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1.2 New armor models!


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Hey all,


Its incredible how much have posted on this issue and i got to say something.

Bioware was always known to me as a Quality company in all the games it has produced.

SWTOR while engaging in gameplay it is a very poor execution of 3d graphics in our days.


I am a student(graduating soon) on a 3d animation, visual effects and game design and i my course 3d modeling is covered from day 1. I have to tell you that the models you just created for this patch 1.2, are not only not related to the starwars universe but even worse is its probably the WORSE CHARACTER MODELING DESIGN i have ever seen IN ANY mmo to date.


From color schemes to actual modeling... the design it self is completely of.

I beg you to take your design and modeling team introduce them to the mass effect team ( i know the artists who work there, ask Raphael Grassetti for a course or something) and have those guys from ME3 to do workshops and train your design team and modeling team. ITs shamefull what your doing here.


Its even harder for me to understand it because you have a high quality filter on your jobs aplications which leads me to belive that you really got to be so desperate to pump out content that you are doing crucial mistakes. Dont go down the path SWG did.... Dont let EA ruin bioware vision if u still have it.



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I am not putting on that knight helmet, _no_ way.


Thank the force we dont have to wear that, can always just reslot the mods into something better looking..


( where's our bellyrobes for heavy armor force user females?? )

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Terrible designs on all fronts.


There was a retcon of the way The Old Republic looked, to allow some visual continuity between this era and those that have featured elsewhere, and yet these designs seem as if they have been transplanted from another game.


Not 'Star Warsy' at all imho.


Where they designs that where skinned and almost finished at launch or just designs never implemented? They just seem so different to what we are used to.


Variety is the spice of life... But I can say wholeheartedly I will never equip any of that to my characters.



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Ok, I have seen the PVE and PVP End Game sets, and I would much rather see the cloaks, smugler set, BH set, Inquisitor tunic from the cinematics Hope, Deceived and Return implemented in the game.


So I do have a question, please:


Besides the end game gear, is 1.2 bringing any more orange crafted gear receipes - even if they are unlocked by Reverse Enginering? And if so, can you post some pictures of it?



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You know what's really sad? Someone in the art department sat back from their concepts and went, "Maker, these are awesome!"


Oh, it goes beyond that. I quote Game Director James Ohlen from the IGN article on 1.2, talking about the new tier of armor: "We drive the artists bonkers with the amount of items they have to create. It looks really good."


So, apparently, not only did the (concept) artists think this crap was good enough looking, it successfully made it all the way up the chain without anyone telling the Emperor that he is naked.

Edited by Battilea
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Oh, it goes beyond that. I quote Game Director James Ohlen from the IGN article on 1.2, talking about the new tier of armor: "We drive the artists bonkers with the amount of items they have to create. It looks really good."


So, apparently, not only did the (concept) artists think this crap was good enough looking, it successfully made it all the way up the chain without anyone telling the Emperor that he is naked.


That's pretty worrying. It shows the Game Director has totally lost touch with what is required from a STAR WARS game. Just rename it Space WOW and be done with it.

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Ugh Bioware still can't get the itemization right... now i'll have to buy 6 sets of gloves again to pull the mods out.


Why the heck would I want almost 150 endurance on all my items as a ranged DPS????


If i'm taking damage i'm doing something wrong, I need to be doing damage, not soaking it all up.

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it successfully made it all the way up the chain without anyone telling the Emperor that he is naked.


You tell him - he's bound to zap the messenger with force lightning!


Plus, you'd never get the words out anyway as the Emperor undoubtedly wears top tier gear, so you'd be cracking up constantly at how stupid he looked :D

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How to improve the current gear if there isn't time to start over:


Sorcerer PVE : Get rid of the aluminum bits. Retexture so that it doesn't look like a smeary fingerpainting or tie-dye made by a 3 year old.


Sorcerer PVP: This one is tougher. That helm is over the top funky, but I would at least remove the spiderweb wing on the left shoulder and retexture so that it doesn't look like a smeary fingerpainting or tie-dye made by a 3 year old.


Warrior PVE: Considerably reduce in size the shoulder pads. Retexture so that it doesn't look like a smeary fingerpainting or tie-dye made by a 3 year old.


Warrior PVP: Remove or make much more subtle all the pointy stuff. Retexture so that it doesn't look like a smeary fingerpainting or tie-dye made by a 3 year old.


Bounty Hunter PVE: The helmet is not one of the worst, but could still use some work. Reduce the shoulder pad size considerably. Retexture so that it doesn't look like a smeary fingerpainting or tie-dye made by a 3 year old.


Bounty Hunter PVP: Reduce the shoulder pad size considerably. Reduce the knee pad size. Don't mix orange and yellow together. Retexture so that it doesn't look like a smeary fingerpainting or tie-dye made by a 3 year old.


Agent PVE: The helmet needs a redo. No way around it. The next worst part of this is the coloring. Retexture so that it doesn't look like a smeary fingerpainting or tie-dye made by a 3 year old!!!


Agent PVP: Helmet could use work, but by far the worst part of this outfit is coloring. Retexture so that it doesn't look like a smeary fingerpainting or tie-dye made by a 3 year old!!!


Sage PVE: Remove the raccoon eyes. If it's going to have a hood the dress/robe should cover both shoulders. Remove the green edge accent. Make the bracelets less chubby.


