in the game should be uninterruptable. Ever.



Nah, I'll give a small insight here and then you cook with it.


As soon as you see a rival Marauder start into Master Strike, Pacify them and let them enjoy the rest of their long sword dance animation of non-hitting.

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Call them fixes or buffs. They are not needed when this class can crit for over 7k.






Taken post surge nerf...I mean the guy has no pvp gear but still. How does this spec need anymore killing efficiency.


All im saying is only buff defense trees, not knights as a whole. That will leave room for complaining which = them nerfed in the long run.

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Call them fixes or buffs. They are not needed when this class can crit for over 7k.






Taken post surge nerf...I mean the guy has no pvp gear but still. How does this spec need anymore killing efficiency.


All im saying is only buff defense trees, not knights as a whole. That will leave room for complaining which = them nerfed in the long run.


Nice, never seen a Sentinel with only one lightsaber and Guardian Outfit and those Guardian skills...

Edited by -Balrok-
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Ok so just to back this up, there is a thread in PTS forums Called "Marauders most buffed class in 1.2 seriously?" or something like that where there is ACTUAL TEST DUMMY DATA from the PTS. Watch/Anni=Damage unchanged/PERIOD. Comb/Carn and Focus/Rage=Still less damage than Watch/Anni but almost equal. The End. No Buff No Nerf just specs brought into line. Edited by Crawelc
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