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1.2 New armor models!


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Ouch, so Knight PvP armor continues a "samurai" style and has now even more bizzare looking?


At least my pve sage will be happy (can toggle head slot off), and possibly pve knight, but pvp oh my god. Glad at least pve wise its not that horrible for republic.

Edited by Divona
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the gear does looks terrible, and they need to really really get they artist to work, whats going on with all the hoods? for god sake, please get the hoods AWAY, we are TIRED of the hoods, please no more, or get a option for get the hood down, its just horrible to go trow all the game with a dam hood, how many complains does people need to fill for they to understand, no more hoods. thanks you!


oh and yeah i didnt spect better looks, they already have disappoint a lot with many things in the game, was obvious the gear look will be one more disappoint to add.

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I like it.


Some are definately better than others, but the Sage PvE, Bounty Hunter PvP and PvE, and Sorc PvP and PvE are big improvements. The rest are decent.


Before this, Bounty Hunters looked like they'd been chewed on by a dinosaur, and Sorcs were just running around with those silly feathers on their heads.

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I thought this was a STAR WARS game? The only one of these sets that fits into the Star Wars theme and looks reasonably good is the Trooper, and maybe Sage PVE.


These all look like something out of a high fantasy game. Or to be more precise, something out of WoW.


I don't understand why they feel that every armour set they design has to be bigger, gaudier, flashier, more glowy than the last. All this does is make armour sets get more and more ridiculous.


Very disappointing. They need to hire some new artists and designers who understand they are working on a STAR WARS game. Give us some armour sets which are classic, well designed and in keeping with the Star Wars theme. The designers should understand that understated and stylish can look cool too, your playerbase isn't all 12 year old kids who are only impressed by bright colours, glowy things and giant shoulder pads.

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Assassin *tank* in THAT suit? It's even more scarecrow-ish than before. I'm glad my subscription expires tomorrow and I don't have to grind that for 2 months like it was with BM suit. Edited by Pashgan
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As mods can be ripped out anyway, would it no be kinder to just hand the player a box with the mods?


None of these sets is really STAR WARS...


But STAR WARS is the reason, people play this game.

Edited by Kheldras
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I'm thinking Bioware has lost it a bit with these designs, like people have already said the only sets that come close to SW is the trooper PVP and Sage PVE.


It would be nice to be able to look a class in game and think yeah thats looks like a BH, trooper, operative, (instet class here) rather than go ROFLMAO WHAT is that?!


There seems to be no identities with armour and the armour art is generally meh at end game. I remember seeing the posts (especially in BH and SI forums) about the end game armours being pants to look at, was none of this feedback taken into account when designing new sets?


Anyways my feedback from the pics provided (Thank you btw)


Inqusitors - not sure on these. The PVE set im still trying to figure out why with all the metal bits, kinda fits with an assassin type but not with a caster. The PVP set looks ok for a caster but not an assassin and neither look iconic.


Sith Warrior - not too bad here, I kinda like the simplicity of them compared to the sets we have now. Although the PVE helm would get turned off (force charge and take off!) and the PVP boots dont look right with those knee pad wing things.


Bounty Hunter - I think the PVE set looks awful and more like something a character would wear around level 25 rather than end game. The PVP set I like though i dont think it fits with BH, might have looked better as a trooper variant.


Agent/Sniper - OMG was this the last to get designed. Scrap both sets now please they are horrible. Both sets look more like a maintenance workers uniform.


Counselor - PVE i think is going to sit well with the healers but not so much anyone else and the PVP set the other way round - quite like both though.


Knight - PVE yeah ok looks Knightish but dosnt look like end game armour and the PVP, just LOL it looks terrible - show that pic to a focus group and tell me with a straight face that every single one said 'Oh yeah thats a Jedi Knight' Only thing im thankful for here is that Knights got it and not BH's :p


Trooper - I like the PVE set but feel it would have been much more suited to BH. The PVP set is not bed either but looks too Imperial and again with the wingy knee pad thing.


Smuggler - Not too bad overall but the helmets let them down and personnaly I prefer the ones already ingame and yeah these dont scream end game armour to me either.




I have to wonder though, that with the upcoming crit craft on orange gear that Bioware wasnt all that bothered about these sets. Most people will likely just be pulling the mods out of them anyways and vendoring whats left. Kind of a shame though.

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They need to hire new artists.


I'm sorry to any bioware artist reading this. As an artist myself, I know that kind of assessment stings.


However, it's time to face facts: this team is coming up with terrible designs and they need a new art director (at the very least).

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