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All good Pvp'ers are ###ed.


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On the PTS , you can buy any BM item for 1000 warzone commendations without any valor rank , basicly new lvl 50s will have full BM set in 1st day, cause they can buy it in easy 10-49 bracket




I feel myself used, because i have 2 toons wich are lvls 67-68 valor and i diD A LOT , and spend a lot of time to do it, and in 1.2 you will be able to be full BM in 1 day



GG bioware


If they're good PVP'ers they should be just fine, because they're good, right?


Talent > Gear.


Too many people in this game think they have such great gear because they are good; in reality a lot of them are good because they have such great gear.


Obviously BM gear is 'good', but vendor-based gear of any kind is stupid IMO. Anyway, equalizing the gear is the best way to find out who is really good and who isn't.

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Yeah im glad they got rid of that bullsh*t rank requirement so the TRUE good pvper Will mop the floor with the little kids who thought they were better because they grinded Some gear.


I dont have bm and I still hang with every BM geared person on my server. As a commando heal its not about gear its about skill. Same goes for and dps class. Its all about skill rotation, correct mods, ammo or force management and knowing what classes you can take out. The little kids like me who are actually good have never seen a difference in gear, except when i get mine I will be very very hard to kill

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Its funny, I feel like there are 2 groups on this thread completely talking past each other.


Yeah, I get pvp should be skill and not based on gear (hmm, sounds like halo 2).


but BW already has a problem with people thinking there isn't enough to do at level 50. if pvp gear doesn't matter at 50 and the grind is gone, what will keep people playing?


Perhaps the impossible possibility that they enjoy playing the game? I get gear progression in PvE, but in PvP the actual game and winning is what makes me wanna play. Some gear, but it should be really small focus. BW is heading to the right direction tho.

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Still dont understand this attitude. I am almost Valor 80, grinded all my BM gear. I have no problem with people getting the same gear, it levels the playing field and I promise ill still be near the top of every wz leaderboard.


Gear based pvp does not show skill. I am sorry you are losing your crutch.


I think people misunderstand the OP's gripe. I doubt its about a crutch. its probably more the age old MMO complaint that "I put x number of hours to get y type of gear and now they're giving away y type of gear." some people get mad because they think they wasted their time grinding those hours. but hey, that is the nature of MMOs.

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I don't need superior gear to win. Quite the opposite actually, I enjoy beating an equally geared opponent a lot more than roflstomping a fresh 50 in greens.

Its Player versus Player and not Gear vs Gear. If you want to autowin by gear advantage I'd suggest World of Warcraft.

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Personally I hate any kind of character progression in an MMO, it completely ruins the game.


If it were up to me everyone would have the exact same character model, abilities and be completely undistinguishable from one another.

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People who don't want gear progression/grind need to go play fps and gt_fo out of mmorpg cause gear grind is 90% of what mmorpg is. In fact your whole argument is invalid because becoming good at pvp is a grind in itself, it requires experience and skill acquired by countless hours spent pvping in this game or others.
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well if they didnt do this quitting the game was inevitable because have NO chance to fight the majority of imperial players on our server that are way way way beyond having a chance against them.


i am glad they are resetting the chance to be able to work our way up. Far more will quit with the high end battlemasters domination to the point of the game is not worth it without these changes.

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On the PTS , you can buy any BM item for 1000 warzone commendations without any valor rank , basicly new lvl 50s will have full BM set in 1st day, cause they can buy it in easy 10-49 bracket




I feel myself used, because i have 2 toons wich are lvls 67-68 valor and i diD A LOT , and spend a lot of time to do it, and in 1.2 you will be able to be full BM in 1 day



GG bioware

Getting to valor 60+ doesn't take skill. it takes time.


Plus, good PVPers should still be good PVPers even with this change. Are you saying you're a good PVPer only when you severely outgear your opponent?

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yeah, look at me i wear greens and modded oranges and i own everyone in baby warzones so i am a skilled pvper, but now i cant win one lvl 50 warzone because of baddies in pvp gear and that is not fair. i have 2 lvl 50s and 6 lvl 30s but i dont have the time to grind for pvp gear because i have a life and i wont go to ilum because it is not fair because sometimes i am outnumbered in pvp by baddies in pvp gear and that is not fair. pvp gear and open world pvp is bad and wrong, it should be about skill, BW should consider giving players free pvp gear and just get rid of open world pvp.. oh wait.


See, you make arguements like this and its hard to take anything you say with a serious tone since if you have 2 lvl 50's and 6 30s you sure as hell dont have a life and are always here:)

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