Sage PVP: Sorry, this one just isn't salvageable in any way.


Knight PVE: Get rid of or make much smaller the silly shoulder accents. Remove the smeary blue and silly circles. Make the wavy folds much more subtle. Boots need a redesign.


Knight PVP: There is no fixing that helmet. Please remove all hot pink and gold. How about a bad *** black for this outfit? Remove large insect from left shoulder.


Trooper PVE: Reduce the forearm size. The worst part of this is the coloring. Retexture so that it doesn't look like a smeary fingerpainting or tie-dye made by a 3 year old!!!


Trooper PVP: Helmet looks more like something I would expect on a Bounty Hunter. Remove asymmetric left shoulder blade doo dad. Remove side knee plates. Remove green. Retexture so that it doesn't look like a smeary fingerpainting or tie-dye made by a 3 year old.


Smuggler PVE: Work on the helmet and retexture so that it doesn't look like a smeary fingerpainting or tie-dye made by a 3 year old.


Smuggler PVP: This looks like a bounty hunter. Remove goggles and side headlights. Remove wings on bracers/gloves. Remove pink from belt. Retexture so that it doesn't look like a smeary fingerpainting or tie-dye made by a 3 year old. In general, our pants don't need random smeary colored stripes and shapes on them.


I don't think these adjustments will make this stuff look great, but would be a significant improvement.

Edited by Puja
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I simply cannot believe these were designed by professional people who are presumably being paid.


Some of these aesthetic choices simply defy reason, such as the Consular robe on a Male toon. How the F did off the shoulder robes make it past that 3:00am drawing session.


And the helmets......Mind Boggling. Honestly I think if someone were to make a contest and say design Worse looking helmets than this, most of them would accidentally be better.


Please consult someone who has even a modicum of design experience because looking at these helmets is beginning to make me wonder if I'm being elaborately trolled.

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I honestly don't get it, if you want to look like a jedi from the movies, go to Coruscant and pick up the level 15 orange armor there. Boom, done.




I just can't fathom why you people continue to ask for armor that looks exactly the same as armor that is already IN GAME.


What you "don't get" is that they're locking us into specific fugly end-game gear that we can't change if we want the best stats. Why have such hideous stuff (compared to current armor that's at least better looking) when it's supposed to be better armor?


We can always de-slot mods and throw them into better looking stuff, but that's both 1.) expensive, and 2.) won't give us bonus states that are part of the armor itself.


Bioware could partially solve this by making ALL stats based on mods instead of bonus stats that are part of the armor.




Edited by cipher_nemo
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What you "don't get" is that they're locking us into specific fugly end-game gear that we can't change if we want the best stats. Why have such hideous stuff (compared to current armor that's at least better looking) when it's supposed to be better armor?


We can always de-slot mods and throw them into better looking stuff, but that's both 1.) expensive, and 2.) won't give us bonus states that are part of the armor itself.


Bioware could partially solve this by making ALL stats based on mods instead of bonus stats that are part of the armor.





Yeah I think you need to do a bit more research on the 1.2 changes.


In 1.2 set bonus' are attached to the armoring mod. So yes you can xfer everything from the Teir 2 piece into an Orange set and all the stats and set bonus will carry over.

Edited by Pangscar
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Yeah I think you need to do a bit more research on the 1.2 changes.


In 1.2 set bonus' are attached to the armoring mod. So yes you can xfer everything from the Teir 2 piece into an Orange set and all the stats and set bonus will carry over.


Yep. But why not go the full distance and completely divorce progession and appearance? Just give Armouring / Mods / Enhancments as rewards for endgame raids and missions. This would save everyone the not inconsiderable expense of stripping the mods out of armour they don't like the appearance of (which in 1.2 is going to be most of us it seems).


Everyone has different tastes and different ideas of what looks good. So why not make appearance independant of progression? Give mods as progression rewards and let players obtain their desired appearance via crafting, commendations and missions.

Edited by Cernow
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I think there is an in-game marketing problem.

Because if you buy a gear, mods are bound with it. However the gear itself is for cosmetic purpose and mods are creating gear status.

So, if we want that status we need to buy a gear even it's weird design.


This is more like suggestion but I hope they change the vendor system.

The vendor also sell the mods, schematics and empty gears with warzone commendation or whatever. Then people can customize more freely.

Plus empty gear can be PVP social gears (it's like fleet commendation social gear) and you need some valor points to obtain in order to add some meaning to the valor points.

But again, if the gear designs are not so nice, they don't buy those things. Then BW can understand clearly what kind of design is popular and what kind of gear is useless. Then they don't need to spend so much time to design less popular styles and they finally can focus to the player base trend.

Edited by darkbebe
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ROFLMAO at the new armor. Cmon, did you pull some of these from watching Conan? What is the riddle of steel....


How in the wide wide world of Star Wars are any of these skins remotely akin to the armor that Star Wars uses? I thought this was a Sci-Fi MMO, not a Fantasy. Back to the drawing boards.


Easiest Armors: 1) They are realistic /possibly functional representations 2) They stick to the SW format 3) Do not resemble fantasy armor in anyway, shape or form.



BW, honestly who are your worker monkies in the art department? Might as well just make up some version of armored kilts, and Roman Armor and call it day.

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